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1843 Q IWA Publishing 2008 Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.

11 | 2008

Long-term eutrophication diagnosis of a high altitude

body of water, Zimapán Reservoir, Mexico
L. A. Bravo-Inclán, M. P. Saldaña-Fabela and J. J. Sánchez-Chávez


Zimapán Reservoir is located in the central plateau of Mexico. Its main purpose is the generation L. A. Bravo-Inclán
M. P. Saldaña-Fabela
of electric energy, and it has a high mean depth (52.40 m). The reservoir has two tributaries: the J. J. Sánchez-Chávez
Department of Hidrobiology and Environmental
Tula River, which receives the wastewater of Mexico City, and agricultural run-off; and the Assessment,
San Juan River, with municipal and industrial wastewater. The population growth together with Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA),
Paseo Cuauhnáhuac 8532,
the dry climate are generating pressure on the water resource. The purpose of this study is to Jiutepec,
Morelos, C.P. 62550,
characterize the trophic state of Zimapán Reservoir and its trend on a five year study. It is warm Mexico
Tel/Fax: (52-777) 329-3665
with the presence of thermocline between 8 and 14 m. It was found hypereutrophic for the E-mail:;
nutrient concentration (average TP and TN of 1,381 and 5,977 mg·L21, respectively), and;
eu-hypereutrophic in case of the Secchi disk (1.94 m) and the chlorophyll concentration
(38 mg·L21). The trend analysis showed and increment of nutrients in the period, but a decrement
in Secchi disk and chlorophyll results. Nutrients are present in a very high concentration.
The reservoir is gradually increasing its trophic state condition.
Key words | eutrophication, reservoir limnology, trend series, trophic state, warm water reservoir


Zimapán Reservoir is located in the central plateau of southern Canada and Europe continues to deteriorate. This
Mexico. Its watershed is part of the High Pánuco Basin, is the same for Mexican waterbodies (Lind et al. 1992;
which includes part of the states of Hidalgo, Queretaro and Chacón-Torres & Rosas-Monge 1998; Olvera et al. 1998;
Mexico. Ramı́rez-Garcı́a et al. 2002). The classification of lakes and
The reservoir has two tributaries: (a) the Tula River which reservoirs according to water quality and trophic state has
receives the wastewater of Mexico City megalopolis and been an important subject of limnology. Lake classification
agricultural run-off of an extended agriculture zone in the is useful for the comparison of waterbodies, the evaluation
state of Hidalgo; (b) the San Juan River. This latter body of management projects and the setting of future goals and
contributes with municipal and industrial wastewater objectives (Nürnberg 1996; Cooke et al. 2005).
(mainly textiles, paper and chemical industries as well as To maintain the water quality of Zimapán Reservoir, it
manual labor craftsmen). The population and economic should be monitored through limnological studies of the
growth together with semi-warm semi-dry climate of the water body and the basin where this reservoir is located, in
region are generating a high demand for the water resource. order to develop a diagnosis-feasibility study and to prevent
The two watersheds have a total surface of 11,978 km2, or postpone its eutrophication, by means of scientifically
with 54.7% of this surface for the Tula River watershed and sound management and restoration methods.
45.3% for the San Juan River watershed. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the
According to Cooke et al. (2005), the overall quality of water quality of Zimapán Reservoir. Results from fifteen
lakes and reservoirs in many areas of the United States, sampling campaigns (from May 2002 to November 2006) will
doi: 10.2166/wst.2008.279
1844 L. A. Bravo-Inclán et al. | Long-term eutrophication diagnosis for high altitude reservoir Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008

be presented with a particular emphasis on the trophic state

trend changes in the waterbody; also, temperature, dissolved
oxygen, and conductivity profiles will be discussed. Both Based on the reservoir morphology, six surface sampling
water quality characteristics and reservoir trophic status are stations were established; four of them (in the intermediate
used to encourage the development of a water-body – basin and deep zones) were sampled at three depths and the other
management programme for sustainable use and conserva- two (near the rivers), were sampled in the surface and deep
tion of the Zimapán Reservoir ecosystem. zones. As every station, field determinations and Secchi
disk readings were made and water samples were taken.
Each sample was analyzed for: TP, TN, chlorophyll a, and
many other lake water quality parameters. The sampling
STUDY AREA methods used in this study were described by Castagnino
(1982) with modifications proposed by Olvera-Viascán
The reservoir was first filled up in 1995. Its main purpose
(1990), Bravo-Inclán (1995) and Olvera-Viascán et al. (1998).
is the generation of electric energy; other use of this
These methods are based on the methodology of eutrophi-
waterbody is for fisheries, with a number of 762 fishermen
cation assessment of warm water tropical lakes.
and 2,286 nets. In 1998, the capture yielded 96% for tilapia
Analyses of physical and chemical variables (TP, TN,
(Oreochromis aureus) and the extra 4% for carp, bass and
chlorophyll a, alkalinity, hardness, Total Suspended Solids,
catfish. Bass capture is appreciated as a sport fishing activity.
etc.) were conducted in the laboratory using the standard
During the study, the reservoir had a mean storage
procedures (APHA 1998). Profiles were performed for
capacity of 912 million of m3, a maximum depth of <180 –
temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity, using
200 m and a mean depth of 52.4 m.
field multi-parameter YSI models No. 6000 and 6600, from
The climate near the reservoir is semi-warm semi-dry
the surface to the bottom of every station and at every two
with summer rainfall. Xerophyte vegetation is favored in this
metres depth.
type of climate. The big gap between the low mean annual
rain and the high mean annual evaporation is an issue that is
affecting the reservoir water quality (Table 1).
The historic records of water quality of the two rivers
that enter the reservoir clearly show a decrease in water Zimapán is warm and meromictic with the presence of a
quality, due mainly to the high concentrations of nutrients, thermocline between 8 and 14 m; it presents a chemocline
suspended solids, etc. Three studies carried out by the (density layer) from 30 to 40 m to the bottom, with the
Federal Electricity Commission (1998, 1999 and 2000, presence of a deep anoxic and stagnant layer with relatively
Olvera, 2003 personal communication) revealed that the high conductivity. Different water quality is present in these
reservoir was considered eutrophic, given the results for three layers.
concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen In the reservoir, the mean values of TP and TN were of
(TN) and Secchi disk (Figure 1). The white water line in the 1.381 mg·L21 and 5.977 mg·L21, respectively. Table 2 shows
photo (and the water quality data) clearly shows the the trophic lake limits reported by different authors and
hardwater state of the reservoir – watershed system. based on several waterbodies around the world. Both
Of the two main rivers of the reservoir, Tula River Zimapán nutrient average values are, according to the
contributes 16 times more water than the volume supplied three authors cited in Table 3, in a clear hypereutrophic
by the San Juan River. condition. Figure 2 shows the trend of TP and TN in the

Table 1 | Some Zimapán Reservoir characteristics

Altitude Reservoir capacity Mean annual temperature (8C) Mean annual rainfall (mm) Mean annual evaporation (mm)

6 3
1,540 – 1,555 m.a.s.l. 911.8 £ 10 m Between 16 and 208C Between 400 and 500 mm < 2,200 mm
1845 L. A. Bravo-Inclán et al. | Long-term eutrophication diagnosis for high altitude reservoir Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008

Figure 1 | Two views of Zimapán Reservoir: (a) Water color near the dam; (b) Panoramic view of the reservoir.

water column. There is a steady increment in both nutrients agricultural fertilizers greatly increases nitrate in streams
during the five year period. and lakes (Horne & Goldman 1994). As phosphorus loading
Tropical systems often develop extremely low TN:TP to fresh waters increases, nitrogen becomes more important
ratios, thereby favoring the dominance of cyanobacteria as a growth-limiting nutrient (Wetzel 2001). Algal analyses
(formerly termed blue-green N2-fixing algae). It is generally of Lake Chapala, in Mexico, indicate that this waterbody is
believed that nitrogen is the more common primary nutrient not limited by phosphorus and that this important shallow
which limits the maximum algal biomass levels in tropi- tropical lake is limited by the high clay turbidity and also
cal/subtropical systems (Castagnino 1982; Ryding & Rast nitrogen (Lind et al. 1992). In tropical waters, the value of
1989). This also happens where pollution has increased TP of 27 –30 mg·L21, which is frequently used as a limit
phosphorus relative to nitrogen; nitrogen derived from of the meso-eutrophic in temperate lakes, could be low
waste discharges from cities – as in Zimapán – and from for tropical waterbodies. A more realistic concentration of

Table 2 | Trophic limits for lakes and reservoirs. O-M, transition between oligo- and mesotrophic; M-E, transition between meso- and eutrophic; E-H, transition between eu-and


Variable O-M M-E E-H Comments Reference

Total phosphorus (mg·L ) 10 30 100 1 Nürnberg (1996)
10 35 100 2 OECD (1982), cited in Nürnberg (1996)
8 27 84 2 OECD (1982), cited by Ryding & Rast (1989)
30 70 – 2, 3 Salas & Martino (1988)
Total nitrogen (mg·L21) 350 650 1,200 1 Nürnberg (1996)
310 920 2,940 2 Computed from Kratzer & Brezonik (1981)
661 753 1,875 2 OECD (1982), cited by Ryding & Rast (1989)
Chlorophyll a (mg·L ) 3.5 9 25 1 Nürnberg (1996)
2.5 8 25 2 OECD (1982), cited in Nürnberg (1996)
Secchi disk transparency (m) 4 2 1 1 Nürnberg (1996)
6 3 1.5 2 OECD (1982), cited in Nürnberg (1996)

1. Average epilimnetic summer values; 2. Annual average values; 3. Data derived from American warm water lakes.
1846 L. A. Bravo-Inclán et al. | Long-term eutrophication diagnosis for high altitude reservoir Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008

Table 3 | Average water quality results (column water, average from 2002 to 2006) and trophic state classification according to published trophic limits (Table 2)

Parameter Average value and standard deviation Trophic state classification

Secchi disk transparency (m) 1.94 ^ 1.16 Eu-hypereutrophic

Chlorophyll a (mg·L21) 38.3 ^ 41.7 Eu-hypereutrophic
Total phosphorus (mg·L ) 1,381 ^ 0.570 Hypereutrophic
Total nitrogen (mg·L21) 5,977 ^ 2.230 Hypereutrophic

50– 60 mg·L21 (Ryding & Rast 1989), or even of 70 mg·L21 mentioned trophic states. Also, the average Secchi disk value
(Salas & Martino 1988), are more realistic limits. was 1.94 m, which can also be classified in the eutrophic
In Zimapán the TN:TP ratio is small, with a value of 4.3, state; nevertheless 19% of the samples were below 1.00 m of
which suggests the possibility that the nitrogen could be the Secchi disk transparency which are, according to the OECD
limiting factor in this reservoir. In the late summer of 1993, (1982, cited by Ryding & Rast 1989) and Nürnberg (1996), in
the reservoir had a cyanobacteria bloom; the predominant the eu-hypereutrophic state (Figure 3). The trends of
algae were Microcystis aeruginosa, Oscillatoria spp. and both chlorophyll concentration and Secchi disk readings
Lyngbya major, which during summer and late summer (Figure 4) shows a slight decrement during the study period.
were dominant due to their ability to grow in the nitrogen Figure 4 shows the trend of three parameters through
depleted waterbody. the use of the Trophic State Index (TSI), developed by
The average concentration of chlorophyll was 38.3 Carlson (1977). This index was used to compare the trophic
mg·L , but it shows a great variability; according to Table 3, trend of the reservoir in both the dry and the rainy seasons.
this result is in the eu-hypereutrophic classification: 50% of Again the TP shows an increment, and the Secchi disk and
the results are ,25 mg·L , which results in an equal chlorophyll a concentration show a decrement in time.
probability of being classified as being of one or the other Figure 4 exhibits systematic deviations of both chlorophyll

Figure 2 | Trend of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in Zimapán Reservoir.

1847 L. A. Bravo-Inclán et al. | Long-term eutrophication diagnosis for high altitude reservoir Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008

Figure 3 | Relationships between Secchi disk depth and chlorophyll a concentrations.

Figure 4 | Trophic State Index during dry and rainy seasons, from 2002 to 2006, Zimapán Reservoir.
1848 L. A. Bravo-Inclán et al. | Long-term eutrophication diagnosis for high altitude reservoir Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008

Figure 5 | Trophic State Index for total nitrogen, chlorophyll and Secchi disk, during dry and rainy seasons, from 2002 to 2006, Zimapán Reservoir.

and Secchi disk TSI. But the TP TSI showed extremely high non-algal turbidity. But he also stressed that a reservoir
values (from 99 to 114) and the variation compared with manager can capitalize on these differences (by asking what
the other two TSI is apparently random. It is possible that are the possible reasons of such differences).
nitrogen limitation affects the chlorophyll– phosphorus For example, the low Secchi disk TSI can be explained
relationship. by the high depth of this reservoir (mean depth of 54.2 m),
Taking into account the possibility of having nitrogen and its medium water residence time (1.16 years), together
limitation in Zimapán Reservoir, Figure 5 shows the TSI, in with the long distance between the river mouths and the
which is included the TN Index, with the calculation taken limnetic zone, near the dam, which gives this waterbody
from Kratzer & Bresonik (1981, and suggested by Carlson enough time to gain a relatively good transparency,
2007) as: evaluated by the Secchi disk results. Also, high TN TSI is

TSIðTNÞ ¼ 54:45 þ 14:43 ln ðTNÞ ð1Þ in good agreement with the chlorophyll TSI, due to the
probable nutrient limitation in this reservoir.

The TN TSI (Figure 5), still exhibits a high, but more

related index in relation with the other two (chlorophyll
and Secchi disk). Carlson (2007) found that the chlorophyll
TSI is less affected by various factors, since chlorophyll is The assessment of the trophic state in a lake/reservoir is
a direct estimator of the system productivity. The main only the first step in waterbody management. This study
factors that could affect the TSI are: nitrogen limitation and showed that although nutrient levels are high, there is a
1849 L. A. Bravo-Inclán et al. | Long-term eutrophication diagnosis for high altitude reservoir Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008

good possibility of sporadic epilimnetic nitrogen limitation Organization (PAHO)/Pan American Center for Sanitary
in Zimapán Reservoir. Compared to TN TSI and chloro- Engineering and Environmental Science (CEPIS). Lima, Peru,
p. 27.
phyll TSI, the waterbody shows a relatively good Secchi Chacón-Torres, A. & Rosas-Monge, C. 1998 Water quality
disk transparency; and chlorophyll results, one of the most characteristics of a high altitude oligotrophic Mexican
reliable/simple water productivity indexes, clearly show a Lake. Aquat. Ecosyst. Health Manage. 1(3 –4),
237– 244.
eu-hypereutrophic aquatic system. The classification of
Cooke, G. D., Welch, E. B., Peterson, S. A. & Nichols, S. A. 2005
lakes and reservoirs according to water quality and trophic Restoration and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs, 3rd
state is useful for the evaluation of management projects edition. CRC/Lewis, Boca Raton, p. 591.
and the setting of future goals and objectives. Horne, A. V. & Goldman, C. R. 1994 Limnology, 2nd edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, pp. 133 –135.
Kratzer, C. R. & Brezonik, P. L. 1981 A Carlson-type trophic state
index for nitrogen in Florida lakes. Water Resour. Bull.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (AWRA) 17(4), 713 –715.
Lind, O. T., Doyle, R., Vodopovich, D. S., Trotter, B. T., Limón, J. G.
We thank SAGARPA-CONACyT Project (No. SAGARPA- & Dávalos-Lind, L. 1992 Clay turbidity: Regulation of
phytoplankton production in a large, nutrient rich tropical
CONACyT-2003-C01-64) for the financial support, during
lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37(3), 549 –565.
2004 through 2007. We are also grateful for the help Nürnberg, G. K. 1996 Trophic state of clear and colored, soft- and
received from the National Water Commission (CONA- hardwater lakes with special consideration of nutrients,
GUA, Mexico) Water Quality Department, managed by anoxia, phytoplankton and fish. Lake Reservoir Manage. 12(4),
432– 447.
MSc. Erick Gutiérrez López, who supported us during the
Olvera-Viascán, V. 1990 Estudio de la eutroficación del embalse
2002 and 2003 sampling campaign (project No. SGT- Valle de Bravo, México (Eutrophication study in Valle de
GSCA-02-01-IMTA). Bravo reservoir, Mexico). MSc. Thesis. Faculty of Science,
UNAM, Mexico City, p. 87.
Olvera-Viascán, V., Bravo-Inclán, L. & Sánchez-Chávez, J. 1998
Aquatic ecology and management assessment in Valle de
Bravo reservoir and its watershed. Aquat. Ecosyst. Health
APHA 1998 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Manage. 1(3– 4), 277– 290.
Wastewater. 20th edition, American Pollution Health Ramı́rez-Garcı́a, P., Nandini, S., Sarma, S. S., Robles, E., Cuesta, I.
Association/American Water Works Association/Water & Hurtado, M. 2002 Seasonal variations of zooplankton
Environment Federation, Washington, DC, USA. abundance in the freshwater reservoir Valle de Bravo
Bravo-Inclán, L. 1995 Estudio limnológico de la presa Madı́n, Méx., (Mexico). Hidrobiologı́a 467, 99 –108.
con énfasis en su estado trófico y en el manejo de cuenca Ryding, S. O. & Rast, W. 1989 The Control of Eutrophication of
(Limnological study of Madı́n Reservoir, Mexico, with Lakes and Reservoirs. UNESCO and Parthenon Publishing
emphasis on trophic state and basin management). MSc. Group, Paris, pp. 38 –49.
thesis. Faculty of Science, National Autonomous University of Salas, H. J. & Martino, P. 1988 Memorias del cuarto encuentro del
Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, p. 103. proyecto regional, desarrollo de metodologı́as simplificadas
Carlson, R. E. 1977 A trophic state index for lakes. Limnol. para la evaluación de eutroficación en lagos cálidos tropicales
Oceanogr. 22(2), 361 –368. (Memoirs of the 4th meeting of the regional project,
Carlson, R. E. 2007 Estimating trophic state. LakeLine 7(1), 25 – 28. development of simplified methodologies for the assessment of
Castagnino, W. A. 1982 Investigación de modelos simplificados de the eutrophication in warm water tropical lakes). WHO/
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