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[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. can be found almost everywhere in New Zealand.

A. Sheeps
B. Sheep
C. Sheps
D. Sheepes

2. It to rain before we were ready to go to the party.

A. begun
B. begin
C. began
D. to begin

3. What shall we do, go swimming jogging?

A. but
B. and
C. or
D. so

4. The young prince was charmed by Cinderella’s .

A. beauty
B. jealousy
C. angry
D. pride

5. You have done well in your exam, you?

A. has
B. hasn’t
C. have
D. haven’t

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. He seldom settles down and so he does not have much money as .

A. easy come easy go

B. penny wise and pound foolish
C. rolling stone gathers no moss
D. no pain no gain

Question 7 – 9

Polly the monkey is the most 7 of all the jungle dwellers. She likes to

show off her long, thick and shiny tail, and strong legs. She also claims to be the

8 of them all. She chooses to be friends with her clan only. One day, Polly was

found crushed beneath a huge log. However, other monkeys felt pity for her and tried to free

her from being crushed further. They rolled their long tails around the log and hugged a tree

nearby. Then, they huffed and puffed as they pulled the humongous log with all

9 might.

7. A. humble
B. boastful
C. rude
D. cruel

8. A. fast
B. faster
C. more fastest
D. fastest

9. A. them
B. their
C. theirs
D. they

Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

10. You need a racquet and a to play badminton.

A. shutlecock
B. shuttelcock
C. shuttlecock
D. shuttellecock

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. “Children, mama is back, please open the door,” said Mr. Wolf.
B. “Children, mama is back, Please open the door!” said Mr. Wolf.
C. “Children, Mama is back. Please open the door, said mr. wolf.
D. “children, Mama is back, please open the door, said Mr. Wolf.

12. She bought a of china as a wedding gift for her niece.

A. set
B. suit
C. pair
D. collection
Question 13 - 16

Last weekend, Harraz’s family went to the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park. It is the world’s largest

flight walk-in 13 . It is located in front of the Lake Garden. As soon

as they reached the park, Harraz’s father bought tickets 14 the entrance

of the park. During the tour, they heard the chirpings and tweets of the birds. The children

15 excited when they saw a peacock open its beautiful

16 . Then, they watched an interesting show by the parrots. It was

really an exciting trip.

13. A. farm
B. apiary
C. gallery
D. aviary

14. A. behind
B. next
C. on
D. at

15. A. are
B. is
C. was
D. were

16. A. tail
B. hair
C. fur
D. feathers

Questions 17 – 20
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

All reptiles are cold - blooded and creeping animals with backbones. They breathe
through their lungs. They have scaly skin. All reptiles lay eggs. Some examples of reptiles
are crocodiles, snakes, iguanas and lizards.

Lizards are one of the most commonly found reptiles. They have a clever way of escaping
from their enemies. If you catch one by its tail, you will lose the lizard and find yourself
holding a wriggling tail. What is unique about lizards is that they break off their tails when

The chameleon, another type of reptile is the master of disguise. It changes colour very
quickly to blend in with its surroundings.

17. Which animal below is NOT a reptile?

A. cobra
B. iguana
C. alligator
D. mousedeer

18. How do you recognise a reptile?
A. It is cold-blooded and has scaly skin.
B. It is warm-blooded and lays eggs.
C. It has hard shell and warm- blooded.
D. It gives birth to its young and has scaly scale

19. Why do you think the chameleon is called the master of disguise?
A. It can sleep for many hours.
B. It is an invisible mammal.
C. It can change its colour very quickly.
D. It can move very quickly from one tree to another.

20. From the passage, we know that…

A. reptiles are warm-blooded animals.
B. snakes have scaly skin.
C. chameleons are beautiful and colourful reptiles.
D. all animals break off their tails when chased.


Question 21
Based on the given picture, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in
the space provided.


( 2 marks )



( 2 marks )


( 2 marks )

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

One day, Aizat went to his rich uncle and said, “I heard that you know the secret of
creating gold. Please tell me. I’m very poor. My wife is sick and my children are starving.”

Everybody knew how lazy Aizat was. He had never planted any paddy on his land.
Instead, his fields were full of weeds.

Aizat’s uncle replied, “I need one more thing before I can create gold. Will you help
me get it?”

Aizat agreed, of course. His uncle handed him a large pot and said, “You must plant
your fields with paddy. When they are fully ripe, put one grain from each stalk into this pot.
Bring me the pot when it is full.”

Aizat did as he was told. He spent all his time looking after his paddy plants and
collecting one grain from each stalk when they were ripe. In the meantime, his wife and
children quietly harvested the rest of the paddy and sold them.

It took five years for the pot to be filled. When Aizat took the pot to his uncle, the old
man unlocked a large iron chest. It was full of gold coins.

“These gold coins belong to your family. Your wife and children sold the harvest of the
paddy that you planted in your fields and saved the money they received.”

Aizat’s uncle looked at him. “Do you know the secrets of creating gold?”

Question 22
Tick (🗸) the correct answer.

(a) Aizat went to his uncle to…

borrow some money for his family.

learn the way to create gold.

ask for his help.

[1 mark]

(b) The word weeds means

wild plants



[1 mark]

(c) What did Aizat’s uncle ask him to fill the pot with?

[2 marks]

(d) Do you think Aizat’s life changed after he got the chest of gold coins? Why?

[2 marks]

(e) Where did the gold coins come from?

[2 marks]

Study the notice below and answer the questions.

Question 23

Tick (√) the correct answer.

(a) What is the announcement mainly about?

Rules of a singing contest

The Drama and Music Club
Winning a singing contest
[1 mark]

(b) Who cannot take part in the contest?

The lower primary school pupils

The upper primary school pupils
Members of the Drama and Music Club
[1 mark]

(c) Choose the correct phrases and fill in the blanks.

o is the Secretary of the Drama and Music Club.

o will be in school hall.

o and a trophy only.

o will receive a certificate each.

1. The Champions will receive RM 500 and a trophy only.

2. Siti Aishah
3. All taking part in the contest
4. The final venue

[2 marks]
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) What must you do if you want to join the singing contest?

[2 marks]
(e) Harris wants to take part in the singing competition. He submitted the title of the song
and minus-one tape on the 11th of July. Do you think he can take part? Why?

[2 marks]

Study the advertisement below carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Date : 3 & 4 September 2016
Day : Saturday & Sunday
Time : 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Venue : Perdana Town Hall, Klang
Buy and donate at the same CHARITY

For every item purchased above RM10.00,

RM2.00 will be donated to the needy children
of Rumah Kasih Sayang and Spastic Home,
**Those interested in donating towards the jumble sale
can contact Mr. Steven Gan at 016-4567340.
We accept second hand items such as books, clothes, electrical goods, shoes, handbags
and accessories.

Hello Sarah,
I received this advertisement in my letter box. I immediately thought of you when I read it.
You did say you wanted to donate things from your wardrobe. I think you should go there. We
may see each other if you decide to go too. Bye!
Your friend,
Questions 24 and 25

Tick ( 🗸 ) the correct answer.

24 (a) If Hanna spent RM 40.00, how much money will go to the Rumah Kasih Sayang
and Spastic Home, Klang?

RM 2.00
RM 8.00
RM 4.00
[1 mark]

(b) The following items are accessories except

[1 mark]

25 (a) Buy and donate at the same time.

What do you understand by the statement above?

[2 marks]
(b) Do you think Sarah will come to the sale? Why?

[2 marks]
(c) Why is it a good idea to donate things we do not use anymore?

[2 marks]

Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

………………………… …………………………. …………………………
(Cik.R.Thamarai Selvi)


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