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The project is divided in two parts: In its first part there is presented the projection of the execution technology and of the appropriate tools and devices for the item main board, draw no. PB 27-J, whereas the following are analyzed: - Technical study - Economic study - Designing the needed tools and devices for the execution As a result of the analysis of the achievement possibilities of the set precision, there has been chosen the material Half-finished product OL 50 Within the design of the technological process content there were resulted 8 operations. Due to set the production feature, there is realized that according to the maximum frequency of the serum factor, the production has a middle series feature. Within the second part of the dissertation we approached the theme Considerations regarding the quality at S.C.Euroconf S.A. from the customer point of view This contain: - Role and content of the quality management; - Content of the quality management at S.C. Euroconf S.A. The profound construction of the quality management may distinguish four stages: 1. Planning the quality with the following fields: - Strategic planning of the quality (SWAT analysis, quality portfolio, quality standards); - Operative quality planning (inquiries among the clients, quality function deployment ). 2. Quality management: - tools of the quality management regarding the personnel; - tools of the quality management centered or organization.

3. Checking the quality: - internal checking tool; - external checking tools. 4. Quality certification: - Quality management manual; - Quality audit; - Quality certificate. Due to its over 40 years experience in the field of clothing, S.C. EUROCONF S.A. may be considered a reference regarding the performance for the national market, but also for the external one.


This work is structured in two main parts: Technical part where the execution technology designing is approached for the shaft type mark. Economical part with the study over the diagnosis analysis of S.C. ELIM S.A. Sighisoara in order to set the development strategy. Within the technical part there were studied the following: 1. Execution design technology of the shaft type mark: - study of the part; - Designing the technological process; - Designing the mechanical processing operation out of the technical process; 2. Designing the tools and devices: - designing a T-NT caliber gauge; - designing a milling device for the operation 10; 3. Economic study: - production feature; - calculation of the optimal batch; - calculation of the timing on pieces; - calcule economice justificative pentru adoptarea variantelor economice In ceea de-a doua parte a proiectului s-a analizat firma S.C. ELIM S.A. cu o indelungata traditie in industria de confectii barbatesti si nu numai. In cuprinsul partii s-au analizat urmatoarele: 1. Analiza elementelor mediului extern general: - mediul demografic; - mediul economic; - mediul tehnologic; - mediul socio-cultural;

- mediul politico-legal. 2. Analiza elementelor din mediul extern specific: - furnizorii; - principalii clienti ai firmei; - distributia produselor prin magazinul propriu; - concurenta de pe piata locala; - furnizorii de alte servicii. 3. Analiza mediului intern a organiatiei: - analiza elementelor principale privind resursele umane; - organizarea firmei; - analiza reurselor fizice; - fluxul tehnologic; - analiza financiara. 4. Analiza post si formularea strategiei: - analiza post; - formularea strategiei; - termene de implementare. In concluzie, firma S.C. ELIM S.A. fiind doar specializata pe productia de camasi, poate avea avantaje ( pentru ca ofera o calitate buna si nu au concurenta in ceilalti ) si dezavantaje ( nu pot cauta pe toata piata de confectii ci au doar un segment de piata bine delimitat ).

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