Attachment 1 - Memorandum Order No. 21-1095 - Revised Guidelines For The Implementation of Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Project

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Series of 2021

FOR : Regional Directors/Provincial Directors/Heads of Concerned


SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines for the Implementation of Shared Service

Facilities (SSF) Project


Micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) development is a key strategy to achieve
the government’s goal of inclusive and sustainable growth and jobs generation. MSMEs
are considered growth engines of the Philippine economy. However, the performance of
MSMEs is constrained by various factors such as limited financial capacity, poor market
information and lack of access to innovative techniques and advanced technology which
hinder them to realize their full potential, break into bigger domestic or international
markets, and grow in a highly competitive environment.

In support of the six-year MSME Development Plan mandated under RA No. 6977, as
amended by RA No. 9501, or the Magna Carta for MSMEs drawn to address challenges
of MSMEs and strengthen their competitiveness, the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI) launched the Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Project in 2013. It was conceptualized
as a program to address major innovation gaps in the value chain of priority industry
clusters that limit MSMEs’ entry in domestic and international markets. The SSF
provided machinery, equipment, tools, systems, accessories and other auxiliary items,
skills, and knowledge to MSMEs under a shared system to strengthen the innovation
capacity of MSMEs, improve the quality of their products as well as their productivity.

The continued implementation of the SSF Project shall be guided by the objectives set out
in this policy statement as well as conform with government procurement, accounting and
auditing rules and regulations.


This Guidelines aim to establish the standards and processes for the efficient and effective
implementation of the SSF Project. The purpose is to provide implementing units
particularly the regional/provincial offices with policy guidelines, definition of roles and
responsibilities, and prescribe standard operating procedures, and timelines.

This Guidelines shall endeavor that the SSF Project attain the following objectives:
● Enable MSMEs to increase their productivity;
● Accelerate MSME competitiveness by giving them access to energy efficient
technologies and more sophisticated equipment;
● Encourage the graduation of MSMEs to the next level where they could tap better
and wider market and be integrated in the global supply chain;
● Address the gaps and bottlenecks in the value chain of industry clusters; and
● Take into account convergence where government resources are pooled and


Except for SSF projects housed in DTI properties or facilities, this Guidelines shall apply
to DTI SSF projects nationwide executed upon the effectivity hereof and under the
applicable General Appropriations Act (GAA).

4. DEFINITION OF TERMS. As used in this Guidelines, the following shall mean:

4.1. Beneficiaries - shall be the actual and potential users of the SSF which
shall include cooperatives, associations comprising of groups of MSMEs,
individual MSMEs, individual entrepreneurs, students, trainees, teachers,
researchers, and other sectors identified in accordance with the priorities
of the national government.

4.2. Cooperator - any juridical entity such as but not limited to national
government agencies (NGAs), non-government organizations (NGOs),
people’s organizations (POs), cooperatives, industry/trade/business
associations, local government units (LGUs), state universities and
colleges, technical vocational schools, and other similar government
academic and training institutions, who shall manage the SSF.

4.3. Fortuitous or Supervening Event - any unforeseeable or foreseeable

but inevitable event, which may either be an “act of God” or natural
occurrences, or an act of man, including the following:
a. Any law, order, regulation, direction, or request of the Philippine
b. Strike or other labor difficulty;
c. Insurrection;
d. Riot;
e. National emergency;
f. War;
g. Any act of a public enemy;
h. Fire;
i. Typhoon, flood, earthquake, tornado. landslide, storm, volcanic
eruption, tsunami, drought, hurricane, high wind, and any other
natural disaster;
j. Epidemic, pandemic, or the appearance of a novel or previously
controlled or eradicated infectious agent or biological toxins; and
k. Any other circumstance beyond the control of the parties.

4.4. Industry clusters - refers to the sectors supported by the DTI-Regional and
Provincial Offices.
4.5. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) - as defined under
Section 3 of R.A. 9501, shall refer to any business activity or enterprise
engaged in industry, agribusiness and/or services, whether single
proprietorship, cooperative, partnership or corporation whose total assets,
inclusive of those arising from loans but exclusive of the land on which the
particular business entity’s office, plant and equipment are situated, must

have value falling under the following categories, or as may be adjusted
by the MSMED Council:

Micro - shall refer to an enterprise or business activity with asset size of not
more than Three Million Pesos (PhP3,000,000.00);
Small - shall refer to an enterprise or business activity with asset size of
more than Three Million up to Fifteen Million Pesos (PhP3,000,001.00-
PhP15,000,000.00); and
Medium - shall refer to an enterprise or business activity with asset size of
more than Fifteen Million up to One Hundred Million Pesos
(PhP15,000,001.00 – PhP100,000,000.00).
4.6. NGO / PO - Non-Government Organization / People’s Organization / non-
profit voluntary citizen’s group organized on a local or national level.

4.7. National Technical Working Group (NTWG) - a body consisting of at least

five (5) members to be designated by the Supervising Undersecretary of
the ROG tasked to evaluate SSF project proposals with project cost of more
than Five Million Pesos (Php5,000,000.00) against a set of selection criteria
as provided herein.

4.8. Proponent - refers to the DTI Provincial Office (DTI-PO) that identifies
and/or endorses the proposed SSF project.

4.9. Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) - a body consisting of at

least three (3) members to be designated by the Supervising
Undersecretary of the ROG tasked to evaluate all project proposals
forwarded by the DTI-Provincial Office for its approval (i.e., projects up to
Five Million Pesos (Php5,000,000,00)) or for endorsement to the NTWG, as
well as decide on turnover of the SSF, extension of the usufruct or transfer
of the SSF to another cooperator.

4.10. Shared Service Facilities (SSF) - refers to a set of machinery, equipment,

tools, system, accessories, and other auxiliary items that may be required
for the effective function of the SSF.

4.11. Shared Service Facilities - Fabrication Laboratories (SSF-Fab Labs) -

refers to high-end SSFs established by the DTI, equipped with an array of
flexible computer-controlled tools such as 3D printers that cover several
different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make “almost
anything” including technology-enabled products.

4.12. SSF Coordinator - Personnel of DTI in the provincial and regional office
in charge of the SSF project.

4.13. SSF Project Management Office (SSF-PMO) - a unit tasked to assist the
SSF implementing units in project identification, approval, monitoring and
evaluation. The tasks of the SSF-PMO shall be part of the functions of the
Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development (BSMED) and shall
report to the Office of the ROG Undersecretary on SSF.

4.14. Central Procurement Agency - a government agency tasked to implement
a central procurement system by which other government agencies may
purchase common use supplies, materials, and equipment requirements in
the most economical and efficient manner.

4.15. Ordinary Repairs - by ordinary repairs are understood such as are required
by the wear and tear due to the natural use of the thing and are
indispensable for its preservation.

4.16. Extraordinary Repairs – The following circumstances or events

are considered extraordinary repairs:
a. Those caused by natural use but not needed for preservation;
b. Those caused by abnormal or exceptional circumstances and
needed for preservation; and
c. Those caused by abnormal or exceptional circumstances but are
not needed for preservation.

5.1. Eligible Projects

5.1.1. The proposed SSF Project must address processing and

manufacturing gaps or bottlenecks in the industry cluster brought
about by any of the following: Absence of the needed facility; Lack of capacity of an existing facility; Cost of services of an existing facility is not affordable;
and Lack or inadequate technical and administrative
services that will promote and facilitate the growth of
MSMEs within the priority industry clusters.
5.1.2. The proposed SSF Project will increase the competitiveness of
MSMEs within the priority industry cluster in terms of: Product improvement / Quality enhancement /
Marketability; Price competitiveness; and Conformity to standards;
5.1.3. The proposed SSF Project will support MSMEs within the priority
industry clusters; and
5.1.4. Project proposals that will improve One Town, One Product
(OTOP) products or other priority sectors of the province or region
shall likewise be considered.
5.2. Criteria for Selection of Eligible Cooperators
5.2.1. The Department through its Regional Offices/Provincial Offices
(DTI-ROs/POs) shall identify and select a Cooperator, consistent
with this Guidelines, that will host and manage the operation of

the SSF project. DTI-ROs/POs are encouraged to work with
government agencies such as but not limited to LGUs, SUCs, and
other NGAs. An eligible cooperator may be endorsed by other
relevant government agencies to the DTI.
5.2.2. The following shall be the criteria for the National Government
Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), State
Universities/Colleges (SUCs), Technical Vocational Schools and
other similar government academic or training/research
institutions: Must be willing to be a Cooperator of SSF; Must be capable of providing counterpart support in
terms of: Suitable facilities to house the machinery and
equipment; Personnel; and Working Capital; Must be strategically located to service the beneficiaries
of the SSF; Must be able to demonstrate how their existing delivery
and support systems, organizational structures and
staffing will be utilized in the operation of the project;
Provided further, That in the case of SSFs in universities
such as the fabrication laboratories, the cooperator shall
endeavor to engage their research and extension office
and other similar units to ensure that MSMEs shall be
reached and prioritized in the use of the SSF; and For LGUs, must have an income generating project
(IGP) or livelihood support project being implemented
or clear commitment to support the end beneficiaries
as part of the function of its economic development
office and to which the SSF support shall be intended.
5.2.3. The following shall be the criteria for all other juridical entities, such
as, but not limited to, Private Schools/Non-Government
Organizations/ People’s Organizations/ Cooperatives/ Industry/
Trade/ Business Associations: Must be registered with Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA), or any appropriate agency that grants
legal personality; Must have a track record as follows: For a facility costing up to PhP1.0 million,
Cooperator must be in existence for at least
two (2) years, and

5 For a facility costing more than PhP1.0
million, the Cooperator must be in legal
existence for at least three (3) years. Must be capable of providing counterpart support in
terms of: Suitable facilities to house the machinery and
equipment; Personnel; Working Capital; and Must be strategically located to service the beneficiaries
of the SSF.
5.3. Submission of SSF Proposals
5.3.1. The Provincial Office, in coordination with the eligible Cooperator,
shall submit the following documents to the Regional Office: Endorsement Letter; Initial Evaluation and Site Visit Report; Cooperator’s Letter of Intent which should include
commitment to provide counterpart support in terms of:
– Suitable facilities to house the machinery and
– Personnel; and
– Working capital; Copy of the Charter or Articles of

Incorporation/Cooperation, and Board Resolution
and/or Authority to Accept and Operate SSF projects; Resolution designating the authorized representatives

to transact with the DTI; For the LGU, a Resolution to operate the proposed

project and allowing the Local Chief Executive to enter
into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DTI; Project Proposal duly signed by the proponent and

Cooperator; and Business Plan with 5-year Financial Projection for

projects above PhP5.0 million. The proposal shall
include plans on how the Cooperator will attain the10%
increase within the two-year period as part of the 5-year
business plan to ensure success.

5.4. Review / Evaluation of SSF Proposals

5.4.1. The review/evaluation process will be undertaken as follows: Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG): Evaluates
all projects submitted to DTI-Regional Offices either for
their approval or for endorsement to NTWG; and National Technical Working Group (NTWG): Evaluates

project proposals which cost more than Php5.0 million.

5.4.2. In prioritizing the proposals submitted, the following point system

may be used:

Criteria Maximum
1. The proposed facility has a desirable high- 30
impact-low investment ratio
e.g.P100,000 investment = 100 coco coir
processors (preferred)
P100,000 investment = 2 jobs (lower priority)
2. The proposed facility is needed for expansion of 25
a ready market.
3. The establishment of the proposed facility is 25
initially prioritized within the NAPC focused
towns/cities within the priority clusters.
4. The proposed facility targets identified industry 20
clusters with the greatest need.

5.4.3. Project proposals which garnered at least 80 points shall be given


5.4.4. A resource person/expert may be invited to join in the review of

projects at both the NTWG and RTWG with appropriate
honorarium subject to the approval of the Undersecretary for
Regional Operations Group and the Undersecretary for
Management Services Group following existing government
budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules and regulations;

5.4.5. In inviting experts, the following may be considered: a) expertise

in the field as well as awareness on the supply and demand
situation in the area, especially where new machines will be
purchased; b) ability to assess capability of the cooperator to
operate the proposed machines and determine its suitability to their
operations, among others; and

5.4.6. The NTWG or the RTWG may evaluate proposals through a

referendum or via online to fast-track approval of projects as may
be warranted by the situation.

5.5. Project Approval

5.5.1. For projects up to Php5.0 million: Upon submission of the project proposal and other

pertinent documents as stated in Section 5.3, duly
endorsed by the proponent, the SSF Regional
Coordinator shall check completeness of the
submission and refer the same to RTWG for
evaluation; The RTWG shall convene monthly or as the need

arises, to deliberate on the project proposals endorsed
by the proponent; The proponent shall be notified through a

Memorandum on the result of the deliberation of
projects conducted by the RTWG not later than five
(5) working days after the deliberation; and The Provincial Office, upon receipt of the

Memorandum containing the RTWG decision on the
project, shall then notify the cooperator on the result of
the evaluation not later than five (5) working days from
receipt of notification from the DTI Regional Office.

5.5.2. For projects in excess of Php5.0 million: All projects in excess of Php5.0 million that were

favorably evaluated by the RTWG, shall be endorsed
by the Regional Director to the NTWG. Documents as
enumerated in Section 5.3 together with the completely
filled out pre-evaluation form, and RTWG Decision
Sheet shall be submitted to the NTWG for their further
evaluation; Additional documents may be requested by the NTWG

from the proponent/cooperator; Those projects favorably recommended shall be

endorsed by the NTWG to the ROG Undersecretary for
approval; The SSF-PMO shall notify the Regional Office and the
proponent through a Memorandum on the results of
the evaluation of the project not later than five (5)
working days after the decision of the ROG
Undersecretary; and

8 Upon receipt of the Memorandum containing the
decision on the project, the DTI-PO shall then notify the
cooperator in writing on the results of the evaluation
not later than five (5) working days from receipt of the
Memorandum from the SSF-PMO.

5.6. Procurement of Approved Projects

5.6.1. DTI ROs shall immediately undertake the procurement of identified

facilities/equipment, either through competitive bidding or through
alternative modes of compliance such as Shopping, or Small Value
Procurement (SVP), among others, in accordance with the
provision of RA No. 9184 and other applicable procurement
guidelines, rules and regulations. DTI shall ensure that provision of
user manuals, warranties, services, and replacement of parts shall
be honored by the supplier within the usufruct period at the

5.6.2. To achieve economies of scale, the purchase of big-ticket items,

and similar equipment may be undertaken by a central
procurement agency, in accordance with the provisions of RA No.
9184 and other applicable procurement guidelines, rules and

5.6.3. In addition to the documents required by the Bids and Awards

Committee (BAC), a MOA between DTI and the Cooperator shall
be executed;

5.6.4. Authorized DTI Officials to sign the MOA with the SSF Cooperator
shall be in accordance with Department Order No. 14-39, Series of
2014 (Delegation of Authority to Sign and/or Approve Vouchers,
Contracts, Orders, Appointments and Other Official Documents)
and Department Order No. 19-102, Series of 2019 (Approving
Authority of SSF-RTWG), including subsequent amendments
thereto; and

5.6.5. The completion of these documents shall be the basis for the
commencement of procurement process in accordance with the
provisions of RA No. 9184 and other applicable procurement
guidelines, rules, and regulations.

5.7. Terms of Cooperation

5.7.1. The MOA between DTI and the Cooperator shall contain the

9 Project title, project site/location, intended
beneficiaries, estimated project cost, brief description
of the project and benefits of the SSF project; Roles and responsibilities of DTI and Cooperator as

provided under Section 6 hereof; Schedule of periodic inspection/evaluation, reporting,

monitoring requirements, date of commencement and
date of completion; Submission of the required periodic financial and

physical status reports; Regular monitoring and inspection by DTI and other

authorized government agency such as the
Commission on Audit (COA); Commitment on the part of the Cooperator to provide

counterpart funds and facilities such as physical space
and location for the project site, personnel, funds for
supplies and maintenance and other forms of support
or consideration for the project; and Commitment of both parties to prepare a Manual of

Operations which will include the schedule of fees to
be collected from the users of facilities which shall
consider the sustainability of the operation of the
facilities in terms of cost recovery as well as the
building of funds to be devoted solely for the repair and
maintenance of the facility including the renewal of an
all-risk insurance policy for the facilities;

5.7.2. The MOA shall be effective upon its execution and shall remain in
force and effect until the usufruct period has been terminated. The
machinery/equipment shall be used by the Cooperator under a
Usufruct Agreement, which shall form an integral part of the MOA.
DTI shall provide insurance for the two (2) years from the date of
execution of the Usufruct Agreement to cover loss or damage to
the machinery/equipment due to but not limited to fire, theft, flood,
earthquake or other fortuitous event and/or all applicable insurance
coverage/s in the area where the SSF equipment is located. The
Cooperator may also take out insurance at their own expense to
cover potential loss or damage of the SSF machinery/equipment;

5.7.3. The machinery/ equipment will not be released to the Cooperator

unless the MOA and Usufruct Agreement are signed and executed
by all the parties thereto. Furthermore, the Usufruct

Agreement shall contain a prohibition on the use of the
machinery/equipment for purposes other than what was approved
and prohibition on selling, disposing, transferring, or mortgaging
said machinery/ equipment. Commission by the Cooperator of the
said prohibited acts shall be ground for termination of the Usufruct
Agreement and MOA, without prejudice to other legal remedies or
rights of action available to the DTI;

5.7.4. The usufruct rights shall remain in force for a period of two (2)
years from delivery to the Cooperator of the thing in usufruct.
Should the SSF equipment be delivered at different dates, the
usufruct period shall commence on the date of delivery of
equipment which was delivered last;

5.7.5. After the term of the Usufruct Agreement has lapsed, the
machinery/equipment shall be appraised to determine its
depreciated value or residual value for purposes of transfer, sale
or disposal by the DTI. A depreciation schedule for said
machines/equipment shall be provided for and form an integral part
of the MOA;

5.7.6. After the period of usufruct, unless otherwise provided by law, the
DTI may either: (i) transfer ownership of the SSF to the Cooperator
upon demonstrating successful management of the facilities; (ii)
extend the usufruct for another two (2) years if the Cooperator
needs additional period to establish the successful operation of the
SSF; or (iii) transfer the management of the SSF to another
Cooperator for failure to secure, operate, properly maintain, or
repair the SSF equipment upon its acceptance;

5.7.7. The operation of the SSF may be considered as successful based

on any of the following criteria: At least 10% increase in the number of beneficiaries

assisted; or At least 10% increase in sales and/or income


5.7.8. The baseline data may be the SSFs’ first twelve (12) months of

5.7.9. In case of property/equipment damage resulting from the

occurrence of a fortuitous or supervening event as defined in
Section 4.3 the parties shall determine the extent of damage
inflicted on the property/equipment and assess its serviceability
with the assistance of technical expert, if needed;

5.7.10. The procedure on transfer of ownership of SSF equipment to the
Cooperator shall be based on Section 7 of this Guidelines;

5.7.11. The DTI guidelines for the Disposal of Unserviceable Property,

Plant, and Equipment (PPE) shall be followed in case of SSF
equipment found to be unserviceable;
5.7.12. The following shall be grounds for the termination/pre-termination
of the MOA and Usufruct Agreements: Upon mutual consent of the Parties upon a 30 calendar

days prior written notice; Abuse/misuse of the SSF equipment; Breach, non-compliance, or default by the Cooperator

of its obligations, duties, or responsibilities; or of any of
the provisions of this Guidelines, MOA, terms of the
Usufruct Agreement, Manual of Operations, Business
Plan (for projects above PhP5.0 million), and/or any
other agreements in accordance herewith; Fortuitous events or “Acts of God”, provided, the same

is so grave that the performance of the duties and
responsibilities of the party affected or the continuation
of the SSF is clearly impossible under the
circumstances. Provided, further, that the party affected
shall notify the other party in writing within a period of
five (5) days from the occurrence of such event; and Expiration of the duration of the MOA and/or Usufruct


5.7.13. The aforementioned grounds for termination/pre-termination shall

be without prejudice to the filing of civil, criminal, and/or
administrative case/s against the Cooperator, as may be
applicable and as the case may be;

5.7.14. The DTI shall pre-terminate/terminate the MOA and Usufruct

Agreement based on any of the above-mentioned grounds, and
repossess or pull out the machinery/equipment and transfer the
same to another eligible Cooperator, as the case may be;

5.7.15. The Cooperator shall reimburse the DTI for all costs incidental to
any litigation or legal action arising from and relating to its
operation of the SSF project;

5.7.16. As may be deemed necessary by both parties, the DTI and the
Cooperator may enter into any other supplemental contract or
agreement to the existing MOA for the implementation of the SSF;

5.7.17. The terms of the MOA shall be implemented in accordance with
COA rules and regulations; and

5.7.18. In case of major changes (i.e., changes which present a

fundamental departure from the terms, obligations, implementation,
administration, or intent of the SSF) to the provisions of the MOA
and Usufruct Agreement templates, the advisory opinion or review
of the DTI-Legal Service shall be sought.

5.8. Project Implementation

5.8.1. After the execution of the Usufruct Agreement between DTI and
the Cooperator, and preparation of Manual of Operations, the
facility/equipment shall be released directly to and duly
acknowledged by the Cooperator using the prescribed SSF form,
Acknowledgment Receipt of SSF equipment;

5.8.2. The Acknowledgment Receipt of SSF equipment shall indicate the

quantity, description, specifications, date acquired, amount, and
identification or property number of the SSF Equipment as well as
the terms and conditions for the use of the SSF Equipment;

5.8.3. Each of the equipment shall bear the approved markings for the
purpose of proper identification, as follows:

“<Name of Project>
<Name of Cooperator>
Property of the Department of Trade and Industry”

5.8.4. A copy of the following documents shall be provided to

the Cooperator by the DTI Provincial Office: Project Proposal; Notarized MOA; Notarized Usufruct Agreement; Acknowledgement Receipt; Manual of Operations; and Business Plan for projects above PhP 5 million;

5.8.5. The use of SSF must strictly be based on the provisions specified
in the Business Plan and Manual of Operations, and must be
accessible to target MSMEs and other potential beneficiaries;

5.8.6. If a fortuitous or supervening event occurs during the pendency of

the SSF Project, the following guidelines shall apply: The Cooperator shall immediately notify and provide DTI

with an incident report, in writing and with photo and/or

video evidence, within five (5) days after the occurrence
of the fortuitous or supervening event; The DTI-RO/PO, together with a technical expert (if

applicable), shall conduct an ocular inspection on the
extent of property/equipment damage and prepare a final
report to recommend the serviceability of the subject
property/ equipment: If found to be repairable to still render a good

performance, the subject property/ equipment
shall then be repaired, the cost of which shall
be charged against SSF Project Funds; and Should the property/equipment be

unserviceable beyond repair, the DTI
Guidelines on Disposal of Unserviceable
Property shall apply; The DTI-RO, through its DTI Inventory and Disposal

Committee, shall determine whether the damage to the
SSF is partial or total in accordance with its function to
inspect the property, set appraised value of the property,
and recommend to the Regional Director of the
appropriate mode of disposal; and Based on the findings of the DTI Committee on Inventory

and Disposal Committee, the Regional Director shall
determine whether or not the SSF project will still proceed
or be terminated.


6.1. Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations Group shall:

6.1.1. Approve SSF proposals duly evaluated and recommended by the


6.1.2. Provide clarification on any provision of this Guidelines or issues

arising from the implementation of the SSF Project such as but not
limited to releases, transfers of funds, payments, procurements,
reimbursements, preparation of books of accounts, as may be
requested by the implementing units; and

6.1.3. Resolve the aforesaid issues in accordance with pertinent laws,

government budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules and

6.2. National Technical Working Group (NTWG) shall:

6.2.1. Evaluate project proposals which cost more than Five Million
Pesos (>PhP5M) and those with unique/ special configurations;

6.2.2. If evaluation is deemed positive, endorse projects to the

Undersecretary for ROG for approval; and

6.2.3. Proposals that are disapproved shall be returned to the SSF-

PMO for appropriate action.

6.3. Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) shall:

6.3.1. Evaluate all project proposals, TORs, and Business Plans

emanating from the region;

6.3.2. Approve proposals of up to Five Million Pesos (PhP5M);

6.3.3. Endorse proposals more than Five Million Pesos (>PhP5M) to the
NTWG, copy furnish the SSF-PMO;

6.3.4. Recommend to proponent (DTI-PO) to commence procurement

process of approved proposals;

6.3.5. Return to proponent (DTI-PO) disapproved proposals for

appropriate actions; and

6.3.6. Evaluate and decide whether to approve the transfer of ownership,

extend the usufruct or transfer the SSF to another cooperator.

6.4. SSF-PMO shall:

6.4.1. Assist SSF implementing units by providing guidance on project

identification, approval, management, including among others
request for approval to conduct feasibility studies for new proposed

6.4.2. Advise, remind, and alert the DTI-ROs on projects for turnover to
cooperator taking into consideration compliance to set rules for
eligibility and performance by the cooperator for the period in

6.4.3. Provide secretariat support to the NTWG;

6.4.4. Provide technical support or designate an alternate to work with

the Central Procurement Agency in the review of bidding
documents, and identification of potential suppliers/ bidders. The
SSF-PMO or its alternate may be asked to sit as part of BAC-

TWG to help assist, evaluate, and assess technical component of
bids, e.g., equipment specifications, resource and energy
efficiency, inter-operability, capacities, and applications;

6.4.5. Consolidate and generate monthly reports from the submission of


6.4.6. Monitor and evaluate project implementation including the

development of the project’s database; and

6.4.7. Conduct monitoring activities at least once a year, of the facilities

to validate the reports of the Cooperators, DTI-POs and DTI-ROs.
Monitoring may be done through online platforms, technologies or
consider a risk-based approach.

6.5. DTI-Regional Offices (DTI-ROs) shall:

6.5.1. Provide overall direction in the identification of priority sectors and

projects for implementation in the region taking into consideration
the inputs of the DTI-POs, the SSF-PMO as well as local partners;

6.5.2. Provide secretariat support to the RTWG;

6.5.3. Hire consultants subject to availability of funds and applicable

accounting and auditing rules and regulations to prepare feasibility
studies for proposals beyond Fifty Million Pesos (PhP50M) and
require specialized expertise not available in the Department.
Criteria in the hiring of experts as provided in Section 5.4.4 may
also be used;

6.5.4. Procure equipment necessary for the setting up of the SSF in their
respective regions. The Regional Director as Head of Procuring
Entity (HOPE) shall ensure that procurement is in accordance with
RA No. 9184. He shall be authorized to sign purchase
orders/requests, work orders, orders, contracts, MOAs, and
disbursement vouchers exclusively related to the procurement of
the SSF equipment up to an amount of Five Million Pesos
(PhP5M) in accordance to Department Order No. 19-102, Series of

6.5.5. Aid the DTI-PO in the turnover of the machines/ equipment to

Cooperator and the latter should acknowledge and sign the
Acknowledgement Receipt for the SSF equipment delivered.
Submit copy of the Acknowledgment Receipt by the Cooperator

6.5.6. DTI shall provide insurance for two (2) years from the date of
execution of the Usufruct Agreement to cover loss or damage to

the machinery/equipment due to but not limited to fire, theft, flood,
earthquake or other fortuitous event and/or all applicable insurance
coverage/s in the area where the SSF equipment is located. The
Cooperator may also take out insurance at their own expense to
cover potential loss or damage of the SSF machinery/equipment;

6.5.7. As necessary, provide technical support and assistance to the

beneficiaries relative to the implementation of the Project, such
as but not limited to entrepreneurship, productivity enhancement,
product development, marketing assistance, product
diversification and other relevant social business development

6.5.8. Coordinate with partner agencies for both technical and financial
support to cooperators to ensure its success;

6.5.9. Conduct quarterly on-site monitoring and inspection of the SSF

Projects to monitor its condition in order to identify problems that
may arise so that appropriate actions may be undertaken
immediately. Likewise, DTI-RO shall submit a copy of individual
quarterly on-site monitoring and inspection reports of the SSF
Projects to the SSF-PMO;

6.5.10. Institute appropriate actions against the concerned Cooperator

which may include, among others, suspension, termination, or
institution of legal action, in case of: Abuse/misuse of the SSF; and Breach, non-compliance, or default by the Cooperator
of its obligations or on any the provisions of this
Guidelines, MOA, Usufruct Agreement, Manual of
Operations, Business Plan (for projects above PhP 5
million), and/or any other agreements in accordance

6.5.11. Oversee the implementation of the SSFs in the region and assist
the cooperators in managing the SSFs in a sustainable manner,
ensuring that the SSFs are being used exclusively for the purpose
stated in the approved proposal and MOA;

6.5.12. Consolidate and evaluate accomplishment reports submitted by

the DTI-POs, and submit to the SSF-PMO monthly; and

6.5.13. In case of fortuitous or supervening event, the DTI-RO shall

immediately conduct an ocular inspection of the damage inflicted
on the SSF property/ equipment, as indicated in Section 5.8.6.

6.6. DTI-Provincial Offices (DTI-POs) shall:

6.6.1. Jointly with the Cooperator, prepare a project proposal and submit
the same together with other documentary requirements to the
SSF RTWG, through DTI Regional Offices;

6.6.2. Conduct thorough inspection of the location together with the DTI-
RO and Cooperator, to check conditions such as safe, appropriate,
and sustainable energy supply (if feasible include renewable
energy source or at least hybrid solutions as back up) and disaster
robustness (safe against flooding, landslides, natural hazards).
This is intended to identify potential problems that may arise so
that business continuity or disaster plans may be instituted and
appropriate actions may immediately be undertaken;

6.6.3. The Provincial Director or his/her duly authorized representative

shall be responsible for the inspection and receipt of all machines/
equipment upon delivery by the suppliers to ensure that they meet
all specifications defined in the Purchase Order by signing in the
Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR). A representative of the
project Cooperator shall be present during the inspection;

6.6.4. Jointly with the Cooperator, prepare the Manual of Operations,

which shall include among others: Details of the SSF Project such as the project title,
Cooperator, project location, project rationale,
description of the services/ products offered, contact
Information); Organizational/ Functional Structure for the Facility; Schedule of operations, Procedure for accessing the
services; Schedule of fees which balances the need for
sustainability and affordability; Promotion/ Marketing plan to promote the use of the
facility; Financial Plan; Production Plan; Sustainability Plan; and Reportorial procedures, etc.

6.6.5. Submit monthly physical and financial accomplishment reports to


6.6.6. Conduct quarterly on-site monitoring and inspection of the facilities

to monitor its condition in order to identify problems that may arise
so that appropriate actions may be undertaken immediately;

6.6.7. Together with the DTI-RO, conduct midterm assessment and
evaluate the progress of the SSF particularly in terms of its physical
and financial accomplishments a year after the effectivity of the
Usufruct Agreement;

6.6.8. Physical and financial accomplishments corresponding to the afore

mentioned criteria shall be the basis for determining the transfer of
ownership of the equipment to the Cooperator;

6.6.9. Identify emerging capability building needs of the Cooperators in

the areas of entrepreneurship, productivity enhancement, product
development, marketing assistance, product diversification and
other relevant social business development services;

6.6.10. Provide, when necessary, additional expertise, services, and

technical support required for capacitating the Cooperator and
eventually other prospective Cooperators to sustainably operate
and manage the facility in accordance with the Project objectives;

6.6.11. Pull out the equipment if and when the Cooperator fails to
successfully operate the SSF, or fails to comply with the Terms and
Conditions stipulated in this Guidelines, MOA, Usufruct
Agreement, Business Plan, Manual of Operations, or upon mutual
consent of the parties and transfer the equipment to another
eligible Cooperator in accordance with the requirements and
procedures prescribed in Section 8 hereof; and

6.6.12. In case of fortuitous or supervening event, the DTI-PO shall

immediately conduct an ocular inspection of the damage inflicted
on the SSF property/equipment, as indicated in Section 5.8.6.

6.7. Cooperators shall:

6.7.1. Provide a suitable location and structure to house the equipment,

working capital and other counterpart support such as but not
limited to power utilities, ancillary facilities, and personnel required
to manage, operate, and maintain the SSF;

6.7.2. Jointly with the DTI, prepare a Project Proposal, Business Plan for
projects above PhP5 million, and Manual of Operations in
cooperation with DTI and adopt it accordingly. The Manual of
Operations (a sample of which may be secured from the SSF-
PMO) shall contain the following, among others: Project Description to include Project Title,
Cooperator, Project Location, Project Rationale,
Description of Services/ Products Offered, Contact
Information); Organizational/ Functional Structure for the Facility;

19 Schedule of Operations, Procedure for accessing the
services; Schedule of fees which balances the need for
sustainability and affordability; Promotion/Marketing Plan to promote the use of
facility, especially to other industry stakeholders; Financial Plan; Production Plan; Sustainability Plan; Reportorial procedures; and Measures to recover expenses incurred for the
misuse or abuse of the SSF by the beneficiary;

6.7.3. Together with an authorized representative of DTI, inspect and

receive the procured machinery, equipment, and tools upon
delivery by the supplier to ensure that they meet all specifications
as defined in the Purchase Order;

6.7.4. Operate, perform, repair, and maintain, and ensure safekeeping

of the equipment in the facility including responsible property
custodianship and turn over the above to DTI in the event that
compliance to the stipulations of the MOA and the Manual of
Operations can no longer be achieved;

6.7.5. Keep the substance of the equipment unaltered and shall

undertake necessary maintenance and ordinary repairs;

6.7.6. Shoulder necessary maintenance and ordinary repair costs upon

acceptance of SSF equipment but may request the DTI for support
of repairs, subject to availability of funds;

6.7.7. It shall notify DTI of the need to carry out extraordinary repairs on
the subject equipment;

6.7.8. Implement and manage efficiently and effectively the SSF project
in accordance with the approved proposal/Business Plan/Manual
of Operations;

6.7.9. Submit to the Provincial Office monthly reports of physical and

financial accomplishments and all other monitoring and evaluation
instruments as may be requested and deemed acceptable by the
DTI and the cooperator;

6.7.10. Shoulder or reimburse the DTI for any and all costs incurred should
the DTI be constrained to institute any action against the
Cooperator such as, but not limited to, suspension, termination or
institution of legal action, in case of abuse/misuse of the SSF; or
non-compliance/default by the Cooperator of its obligations or the

provisions of the applicable SSF guidelines, MOA and any other
agreements in accordance thereto;

6.7.11. In case of fortuitous or supervening event, the cooperator shall be

responsible for immediately notifying DTI-RO/PO of such, as
indicated in Section;

6.7.12. In case of SSF Fab Labs, the Cooperator shall: In consultation with the DTI-Provincial and Regional

Office, implement the Action Plan and Monitoring Tool
towards the common goal of accelerating MSME
innovation capabilities by strengthening MSMEs and
collaborators through the Fab Labs. The Fab Lab
cooperator together with the DTI-RO/PO shall set
annual targets for the success measures indicated in the
Action Plan; Submit monthly accomplishments to DTI through the

Fab Lab Online Monitoring Tool which shall be open and
accessible for data updating by the cooperator on the
1st week of each month; and Submit to DTI-PO signed hardcopies of Fab Lab

accomplishments together with proof of
accomplishments such as photos of activities
conducted and prototypes/products developed.


7.1. Rules on the Transfer of the SSF Equipment

7.1.1. The transfer of ownership of the SSF equipment to the Cooperator

shall be conditioned upon successful operation of the SSF project
based on the criteria under Section 5.7.7 hereof upon expiration
of the period of usufruct;

7.1.2. It is understood that after transfer of ownership, even to those in

the private sector, the SSF shall continue to be used for its
intended purposes, i.e. address the government’s goal of
achieving inclusive growth and job generation;

7.1.3. The DTI maintains ownership of the SSF until such time that a
cooperator becomes eligible to assume ownership; and

7.1.4. Pending transfer of the SSF either to the successful Cooperator

or to a new eligible Cooperator, the DTI shall continue the
insurance obtained for the SSF equipment subject to availability
of funds and applicable COA rules and regulations.

7.2. Evaluation Process for Eligibility Assessment

7.2.1. The DTI-PO shall submit to DTI-RO report on performance of the

SSF based on the criteria set forth under Section 5.7.7, for onward
endorsement to the RTWG;

7.2.2. The DTI-PO shall coordinate with the cooperator to seek the
latter’s commitment to accept, receive, and assume ownership of
the SSF equipment, which shall also be reflected in the Deed of

7.2.3. The RTWG shall commence the evaluation process for eligibility
assessment of the SSF within thirty (30) days before the expiration
of usufruct of the SSF and decide whether to approve the transfer
of ownership, or transfer the SSF to another cooperator within thirty
(30) days after the expiration of usufruct of the SSF;
7.2.4. The RTWG shall notify the DTI-PO through a Memorandum on the
result of the deliberation of projects not later than five (5) working
days after the deliberation;

7.2.5. The DTI-PO, upon receipt of the Memorandum on the RTWG

decision on the project, shall then notify the cooperator not later
than five (5) working days from receipt of notification from the DTI-

7.2.6. The DTI-RO/PO shall ensure to facilitate the approval and transfer
of the SSF Project to the Cooperators who have demonstrated
successful operations within thirty (30) days after the expiration of
the Usufruct Agreement of a certain SSF Project. Likewise, the
SSF-PMO shall monitor the adherence to the given timelines for
the DTI RO/PO in this regard; and

7.2.7. For SSFs with expired UA and did not meet the criteria set forth
in Sec. 5.7.7., the DTI-PO shall pull-out of the SSF equipment
without the need of prior notice to the Cooperator.

7.3. Transfer of SSF Ownership to Cooperators

7.3.1. For SSFs with approval to transfer, the DTI-RO shall prepare the
following documents: Transfer to a government entity – Property Transfer
Report (PTR) and Deed of Donation between the DTI-
RO/PO and the co-operator; and Transfer to a private entity – Deed of Donation between
the DTI-RO/PO and the co-operator;

7.3.2. The Finance and Administrative Division (FAD) of the DTI-RO shall
prepare journal entry voucher on the transfer of equipment to drop
from the books of accounts in accordance with pertinent
government auditing and accounting rules and regulations; and

7.3.3. The DTI-RO shall advise the SSF-PMO of the transfer of the SSF
equipment to the Cooperators who have demonstrated successful
operations of the project for purposes of updating the SSF

7.4. Extension of Usufruct for Additional Period of Two Years

7.4.1. The DTI may extend the usufruct period for another two (2) years
if the Cooperator needs additional time to establish a successful
operation. Provided, That the determination of any extension must
be made prior to expiration of the Usufruct Agreement;

7.4.2. The DTI-RO/PO shall conduct an eligibility assessment for

purposes of extending the usufruct within three (3) months before
its expiration period: The DTI-RO/PO may motu proprio initiate the extension
of Usufruct Agreement based on its evaluation, the
required parameters under Section 5.7.7 and documents
for the purpose; and The Cooperator may request for extension of Usufruct
by submitting a letter with justification to DTI-PO;

7.4.3. The extension of the Usufruct Agreement is subject to approval by

the RTWG;

7.4.4. The SSF has to be operational at the time of evaluation in order for
the RTWG to approve the extension of usufruct period;

7.4.5. For SSFs with approval for extension, the DTI-RO/PO shall
prepare the amended Usufruct Agreement to effect the extension
of usufruct for additional period of two (2) years; and

7.4.6. The Usufruct Agreement shall no longer be extended after the

lapse of the additional period of two (2) years and shall be
reevaluated according to the criteria set forth in Section 5.7.7

7.5. Transfer of the Management of SSF to Another Eligible Cooperator

7.5.1. Should the SSF be transferred to another, the DTI-RO/PO shall

observe the provisions of this Guidelines for selecting and
implementing the SSF project with another eligible Cooperator set
forth in Section 5.2. hereof;

7.5.2. Transfer of the SSF to another Cooperator may be due to the
following reasons: (1) termination of the original SSF for
unsuccessful operation or breach; (2) pretermination of the MOA
and/or usufruct agreement; or (3) termination by mutual agreement
of the parties;

7.5.3. The transfer of the management of SSF to another eligible

Cooperator is subject to approval by the RTWG;

7.5.4. A new set of MOA and Usufruct Agreement shall be executed to

effect the transfer of the SSF equipment to another eligible
Cooperator; and

7.5.5. The DTI-RO shall advise the SSF-PMO of the pull-out and transfer
of the SSF equipment to another eligible Cooperator for purposes
of updating the SSF database.

7.6. Return of SSF Equipment to DTI

7.6.1. In cases of failure or non-compliance of the Cooperator of the

terms and conditions of the Deed of Donation, the following shall
be observed: If the Donee-Cooperator commits a breach of any of the

terms and conditions provided in the Deed of Donation,
the DTI-RO/PO shall notify the Cooperator thereof; Failure of the Cooperator to comply with such term/s or

condition/s within thirty (30) days from notification shall
cause for the automatic reversion of the SSF equipment
in favor of the DTI, as per the Deed of Donation’s
automatic reversion clause and may be assigned to an
eligible cooperator, subject to compliance with the criteria
for selection, evaluation, and approval procedures set
forth in this Guidelines; The Cooperator shall forthwith return the donated SSF

equipment to DTI within thirty (30) days upon revocation
of the donation, without prejudice to damages; The DTI-RO/PO shall re-issue a Property

Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) to the accountable
officer in-charge of the Project; and Should the same equipment be re-issued to a qualified

Cooperator following the criteria for selection, evaluation,
and approval procedures set forth in this Guidelines, an
Acknowledgement Receipt form should be accomplished
and issued;

7.6.2. In cases where the Cooperator voluntarily signifies in writing its
intent to return the SSF property already donated by the DTI due
to its inability to sustain the project, the following shall be observed: The DTI-RO/PO shall accept the SSF equipment akin to

a revocation of the donation for failure to comply with the
conditions; Thereafter, the SSF equipment is automatically reverted

in favor of the DTI with the operation of the Deed of
Donation’s automatic reversion clause and may be
assigned to an eligible cooperator, subject to compliance
with the criteria for selection, evaluation, and approval
procedures set forth in this Guidelines; The Cooperator shall forthwith return the donated SSF

equipment to DTI within thirty (30) days upon the
revocation of the donation, without prejudice to damages; The DTI-RO/PO shall re-issue a Property

Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) to the accountable
officer in-charge of the Project; and Should the same equipment be re-issued to a qualified

Cooperator following the criteria for selection, evaluation,
and approval procedures set forth in this Guidelines, an
Acknowledgement Receipt form should be accomplished
and issued.


8.1. Failure of the Cooperator to operate the SSF within the usufruct period
shall be considered non-compliance with the provisions of MOA and
Usufruct Agreement. Accordingly, the DTI-PO shall notify in writing the
defaulting co-operator on the termination of the MOA and Usufruct of
Agreement, setting forth the specific reason/s, setting forth the specific
reason/s for the termination; and

8.2. Within thirty (30) days from notice of termination, the DTI-PO shall
repossess or pull out of the SSF equipment from the cooperator, without
prejudice to recovery of damages.


9.1. The DTI-PO shall submit monthly physical and financial accomplishment
reports to DTI-RO;

9.2. The DTI-RO shall submit consolidated monthly accomplishment reports
on the status of implementation of the SSF Projects to the SSF-PMO,
not later than the 5th day of the following month or as prescribed by the
ROG Undersecretary;

9.3. The DTI-RO/PO shall conduct quarterly on-site monitoring and

inspection of the facilities to monitor its condition in order to identify
problems that may arise so that appropriate actions may be undertaken

9.4. The DTI-RO/PO shall ensure to conduct a midterm evaluation based

on the reports submitted to track the progress of the SSF in order to
timely extend support to those projects that have problems in attaining
successful operation;

9.5. The SSF-PMO shall conduct monitoring activities at least once a year,
of the facilities to validate the reports of the Cooperators, DTI-POs and
DTI-ROs. Monitoring may be done through online platforms,
technologies or consider a risk-based approach;

9.6. The SSF-PMO shall monitor the compliance to the given timelines for
the DTI RO/PO to facilitate the approval and transfer of ownership of the
SSF to the Cooperators who have demonstrated successful operations;

9.7. The DTI-RO/PO shall conduct on-site post-monitoring of the SSF for a
period of one (1) year after its ownership has been successfully
transferred to the cooperator to ensure that the project meets its ultimate
goal which is to improve the quality and productivity of MSMEs and to
confirm compliance with the conditions of the donation;

9.8. The DTI-PO shall submit monthly accomplishment reports to DTI-RO for
a period of one (1) year after the ownership of the SSF has been
successfully transferred to the Cooperator;

9.9. For the period of one (1) year, the DTI-RO shall submit consolidated
monthly accomplishment reports on the status of SSF to the SSF-PMO,
not later than the 5th day of the following month or as prescribed by the
ROG Undersecretary; and

9.10. The DTI-PO shall submit a terminal report of the SSF project to DTI-RO
after the conduct of post-monitoring activities, copy furnish the SSF-

10. DISPOSAL OF SSF EQUIPMENT. The disposal of SSF equipment shall be

governed by the COA Circular No. 89-296 dated January 27, 1989 or “Audit
Guidelines on the Divestment or Disposal of Property and Other Assets of National
Government Agencies and Instrumentalities, Local Government Units and

Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations and their Subsidiaries, and DTI
Department Order No. 18-162, Series of 2018 or “Creating Inventory and Disposal
Committees for the DTI Central Office and Regional Offices, Constituting their
Respective Membership and Defining their Corresponding Functions.”

11. REPEALING CLAUSE. DTI Memorandum Order No. 13-1627, Series of 2013, DTI
Memorandum Order No. 15-58, Series of 2015, as amended, and DTI Memorandum
17-2520 Series of 2017, as well as other orders, instructions, or other similar
issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, modified, or amended

12. EFFECTIVITY. This Order shall take effect immediately.

Date Issued 03 September 2021 .

Recommending Approval:


Assistant Secretary, ROG and Director, BSMED and Head, SSF-PMO
Chairperson, SSF-NTWG

Digitally signed
Approved By: by Lantayona
Undersecretary, Regional Operations Group

SSF Guidelines - Annexes

 Initial Evaluation and Site Visit Report

 Project Proposal
 Decision Sheet
 Business Plan (for projects above PhP5 million)
 Manual of Operations
 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
 Usufruct Agreement (UA)
 Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR)
 Acknowledgement Receipt
 Property Transfer Report (PTR)
 Deed of Donation (DOD)
 Property Acknowledgement Receipt (for accountable DTI Official)
 SSF Report Templates


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