Science 7 4 Quarter - First Examination: Date of Submission: April 18, 2022

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The expert in everything was once a

The difference between ordinary and
extraordinary is that little “extra.”
Don’t give up, the beginning is always
hard .If you can imagine it, you can achieve
SCIENCE 7 it. If you can dream it, you can become
it .Nothing is impossible. The word itself
4 Quarter -First Examination
th says ‘I’m Possible’

Date of Submission: April 18, 2022

Name:___________________________________Grade & Section__________________PN.________Score:_______

Test l- Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully then choose your answer from the given choices. Write the letter of
your choice on the space provided.
_____1. Which of the following has a mountain range that extends throughout the entire length of this elongated island?
a. Cebu b. Bohol c. Negros d. Panay
_____2. Which is relatively flat highland extending to the northeast-southwest direction?
a. Cebu b. Bohol c. Negros d. Panay
_____3. Which has a mountain interior extending from the north to south coast?
a. Samar b. Negros c. Leyte d. Samar
_____4. In which province Mayon Volcano is located?
a. Cagayan b. Bataan c. Zambales d. Albay
_____5. Philippines is located in which continent?
a. Antartica b. South Africa c. South America d. Asia
_____6. What is the approximate number of islands that comprise the Philippines?
a. 6000 b. 6500 c. 7000 d. 7500
_____7. Which province in the Cordillera Administrative Region is known for its rich natural resources but hindered by
factors like tribal wars?
a. Kalinga b. Mt. Province c.Abra d. Ifugao
_____8. Which region is said to offer limited economic opportunities because it is a narrow strip of land surrounded by
mountain ranges and sea?
a. Cagayan Valley b. Ilocos Region c. Bicol Region d. National Capital Region
_____9. Which is the leading mineral export of the Philippines?
a. Gold b. Copper c. Coal d. Iron
_____10. The world: Nile River; The Philippines: _________
a. Rio Grande de Mindanao b. Agno River c. Rio Grande Pampanga d. Cagayan River

Test ll- Identify the word/s being described in the statement below. Write your answer on the space provided
before each item.
___________________________11. It is imaginary line that divides Earth into halves: the Northern
Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
___________________________12. It is the recognized coordinate system that consists of latitude and
longitude to locate different places on Earth.
___________________________13. It is a set of numbers used in specifying the location of a point or a line or
on a surface.
____________________________14. It divides the globe into two halves: the Eastern Hemisphere and the
Western Hemisphere.
____________________________15. These are horizontal lines on the globe and the map that are parallel to
the equator.
____________________________16. There are vertical lines on the globe and map parallel to the prime
____________________________17. It limits the Western border of the Philippines.
____________________________18. It is the smallest continent.
____________________________19. It limits the Eastern borders of the Philippines.
____________________________20. It is the largest continent.
Test lll- write True if the statement is correct, False if otherwise.
________21. The Philippines is described as fragmentary.
________22. The term Archipelago is derived from Latin expressions archi and pelagos.
________23. Our country is divided into three geographic areas, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
________24. Luzon is the largest of the 7641 islands whwere Chocolate Hills are found.
________25. Luzon is divided into eight regions including the Central Plain and Negros Oriental.
________26. The famous Maria Cristina Falls is located in Mindanao.
________27. The Lanao-Bukidnon Plateau of lava about 600 meters above sea level.
________28. Panay is composed of the Province of Aklan, Antique, Capiz, and Ilocos.
________29. Cagayan Valley lies between the Ilocos Coastal Plain and the Sierra Madre Mountains.
________30. Mt. is the highest volcanic peak in the Philippines.

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