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Name: Grade & Section:

Activity Title: Performance Task Date:
Activity No.: 2.0
Learning Target:
1. Perform a specific Latin dance style using own choreography.
2. Relate conservation of momentum and angular momentum to twists and turns in
Latin dance.

Performance Scenario:

Amidst the global crisis the country is currently facing, the Philippine Dance Sport
Federation invites young dance sporter to the “Virtual Dance Sports Sayawan 2021”.

The said event will enhance abilities and skills in the said dance genre where each pair has
to perform a specific Latin dance style for 2 minutes with own choreography.

The individual performance will be evaluated based on:

Physical Education and Health: technical skills, technique, memorization, timing and

General Physics 1: application of concept on momentum, problem solving and multimedia



1. For STEM, your other objective (goal) is to explain the relation of twists and turns in
chosen Latin dance to concepts in conservation of momentum and angular momentum.

1.1. Record the time you covered for different parts of the dance.

1.2. Solve for the linear momentum and angular momentum as observed in the dance.

1.2.1. Know your mass in kilograms.

1.2.2. Record time for each dance part with twist and turns.

1.3. Include in your video the mathematical solution of your problem at the video.

1.4. Explain how conservation of momentum and angular momentum are related to the
dance you performed.

2. Return the score sheets to your subject teacher for scoring.

3. Send your video on November ___, 2021 to _____________________.

Prepared by Jimwell M. Morales & Leonardo G. Piga, Jr. Page 1 of 3

Name: Grade & Section:

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Technical Dance is performed with great attention to Dance is performed with attention to Dance is performed with only some Dance flow is remembered, little
Skills quality of movement, body position, details of technique, has attained understanding of technical elements attention is given to how movements
placement on stage, and details of dance; proficiency in dance style. like footwork, quality of and/or details of dance are executed.
also demonstrates an excellent movements, body positions.
understanding of dance style.

Technique Transitions from one position to another Transitions from one position to Few transitions from one position to Barely any transitions from one
are done with the correct alignment and another are mostly done with the another are done with the correct position to another are done with the
body mechanics. correct alignment and body alignment and body mechanics correct alignment and body
mechanics mechanics
Memorization Routine is memorized and can be Routine is mostly memorized and Routine is poorly memorized and Routine is not memorized and can be
performed without copying. can be performed without copying. can be performed without copying performed without copying

Timing Routine is performed with correct counts Routine is mostly performed with Routine is performed with few Routine is performed without correct
and musical phrasing. correct counts and musical phrasing. correct counts and musical counts and musical phrasing.
Performance Focus projection, dynamics and energy Focus projection, dynamics and Focus projection, dynamics and Focus projection, dynamics and
are exhibited energy are exhibited most of the energy are rarely exhibited energy are not exhibited


Prepared by Jimwell M. Morales & Leonardo G. Piga, Jr. Page 2 of 3

Name: Grade & Section:

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Application of Concept on Momentum
Accuracy of information All information are accurate. Many information are accurate. Some information are accurate. Few information are accurate.
Delivery of explanation Well-communicated (use simple Use simple words in most times Use simple words for few times Use jargon words and not easy to
(S) language, clear, appropriate words) making it clear understand

Relation to science Explanation is highly related. Explanation is related. Explanation has little relation. Explanation is not related or no
concepts (U) explanation to science concepts.
Scientific Reasoning (U) Scientific with elaboration Scientific but less elaboration A bit scientific but less/no elaboration No scientific reasoning

Problem Solving
Solutions (S) All solutions are correct. Many solutions are correct. Some solutions are correct. Few solutions are correct.

Multimedia Technicality
Graphics (K) All pictures & texts are clear and Most pictures & texts are clear and Some pictures & texts are clear and Few pictures & texts are clear and
relevant. relevant. relevant. relevant.
Transition (S) Clear and well-sequenced from start Clear and well-sequenced transition Clear and well-sequenced transition Confusing in many parts
to finish in most parts in some parts
Audio and voice narration Clear and well-modulated in all Clear and well-modulated in most Clear but voice is not well-modulated Not clear and many disruptions
(S) parts of the video parts or has some disruptions

Enthusiasm (S) Interesting in all parts from voice to Interesting in many parts from voice Interesting in some parts from voice Interesting in few parts from voice to
graphics to graphics to graphics graphics


Prepared by Jimwell M. Morales & Leonardo G. Piga, Jr. Page 3 of 3

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