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1(a) What are the advantage and exemptions conferred to a private ltd co. by the Co’s Act,1994.

1(b) What do you mean by extra-ordinary resolution and special resolution? What are these

1(c) What is the conclusive evidence regarding formation of a company? What are the main
contents of such evidence.

2(a) Define one person company under the Companies Act, 1994. How can you differentiate
various type of companies based on their registered name.

2(b) Briefly write down five main characteristics of the one person company comparing with the
private ltd. co. and the public ltd co.

3(a) Write down the consequences of dishonoring a cheque issued by an individual for
insufficient fund . What are the prerequisites to establish the claim.

3(b) What are the main feature of bailment.

4(a) Write down the rights of a rescinded partnership contract due to fraud or misappropriation .

4(b) The couple mars and moon wanted to get into a registered partnership to do a lawful
business. Advise them regarding the following issues:

a. Registration process of a partnership firm with Registrar of JSC & firm

b. Selecting name of the partnership firm
c. Appointment of their only minor son as partner

4© State the process of settlement of losses in case of dissolution of a registered partnership


5(a) What do you understand by the term”consideration “ for promise? Are there any
circumstances under which a contract, under the provision of contract act,1872, without
consideration if valid? Explain.

5(b) Mohona age 16 years was a science student . On 1st feb 2020 she took a loan of Tk.
2,00,000.00 from Muntaha for payment of her tuition fee and agreed to pay by 31st January
2021.Mohona possesses asset of Tk.10,00,000.On due date Mohana fails to pay back the
loan to Muntaha. Now Muntaha wants to recover the loan amount from Mohana out of her
asset. State, whether Muntaha would succeed , referring to the provisions of Contract
Act, 1872.

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