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Secondary Stoping with total 10 m Width Span on Weak Rock Mass at

Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit, Indonesia.

Ryan PRATAMA*, Taufik Achmad Fauzi BISRI*, Halley RIONANDA**, Elbanil RASYID***
* Geotechnical Engineer, Dept. of Quality Control
** Grade Control Engineer, Dept. of Quality Control
*** Supt. of Mine Operation A, Dept. of Mine Operation

Correspondent author:
Ryan Pratama (

The Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit is owned by the Indonesian Government that used overhand
Cut & Fill as mining method. Ciurug Vein is one of the main veins, which have variety of wide, and
RMC (Rock Mass Class) 1-5. The standard design of stope is 4m width and 4 m height. The need to
raise value of mining recovery, a failure experiences in wide single stoping design on RMC 3-5, and
the boundary condition of supporting and filling material, concluded that a new design of secondary
stope is needed.
The first secondary stoping design is the fishbone, but still didn’t give a maximal mining recovery. In
January 2011 a team consists of Geotechnic and Mine Operation Division conduct an experiment in
order to get a new design that give better mining recovery, and fulfill safety factors value. The
experiment to get a new design of secondary stope consists three sections. All of the sections are
succeed to mined, with note that when geotechnic recommendation is not fulfilled the design almost
ends in failure. This express that the calculation are relative close to the field, so the secondary stope
with the new design can be done without anxiety of collapse.
Keywords: secondary stoping, rock mass, stope stability, ground supporting

I. Introduction
Pongkor Underground Gold Mine is one of the business units that owned by PT.Antam Tbk, this unit
is located on Pongkor Mountain, Bantar Karet Village, Nanggung Sub-District, Bogor Regency, and
West Java Province. This location is approximately 54 km to the west of the city of Bogor and 110
km south-west of Jakarta. The deposit that mined on Pongkor Gold Mine are Epithermal Low
Sulfidation Deposit that characterized by the presence of vein system and the stockwork system. The
main product that mined is gold (Au) and the secondary product is silver (Ag).
Pongkor Underground Gold Mine use sub level stoping mine system; The Overhand Cut & Fill, and
The Shrinkage Stoping. The Overhand Cut & Fill is common method to mine the main vein, like
Ciurug, Gudang Handak, Kubang Cicau & Pamoyanan, and Ciguha Vein. The Shrinkage Stoping is
use to mine branch of main vein which have narrow width than the main vein. There is 3 level that
existing, they are Level 600, Level 500 (Main Haulage Level), and Level 450 (under development).
The standard of stope dimension Pongkor Underground Mine is width 4-6m, and height 4-5m.
At present the gold price is very high, to achieve high revenue, an increase of value of mining
recovery is needed. At first, to obtain high value of mining recovery used single stoping as mine
design with stope dimension width vary by the size width of vein width and height 4-5m. The design
is based on the rock mass condition that have RMC 1-2 so that the supporting using wire mesh, rock
bolt and cribbing based on the calculated already have safety factor of 1,5.
The successful stope that mined using the single stoping design are Ciurug Block IIIS Level 600 with
average of width 25m, and supported by wire mesh and rock bolt. Ciurug Block IS Level 500 with
average of width 20m, supported by wire mesh, rock bolt, and 2 × 2m cribbing.
The failed stope using single stoping design are Ciurug Block IIIS Level 600 with average of width
10m, Ciurug Block 1BS Level 500 with average of width 15m, the cause of failed stope is the change
of RMC where at design planning using RMC 1-2, and on the field RMC change to 3-4 due to
unpredictable and uncontrollable structure.
The use of single stoping design on RMC above 2 never success, so in order to mine the rest of the
ore, new mine design is needed. The new design must have a high value of mining recovery, and
safety factor. There is certain condition that must become attention in designing the mine, first is the
rock mass conditions that exist today are at RMC (Rock Mass Class) 4-5 different than rock mass
conditions at the beginning of the mine (RMC 1-2), second are limitations on the supporting material
and filling material, based on that then the secondary stope mine is the most appropriate design.
Until 2010 Pongkor Underground Gold Mine use Fishbone a cross-cut with 4 m of width and 4 m of
height- as secondary stope design. The exploitation using this design is success to raise the value of
mining recovery, but still not maximize. In January 2011 a team consists of Geotechnic and Mine
Operational Division conduct a experiment to get new mine design that give better value of mining
recovery, than the fishbone.


Figure 1. Pongkor Geology Map

II. Geotechnical Assessment

II.1 Regional Engineering Geology
The rocks that form area of research are the Volcanic Rocks and Quartz Vein. The volcanic rocks
consist of tuff breccia and tuff lapili and have UCS values of intact rock between 19-241 MPa. The
quartz vein has a texture colloform-crustifom with filler clay material and manganese. The area that
filled by clay or manganese is the most potential areas of failure caused by the shearing between
block. Beside as filling material in texture area, the manganese also fill the weak zone on the quartz
vein, and influence the rock mass stability. The quartz vein has UCS values of intact rock between 6-
107 MPa.
The area of research located close to the intersection between three faults, they are NW-SE Cikoret
Fault in the western part, NE-SW Cisuren Fault in the southern part, and E-W Cikaniki Faults in the
eastern part. The intersection result in on weak rock mass, with spaced between joint 20-50 cm and
average aperture value of the joints 0.1-0.38 cm. Some of the joint are not filled with mineral and
some filled with mineral like quartz, calcite, and clay mineral.
Value of intact rock permeability in the area of research 6.5 x 10 -7 - 6.9 x 10 -6 while the value of the
secondary permeability of the rock mass based on the scan line data to the joints in surface outcrops
that not filled by minerals is 1,47 – 1,6 m/d. According to Vutukuri (1996) the value is classified as
free drainage system. Facts on the field showed that the area on the south block of Ciurug Vein
contains of water. This condition resulting to unfavorable condition for tunnel stability, because the
water will give an additional load and washing on filling mineral to form a cavity thus make the rock
mass significantly became unstable.
II.2 Geotechnical Properties
On Cross Cut 8P to south Ciurug Level 600, the rock mass is divided into five zones; Hanging Wall
Zone (HW), High Altered Tuff Zone (HATZ), Vein A Zone (VA), Vein B Zone (VB), and Foot Wall
Zone (FW). Data of geotechnical properties was taken from the face mapping at the development to
the stope. HW and FW zones composed by tuff lapilli, with lots of plagioclase minerals, weathered
and medium jointed. At the contact between the vein zone with the HW there is a layer HATZ with
the characteristics; argilic alteration, very soft, but still found relatively hard Tuff, about 10-20cm
width. VA and VB are composed of white quartz minerals, colloform crustiform texture and vuggy,
with mineral fillers such as kaolin and manganese oxides. VA is relatively much blockier than VB.
RMR values in each zone are summarized in Table 1 and a sketch of the rock mass conditions at the
site of South 8P XC can be seen in Figure 2. The face mapping is show there are three joint sets.
Joint set 1 trend N 335 - 5°E / 65°-68° parallel to the direction and slope of the vein. Physical
description of the joint set 1 are; undulating and rough surface, 100% persistence, and filling material
contains 50% MnOx, 20% kaolinite, and 30% non-filling. Joint set 2 trends N 165°-190°E / 30°-44°
with a physical description of joint are undulating and slightly rough surface, 60% persistence; joint
fillings contain 80% non-filling and 20% MnOx. Joint set 3 trend N 70°-105°E / 7°-10° with a
physical description are slightly rough-smooth surface, 25% -60% persistence, no infilling material in
joints. Ground water at this location is visually shows dripping-flowing condition. Dripping
condition commonly found through the cracks in at VA and VB while flowing are found only at
On the back of the stope, there are three different rock masses, VA, VB, and HATZ, where width of
VA 4m, width of VB = 6m, and width of HATZ 10-20 cm. RMR value of the average of the three
rocks mass can be known through the Q-system approach (Bashin, 1995) as follows:
log log ..................................................................... (1)

Qavg is Q average
B is width of the weakness zone
Qwz is Q of weakness zone
Qsr is Q of the surrounding rocks
Table 1. Rock mass Rating of the Zones
Parameters HW FW VA VB HATZ

UCS 7 7 7 7 0
RQD 13 13 13 8 8
Joint Spacing 10 15 12 11 10
Joint Filling 22 22 15 8 0
Groundwater 4 4 10 2 0
adj. Joint Strike -12 -12 -12 -12 -12
RMR 44 49 45 24 6
Q 1 1.73 1.12 0.11 0.016

Qwz is Q of HATZ, meanwhile the Qsr is represents Q of the vein. All RMR value is converted to Q by
using Bieniawski (1979) equation below:
Q = 10 (RMR-44)/21 ............................................................................................ ( 2 )
The determination of the value of Qsr is very sensitive because it will determine the value of Qavg. If
using the conservative mind, we will choose the lowest value of RMR that is 24 on VA so that the
value of Qavg is 0.08. If we chose to average the value of RMR which is average of RMR value on VA
and VB, give RMR average 32, so that the value of Qavg is 0,16.

Figure 2. Rock mass on XC 8P South

Empirical correlation between RMR with GSI (Geological Strength Index) yields the value of the
mechanical parameters of rock mass. Those values can be seen in table 2.
Table 2. Mechanical Parameter of Rock Mass
Parameters HW FW VA VB HATZ
UCS 50 70 98 57 0.74
GSI 39 44 40 19 6
m 0.46 0.62 1 0.166 0.038
s 0.0002 0.0004 0.0001 0.000005 1.20E-07
E (Mpa) 15000 21000 36750 21375 148
v 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.4
c’ (Mpa) 0.183 0.268 0.221 0.083 0.06
φ’ 47.04 51.65 53.88 36.89 4.29

III. Stope Stability

III.1 Empirical Consideration
Practical way to evaluate the stability of the stope can be done with the empirical method of Brady (2003) using the critical span curve. Critical span curve was originally created by Lang (1994) to
evaluate the back stability in cut-and-fill mines. In 2000, the span curve database developed by the
University of British Columbia was expanded to include 292 case histories from mines primarily in
Canada (Wang et al., 2000). The information from these case histories provides the basis for the span
design curve shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Design Span Curve (Brady et al., 2000)

Figure 3 shows that the condition of the back of the stope is in the zones of potentially unstable -
unstable, where the both zone will be stable if supported. The stability of the stope back can also be
analyzed using the empirical method Modified Stability Number by Potvin (1988). Parameters
needed for this method are NGI Rock Quality Index (Q’), Stress Factor (A), Joint Orientation Factor
(B), Gravity Adjustment Factor (C), and Hydraulics Radius (HR). Equation to calculate Stability
Number (N’) and Hydraulic Radius (HR) are:
N’ = Q’ . A . B . C .................................................................................... ( 3 )
HR = area / perimeter .................................................................................... ( 4 )
Based on Diederich and Hutchinson (1996), The A factor is a measure of the ratio of intact rock
strength to induced stress. As the maximum compressive stress acting parallel to a free stope face
approachhes the uniaxxial strengthh of the rock,, factor A deegrades to refflect the relaated instability due to
rock yieeld. The B faactor is a meeasure of thee relative orientation of dominant
d joiinting with respect to
° °
the excaavation surfacce. Joints whhich form a shallow
s obliq
que angle (100 -30 ) with tthe free face are most
likely too become unnstable (i.e. to slip or seeparate). Joiints which area perpendiccular to the face are
assumedd to have thee least influennce on stabillity. The C factor
f is a meeasure of thee influence ofo gravity
on the stability off the face being b considered. Overrhanging stoope faces (backs) or structural
weaknessses which are orientedd unfavorabbly with resspect to graavity slidingg have a maximum m
detrimenntal influencce on stabilityy. Hydraulicc radius is arrea (m2) diviided by perim meter (m). The
T value
of N’ annd HR then be b correlatedd to Potvin’ss Graph (198 88). The Graaph classifies the stope condition
into stabble, transitionn and cavingg zone.
Maximuum induced tangential sttress can be known by using u numerrical modelinng analysis software.
Softwaree that used ini this researrch is Rocsccience Phasee 2 that based on finite eelement methhod. The
dimensioons of stope are inputtedd into paralleelogram moddel with widtth 10m and hheight 5m. The
T insitu
stress onn the locatioon is 0.7 Mppa. The Stress distributioon from soft
ftware calcullation can bee seen in
Figure 4.

Figure 4. Rangge of Major Prrincipal Stress Value Surroun
nding the Stop

In Figurre 4, the maaximum major principal stress (S1) located on the right ribbs of the sto ope, with
values ofo S1 2.32 MPa.
M Averagge UCS of VA V and VB based on Point P Load Inndex (PLI) test
t is 77
Mpa. Coomparison between
b the UCS
U of intaact rock withh S1 is 33.8, based on thhe Potvin’s graph
g for
stress faactors, and obbtained that the value off A by 1. Th he angle form
med betweenn the dip of dominant
joint witth backing frrom the stoppe is 65°, so that
t ue B from thee graph = 0.88. C values obtained
the valu
from thee equation C = 8-6.Cos (dip),
( then thhe value C = 5.5. Basedd on the dataa of Q’, A, B,
B and C
then usinng formula 4 then value N’ N 0325 - 0.77.
Correlattion betweenn N’ value annd HR value can be seen on Figure 5.. It conclude that if the ro ock mass
value is constant, thhe higher HR R value will give unstabble stope conndition, and on Hydraulic Radius
constantt the lower N’
N value will give unstablle stope conddition. The sttope conditioon on researcch area is
in transiition-caving zone,
z and theen the stope must be supp
ported to preevent failure..

III.2 Suppport Demannd

According to You (2007) the needed n of suupporting baased on rock load of tuunnel, which h can be
calculateed by the sizze of plastic zone troughh numerical modeling.
m Thhe input of m
mechanical properties
can be seen at Table 2. Failure crriteria by Moohr-Coulomb b and the conncept of Safeety Factor (SF
F) are:
2c ' cos φ ' 1 + sin φ ' .
................................................. (5)
σ '1 = + σ'
1 − sin φ ' 1 − sin φ '
⎛σ1 + σ 3 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ sin φ '+ c cos φ '
SF = ⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛σ1 −σ 3 ⎞ B .................................................................. (6)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
σ1’ is major principal stress at failure
σ3’ is minor principal stress at failure
σ1 is major principal stress on surrounding tunnel at one point
σ3 is minor principal stress on surrounding tunnel at one point
c’ is cohesive strength of rock mass
φ’ is angle of friction of rock mass
SF is strength factor
A represent strength of the rock mass at one point
B represents applied stress in the rock mass at one point

Line 1
w= 10m, l= 10m
HR= 2,5

Line 2
w= 10m, l= 40m
HR= 4

: Qavg= 0.16 , N’= 0.7

: Qavg= 0.08 , N’= 0.35
Figure 5. Correlation between N and HR

Equation 6 shows comparison between strength of rock mass with applied stress condition. The
condition when stress more than strength of rock mass there will be a failure, in other words the
condition have SF<1 that we interpreted as plastic deformation.

c σ
σ3 σ 1

Figure 6. Safety Factor Concept – Mohr Coulomb Criterion

In Figure 7 we will see a contour of plastic zone (SF ≤ 1), the area in the contour is HATZ and VB
which have RMC 4-5. The contour pattern on VB roof potentially occurrence churching failure
(Sjoberg, 1977). Based on Figure 6, VA didn’t have plastic zone on the roof, so the potential failure
will be interpreted with structural control (wedge). The dimension of wedge that possibly occurrence
on VA can be seen on Figure 8.

Figure 7. Range of Strenght Factor value with Normal and Shear Force Ilustration

Based on rock load calculation from both plastic zone and wedge, then the GSR (Geotechnic Support
Recommendation) on the stope are:
A. Support Recommendation for primary stope:
1. Weld Mesh + Strap + Splitset; Splitset spacing is 1x1 m square patterns; strap spacing is 2m
per row.
2. H-Beam with spacing with other H-Beam 1,5m.
3. Cribbing 2m x 2m, 2 set in one row, and in 10m length span must supported by 6 set of
B. Support Recommendation for secondary stope:
1. Weld Mesh + Strap + Splitset ; Splitset spacing is 1x1 m square pattern, strap spacing is 2m
per row.
2. H-Beam with 1,8m spacing.



di p=

Figure 8. Wedge Occurence in VA and Skecth of Splitset’s Lenght which Penetrate the Wedge

IV. Exploitation with New Secondary Stope Design

As seen on Figure 9, the mining in the area of research begin with production the old stope (primary
stope) in VB with 5m width span and 41m length. After production on old stope end, then begin to
mine the secondary stope with 3 sections of mine on VA. The sections is made sequentially, the first
section made is section 1. Before making each section the primary stope beside the pillar must be
supported based on the GSR.

Figure 9. Exploitation Activities

When mine the section 2, The Grade Control plan to take the rest of ore on section 1, due to high
grade. While the Grade Control unit has activity in section 1, the mine in section 2 must go on. The
supporting while making the section 2 not appropriate with the GSR, not all cribbing installed. 2
weeks after that, the H-Beam on primary stope that not fully installed by cribbing begin to bend, cause
by it cannot withstand the rock load on primary stope. For safety reason The Grade Control activity
on section 1 stopped, and supporting back like the GSR. All of the sections are succeed to mine
according to the plan, this experience express that the calculation done are relatively close to the
reality on the field.

Figure 10. Bending of H-Beam in FB 2 and FB 3

V. Conclusion
The new design of secondary stope is a drift parallel with old stope, with installment of supporting
material 6 cribbing 2 x 2 m, in 10 m of stope to have safety factor 1.2. The exploitation with this
design success and have higher mining recovery than the fishbone.

VI. Future Plan

The Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit will conduct a new experiment of secondary stope in
December 2011 at X-Cut 8 Pararel North using shotcrete and cable bolt as substitution of Steel set (H-

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