Arthur Narrative Reports

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Just after Christmas, the Parochial Fiesta was held in celebration of the feast of the Our Lady of
Perpetual Help. Preparations were made like _______________________________. The feast started
with a Holy Mass celebrated by ________________________ and concelebrated by ________________.
A parade followed organized by _______________ and led by Luba PNP followed by the LTCS Drum &
Lyre Corps, Faculty & Staff and the students. Minutes right after the parade, the program was held with
_____________ giving a message to all. Each grade level had the ground demonstration in their colorful
costumes and beautifully made-props that drew applause from the audience. In the afternoon, a
Friendship game was held between ____________ and ___________. The crowd become excited with
the close fight bet the teams because of the ____-____ score. The blessing of Our Lady of Perpetual
Help was felt _________________________.


Nutrition Month is an annual campaign held every July to create greater awareness on
the importance of nutrition among Filipinos. P. D. 491 (1974) mandates the National Nutrition
Council (NNC) to lead and coordinate the nationwide campaign. Throughout the years, the
Nutrition Month celebration has been institutionalized by schools and local government units
as well as other stakeholders. This year is the 43rd Nutrition Month celebration.
For 2018, the Nutrition Month Celebration’s theme
“_____________________________________” This aims to
Luba Tubo Catholic School, as an agent of change, adapts this year is the 44 th Nutrition
Month celebration’s theme by conducting
______________________________. Nutrition information were also integrated in the
different subjects like MAPEH and Science other lessons which tackle nutrition. The teachers
also reiterated the importance of having a healthy diet, which is part of a healthy lifestyle which
is also the foundation of good health. It is a diet that is able to satisfy one’s energy and nutrient
needs for proper body functions, growth and development, daily activities and maintenance of
health, keeping well within one’s caloric needs. Hence, it takes into consideration both quality
and quantity of food consumed by a person. That a healthy diet includes a variety of foods from
different food groups, meets the individual needs for calories and nutrients, is safe, with no risk
from toxins, bacteria, mold or chemicals, is enjoyable and culturally acceptable and is available
and sufficient each day and all year round.
Eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, root crops, fat-free or low fat milk, lean meats, poultry, fish, egg,
beans and nuts. It is also low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars will
make a healthy diet. A healthy diet should be balanced. It should have variety and intake should be in


When WE hear the word intelligence, the concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind.
Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something that
can be measured, and a capacity that is difficult to change. In recent years, however, other views of
intelligence have emerged. All people have different kinds of "intelligences" and there are eight.

In order to capture the full range of abilities and talents that people possess, that people do not have
just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence, including musical, interpersonal,
spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences.

On ______ 2018, LTCS wanted to gauge the academic intelligence of its students by conducting
Academic Olympics. This activity was focused on ____________________. This activity was properly
organized and conducted through the effort of __________________ and was participated by ____
students per grade level/group. Certificates of recognition were given to the winners and certificates of
participation were given to non-winners.


Family is a network of relationships in which parents are connected to children, children are connected
to parents and siblings are connected to each other via strong string of love and care. A sweet and
secure feeling comes in our mind when we think about family. Love is base of a happy family and care is
a strong bond which keeps the connection among the members of a family. One another integral part of
this relationship is time. Time for each other keeps family members close to each other thus creating a
strong happy family.
To remind and recognize the importance of a family, the LTCS celebrated family day on the ___ day of
____ 2018. Activities like ________, ______ and ______ gave each family and the families had a good
quality time together.

This also raised awareness of individual rights in a family, creation of friendly environment among the
parents and children, and to recognize the importance of a prosperous family relationship. It is the need
to time to develop awareness of a complete family, because there are many children, boys and girls who
are the victims of broken family relationships and as a result they have involved in unlawful activities
and destroying their lives in doing criminal activities. People need to understand that separation and
anger is not the solution of problem, patience, love, care and discussion is the solution of problem.


The month of the Holy Rosary is October and this entire month is dedicated to the Rosary. The feast day
of the Holy Rosary in particular is October 7th. The feast of the Rosary is held on October 7th in memory
of the glorious and triumphant victory at the battle of Lepanto. That battle was the most convincing
military victory that proved without a doubt the great power of the Rosary.

The month of October is a good time to commit to praying the Rosary everyday. The Rosary will bring
great peace and holiness to your life. It is a powerful instrument for conversion. The Rosary is the best
method of honoring Mary.

LTCS consistently followed the schedule of the rosary. It protects the Church from false teachings and
keeps her safe from the attacks from the Enemy.


Intramurals is a fun, recreational, social and competitive on-campus sports activity. It is also a great way
to meet new people, reconnect with friends, and continue playing the sports you have grown to love
and to develop. Intramural activities emphasize group spirit and the enjoyment of sports in a less
competitive context. Through sports participation this seeks to promote wellness, to encourage the wise
use of leisure time, to improve self-esteem, to stimulate other interests, and to provide students the
opportunity to achieve individual and team goals. While developing a sense of sportsmanship and fair
play, they acquire knowledge and skills required for the future.

On ______ 2018 LTCS held the opening ceremonies of their Intramurals. Muses were wearing the best
sports attire, the students are in shirts with colors representing their team, people with joy on their
faces and others carrying and wearing their props for the ground demonstration.

The Intramurals began with the parade followed by the opening program. The adrenaline rushed in as
soon as the emcees announced all the teams.
Every year, one of the most eagerly anticipated activities during the intramurals is the Ground
Demonstration competition. This activity gives everyone the chance to showcase their talents and
prowess in dancing. There were _____ teams that showcased their dancing skills. Indoor and outdoor
games were held the whole day which aimed to foster camaraderie, friendship and sportsmanship
between and among the different competing teams. At the end of the day, what matters most is not
winning but most importantly is how you fought to win.


When Christ was born in a manger in Israel in Judea, 3 wise men went to present gifts, myrrh, incense
and gold. They were Gaspar, Melchor and Balthazar. That was the first Christmas and that was also the
first time that the essence of Christmas, aside from God giving His only begotten son to us, is giving.

To happily end the year in school, the School Christmas program was held on _____2018.


Applying the Bible is the duty of all Christians. If we don’t apply it, the Bible becomes nothing more to us
than a normal book, an impractical collection of old manuscripts. That’s why Paul says, “Whatever you
have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace
will be with you” (Philippians 4:9). When we apply the Bible, God Himself will be with us.

The Hearts on Fire conceived in ____ is an annual biblical contest which aims to ______________. The
conduct of this contest and gathering also aims to instill in every diocesan student the importance of
reading the bible and living the word of God. LTCSians participated in the Hearts on Fire celebration last
Feb ___ 2019 which was focused on the theme, ‘_________________”. _______, __________ are the
competitions the LTCSians participated in.


Every year, schools celebrate their respective foundation days to commemorate the day when the
school was founded or established. It is significant not only because of the number of years it has served
the community where a school belongs to. It is likewise significant especially if the founding of the
school has resulted to considerable benefit to those it serves.
The Foundation Day is typically the date when the school first opened its doors to the public. On special
milestones such founding anniversary may be done for several days. This is usually done to
accommodate the various activities lined up for the occasion. Speeches of school authorities are heard
as they enumerate school accomplishments and their goals and plans for the coming years.

It is typical for schools to adopt a very festive mood during the commemoration of the Foundation Day.
There are games, dance and singing presentations or contests, friendly sports competitions, food
booths, retail booths, and just about anything that completes a school-wide celebration. For Catholic
schools, the Holy Mass is an integral part of the School Foundation Day celebrations. One of the usual
highlights of the event is the Field Demonstration of students as coached by their respective teachers.

A simple celebration was held in celebration of the LTCS foundation day. (enumerate)

This activity brought alumni, parents and community together to commemorate and to strengthen the
school community relationship to make the school run for more years with all the people helping each


For most people their graduation day is one of the best days of their lives. No more high school, and for
some it means that they are now able to move out on their own and embark on the independent
journey of college. In my case my graduation day started out to be a great day but turned out to be one
of the worst. It is almost as if I wish I never had a ceremony. If there wasn't graduation ceremony there
wouldn't have been an accident.

On June 13, 2011, I woke up a happy and excited 17 year old for it was my graduation day and that
meant no more high school, no more nagging teachers, and no more drama. I met my friends and my
boyfriend Andrew in the school parking lot and away we went to practice graduation. After we had
practiced walking and getting our diplomas we all went to lunch and discussed what we had wanted to
do with the rest of our lives. After what we had thought to be one of the last lunches together I went to
Andrews house to hang out for a bit. We talked about him going away and me staying here and all of the
normal stuff that applies in a relationship when one goes away. Before I left his house I asked him if he
had wanted a ride to graduation, due to the fact he was in a car accident four days prior and the only
vehicle he had at the moment was his motorcycle. He responded with a polite, "Nah." That's when I
knew he wanted to take his bike.

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