General Chemistry 2 & General Physics 2

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Activity Title: Performance Task

Activity No.: 4.0
Learning Target:
1. Create a poster showing concepts on electrochemistry.
2. Compute for the one-month electrical expenses of a family.
3. Create a schematic diagram.
4. Enumerate ways on electrical safety and give tips on saving electricity.

Performance Task Scenario:

With the increasing cost of electricity in your community, your neighbors keep on
complaining on how to lessen expenses on the use of electricity at home.

You are a local electrical engineer tap by your local officials to provide information to your
community on saving electricity, electrical safety and alternative source of electricity using
concepts of electrochemistry through a poster, schematic diagram and computation cost of
electricity for one month.

Your outputs will be evaluated based on:

General Chemistry 2: clarity of concept and ideas about electrochemistry, accuracy,

completeness and comprehensiveness of information, visual appeal of graphics, creativity
and artistry, and impact;

General Physics 2: computation of one-month electrical expenses, accuracy and creativity

of schematic diagram, comprehensiveness of information about electrical safety and


1. For Gen Chem 2, poster must illustrate electrochemistry concepts based on the conducted
laboratory in:
1.1. a long bond paper;
1.2. landscape, and
1.3. oil pastel, poster paint, water color OR crayons.

2. For the General Physics 2, do the following:

a. include in your poster on how to save electricity and electrical safety;
b. in another long bond paper, provide your one-month computation of your electricity
following the guides given by your teacher, and
c. in another long bond paper draw the schematic diagram of the electrolysis set-up
performed during your laboratory in General Chemistry 2.

3. Submission date is on April 8, 2022.

Prepared by CHERYL FAITH A. YARE & LEONARDO G. PIGA, JR. Page 1 of 2

Rubrics for General Physics 2

4 3 2 1 0 Total
Content (K) Covers all topics with depth and Covers all topics with little Covers all topics with depth but Covers some topics with/out None
enough examples depth and examples with/out examples examples
Accuracy of All information are accurate. Many information are accurate. Some information are accurate. Few information are accurate. None
information (K)
Accuracy of Accurate Accurate with few errors Some are accurate Incorrect No diagram
schematic diagram
Creativity of Creative Creatively done but overly Plain design Messy No diagram
schematic diagram done, inappropriate, or less
(S) design
Solutions (S) All solutions are correct. Many solutions are correct. Some solutions are correct. Few solutions are correct. None
Comprehensiveness Comprehensive Enough details With some attempt to provide Less information None
of information details
about electrical
safety (U)
Impact (U) Establishes and communicates Establishes and communicates Has just established and Not clearly established and None
in an engaging and practical in practical way to the personal communicated personally and communicated personally and
way personally and to the and community to the community to the community


Prepared by CHERYL FAITH A. YARE & LEONARDO G. PIGA, JR. Page 2 of 2

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