Sales Coaching Template: Tactical Coaching Strategic Coaching Personal Coaching

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for High-Performing Teams

There are “random acts of coaching,” and then there’s high-impact coaching – the kind that motivates
your team AND shows up in dashboards. Learn the 5-point framework elite sales managers use to get
their coaching to pay dividends.

Tactical Coaching Strategic Coaching Personal Coaching

Step 1: Focus on one area This is coaching 101: You Don’t just coach on calls, Help reps shake off a bad
per quarter and your reps will focus coach on deals: strategic call, keep their
For your coaching plan to on your sales technique to coaching helps your reps momentum throughout
deliver results go deep in boost win rates. proactively counter the quarter, and set them
one area rather than deal-breaking risks. on an unstoppable
shallow across the board. winning streak.

Step 2: Identify coaching Tactical coaching moves Strategic coaching Personal coaching builds a
opportunities the needle for your reps in delivers big results for your winning mentality and
Use data to identify weak these key areas: team’s pipeline: momentum:
points: conversion at deal 1. Light discovery 1. Account strategy 1. Grow confidence
stage, deal cycle length, 2. Poor objection handling 2. De-risking pipeline 2. Boost motivation
forecast accuracy, or low 3. Low activity 3. Competitive deal 3. Encourage
playbook self-coaching

Your coaching Your coaching Your coaching

opportunity: opportunity: opportunity:
Step 3: Build your Give reps a framework to Strategize with your reps Support your team to
coaching plan replicate success based to find your path to close: improve rep productivity:
Give actionable on where problems are
frameworks to your reps showing up:
so they can replicate
winning behaviors. 1. Light discovery: 1. Account strategy: 1. Grow confidence:
Too many rapid-fire How are we engaging What was the high point
questions decision makers? of the week?
Too few open-ended What’s our next best What’s the toughest
questions step? part of your sales cycle
Dominating the What compelling event
conversation (on the buyer side) are
we using?

2. Poor objection 2. De-risking pipeline: 2. Boost motivation:

handling: What main risks are What are you trying to
Not clarifying objections present in our deals? achieve in this
Steamrolling objections How can we get ahead
of those? What would it mean to
Low talk track adoption you if you could
What is our achieve this?
contingency plan?

3. Low momentum 3. Competitive deal 3. Encourage self-

playbook: coaching:
Not driving next steps
How are we positioning Where are you trying
Lack of follow up
vs the competition? to improve?
Low prospect
What’s the context of What new techniques
this particular deal and are you learning?
how does this impact
our approach?

Your framework: Your framework: Your framework:

Step 4: Back it up Example #1 Example #1
with data Light discovery: Account strategy: How are Example #1
Measure your coaching’s dominating the we engaging decision Grow confidence: Low
impact against specific conversation makers? response rate from
goals rather than overall Goal: 40% talk time on Goal: Schedule 3 C-Suite prospecting
revenue and pipeline discovery calls calls per week Goal: Send 10 highly
personalized outreach
Example #2 Example #2
emails per week
Poor objection handling: De-risking pipeline: What
steamrolling objections main risks are present in Example #2
our deals? Boost motivation: Win rate
Goal: Improve patience
score by 1.5 seconds Goal: Engage 5 prospects is decreasing
per account Goal: Get all prospects at
Example #3
Stage 4 to agree to a
Low momentum: not Example #3
mutual action plan.
driving next steps Competitive deal
playbook: What’s the Example #3
Goal: set 5 minutes to
context of this particular Encourage self-coaching:
review next steps at the
deal and how does this Learning new techniques
end of every call
impact our approach?
Goal: Listen to 15 calls
Goal: Use customer from teammates.
references for deals stuck
in Stage 4 for more than
2 weeks.

Your goal: Your goal: Your goal:

Step 5: Track team Is progress slow to show up:

progress - Why?
This will show you if reps - What did you learn?
are adopting new Is progress stagnating:
frameworks and if they’re
- Can we combine the approach from our coaching plan with another action to further
coming into other
increase results?
problems preventing
them from reaching - What other levers can you pull to get to goal?
their goals. Is a new problem coming up:
- Has the plan had unintended consequences?
- How can you address this new challenge?

If you're not first, you’re last.

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