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A Written Report Submitted to

Miss Jinky A. Literatus
Department of Teacher Education
Don Carlos Polytechnic College
Purok 2 Norte Don Carlos Bukidnon
Requirement for the subject
GE 111 Reading Visual Arts

Submitted by

Renalyn Cangrijo
Remark John Guinita
Carlo Guarino
Edcil Jondonero
Danielle Mae Hermetanio
JUNE 28, 2022


Art is a highly diverse range of human activities which create visual, auditory, or performed artifacts
— artworks—that express the author's imaginative or technical skill, and are intended to be
appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.

The arts are a very wide range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling and cultural
participation. They encompass multiple diverse and plural modes of thinking, doing and being, in an
extremely broad range of media. Both highly dynamic and a characteristically constant feature of
human life, they have developed into innovative, stylized and sometimes intricate forms.

In this chapter, we will be able to tackle about texture, form, shape, volume, space, perspective and
its 3 points.


First, we will discuss about texture.

Texture-element of art that refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel.

3-D Texture - refers to the way an object feels to the touch .

Visual texture - the illusion of a 3-D surface Simulated- imitate real textures

Invented-2-D patterns created by the repetition of lines of shapes

Rough textures - reflect light unevenly

Smooth textures - reflect light evenly

Matte-surface that reflects a soft, dull light. Shiny surfaces are the opposite of matte

Impasto - a painting technique in which the paint is built up on the surface to create a texture.


Form is one of the seven(7) elements of art which are the visual tools that an artist uses to compose
a work of art. Form considered something that is 3D having length, width, and height. It can be
Geometric or Organic.

Geometric Form- it is the form that are mathematical, precise, and be named. Basic geometric
forms(spheres, cubes, pyramids and etc.

Organic Form- irregular in outline, and often asymmetrical. Organic forms are most often thought of
as naturally occurring.

Space is a basic art element that refers to the distance between the area around and within shapes.
It can be Negative or Positive space.

Positive Space- is the space of the defined figure or shapes.

Negative Space- is the spqce thqt exist around one or more shapes.


A two dimensional (flat) figure created when actual or implied lines sorround a space and have two
dimensional length and width shape's can be geometric or organic.


The bulk and dimension od a particular object. It is an object that is usually thick, nontransparent
and exists solidly and three dimensionally in space and it is not flat.

In this painting a volume is represented with light and shade and usually in spatial situation to make
the nonflatness clear.

Volume has a three dimensional form comprising lenght, width, depth.


Perspective in art is what give your work in a 3D look rather than a flat painting or drawing.

Understanding perspective in art make your work look real and in proportion. Learning how to use
perspective to add distance along with using proper value. Will give depth to painting or drawing and
make it so much it so much more interesting and realistic to learned more about using value you can
read my post on value in art.

Perspective - A technique that enable artist to add the illusion of depth to a painting or drawing.
These are several "types" of perspective:

Viewpoint - The position from where you view your scene. So a normal viewpoint would be looking
at a scene or object at eye level

Horizon line - the imaginary horizontal line in the distance that is eye level

Vanishing lines - line drawn from the object to a point or point on the horizon. The point where
these lines meet called the vanishing point


One point perspective is a drawing method that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get
further away, converging towards a single 'vanishing point' on the horizon line. It is a way of drawing
objects upon a flat piece of paper (or other drawing surface) so that they look three-dimensional and


Two point perspective is used for drawing buildings or interiors, so this line could be the corner of a
building. This line is drawn in between the two vanishing points and can cross over the horizon line.
Receding/ orthogonal lines are next drawn from each end of the corner to each one of the vanishing

Two-point perspective occurs when you can see two vanishing points from your point of view. Two-
point perspective drawings are often used in architectural drawings and interior designs.


Three point perspective is actually closer related to how we actually see things. In the world of
drawing, however, three point perspective is most commonly used when the viewer’s point of view
is extreme.

Three point perspective uses three sets of orthogonal lines and three vanishing points to draw an
object. This perspective is the most complex form of perspective drawing.

It uses three sets of orthogonal lines and three vanishing points to draw each object.

In conclusion, texture is an element of art that refers to the way an object feels to touch or looks as
it may feel. It has 7 tupes of texture; 3-D texture, Visual texture, Invented 2 D, Rough texture,
Smooth texture, Matte, IImpasto

In form, it is one of the 7 elements of art which are the visual tools that an artist uses to compose a
work of art. It has 2 forms; Organic form and Geometric form.

In space, it is a two dimensional figure.

Volume, it has 3 dimensional from; length, width, depth.

Perspective, an art that gives your work in a 3D look.

One-point perspective, it uses only 1 vanishing point.

Two-point perspective, it has two vanishing points only. Often used in architectural drawings and
interior designs.

Three-point perspective, it is closer to how we see things clearly. Commonly used when the viewer's
point of view is extreme. It uses 3 vanishing points.


1. Why is your topic important?

- It helps us to understand situations from other positions, to consider other beliefs, experiences and
view points. This gives us a better understanding and greater empathy. It reduces bias, judgement
and reduces conflict.

2. What is the significance of the topic you've discussed to you as a student and as a whole?

- It gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand our world.


 http://teresabernardart.com/basic-art-element-space/
 https://mymodernmet.com/negative-space-definition/
 https://jaejohns.com/space-in-art/
 https://www.liveabout.com/definition-of-positive-space-2577683
 https://www.thoughtco.com/definition-of-form-in-art-182437
 https://www.cuemath.com/geometry/shapes/
 https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~georgy/research/texture/thesis-html/node5.html
 https://thevirtualinstructor.com/onepointperspective.html
 https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/perspective-in-paintings-2578098

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