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Cagayan State University

Andrews Campus
Graduate School
Master in Business Administration
Social Responsibility and Good Governance
Final Exam – June 8, 2022

1.) Does every job description include social responsibility? Who is

accountable for good governance?(20points)

Yes, because company’s social responsibility includes going green, basic human
rights, creating a philanthropic legacy, joining the growing number of
organizations commiting to positive change locally, socially and globally. To
ensure the goals, businesses are implementing social responsibility programs
aimed to align values with their daily operations.
In good governance the board of directors are accountable to its employees and
community and community members for overseeing the management of the
business affairs of the company, proper oversight of management compensation
and ethical compliance. However, it also means keeping things in perspective
when management is performing competently, in pertinent areas. There is no
question that this will require changes in law to incorporate a more substantive
perspective. With the new focus on governance as a key tool of social policy, one
hopes that doctrine will evolve to change the emphasis to where it needs to be
for the field to drive beneficial social change. Because accountability goes hand
in hand with responsibility.

2.) In your organization, what do you believe requires immediate attention?

What program of governance are you going to adapt to address the needs?
(30 points)

In my organization, The padrino system, I believe must bring to a halt. Instead of

gaining favor, promotion or appointment through merit, one can get through the
padrino system. If they have family affiliations or friends within the ranks of the
government. I would like to adapt the bill that the late Senator Miriam Defensor-
Santiago filed. The senate bill 2616 or the Anti-political recommendations act,
which prohibits the use of solicitation or recommendations for purposes of
appointment, promotion, assignment, transfer, or designation, interim or
otherwise, of public officer or employee. In her explanatory note, Senator Miriam
said the padrino system allows the appointment of unqualified individual to
government positions over those who are really qualified based on their merits.
She also states that by enacting a law that punishes the acts of making and
soliciting political recommendations, we would be able to strengthen our
bureaucracy by granting the appointing agencies their rightful discretion over
their employee activities and making sure that such decisions are made without
undue political influence. If this could have been become a law. But sadly the bill
was never enacted into law.According to the legislative history on the Senate’s
website. The proposed Anti-Political Recommendations Act never reached the
second reading.

Analiza Battung Pelovello

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