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Module 1


Welcome to Module 1, your entry point to understanding Work Immersion. This module will
discuss the following Expected Behavior:
Lesson 1 Work ethics
Lesson 2 Safety in the workplace
Lesson 3 Workplace rights and responsibilities
Lesson 4 Confidentiality in the workplace
Lesson 5 Effective conflict and teamwork skills
These lessons are part of Pre-Immersion that allocates time to focus in preparation leading to a
learner's language immersion experience. It is a time of study, preparation, and readiness-

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation, with this you will be
exposed to and became familiar with work-related environment related to their field of
specialization to enhance your competence.


Companies with strong work ethics form a big part of success of each employee. Work ethic is a
set of values centered on importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work
hard. It is ability to maintain proper moral values within the workplace. It is an attitude that
shapes the way an individual performs its job duties with high moral standards.
There are ten work ethic traits: appearance, attendance, attitude, character, communication,
cooperation, organizational skills, productivity, respect and teamwork.
After going through with this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Define work ethics
2. name the core values of work ethics in workplace
3. and recognize the importance of work ethics in the workplace.

Activity 1 Cross Word Puzzle
Instruction: Complete the puzzle by reading the clues then putting in the appropriate responses

4. the act of behaving honorably, even when no one is watching
5. means going through the sometimes-frustrating process of working through technical issues,
continuing to grapple with tough course material, and completing projects when there is every
possible distraction
6. the level of attention and care that you dedicate to your work or interests.

1. means that all employees are responsible for their actions, behaviors, performance, and
2. the force that prompts an individual or group to observe rules, regulations and procedures that
are deemed necessary to the attainment of an objective.
3. set of values centered on importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to
work hard

1. INTEGRITY is the act of behaving honorably, even when no one is watching. It is the
foundation on which coworkers build relationships and trust, and it is one of the
fundamental values that employers seek in the employees that they hire. To have

integrity means that a person is self-aware, accountable, responsible, and truthful and
that their actions are internally consistent.

Examples of Integrity in the Workplace

A. Work when you're on the clock
Integrity in the workplace begins by showing up on time and dedicating yourself
to your job.

B. Admit your mistakes

Mistakes are easy to be made, but the way you handle it and rectify it is what
matters the most. As appealing as it may be to let the blame fall elsewhere, it's still a
better option to maintain your integrity and own up to your mistake
C. Keep your promises
Everyone makes promises at work; whether it's promising your boss you won't be
late again or assuring your team that you'll get a complex report in by the end of the
week. Making promises is easy; the important part is keeping them.

D. Give credit where it's due

In the workplace, people will need to work collaboratively, and if you praise
each other, you'll lift up each other's spirits and produce a higher standard of work.

E. Follow the rules

Part of having integrity in the workplace is living by the rules and regulations
that your company has carefully crafted to guide employee actions and behaviour.

F. Treat people with respect

Another way to demonstrate integrity at work is to follow good office
etiquette and treat everyone with respect. This means being polite, professional and
considerate even with those you might not get along with.

G. Stand up for what’s right

Many of the examples of integrity in the workplace involve keeping the peace,
playing well with others and putting your employer's best interests ahead of your own.
There are times, however, when having integrity means going against your colleagues or

2. ACCOUNTABILITY means that all employees are responsible for their actions,
behaviors, performance, and decisions. It's also linked to an increase in commitment
to work and employee morale, which leads to higher performance.

3 Important Ways to Support Accountability in the Workplace

A. Create an Environment of Trust
Your employees are less likely to hold themselves accountable if they fear
management. By creating an environment based on trust, you open up lines of
communication so employees can admit to mistakes and shortcomings more openly.
The key to accountability is not punishing employees every time they misstep, but
rather encouraging them to hold themselves accountable for their work without the
extrinsic pressure of punishment.

B. Establish Clear Goals, Then Follow Up

Accountability in the workplace is only possible when employees understand
what they are accountable for. They need clearly defined expectations, whether they are
defined in the short- or long-term.

C. Teach Employees How to Issue a Real Apology

Being accountable for your actions in the workplace requires open and honest
communication. Making sure your employees understand how to hold themselves
accountable by issuing a real and genuine apology, as opposed to one devoid of any
actual meaning. This will go far to promote accountability in the workplace.

3. DILIGENCE is the level of attention and care that you dedicate to your work or
15 Fulfilling Ways to be Diligent

1. Rise up early.
2. Put God first.
3. Exercise every morning.
4. Have a goal to accomplish in a certain period.
5. Be a good planner.
6. Be inspired by yourself or your loved ones.
7. Overcome procrastination.
8. Discipline yourself not to sleep until everything in your to-do-list for
the day has been accomplished.
9. Finish tasks ahead of time.
10. Be focused.
11. Learn to say “no” to pleasure.
12. Do not grumble.
13. Value time as gold.
14. Be a good steward of the opportunities that have been given to you.
15. Give the best in everything you do to give glory to God.

4. PERSEVERANCE means going through the sometimes-frustrating process of working
through technical issues, continuing to grapple with tough course material, and
completing projects when there is every possible distraction.

6 Factors that will make you Persevere:

1. When You Have No Other Option

People without options always persevere, because they have no place to fall
back when things get tough. However, individuals who have an unlimited
amount of options fail to continue working on specific goals, because they
often switch to other goals when they realize that a particular goal is too
difficult to achieve.

2. Positive self-talk For you to maintain enthusiasm and hard work during
difficulty, you must always encourage yourself with positive words. Tell
yourself that you are a winner, and that nothing will make you give up.
Encourage yourself by saying that you are not a quitter, because you possess
the ability to overcome any obstacle that you might face.
3. Patience Perseverance goes hand in hand with patience because
an impatient individual cannot persevere. While persevering, you have to
understand that it might take long before you achieve your goals. Therefore,
you have to work on building patience so that you don’t become frustrated
while working and waiting for the fruition of your goals.

4. When you Don’t Focus on the Outcome It’s tough to persevere if you
continuously focus on the outcome, because often, it takes a long period
before we see the results we want. Besides this, focusing on the outcome can
make you give up because it often leads to anxiety and demoralization,
especially when the results are contrary to your expectations.
5. Understanding the Value of Perseverance You cannot give up if you
understand the value of perseverance. If you want to be a winner, you must
realize that perseverance is what differentiates failures and winners. You must
understand the fact that perseverance guarantees that you will live the life of
your dreams.
6. Prayer - Makes you persevere because it enables you to have a deeper
sense of knowing that a HIGHER POWER is working with you, and
therefore, your success is guaranteed.

5. DISCIPLINE- Discipline is the force that prompts an individual or group to observe

rules, regulations and procedures that are deemed necessary to the attainment of an
objective. It means orderly conduct of affairs by the employees of an enterprise.
Imposing self-discipline on oneself is very important for success. One must train himself
to correct self behaviour and avoid repeating the past mistakes.

5 Ways to become more disciplined at work

1. Create a daily schedule- One key to self-discipline is to adhere to a strict

daily schedule. Set aside a block of time to accomplish each task, and when
that period is up, move on.
2. Turn one task into many- Sometimes, a task can seem so big that it’s
overwhelming, and because you don’t even know how or where to start, you
become paralyzed. Therefore, you will need to take a complicated endeavor
and break it down into short, manageable tasks.
3. Do tasks you enjoy - Self-discipline comes more effortlessly when you’re
genuinely enjoying what you’re doing. While there will inevitably be parts
of any job that you don’t like as much, try to find a way to outsource tasks
that you find very unpleasant so that they don’t wreak havoc with your
4. Don’t insist on Perfection -You should also realize that perfection will
hinder your efforts to be more disciplined. If you decide not to take action
until conditions are 100percent ideal, or one part of a project is 100percent
completed, you’ll never get anywhere. Instead, it’s most important to keep
moving, even if it means doing a job that’s just good enough, or returning
later to a problematic issue.
5. Reward Yourself - No matter how pressed for time you are, don’t forget to
reward yourself when you finish each task. Instead of immediately moving
on to the next activity, plan to spend an hour doing something rejuvenating,
like getting a massage or playing your favorite video game. Self-discipline
will be easier to sustain if you can anticipate something fun at the end of
long working hours.


Directions: Try to summarize what you have learned by completing the following statements:

1. ______________is a set of values centered on importance of work and manifested by

determination or desire to work hard. It is ability to maintain proper moral values within
the ________________. It is an attitude that shapes the way an individual performs its
job duties with ________________.

2. Treat people with ________ is another way demonstrate integrity at work is to follow
good office etiquette. This means being______________, ____________and
_____________even with those you might not get along with

3. Self-discipline comes more effortlessly when you’re _______enjoying what you’re

doing. While there will inevitably be parts of any job that you don’t like as much, try to
find a way to outsource tasks that you find very unpleasant so that they don’t wreak
havoc with your______________.

4. Perseverance goes hand in hand with _____________because an ___________ individual
cannot persevere. While persevering, you must understand that it might take long before
you achieve your goals. Therefore, you must work on building patience so that you don’t
become frustrated while working and waiting for the fruition of your goals.

5. Being ____________ for your actions in the workplace requires open and
_____________ ________________________. Making sure your employees understand
how to hold themselves accountable by issuing a ___________and ___________apology,
as opposed to one devoid of any actual meaning. This will go far to promote
accountability in the workplace.


In a bond paper illustrate one of the core values in the workplace that you possessed and
explain it in at least 100 words why this value makes it essential in your future workplace.
Please refer to rubrics below for your guidance.

Creatively and
effectively coveys Information is convey.
PRESENTATION unclearly convey.
Product description is Product description is
Product description is
QUALITY OF mostly clear, neat, unclear, untidy,
clear, neat, complete
ILLUSTRATION could be a little incomplete and not
and concise.
concise. concise.

Supports main point

Persuasively supports
with some Provides little or no
main point with well
SUPPORT underdeveloped support for the main
developed reasons
reasons and/or point.
and/or examples.

Adequately written Poorly written and

Well written and
and organized, clear, organized, unclear,
W RITING/GRAMMAR organized clear easy
seasonably to follow hard to follow with lot
& SPELLING to follow. No grammar
with minimal grammar of grammar and
spelling error
and spelling error. spelling error.

Lesson 1.1 Work Ethics: Professionalism

Professionalism is the conduct, behavior, and attitude of someone in a work or business

environment. Professionalism leads to workplace success, a strong professional reputation and
a high level of work ethic and excellence.
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Identity the three aspects of Professional Image,
2. understand how to professional in terms of appearance and behavior
3. recognize the importance of Customer service
4. and apply how professionalism works.

What’s New
Activity 1 Look for me!
Circle the words listed below. Words appear straight across, backward straight across, up and
down, down and up, and diagonally.

Why the need to be professional?
• Each of us is a Brand Ambassador
• Business is a serious matter– your image and credibility matters
• A basic ingredient to build trust and confidence in us is thru the way we project ourselves
• You are able to build value for yourself – for your personal and professional growth

Three aspects of Professional Image:


1. Professional Appearance
Talks about your presence as a professional. The way you move
with control and ease in doing your job and presenting
yourself to others by dressing appropriately

A. Posture - Our body is way too heavy to be carried

by just one leg; posture is when we balance our
weight on both legs. As a professional, you should
embody credibility so that clients would trust you
and you could easily project it through proper posture

B. How to Stand Correctly
1. Place the heel of one foot near the arch of the other.
Be sure that your weight is distributed equally on both feet.
2. Stand tall by straightening your backbone at the waist.
3. Keep your head level by seeing to it that your chin
is parallel to the floor and your eyes focused straight ahead.
4. Keep your shoulders down and slightly back but do it in a
relaxed manner.

C. How to Sit Properly

The art of sitting can be acquired and mastered. The way a person
sits affects the behavior and mood of the individual in a positive manner.


1. Double L Position – because of the L silhouette from a

side view of the torso and upper legs and another L
formed by the lower legs and the feet.

2. One foot in front and the other slightly slanted behind the front foot.

3. Semi Position is done by crossing the legs at the ankle and sweeping
them to the side.

4.Cross S Position – when you cross your legs at the knees, keep your
ankles close together.

D. Rules in Walking

1. Walk in an unhurried and purposeful manner

2. Feet should be pointing on a forward
direction creating two imaginary parallel lines
3. Arms swing in proportion to your body
4. Look directly towards the direction where you
intend to go

E. MAKE-UP – 3 Looks or Styles of Make up

1. Natural
 No make-up or very little
 If with little make-up, not obvious
 Brows are “ungroomed”

2. Classic
 Professional look
 Preferred for front liners in banks, hotels
 Light foundation, light powder
 Brows are groomed
 Eyes are gently lined
 Lips are medium to pale color
 Balanced look – emphasize
• Eyes
• Lips
• Cheeks

3. Dramatic
 Strong colors
 Extreme brows
 Shadow/liner under eyes
 Dark lips
 Not balanced look

F. Hairstyle
• Hair should be away from the face
- put in a bun / ponytail
- put together in simple clips
• Women may opt for a short, more manageable hair
• Use hair products like gel or hair sprays
• Men’s hair should not touch the collar and should expose the ears
• Hair dyes should not be far from your natural hair color and should be maintained

G. Added Tips
 Keep skin clean, healthy, beautiful
 PH balance (means power of hydrogen) in cosmetics, make-up, soap, shampoo
too strong or too much perfume will result to blotches, red marks
 Eat the right food
 Salty food makes you appear bloated, gives you pimples
 Remove stress Be emotionally balanced
 Have the right amount of sleep

2. Professional Behavior - Building Rapport with Clients

A. Smile –
Your smile is a reflection of how good you feel about yourself,
everyone will notice it.Forget “CHEESE”, just say “A”.

B. Forward Lean
When you lean forward as you talk to
somebody, you automatically lessen the
distance between you and the other person,
thus making him feel you’re interested.

C. Touch
In the business world, touching is
limited to the following:
 Tapping the person in the arm
 Touching the person in the forearm
 Handshake

Avoid touching clients…

- from the back
- on the thighs
- on the knees

D. Proper Handshake
A handshake improves the quality of interaction, producing
a higher degree of trust within a matter of seconds. It should
only last About 2-5 Seconds.

D. Eye Contact
Having eye contact is one of the best ways
to show that you value the time and presence of the person
you are talking to. It also helps you in building rapport
and establishing a conversation.

F. Nodding
An appropriate nod conveys that you are
interested and evaluating every word.

Basic Corporate Colors

• Behavior should be overall respectful, warm and connecting
• Short & simple (use words that will be easy for the front liners to say)
• Project helpful “Can Do” Attitude
• Acknowledge the client’s presence upon sight – eye contact or smile or slight nod of the
head or appropriate spiel
• Adjust language as needed; no jargon/acronyms
• Identify who is the right person to handle the client’s
• transaction and endorse/accompany properly

“Every outfit you wear directly influences how others perceive you…
This is a reality you cannot afford to ignore.”


“There is only one boss, and whether a person shines shoes for a living or heads
up the biggest corporation in the world, the boss remains the same. IT IS THE
The customer is the person who pays everyone’s salary and who decides
whether a business is going to succeed or fail.
Literally, everything we do, every concept perceived, every technology developed
and associated employed, it is directed with this one objective clearly in mind –

Good Customer Service

Good customer service means:
 Providing a quality product or service
 Satisfying the needs/wants of a customer
 Resulting in a repeat customer
Good customer service results in:
 Continued success
 Increased profits
 Higher job satisfaction

Good customer service = Lasting Relationships

Average customer service = Steady relationships that could be lost
Post customer service = Lost business

What does the Customer Desire?

 Friendliness
 Empathy
 Fairness
 Participation
 Alternatives
 Information

10 Rules for Great Customer Service

1. Commit to Quality Service:

 Create a positive experience for the customer
 Go above and beyond customer expectations
2. Know your products:
 Helps win a customer’s trust and confidence.
3. Know your customers:
 Tailor your service approach to their needs & buying habits
 Get to the root of customer dissatisfaction by talking to people and understanding
4. Treat people with courtesy and respect:
 Every contact with a customer leaves an impression
 Use phrase like “Sorry to keep you waiting”, “Thanks for your order,” “Your welcome”
and “Its been a pleasure helping you”
5. Never argue with a customer:
 Be solution focused rather than problem focused
 Research shows that 7 out of 10 customers will do business with you again if you resolve
a complain in their favor.
6. Don’t leave your customers hanging:
 All communications with customers need to be handled with a sense of urgency.
 Research shows that 95% of dissatisfied customers will do business with a company
again if their complaint is resolved on the spot.
7. Always provide what you promise:
 Failure to do this is a sure way to lose credibility with your customer
 If you can’t make good on your promise, apologize and offer some type of compensation,
such as a waiver of fees/discount or free delivery/pick up.
8. Assume that customers are telling the truth:
 The majority of customers don’t like the complain; in fact, they’ll go out of their way to
avoid it.
9. Focus on making customers, not making sales:

 Focus on the quality rather than volume of the sale.Research shows that it costs six times
more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one.
10. Make it easy to buy:
 Make the process simple and user-friendly.

Types of Customers: Internal & External Customers

Who is an External Customer?
The term external customer includes not just the paying customer but also anyone who receives
the benefit of the good and services.
Who is Internal Customer?
The internal customers are specific people and departments who play a role in helping you to
serve external customers.

Polite & Friendly Alternatives

I DON’T KNOW "I’ll find out…"

NO "What I can do is…"
THAT’S NOT MY JOB "Let me find the right person who can help you with….."
YOU’RE RIGHT THIS IS BAD "I understand how you feel….."
THAT’S NOT MY FAULT "Let’s see what we can do about this…."
CALM DOWN "I apologize…"


Direction: Name what aspects of professionalism is being implied to each number. Write PA for
Professional Appearance, PB for Professional Behavior and CS for Customer Service on the
space provided.

________ 1. Using of proper make up in the workplace.

_________ 2. Possessing good posture to embodies credibility and trust to its clients.
_________ 3. Greeting everyone with big smile.

_________ 4. Treating people with courtesy and respect.
_________ 5. Acknowledging the client’s presence upon sight – eye contact or smile or slight
nod of the head or appropriate spiel
_________ 6. Walking in an unhurried and purposeful manner
_________ 7. Satisfying the needs/wants of a customer
_________ 8. Handshaking improves the quality of interaction and should only last for 2-5
_________ 9. Making it easy to buy.
_________ 10. Sitting affects the behavior and mood of an individual.


Activity 2: My Portfolio
With the help of this lesson, create your own portfolio with set of pictures of yourself on
applying a Professional image in the aspects of Professional Appearance and Professional
Behavior. Please do not forget to adhere the basin corporate colors. Compile your portfolio in a
folder. Please refer to the rubric below for your perusal and strict compliance

Criteria 10 7 4 SCORE
The text and the illustrations
The text and the illustrations The text and the illustrations
are visually appealing, clear,
Appearance/ are clear and neat. No more are adequate and clear.
neat and complete. The
Neatness/Completeness than a few smudges or stray More than three smudges or
portfolio is free from
marks are visible. stray marks are visible.
smudges and stray marks
Satisfactory idea Unclear, incorrect, or limited
Exceptional idea
development with some idea development with lack
development with supporting
Content supporting details written of details. Author’s own
details written in the author’s
Knowledge/Organization mainly in the author’s own words are not used, or
own words, or correctly
words, or correctly credited quotes are not correctly
credited if quoted
if quoted. credited.
Images detract from or are
Images are highly engaging Images are appropriate to
Image Communication inappropriate for content and
for content and audience content and audience.

Activity 3: I Am Great CSR
With the Customer Service you learned on this lesson, craft your answer with the following
scenarios applying the rules of great customer service.
Kindly refer to the rubrics for you to be guided

Scenario # 1: The Angry Customer

An angry customer is yelling over the phone about a software malfunction that is
jeopardizing an important project. The customer’s emotions have gotten the best of
him/her. Try calming them down by apologizing and showing empathy for his/her
situation – regardless of whether the company or customer is at fault. Then, attempt to
resolve the issue
Customer: “This isn’t the first time your software has glitched out on me! I pay a lot of money
to use this presentation tool, and if I don’t complete the project by tomorrow, I risk losing a
major client!”


Scenario # 2: When You Don’t Know the Answer
A customer is keen on one of your top-selling products and wants to know when it’ll be
back in stock. If you simply say “I don’t know” or “Check back later”, they might dismiss the
purchase altogether. The best thing to do here is to assure them that you’ll get back to them with
an answer. And before they potentially decide to go elsewhere, recommend alternative products
that are in stock.

Customer: “Hello! I’m very interested in buying one of your down-feather jackets. The price is
right, and it’s exactly what I’m looking for. But unfortunately, it is out of stock. Do you know
when you’ll be getting more?”

Activity 1 Cross Word Puzzle


Activity 1 Look for me!



Organizational and Management Senior High School Textbook
BDI-PBCOM -HRG Training Manual V 2.0 Series of 2019


What I Need to Know
In this module, you will learn how employees apply the understanding of safety in the workplace
to detect a potential cause of accident, and how employees have used this practice to avoid or
minimize accidents. They learn what safety in the workplace means and apply its application to
achieve a zero-accident workplace.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Define accident and hazard;
2. Identify existing/potential safety and health hazards and risks at work;
3. Mechanisms to prevent these hazards and risks; and
4. Explain the value of practicing good housekeeping

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
1. Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
2. Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
3. Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What’s In
Activity 1: Name That Thing!
Directions: Identify the different hazard represented in the figure using the words in the Word
Bank below. Write your answer in the scroll provided it matches with the corresponding number.

Slips, trips and falls Fire Explosions Confined Spaces Pinch Point Noise Pollution

Hazardous Liquids Dangerous Gases Electrical Poor Sanitation Falling Objects

Working at Height Inadequate Lighting Temperature Extremes Stress

(1 point each)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

1. 2. 3.
5. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15.

What’s New

Activity 2: Find Me!
Directions: Find and encircle each of the words from the list on the scroll. Words may appear
horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Then, identify the system these words are associated with
in the space provided beside it. (1 point each)

Sort Systematize Sweep

Standardize Self-Discipline Housekeeping

What Is It
What are unsafe/unhealthy acts and conditions?
To be able to define this, let us first go back to the work system composed of various elements:
workers, raw materials, tools and equipment and the work environment. The interplay of these
elements results in the performance of specific tasks like production of goods. But when an
accident happens, the task/s will not be accomplished or will be delayed.


An accident is an unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrence or event that

causes damage or loss of materials or properties, injury or death.

What is a hazard?
The meaning of the word hazard can be confusing. Often dictionaries do not give specific
definitions or combine it with the term "risk". For example, one dictionary defines hazard as "a
danger or risk" which helps explain why many people use the terms interchangeably.
There are many definitions for hazard but the most common definition
when talking about workplace health and safety is:
A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health
effects on something or someone.
Basically, a hazard is the potential for harm or an adverse effect (for
example, to people as health effects, to organizations as property or equipment losses, or to the
Sometimes the resulting harm is referred to as the hazard instead of the actual source of the
hazard. For example, the disease tuberculosis (TB) might be called a "hazard" by some but, in
general, the TB-causing bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) would be considered the
"hazard" or "hazardous biological agent".

Identifying Safety and Health Problems in the Workplace

Identifying health and safety problems can be as easy as answering basic questions. To
determine if there are health and safety problems that need to be addressed in your workplace,
use these questions:
 Do you or your co‐workers have injuries or health complaints? If so, what

 Who has been hurt or is having symptoms?
 When do you or your co‐workers feel these symptoms?
 Where in the workplace are safety or health problems occurring?
 What are the conditions that are causing problems?

The following “Caution Health Hazards” and “Caution Safety Hazards” tables provide more

CAUTION: Health Hazards

Common types of health hazards in the workplace are:
 Chemical (asbestos, solvents, chlorine)
 Biological (tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, molds)
 Physical (noise, heat and cold, radiation, vibration)
 Ergonomics or Repetitive Strain Injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome, back injuries)
 Psychological (stress)
How health hazards enter your body:
 Breathing (inhalation)
 Swallowing (ingestion)
 Skin (absorption)
 Cuts (injection)

Harm caused by health hazards depends on:

 Strength, or potency, of the agent.
 Amount of the agent that is present.
 How long you are exposed to the agent.
 Part of your body that is exposed.
Types of health effects:
 Acute: the effect shows up right away.
 Chronic: problems show up after a long period of exposure and/or long after the
 exposure ends.
 Local: only the part of the body that was exposed is affected.
 Systemic: an agent enters the body and affects other parts of the body.
 Cancer is a term for many diseases in different parts of the body.
 Carcinogens are agents that cause cancer.
 There is no totally safe level of exposure to something that causes cancer.
 Cancer from a workplace exposure may develop 10, 20 or more years after
 You may become allergic or sensitive to some agents you work with. Sensitization
can develop over time.

 For example, a health care worker may develop a serious allergic reaction to latex
 used in gloves.
Reproductive effects
 Both men and women can be affected by reproductive hazards at work.
 Reproductive hazards cause miscarriages and birth defects.

CAUTION: Safety Hazards

Common types of safety hazards in the workplace are:
 Slips, trips and falls
 Being caught in or struck by moving machinery or other objects
 Fire and explosions
 Transportation and vehicle‐related accidents
 Confined spaces
 Violence
Slips, Trips and Falls
 Bad housekeeping and poor drainage can make floors and other walking surfaces
wet and slippery.
 Electrical wires along the floor pose a tripping hazard.
 You can fall if you are not provided with fall protection equipment, guardrails, and
safe ladders.
Caught in or Struck by Moving Machinery/Objects
 Machinery can cause injuries in different ways:
 You can get parts of your body caught in or struck by exposed moving parts if
machines are not properly guarded, or not locked out when being repaired.
 You can be struck by flying objects from machines without protective guards.
Fire and Explosions
 Improper labeling, handling or storage of certain materials can pose a risk of fire or
 Every workplace should have an evacuation plan for getting people out of a
building in case of fire and an alarm or alert system to quickly inform employees of
an emergency.
 Every worker should be trained on what to do in case of an emergency.
Transportation and Vehicle‐Related Accidents
 Operators of vehicles and equipment can be injured or cause injury to pedestrians if
equipment is unsafe or if adequate training has not been provided.
 You can be seriously injured or killed after being hit by a vehicle while repairing
roads or doing other work in traffic zones. This danger exists when traffic is not
properly routed and/or adequate barriers are not placed between the workers and the
Confined Spaces
 A confined space is an area with small openings for a worker to enter and exit and
is not designed for regular work. Examples of confined spaces include manholes,
sewer digestors and silos. There are many hazards in confined spaces.

 Workers can become unconscious and die from a lack of oxygen.
 There may be too much oxygen, or other chemicals that can catch fire or explode.
 Poisonous gases and vapors, such as hydrogen sulfide or carbon monoxide, may
also build up in a confined space.
 Confined spaces can also pose physical hazards. They can be very hot or cold, very
loud, or slippery and wet.
 Grain, sand or gravel can bury a worker.
 Violence on the job is a growing problem.
 Homicides are the second leading cause of workplace fatalities. Workplace
violence includes physical assault as well as near misses, verbal abuse and sexual

Hazard Prevention and Control

After hazards are identified, how can they be prevented and controlled? Continually review
the work place and work practices to control or prevent workplace hazards.
Controlling Exposure - The Hierarchy of Controls
Controlling exposures to worksite hazards is the fundamental method of protecting workers on a
construction site. Traditionally, the widely-accepted hierarchy of controls has been used as a
means of determining how to implement feasible and effective controls. ANSI/AIHA Z10
discusses six control strategies:
1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Engineering controls
4. Warnings
5. Administrative controls
6. Personal Protective Equipment
The idea behind this hierarchy is that the control
methods at the top of the list are potentially more
effective and protective than those at the bottom.
Following the hierarchy normally leads to the
implementation of inherently safer systems. The risk of
illness or injury should be substantially reduced.
Some ways to prevent and control hazards are:
 Regularly and thoroughly maintain equipment
 Ensure that hazard correction procedures are in place
 Ensure that everyone knows how to use and maintain personal protective equipment
 Make sure that everyone understands and follows safe work procedures

After detection, all current and potential hazards must be prevented, corrected or controlled.
Systems used to prevent and control hazards include:
 Engineering Controls
 Administrative Controls
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Systems to Track Hazard Correction
 Preventive Maintenance Systems
 Emergency Preparation

Engineering Controls The

first and best strategy is to control the hazard at its source. Engineering controls do this, unlike
other controls that generally focus on the employee exposed to the hazard. The basic concept
behind engineering controls is t hat, to the extent feasible, the work environment and the job
itself should be designed to eliminate hazards or reduce exposure to hazards.
Engineering controls can be simple in some cases. They are based on the following principles:
 If feasible, design the facility, equipment, or process to
remove the hazard or substitute something that is not
 If removal is not feasible, enclose the hazard to
prevent exposure in normal operations.
 Where complete enclosure is not feasible, establish
barriers or local ventilation to reduce exposure to the
hazard in normal operations.

Administrative Controls While

safe work practices can be considered forms of administrative controls,
the term administrative controls to mean other measures aimed at reducing
employee exposure to hazards. These measures include additional relief
workers, exercise breaks and rotation of workers. These types of controls
are normally used in conjunction with other
controls that more directly prevent or control
exposure to the hazard.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

exposure to hazards cannot be engineered

completely out of normal operations or maintenance work, and when safe work practices and
other forms of administrative controls cannot provide sufficient additional protection, a
supplementary method of control is the use of protective clothing or equipment. This is
collectively called personal protective equipment, or PPE. PPE may also be appropriate for
controlling hazards while engineering and work practice controls are being installed.
PPE Hazard Assessment and Training
The basic element of any management program for PPE should be an in-depth evaluation of the
equipment needed to protect against the hazards at the workplace. The evaluation should be used
to set a standard operating procedure for personnel, then train employees on the protective
limitations of the PPE, and on its proper use and maintenance.
Using PPE requires hazard awareness and training on the part of the user. Employees must be
aware that the equipment does not eliminate the hazard. If the equipment fails, exposure will
occur. To reduce the possibility of failure, equipment must be properly fitted and maintained in a
clean and serviceable condition.

Systems to Track Hazard Correction An

essential part of any safety and health system is the correction of
hazards that occur despite the overall prevention and control program.
For larger sites, documentation is important so that management and
employees have a record of the correction. Many companies use the
form that documents the original discovery of a hazard to track its
correction. Hazard correction information can be noted on an
inspection report next to the hazard description. Employee reports of hazards and reports of
accident investigation should provide space for notations about hazard correction.
Preventive Maintenance Systems Good preventive
maintenance plays a major role in ensuring that hazard controls continue to function effectively.
It also keeps new hazards from arising due to equipment malfunction. Reliable scheduling and
documentation of maintenance activity is necessary. The
scheduling depends on knowledge of what needs maintenance
and how often. The point of preventive maintenance is to get
the work done before repairs or replacement is needed.
Documentation is not only a good idea, but is a necessity.
Standards also require that preventive maintenance be done.
Emergency Preparation During
emergencies, hazards appear that normally are not found in the workplace. These may be the
result of natural causes (floods, tornadoes, etc.), events caused by humans but beyond control
(train or plane accidents, terrorist activities, etc.), or within a farm’s own systems due to
unforeseen circumstances or events.

You must become aware of possible emergencies and plan the best way to control or prevent the
hazards they present. Some of the steps in emergency planning include:
 Survey of possible emergencies;
 Planning actions to reduce impact on the
 Employee information, training, and drills as

The 5S, a Japanese concept that aims to optimize time
for production, is a very practical, simple and proven
approach to improving housekeeping in the workplace.
Housekeeping is important because it lessens accidents
and related injuries and illnesses. It therefore improves
productivity and minimizes direct/indirect costs of
accidents/illnesses. Housekeeping means putting
everything in its proper place. It is everybody’s business to observe it in the workplace.
Defining Housekeeping
Let us begin by showing you what housekeeping is not: It is shown when your surroundings
 cluttered and poorly arranged areas
 untidy piling of materials
 improperly piled-on materials that results to damaging other materials
 items no longer needed
 blocked aisles and passageways
 materials stuffed in corners and out-of-the-way places
 materials getting rusty and dirty from non-use
 excessive quantities of items
 overcrowded storage areas and shelves
 overflowing bins and containers
 broken containers and damaged materials

Do you agree with this? Housekeeping is avoiding all of the above and many more. Now instead
of just being crabby and complaining about poor housekeeping, why don’t we see how we can
instill and implement good housekeeping in our workplace? Look at the two pictures below. Do

you know about with these seven wastes and how we can eliminate them? You got it! Through
good housekeeping!

5S Terms:
1. Seiri/Sort/Suriin – is the first S which means sorting out unnecessary items and
discarding them.
 Make the work easy by eliminating
 Eliminate the need to take care of
unnecessa ry items
 Provide no chance of being disturbed
with unnecessary items
 Prevent faulty operation caused by
unnecessary items.

2. Seiton/Systematize/ Sinupin – is the second S which means we need to organize


7 Seiton Principles:
 Follow the first-in-first-out (FIFO) method for storing items
 Assign each item a dedicated location.
 All items and their locations should
be indicated by a systematic labeling
 Place items so that they are visible to
minimize search time
 Place items so they can be reached or
handled easily.
 Separate exclusive tools from
common ones.
 Place frequently used tools near the

3. Seiso/Sweep/Simutin – is the third S which means we have to

sanitize or clean our workplace.
 Keep environmental condition as clean as the
level necessary for the products
 Prevent deterioration of machinery and
equipment and make
checking of abnormalities easy

 Keep workplace safe and work easy

4. Seiketsu/Standardize/Siguruhin – is the fourth S which means we have to

standardize what we are doing.

5. Shitsuke/Self- Discipline/Sariling kusa – is

the fifth and last S which means we have to do this process without prodding.

Some Suggested Good Shitsuke Practices

 Contact people with a big smile.
 Be a good listener.
 Be devoted and kaizen-oriented.
 Demonstrate team spirit.
 Conduct yourself as the member of
a reputable organization.
 Be punctual.
 Always keep your workplace clean
and tidy.
 Observe safety rules strictly.

Good housekeeping is needed for quality improvement. By this we lessen rejects/losses. If the
workplace is in order, it is easy to do the job. An easier job, having no defects, continuous
production and an orderly workplace is akin to work improvement. A company that follows good
housekeeping principles will surely be recognized as a provider of quality service and products.

What I Can Do

Activity 3: My Cheapskate Boss

Directions: With this pandemic that we are facing right now, your company also suffering
financially and with the increasing number of cases of the COVID19 in your local community,
how would you convince you company to invest Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? Write an
essay about this at least 100 words. Refer to the rubrics for your reference.

Rubrics for Scoring
Criteria 10 7 4 1 Total
Main idea is not Main idea is
Clear main Mostly clear
clear in the first not present
Main Idea idea in the first main idea in the
sentence-not in the
sentence first sentence
specifically stated sentence
Ideas has a
clear There is some level
There is no
organizational of organization
Ideas are apparent
structure with thought digressions,
Structure logically organization
some ambiguities,
organized of ideas
digressions, irrelevance are too
ambiguities or many
Author writes
their own Author uses a few Author does
Author uses
words to create sentences that sound not use their
their own words
Paraphrase a summary that too similar to the text own words
to write
includes great and not enough of to write the
choice of their own words summary
5 or more
No spelling, 1-2 spelling and 3-4 spelling, spelling,
grammar and grammar grammar and grammar and
convention convention convention errors are convections
errors errors are found found errors are
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space before the

_____1. Which term refers to any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on
something or someone?
A. Accident B. Hazard C. Safety D. Housekeeping
_____2. What is an unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrence or event that
causes damage or loss of materials or properties, injury or death?

A. Accident B. Hazard C. Safety D. Housekeeping
_____3. What types of health hazards in the workplace causes a feeling of emotional or physical
A. Chemical B. Biological C. Physical D. Psychological
_____4. How does dangerous gasses hazard enter your body?
A. Inhalation B. Ingestion C. Absorption D. Injection
_____5. Which of the following is not considered a hazardous atmosphere in a confined space?
A. flammable gas
B. airborne combustible dust
C. Constant supply of oxygen
D. Constant supply of carbon monoxide
_____6. Which of the following consistently accounts for the greatest number of fatalities in the
construction industry?
A. Poisoning B. Fall C. Heat stress D. Noise pollution
_____7. What is an equipment that is worn or used in order to provide protection against
hazardous substances or environments?
A. Administrative Controls
B. Engineering Controls
C. Emergency Preparation
D. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
_____8. What is a method used to reduce or remove an employee or hazardous material away
from an employee to minimize exposure, it includes getting rid of toxic chemicals and replacing
them with non-toxic chemicals, and confining work processes or work operations?
A. Administrative Controls
B. Engineering Controls
C. Emergency Preparation
D. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
_____9. Which 5S means we have to sanitize or clean our workplace?
A. Sort B. Systematize C. Sweep D. Standardize
_____10. Which 5S means we have to organize things?

A. Sort B. Systematize C. Sweep D. Standardize

Answer Key
What’s In
1. Stress 6. Working at Height 11. Temperature Extremes
2. Dangerous Gases 7. Explosions 12. Confined Spaces
3. Inadequate Lighting 8. Electrical 13. Hazardous
4. Fire 9. Poor Sanitation 14. Noise Pollution
5. Pinch Point 10. Slips, trips and falls 15. Falling Objects
What’s New

1. B 6. B
2. A 7. D
3. D 8. B
4. A 9. C
5. C 10.B

Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) Training by Department of Labor and
Safe Jobs Now: An AFSCME Guide to Health and Safety in the Workplace



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