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Activity 2.

Reflective Essay
Direction: Read the questions below
and write your answer on the space

What role do you think dance will play

in your life after this course? How do
you believe participating in dance
processes will benefit you physically,
intellectually, socially, and emotionally?

Dance is defined as a performing art form consisting of sequences of movement, either

improvised or purposefully selected. The role of dance in my life after this course is that it will
be a way for me to stay fit and healthy. The role of dancing in my life after this course is that
it will become my aide in health, exercise, growth and brain development. Dance teaches me
the importance of movement and fitness in a variety of ways through a variety of disciplines.
I believe that participating in dance processes will benefit me physically because it improves
our cardiovascular health and improves our balance and strength. Participating in dance
processes will benefit me intellectually because it boosts our cognitive performance wherein
dancing can maintain and even boost our ability to think as we age. It also challenges our
brain wherein it requires us to focus on both the constant changing of movement and
recalling moves and patterns. This is an excellent form of mental exercise in our mind,
regardless of our age. Participating in dance processes will benefit me socially as it can help
us make new friends wherein it encourages and increases social bonding with others. It will
benefit us socially because it helps with our confidence, high self-esteem and personal
expression. Lastly, participating in dance processes will benefit me emotionally as it can help
us express our feelings and emotions. It benefits us emotionally because it helps us boost
our mood as movement and dance are extremely expressive, which can allow us to escape
and let loose. It helps us improve our mental and emotional health by reducing stress,
decreasing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and boosting our self-esteem.
Therefore, I conclude that Dance is something that’s essential in our life.

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