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Re Zero Lust IF "butterfly Dream"

Waking up to the sun’s rays burning his eyes has become a daily routine for
Natsuki Subaru

“Hey! It’s already morning! Wake up Subaru!”

Despite the fact that I pride myself on being an easy-to-wake morning

person. I don’t waking up straight away. It takes some time to awaken from a
deep sleep, and I'm on the verge of being jolted awake by the sun.

I’ve been sleeping really well recently. Of course, I am both physically

and mentally overworked while I’m awake, which shows that my days are

“You have to get up! Wake up already Subaru! Wake up!”

“Shut up”


Curled up in his bed, Subaru hears the voice of the awakened, unconcerned
about these events. Subaru retaliated by embracing the voice that was
breathtakingly close to his ear.

Raising a voice like a frog, the voice is pulled in. Collapsing into the bed
with Subaru. It is still chilly in the morning, so if you feel the skin like
this, the temperature becomes just right.

“Ah, Then I’ll get my spirits up. It’s nice to fall into a beautiful and
peaceful sleep twice like this...Don’t you think so?”

“Mmm! Well...I...I don't mind if you...”

The momentum she had just gained was gone, and her voice seemed to be easily
taken in by Subaru's sweet words. We have been together for a long time now,
and although she is usually a strong person, when she is pampered by Subaru
like this, she instantly loses her cool.
That's what makes her so endearing to me. It's an obvious attention grab,

“Good girl. Okay then I'll make out with you this morning.......”

“But the Duke is responsible for breakfast today. ...... she might get angry,
you know?”

“Hmm...I see.”

Subaru's momentum dwindled when he was told something that had disappointed
him. He was worried about what would happen if he succumbed to the dizzying
pleasures of a second sleep.

With no other choice, Subaru hugged the girl in his arms, once more before
jumping up and down on the cotton bed.

“Oh well, I guess I'll get up. Oh, wow, what another beautiful day!”

Subaru leaned down lightly on the spot, bouncing on the springs of the bed,
looking down at the girl who was still lying down on the bed gets pulled up by
Subaru's hands.

“Hey, hey...... it's not nearly as erotic when you're dressed in such a messy
manner. I've always told you that girls don't act so slutty, Petra”

“It's alright. I only let my guard down in front of Subaru-sama.......”

Petra Leyte, who has reached the age where she looks good in a maid's
outfit, says something teasing while sticking out her tongue and smiling

I grab her hand and pull her up from the bed.

“Well, let's go to the dining room. Shouldn't we all be there by now?”

“Yes, Lets go, Subaru-sama”

When I nod to Petra, she smiles. I got out of bed while holding her hand.
Subaru and Petra started to walk down the corridor, the red carpet of the
Royal Castle of Lugnica, hand in hand.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“You’re Late”

—A dignified tone of voice greeted Subaru as he entered the dining room,

letting him know right away that she was terribly unhappy.

Subaru's back broke out in a cold sweat as a result of her intimidation.

Then he smiled, trying not to show his inner thrill, and held up his hand

“Sorry, sorry. I suppose I'm just tired. I just couldn’t seem to get myself
out of bed in the morning.”

"Don't say such bad lies. Don't forget that I can tell whether or not you're
lying....... In any case, I'm sure you were milking the maid who came to wake
you up this morning.”

When she looked at me with a sharp look, I whistled and turned my head away.
He was, in fact, flirting with Petra. There was bound to be some flirting with
whoever was on duty to pick her up in the morning.

“It is a fact, However, that you have neglected the promise you made to me.
You can't blame me for treating you like this......”

“No, I didn't mean to.......”

“I don't need consolation. I know I.... I'm not a ...... pretty girl. Unlike
the other women surrounding you, I have never been active in anything other
than wielding a sword. I know very little about dressing up or wearing makeup.
It's no wonder I can't satisfy you.......”

The continued self-deprecation is most likely due to the overflow of what

she have been accumulating day by day. It doesn't take a big trigger to break
the bank. It's just that the accumulated dissatisfaction bubbled to the
surface at this precise moment. And it was entirely Subaru's fault that he
didn't notice it until it was too late.

“What do you think you're doing?”

“If you can read my mind, can't you also read what my intentions are?”

“Don't play with me.”

While being held in his arms, she turns her face away. She doesn't look
Subaru in the eyes, but instead shakes her shoulders, as if she is embarrassed
to be held. But it's only a semblance of resistance.

“I can only see the direction of the wind. Even if I can see the surface of
the subtleties of another person's heart, I cannot see through it. ..... So
until I hear from you, I won't know the true significance of your actions.”

“Are you asking embarrassing questions again?”

“Is your true intentions shameful?...... I admit, I didn't see that one
coming, either.”

She leans into his arms, a sad expression on her face. Her gaze is
intertwined with Subaru’s. The two faces so close that one could bridge the
gap in a heartbeat.

Therefore, Subaru decided to answer her question in a more eloquent way than


Our lips meet, and my tongue reaches out to meet hers in a reserved manner.
As the heat from her breath escapes, her eyes begin to water and her ears turn
red as she begs me to kiss her.
Our lips parting without either of us realizing it. Their breathing was a
little erratic. Without either of us realizing it, Subaru's inner heart burned
as he noticed the normally resolute woman had a lustful expression in her
 The thought that he was the only one who could see her face like this made
the center of her body heat up. She stretched out her arms to seek more of
herself like this.
“—That's all for this morning.”

Her outstretched arm are quickly blocked as she blinked away the passion in
her eyes. Subaru opened and closed his outstretched fingers unceremoniously,
lacking a destination for his sensual arousal. Then, with a resentful
expression on her partner's face, she smiles with her familiar dignified

“If it gets out of control, it will disrupt many of today's plans.

Furthermore, the Lords position cannot be left to me alone. So that's it.”

“...... Don't you think it'd be cute if you drowned yourself to the point
where you can't remember?”

“I told you I wasn't a pretty girl, though it would be tempting to forget

that and spend the day lounging around with you.”

“-It's always a good idea to show your feminine side when necessary.”

The hand I extended as a final attempt to tease her was lightly slapped from
above. Subaru returned a quick glance while waving his hand

“Now, let's eat. This morning I put a lot of effort into......the meal I made
for you. I never skimp on anything, but this morning I'm especially proud of

“I think it’s more like Crusch-sama to hit more people when she's not

His shoulders slumped, Subaru follows her to the dining table, where the
aroma stimulates his appetite. She proudly spread her hands, proclaiming, “I
did a great job!”

“I know you're a busy man, but I'd like to have you all to myself for the
moment while we’re at a table like this. —I'm sorry for being so selfish,

“You call this selfish? You're too cute, my wife.”

Crusch, as usual, sits right next to me at the large dining table. She cast
a sidelong glance and observed Subaru being the first to begin eating. Subaru
then took his first bite and exclaimed, as if it were a cliche, “It's so
good!”Subaru’s dignified eyes show a hint of worry.

Subaru, thinking such an act was extremely cowardly, threw the first bite he
stabbed with his fork into his mouth and declared it still good.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

In the name of official business, Subaru is struggling with the pile of

papers on his desk.

“No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to see the end. Many scenes like this
can be found in manga and anime, but I didn’t know they could also occur in
real life.......”

“Add it up while you're mumbling, Barusu. Don't take a break forever, get
back to work. Fool.”

“You’re aware of my position and still continue to call me that?!”

One of the paperwork piles was about to be cleared away, leaving only four
sacred mountains - a white mountain range that had been inexplicably added.
Subaru thrust the quill in his hand in front of him after the number of
mountains had increased by four more. "I'm sorry, but I know what I must do,"
he said.

“Do you think you'll be able to keep staring down at me like that? Do you
know how much power I currently hold in this country? It's about time to call
it quits on this junior relationship. Do you understand?”

“It appears that you are the one who has forgotten, Barusu. He who is
incapable of standing on his own without assistance. Who will help write this
pile of papers if I abandoned you here and leave the room? You should know
your place.”

“I’m so sorry, Nee-san! Please! Don't abandon me! You have to help me!”
 Immediately retracting his previous statement, Subaru threw his body on the
desk and asked for help, abandoning his pride. Seeing this, the maid with
pink-colored hair sniffed “Ha!” And said,

“Some things never change, regardless of your position. It's about time you
grew tired of this exchange. It's time to replace it with something better.”
“I'm seriously flattered by your generosity, sister. If the others had seen
this scene, we'd be in trouble. Breaking! The King is vulnerable to a maid!
It’d make the front page of the newspaper.”

“Ram is on top, and Barusu is on the bottom. That is correct. So there's no


“You're a force to be reckoned with, Nee-san!”

With Subaru's voice trembling in his unmannerly behavior as usual, Ram

exhaled in disgust. She then brings a spare chair to Subaru's office desk,
removing a spare quill from the pen holder, and placed it on the desk.

“Ram is going to write what she can for you. I simply need confirmation, so
answer it verbally.”

“All right, thanks for the help. I can't run a country seriously without you,

“Your attitude should reflect your gratitude.”

“What do you mean, exactly?”

“Isn't it polite to address me as “Sama”?”

“If anyone else heard me call you that, I'd be in big trouble.”

At any rate, unlike Subaru, whose hands stop working when he talks too much,
Ram's paperwork processing speed was astonishing. According to what I've heard
before, she was also working behind the scenes at the Roswaal residence,
handling the paperwork on Roswaal's behalf.

I had no recollection of ever witnessing such a scene, so I was taken aback

at first.
“You weren't just slouching in your chair.”

“I feel like I'm being unfairly judged.”

“No. I'm complimenting you. I'm saying that people aren't always what they
appear to be.”

“I'll approve a petition from a radical political group, Just to spite you.”


Although he stated that he would check, he handled the situation rather

brusquely and at his own discretion. Subaru, on the other hand, did not bother
to mention it. This demonstrated his unrivaled trust in her, as he knew there
was nothing he needed to correct her on, despite everything he said.

I glanced at Ram's profile as she faces the papers.

As always, there is a tense, blank expression on her face. Her soft face and
somewhat childish appearance have not changed since we first met. When she
smiles, she is as pretty as a flower, but she only blooms once a year, if at

“... You've stopped again, Barusu.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. I was just looking at you.”


“Tongue click!? Rem would have turned bright red and made an adorable face!”

“I'm telling you to stop contrasting Rem and me. I'll mess up.”


“I wonder what it is.”

Subaru felt a rush in the back of his body as he looked at her sideways with
his icy eyes. Mentioning her name was not a malicious act, but it was a
mistake if it offended her. It's a good idea to plan out what you're going to
“I wasn't comparing you two; instead, I was admiring you. You'd be super cute
if you didn't talk like this, didn't make unnecessary moves, and didn't know
my personality.”

“That it is utterly adorable once you see her talk, move around, and get to
know its personality. —I'll inform Lady Emilia and the others.”

“I wasn’t hitting on you, and I don’t say that much, but...”

Her high self-esteem and low opinion of Subaru remained unchanged. However,
I believe I've realized that I don't really think highly of myself, and that
my dignified demeanor is merely a ruse. As a result, I believe I can forgive
her if I consider her unpretentious remarks to be a cover for her
embarrassment. So, I feel like I can forgive even a cute remark if I think it
is a cover-up.

“You're getting that uncomfortably warm look again, Barusu.”

"Really?......Well, I'm sorry about that."

 I take my gaze away from Ram's profile and return to my paperwork so as not
to irritate her any further. Side trips are enjoyable, but you can't keep your
schedule if you don't finish what you start.
Work is work, and when it's finished, you get to play.

“Please don't ...... put Ram and Rem in the same position. It makes it sound
as if Barusu sees Ram as a similar object to Rem.”

  Immersed in his work, Subaru stared at his profile and never noticed that
Ram had muttered that to himself.
 --The only sound was the quill sliding over his white hair as it danced
around the office.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“—-I'm free”
 The door was violently thrown open, and Subaru's face turned pale with
disgust at the first words of the person who entered. He lowered his gaze, as
if he hadn't noticed it, and returned his attention to the items on the table
in front of him. But...

“Subaru. It's my turn to be with you."


“Can't you hear your mistress? You're being disrespectful.”

“Ah! You're not going to flip anything over, are you?”

 In retaliation for ignoring her, the table was overturned with her foot, and
the things on it rolled on the floor with a loud noise.
I hurriedly fixed the table and gathered up the fallen items. I was lucky
that nothing was soft enough to be broken by the impact, but I feel terrible
about my heart.
 Subaru exhaled a sigh of relief after confirming the safety of the recovered
items before turning to face the person who kicked the table - Priscilla, the
girl in the red dress who is still assertive today.

“I'm at work again today, you know. I've always advised you to call ahead of
time. Then I'll be able to take care of it before you arrive.”

“Don't be silly. It depends on the feelings of the mistress that she has
leisure. Why, then, should I accommodate it to your convenience? You should
know your place.”

“You should be the one to know better! Why don't the self-centered women
around me change their treatment of me no matter how much my position shifts?
Is it possible that I'm being treated as if I were an honorary position?”

“Nonsense. Your words and actions are even less elegant than before. With
such behavior, you will never be able to persuade anyone of the royal way. —
You've beaten the mistresses and usurped the throne, and now you're in such a
deplorable and......Shameful state that it makes me want to quarter you.

Priscilla gives the screaming Subaru a bored look with a lecherous glint in
her crimson eyes. She is, as usual, a very self-centered young lady. It's
exhausting dealing with her, but that's a good thing because the core of her
argument makes sense.
At the very least, there is no doubt that Subaru's current position was
achieved by ignoring the girls' wishes.

“It's a poor hobby, anyhow. What on earth did you look at to comfort your

“It's not like I've been wasting my time. This is a collection of new
technologies created by combining magic ores and other items popular in the
city and countryside these days. It's an excellent way to gauge how
interesting other people's ideas are.”

“Oh, new technology, huh? What for instance, kind of effect does it have?”

“For example”

 In response to Priscilla's question, Subaru picked up something that looked

like a metal box the size of his palm from among the items rearranged on the
 She narrowed her eyes and asked for an explanation of the effect, and Subaru
lightly tapped the bottom of the metal box. Then, with a small sound, a blue
flame lit up from the top of the box.

“Oh, a portable furnace.”

“It's known as a lighter in my hometown. When it becomes popular, you can use
it to grill even if you can't use magic, and you can also use it as a light
source. One of these would also make it easier to start a fire outside.”

“It appears that some unsavoury people would have to take a leap of faith to
start burning down buildings.”


Priscilla expresses a serious viewpoint. This girl's words and actions are
difficult to guess, but this makes her smarter than most. I'm not sure if I'll
be able to do it.
 She glances at the lighter in Subaru's hand;
“You have a small amount of fire magic ore inside. You can start a fire by
stimulating it with the device at the bottom of the...... but if the device is
insufficient, a little overheating may not necessarily cause it to pop. Even
if you slightly overheat the device, it will not pop if it is insufficient.
It's a good idea to know exactly what you're looking for.”

“I'm at a loss for words.”

The deficiencies were detailed and corresponded exactly to the developer's

points that needed improvement. It's a good idea to have a good eye for
spotting them at a glance - or, to put it another way, to be good at spotting
other people's flaws.

"In any case, if you went to the trouble of displaying it first, isn't that
your most confident work?" If this is your most self-assured work, it
demonstrates the scope of the rest of......."

“Oh, Shut up. You know what? People refer to the attitude of attempting to
challenge unknown technology as romance. Romanticism has always been a driving
force in human evolution. I believe that...... will pave the way for humanity
in the end.”

Subaru clenched his fist and refuted Priscilla's assertion that he was
uninterested in romance. Then he struck the lighters's bottom once more to
display the blue flame.

“Huh? Huhhh? Why isn't it working?”

“You've already discovered a flaw. I'm not sure if it's a Romanic or

something else, but expecting anything less from you would be

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I try it anyways.
The next thing he knew, she was flashing the fan she'd pulled from her
chest, and the tip of the lighter in Subaru's hand was blown off by the force
of the fan, exploding with a loud bang at the end of the jump.
Subaru gasped as he noticed a flash of red in the corner of the room.
“The developers of this should be severely punished for the opportunity's
most serious flaw. You are the most important person in the kingdom, and yet,
you have put yourself in grave danger.”

“I'm not going to go that far. But thank you.”

It was also possible that the metal that exploded from within caused a
serious blow to the face. Subaru stroked his face, which had escaped

“I don't want you to look any worse than you already are.”

“It's not all that bad. They can be quite endearing once you get used to
looking at them.”

Priscilla approached him, saying this as she slumped back into her chair,
weakening. Subaru responded to her rare words of comfort with ease. Priscilla
then sat down on Subaru's lap without hesitation.


“Didn't I tell you I was free? And, thanks to your mistress, you avoided a
fatal wound this time. I'm sure you'll appreciate that.”

“...... I'm allowed to be alone because this is official business as well.”

“I'm sure you are simply taking a break from your official responsibilities.
Spending time alone is a waste of time, especially since time is limited.
—You should spend it on your mistress."

I swayed on my knees, feeling Priscilla's unusual softness as she clung to

me. I'm not sure how many times we've touched each other in this way, but I
still can't get used to it. Her allure is bolstered by an unusual heat, as if
it is the first time.

“I'm sure this is what it means to be deceived by a bad woman.”

“I don't think it's such a bad thing to be called a beautiful princess. For
the time being, I'm not going to let you get carried away. I'm at a loss for
words. —- For the time being, just immerse yourself in the fantasy of being
with a mistress.”
Priscilla then wrapped her outstretched arm around Subaru's neck. The touch
of her fingertips made my throat feel as if it would dry up quickly. I need
something to moisten my lips right away.

—Priscilla leans into Subaru, her tongue reached for the red tongue in front
of her.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“Why, don't you look tired? Did you get enough sleep?”

“If anything, I believe the issue is that I've been moving nonstop since
waking up....... I've been extremely busy with work that I'm not used to, and
my personal life has been equally hectic....... No, it's my choice, so now is
not the time to be a wimp.”

“Natsuki-kun, I think one of your best qualities is your sense of


“...I don't know what to do with it.”

 Anastasia sits on the sofa facing me with a smile. Responding with a weak
smile, Subaru looked on the table between them. Scattered about are a bunch of
papers that I'm getting tired of seeing. This time, though, it's not official
paperwork, but more of a hobby.

“I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that, thanks to Natsuki-kun, the Hoshin
Trading Company is now the best in Kararagi ...... and we can proudly show up
in Lugnica like this. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only

"To be honest, I'm not doing much. Anastasia's....


Subaru's words are cut off by Anastasia's smile. She continues to smile at
Subaru while playing with the tips of her own wavy hair. Subaru, on the other
hand, was taken aback by the quality of that smile. for some reason, and it
took his breath away. It took his breath away for some reason.
 After a brief silence Subaru exhaled with a sigh of relief.

"It is the result of...... Ana's efforts."

“Is it my lack of effort that you haven't grown accustomed to me despite me

telling you? Or does that mean Natsuki-kun can't stand having to wait weeks to
see your wife in this manner?”

“You can make that claim. But, I still address Crusch with honorifics.”

“That's what makes it so amusing. When she’s in front of Natsuki-kun,

Crusch-san is all smiles. But if she thinks she’s keeping her dignity by
doing so, she doesn't know herself as well as you think you do.”

Anastasia's smile widened as she cupped her hand over her mouth. She
appeared to be in a better mood after changing the name and topic. Subaru, on
the other hand, patted his chest, relieved.

“Even though, you’re with me, you mentioned another girl's name. Suspicious.

“Isn't that harsh?”

“It's natural in any business or relationship to draw a line and be wary of

crossing it. Have you ever heard me mention a guy's name since I started
working with you, Natsuki-kun?”

 Being looked at harshly, I crosses my arms. I'm not sure if I'll be able to
pull this off, but I'm confident I will.

“I don't know if you’ve ever did ......, but I'm not going to let my guard

“Heh heh, it's nice to be like this once in a while. It's been a while since
I've seen you.”

While Subaru averted his gaze, Anastasia came around the table and sat down
next to him. She gently reached out and wrapped her hand around Subaru's hand
from above, and I could see a flash of red on her cheeks, showing a gentle
She is a pale girl, and when she is embarrassed and turns red all the way to
her neck, I can see how much courage she is trying to muster, which makes me
love her even more.

“...... I thought you said you'd bring me the results of your investments and
all the other stuff, today?”

"There's no way I'm going to screw up with money, the world's most important
thing, entrusted to me by the world's second most important person, Natsuki-
kun. Trust me on this."

"Money is a higher priority than I am? Ana is still Ana, no matter how far she

"But the first and second are so close. There's a huge gap between the second
and the third that I can't cross. So, forgive me."

Her eyes moistened with care only when she is checking money and when she
touches Subaru. Should I be happy or sad that they are lined up in the same
place as the money?



 I stroke Anastasia's cottony hair with my other hand, The long, fine hair is
as soft and comfortable as a baby animal's fur.
 Anastasia, who is being stroked, is squinting and rubbing her nose against
Subaru's chest as if she were a cat or something.

And so. I hold my beloved lover in my heart.

“Well, I suppose it's good that I'm put next to valuables that are nearly

he said, with satisfaction in his position.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“I'm sure you'll go to hell someday, bro.”

  When Subaru returned to his room, he was greeted by Felt's harsh words as
she lay on his bed.
 Subaru removed his jacket, untied his tie, and loosened his neck before
walking over to Felt and unbuttoning his shirt. Felt sits up on the bed
sitting criss-crossed.

“Hey, are you listening to me?”

“I'm listening. You're the one who shouldn't be lying down in your dress.
Also, don't sit like that. The skirt's too short and I can see what's under

"What are you saying? I'm in a relationship with bro, and about the skirt. If
you want to see it, you can see it."

“You idiot. It's wonderful to be able to see what I want to see, but it's
because you can see it when you least expect it that paradise can be enough.
When you see someone like you who has been caught off guard, it's a bit of a
shame rather than a joy.”

Felt clicked her tongue with a "Tsk" as she sat down on the bed. Then she
lies down on the bed next to Subaru, who was also laying down.
They looked at each other as they lay there for some reason.

“I’ll just say it...... I'm telling you, with the way you're laying down,
someone's going to open the door and see it.”

“Don't worry, I'm not going to reveal my feminine secrets to them, and don't
always treat me like a child. How long has it been since we meet?”

“If you're going to say that show some femininity. How much longer are you
going to speak to me like this?”
“What? You wanted me to call you bro. That way, when we make out, it doesn’t
burn anything.......”

“Stop it! I'm not talking about what I said when I was drunk! The beast
inside of me that I don't even know existed was revealing my true feelings!”

“Are you serious”

 Felt laughs and hits Subaru's, covering his face with her palm. When he felt
a soft poke on his chest, he wrapped his palm around it from above, and Felt
let out a small “Ah”.
And so, with their hands still wrapped together.

“I make fun of you like this, but I'm actually worried about you. I can't be
concerned about you all the time either....... I'm afraid you're going to be
inconvenienced a lot here.”

“If you're talking about inconveniences, the month after I met bro was a lot
more inconvenient...... Even what happened after that was difficult.”

"I'm sorry I couldn't do any. I regret that I couldn't do it, but now that
it's in my reach, I want to make it up to you.”


I wrapped my arms around her and drew Felt close to my chest. Felt was dressed
in a bare shoulder dress today, and I could feel her heat rising from her
 Felt, in his arms, her face flushed with embarrassment, raised her head to
look at Subaru.

“Well, it's still early in the evening....”

“I could start whenever I wanted, but that's not why I'm hugging you. But I'm
willing to do it if necessary.......”

“Wait, stop! I'm not sure if you're prepared for it, But I’m not prepared
for it, and I need to eat and drink something healthy for nourishment.”

“Do you do that every time you come to my room at night?”

“No, because .....”

 Felt's face was as red as a boiled octopus as she was taken aback by the
unexpected response. She was about to argue with him when he cut her off and
repeated the word "because" in his mouth again.

“I have a lot of my opponents to face to get you...... It’s only once every
few days. I won't be able to do it if bro is dissatisfied with my lack of


“Well, it's not that I think I can be the beat just because there are so many
amazing people around me. I don't think I can beat Emilia or Rem or anyone like that,
and my breasts are no match for Crusch or Priscilla. I think I can beat Anastasia,

Felt recalled this by placing her hand on her breast, which had swollen
slightly during her growth spurt. Then she kept speaking quickly.

“But even if I can't always be the best, that...... when I was alone, I had
me be the best. So, that's why I want to be them.”


“It's ......! it's weird huh? ...... that I'm thinking like this.”

“You're super cute!”


 The repeated excuses were so cute that Subaru hugged Felt even tighter and
deeper, raining kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and neck.
With such an overreaction from Subaru, Felt, who is getting hit by the rain,
is in turmoil. She shifted her gaze, not sure if her face was turning blue or

“Wha- Wha- Wha-”

“I knew you were cute before, but you're a jerk, aren't you? wow, wow, that
was bad. It was amazing. When I first met you, the shock of being abandoned by
you in the back alley can now be repainted!”
“Did I ever do that to you, bro?!”

“It's okay, it's okay, It's over. I've been bullying you in bed because of
that grudge, but I'll be nice to you from now on.”

"For such a reason......ah, I don't mind if it's a bit rough separately......

ah! Not like this!"

Felt, feeling the touch of Subaru's palm stroking her, lost her temper and
said something she didn't want to. When she realizes that she has misspoke,
she shoves the grinning Subaru away and jumps off the bed as if bouncing.

“Oh, shit! I don't need this. Ah! I’m so embarrassed! I'll never say that

“「I'll never say that again! 」 Yes, I see. You like it rough. I'll remember
that, my wife!”

“Shut up! I knew it! Go to hell, bro!”

 She held up her middle finger in an ill-mannered way, and Felt tried to turn
her back with a red face. But Subaru took her hand as she started to move away
and held her back.

“Wait. --Felt. I'm begging you, as I said before, don't show your
defenselessness in public or your bad upbringing too much. I'm afraid that
something might happen to you when I'm not around.”

“......It's okay. I'm sure I'll be fine. I’m just going somewhere else”

 The turning felt put her hand on his mouth and smiled elegantly.
Involuntarily Felt shook her head against the pale Subaru

“What's the matter? You don't look well”

"'...... Don't do it in front of me. It's fine to be all over the place."

“I don't want to do it again because my back gets cold when I'm elegant in
front of my brother.”
  Felt chuckled and then pointed her finger at the blue-faced Subaru. She
looked at Subaru, who was looking at a finger that was right under her nose.

“And don't worry, I'm fine.”


“The only time I wear a skirt is in front of you...... When I'm laying down
and all that. I won't show that kind of thing to anyone else.”


After saying that, Felt quickly turned her face away, stepping toward the
door of the room. But the arm that had been thrust at him was still there, so
Subaru quickly took it. He yanked it back and.


“You're so cute! So cute! So cute! Felt-chan is so cute!”

 Once again, a torrential downpour of kisses fell.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“Subaru-kun. What's wrong with your left eye?”

“I got a hot fist kiss from Felt's embarrassment. Even though she's like
that, there's something cute about it...... I guess I got a little carried
away this time.”

“Please be careful, Subaru-kun. Your body isn’t someone else’s toy.”

 Rem says this with a soft smile while facing Subaru, who visited her room in
this evening.
 Shrugging his shoulders at her smile, Subaru went to Rem's side. When she
tries to stand up, Subaru waves at the girl, who tried to giver up her spot,
to sit down.
“You're the one who should be careful. It's true that my body isn't someone
else’s, but you should be the one being careful.”

"I'm sorry. I should be helping Subaru-kun in these busy times."

“Don't get the wrong idea. Rest now, Rem, and give me your best smile when I
see you like this. That is the most effective thing you can do. In any case,”
Subaru kneels in front of Rem, who is sitting on a chair, and extends his
hand to her as he says this. His fingertips end up on her abdomen, where the
thin Rem's stomach is now slightly distended. That's where another life

“The fruit of our love is right here. I wonder how much of it has my

“I'm happy to be able to support you mentally, but I also want to support you
physically Subaru-kun. I might be frustrated that Petra has taken over my

  Sticking out her tongue in a small way, Rem tries to cover up her
frustration when walking around.
 The maid duties had now been handed over to Petra, who had inherited her
talents as an almost all-around maid, and now Rem spends most of her day with
the baby.
 Especially these days, the one thing that's been taking up most of Rem's
time is...

"You’ve made a lot of socks already.”

“At first, I thought knitting was my weakness, but while I was making socks,
I started to enjoy it more and more. I thought about the child growing bigger
and bigger and then they began to get bigger. At first it was about the size
of a thumb, then a clenched fist, then a palm, then an appa, then a

“Why have we done during sex that requires our baby to need giant-sized

“I was just thinking of it getting bigger and want it to grow up

“I don't want it to grow up to be bigger than the biggest old man I know!”

 He was confident that he would love the child regardless of how it turned
out, but no more than that. In response to Subaru's retort, Rem smiles and
says, "Just kidding."

“Well, I didn’t realize it was too big til midway thru. Now I sewed them and
made them smaller. They’re all things for children, so I have made some for
you too Subaru-kun.”

“Oh. You also made some for me. That makes me very happy. Good, Rem's work is
done courteously and with love. I'll keep them with me at all times.”

“Yes. There are mittens, socks, belly bands, loincloth, a scarf, a hat,
underwear, undergarments, a coat, footwear, and greaves.”

“Do you have any knitting wool left for the kids' clothes?!"

They were various knitting works that were displayed one by one. If he wore
all of this and went about his business, he'd be groggy from the heat in 10

Leaving a talented person alone with consistent preferences would result in

something like this.

“It would be hard to wear all of this while working...... can I wear them in

"Don’t worry. I’m satisfied just by having you accept my gifts, Subaru-kun.
The time I spent knitting them pays off just from that."


“So it's entirely up to you what you do with what you've gotten, Subaru-kun.
I won't mind if you put them in the closet and they get dusty, if you use them
to wipe off milk when you spill it carelessly, or even if you use them as a
cushion for a chair you wanted to sit on when you wanted to take a break.”

”I'll use it every day, one piece at a time! You don't have to imagine such
pathetic things!”
 He puts on all of the knitted material and exclaims, "Like this!" as he
displays them. Rem claps, clearly moved by Subaru's enthusiastic and gallant

“See? your father is such a nice person. I can't wait to show your father how
healthy you are.”

“I wonder if it saw me like this, would it recognize me when I’m not wearing
these? Your father is a little worried about that.”

“Don’t worry. It’s my child, so it’ll love you no matter what you looks
like, it’d recognize you immediately.”

“Yeah but half of it is my child too. I’m worried about it’s recessive
genes on my side.”

“Subaru-kun is always charming. So, if it turns out like you, then this child
will undoubtedly be lovely.”

Rem speaks normally to Subaru, who pouts with his lips and rubs her stomach.
Rem's overestimation of Subaru remained unchanged. Not even a bit. That's why
he had to constantly try his hardest to overvalue her in order for hers not to
pile up.

As a result, the power she bestowed upon him was truly incredible.

“Subaru-kun. Would you rather have a boy or a girl?”

“It's hard to say. Either way, if it looks like Rem, I think it'll be cute or
handsome, but if it looks like me, it'll inherit these I'd feel bad
if it was a girl.”

Furthermore, it appeared that Subaru's mother, who had similar eyes to him,
had a difficult childhood. Because she always seemed dissatisfied with her
eyes, the female classmates who were scared just walking down the street
brought her candy, so she was always stuffed.
Subaru's mother was the person who went through life without being aware of
her eyes' flaw. It wasn't difficult to predict that his daughter, who hadn't
even been born yet, would be like her mother.

“There isn't a speck of heredity left in my family lineage's eyes. My

grandfather on my mother's side, as well as the grandfather before him,
appeared to have poor vision. As a result, there's a good chance it'll inherit

“Would you prefer it to be a boy then?”

“Back in my hometown, they say it's better to have a girl first, then a boy.
I believe it would be easier to raise them if they were born first as a girl,
then as a boy.”

“When you put it that way, I'm not sure which one you’d prefer.”

 Rem pouts, as if she was enraged by Subaru's erroneous conclusions. He pokes

that face with his finger, and after removing his finger, Subaru smiles at her
and says

"So either way is fine with me. Actually, I don't think that's quite right. I
mean, whatever it is, I'll love it, and it'll feel my love."


“If it's a girl, I'll treasure her and love her, I’d love her so much, and
I'll spoil her, I’ll spoil her so much when we raising her, and she'll love
me for it. My goal is for her to say, "I want to be daddy's wife in the
future!" until she's in middle school, or somewhere around there. Being
treated with love by one's daughter is a complete win for a father in this
society, even though I'm already a complete winner because I have a wife who
is too cute.”

Rem blushes at the compliments that flowed in like a river.

Subaru raises his finger and says, “While gazing lovingly at Rem's blushed
"Then, if it’s a boy, It’ll carry on his father's tradition. I'll be his
biggest obstacle, his biggest rival, and his biggest partner in crime. We'll
keep bumping into each other constantly, and I'll be the lion who pushes him
over into the abyss! Oh, I'm so excited!"

He continues to speak after saying “Thus.”

“Don't worry so much. Just think about having a healthy baby and it'll be
fine, just stay calm. You, whom I adore, will have a very lovable child.
There's no way I won't love it to the extreme, you know?”

“Yes, you’re right."

Rem's lips form a happy smile as she observes Subaru's exaggerated actions.
Subaru looks at that smile, and it gives him an unavoidable itch, which he
can't handle, so he says



Rem could tell what he was asking for just by calling her name and moving his
face closer to hers.

Subaru presses his face against Rem's, who closes her eyes, and his lips meet

It was a soft sensation, and somewhere along the way, her tongue reached out

Subaru clung to her the entire time they were entangling their love.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“It’s been another hard day”

Subaru returned to his room with his arms around himself after finishing the
paperwork that had been brought in before going to bed. Some of the
departments involved had delayed the paperwork that was supposed to be done
this evening, and the remaining work had poured in. Furthermore, he was asked
to handle it on the same day, which was absurd.

“I really feel like I'm being taken lightly. The Japanese tendency to not say
no is taking its toll here....... I wonder if it's okay to say no more

 However, if the problem were to stagnate, there would be a lot of people in

 When you think about it like that, it takes a lot of courage to say, "No!
It's hard to change such a small-mindedness even if your position changes.
 Is it really okay for the king to be that unreliable?

“Well, it's too late for that. Even if I spilling out my weaknesses, there's
no one to listen to it.”

“Then, I'll be your place to let it all out.”

 Subaru, who was talking to himself, opened the door to his room, complaining
about the source of his fatigue and what he should do in the future.
A girl sitting on the edge of the open window greeted him, her silver hair
swaying in the night breeze.
Her silver hair glistened in the moonlight as she turned and smiled at

"Welcome back. Thank you for your hard work, Subaru.”

 Subaru was rendered speechless for a while by these words of encouragement.

 It was partly because her visit at night was unexpected, and partly because
of the healing effect of her smile. However, if there was one factor that was
more significant than that, it was that...

“Oh...... What is this?”

 Suddenly, the emotion that shoots up from the back of his eyes. tears come
up, Subaru wipes his eyes with his sleeves, trying to bear the tears that we
coming out involuntarily. Emilia would be uneasy if I suddenly started to cry
when I saw her face. But it just doesn't stop.

“Damn, then, why......E-, Emilia, even though you're here......”


“No, it's okay. I'm fine. There isn't..... Anything wrong”

“- - - -”

 I turned my face away from Emilia as I quickly came up with excuses. I don't
want Emilia to see my shabby face now. No, I don't want anyone else to see it.
 No one can see Subaru weak like this now.
 Of course. Looking at where Subaru was standing right now, and remembering
the wishes he had to push aside to do so, there was no way he could do such a
They didn't blame Subaru for pushing away their wishes and still standing
like this, but on the contrary, they treated him with love.
 I can't tell you how much I'm saved by that. That alone should be enough for

“I-, I'm......”

“Your so stubborn, Subaru.”


 He tried to make a show of it, but his mouth was stopped by Emilia's
fingertips. As Subaru's eyes widened, Emilia, who was standing right next to
him, stood tall and brought her lips together.
 I felt as if my head had been struck by the impact. A numbing sensation ran
from the tip of my tongue to my entire body, and what had been building up
until just now was driven out of my consciousness.

 Her lips parted and she cradled Subaru's blinking head against her chest. A
hand was placed on his back in a relaxed rhythm, stroking him as if he were a

“Is something wrong?”

“......No, Nothing's wrong.”

“Do you want some help?”

“No, I just have to do better.”

“Are you really, really pushing it?”

“Yeah, I think it's time to push myself.”

 He had been comforted by her like this before, a long time ago. At that
time, Subaru had blurted out his weaknesses, in addition to his weaknesses, he
had also blurted out his tears and snot, and clung to Emilia.
 His cheeks burned as he recalled that moment. But it wasn't just
embarrassment that made me burn. I was also proud of myself.

 The man who had been so weak and cowering at that time had become a man
enough to keep up his stubbornness while being embraced by Emilia, just like
that time.

"In fact, I was a boy then, and I'm a man now."

"...... Were you thinking about something weird just now?"

“I was thinking, 「Emilia, you smell so good. Can I push you down like this?

“No, no. I have to bathe first. I just got back from outside.......”

 Emilia suddenly returns to her normal state and releases her body from
Subaru's embrace. She combed her silver hair with her hand comb and hugged him
with her other hand as if to hide her body from Subaru's gaze.
 She doesn't understand that such a gesture arouses Subaru's more than
anything else. This is the best part of her charm.

"By the way, today is my only rest day in several days. Ferris has diagnosed
that if you don't let yourself sleep alone occasionally, you'll surely die an
early death, so this is a night to rest your body.

“Then you can't stay with me longer?”

“I'm sure your heart is pounding, your breath is huffing, your nose is red,
and you're in a lot of trouble, but I think it's nice to forget all that and
just wrap myself in the covers with Emilia-tan.”
 Subaru held up a finger and suggested to Emilia, who was in a reserved
Emilia gazed doubtfully at the Subaru

“Can you stand Subaru ......?”

“That's a stupid question. I'm a man who does what he says he's going to do.
So if I say I'm going to do something, I do it.”

“I'm sorry, I don't know what you’re talking about anymore.”

“I don't know what's going on with me either, but I wanted to say that I'm a
safe guy. That's exactly what I'm talking about, Emilia. Will your love for me
explode when you sleep with me?”

“Oh, you don't need to worry about that at all, not at all.”

“Why do you deny it so strongly?”

When Subaru made a subtly hurt expression, Emilia muttered with a disappointed
look, "I didn't mean to hurt you"
 Although she has not changed since they met, she strongly believes that she
should examine her words a little more to see how much of an impact they will
have on Subaru.

  Of course, the fact that I've always told them that and they haven't
changed makes me think that even if I keep telling them that, they won't
change in the future.

“So, that's why I think it's time to go into sleep mode....... Emilia-tan,
will you wrap yourself in the futon with me and goof off?”

“I'm tired too, and I want to be with Subaru for the first time in a long
time....... I understand. I'll snuggle up with you.”


 Emilia cleverly takes the hand she holds out.

  Emilia takes the hand he held out with an elegant gesture.
 As Subaru pulled his hand as if she was escorting him to a dance, Emilia's
shining body was pulled in and she jumped into his chest. They embraced each
other, and there was a moment of silence.
 Then the two of them slowly slipped into bed.

“Well, good night, Emilia-tan. I'm sure you'll find me in your dreams.”

“Yeah, I'll try my best. --See you, Subaru.”


“...I love you.”

After saying that, he couldn't see Emilia's face as she pressed her face into
the pillow. In the room where the lights were off, Subaru could only rely on
the moonlight.


“Oh, wait, Subaru, you said you'd be patient.”

"I said I'd stand it if I told you, but I didn't mean it."

"That's just silly......Hmm.'

It was the end of our luck to be in the bed together.

 He covered his lips with his lips and expressed his love for the silver girl
with his whole body.
 Emilia, who had resisted at first, gradually lost her resistance.

"Subaru you dummy."

 She said with a hint of embarrassment, and the night deepened.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
April Fool's Day project.
Implemented the harem route, a route that will never be realized in the main

Petra, Crusch, Priscilla, Anastasia, Felt, Rem, and Emilia are captured.
The idea was to "Subaru becomes king by marrying the candidates.
It would be nice to have such a route."
Please note that this is a route that will never be realized in the main
The next day

The site of the April Fool's Day Special edition.

do you know what it means to dream of a butterfly?

One day, the man dreamed that he had become a butterfly fluttering in the air.
There is no deep meaning in this, but when he woke up from that dream, he
thought this.

"I wonder if I have awakened from a dream of becoming a butterfly. Or maybe

the dream you see as a butterfly is the one you are having now."

don't you think that's an interesting idea?

This is not limited to butterflies. What is important is what basis you have
for being able to define "who I am here and now".

When I see a scene like a "dream", I wonder if I am not myself, that this is
the ideal world. When I see such a place, can I say it was just a dream?

Or, in that way of thinking, I might say that I lost sight of the boundary
between dream and reality......
No, no, it's a bad habit of me to take a detour from the story. What I want to
say is, let's summarize this time more clearly and briefly.

After all, it was only a small, short time, but there was certainly a dream
that should have been here.

It is a world different from the original flow of time, I don't know if it

actually happened or not...... But it is your perception, not your
surroundings, that determines whether it is a world where you became a
butterfly fluttered and danced, or whether it is a reality where you want to
think that "it was a dream"... I guess.

―- The world he sees shows him a different side again and again.

It was his mission to choose one world from such a situation and walk through
the reality for him.

Then, what happens to the world that has not been grasped?

It is also a blessing for me to be troubled by questions that do not answer.

How do you judge whether he affirms or denies the dream he saw, or whether the
world he walks in is a dream or a reality?
It's a terrible shame that you can't see it next door.

It was a failure that didn't seem like it at all.

Since the deletion of the work is an act that puts a burden on the site, only
the text has disappeared.

Just like a dream.

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