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Bem Hay Agplus® 8 RESULT DISCUSSION 8.1 General information “The aa ispecton of the 48" Ladng tne was performed fom the 25th oun, 2016 ul the th of, 2ni6. uring the Inspection the pipaline was led with Crude “The zero point fr this inspecton I the Nog atthe entrance ofthe pipeline “The distance covered during ths inspections 17,746.52 m agaist 1,000 inspection dtonce 9 per service contract requirement, a this pith ool wae ot capable to ve frward, rook ease as wil te provided, “The 48” piptne is constructed out of longtudnal welded ppe sections ‘The plptine materials APS. ~ x60. “The average pipe length is 12.49 m. ‘The actual val thickness for the ppe sections 18.2 mem 82. Specific information (© There were no pipe sections detected where te longtutina wed present atthe bottom area, betmean 5 and 7 dock, (© There are 2 bends present inthe pipeine ines atthe starting point of he Inspection. The bends ‘are not vise the inspection dita due to the iui evel nthe pipeline. The fs: Bend 90 degrees ‘domnverds andthe second bend i 90 degrees back to horizontal and 80 degrecs othe right. © ‘total of 3 external metals indications ace detect nthe pple, (The deepest metal loss is at 4923.89 m ith a depth of 2.2 mm and @ RWT of 168 mm, This meta bss ideation hasbeen detecled during the 2008 inspection as we, which was Exlow the reporting treseld (but with ess average so the depest spr was not eco} (© The meta ss action t 3981.33 m has @ depth of 14 mm and a RT of 17.8mm. (ths defect, ‘es nok detected n 2009 de to ls COverog, (The meta ss nccation at 15,546.21 m has a depth of 2.0 mm and a VT of 17.4 mam. (ts defect sna detected n 2009 de oes coverage), © Alf the meta ls indeations appear tobe grinding mars (© No ternal defects have been detected in the pipeline (© The worst oval clued is at 85.56 m with a perentage of 6.5%. An ovaniewa the vay ae a ‘comparison between the 216, 2011 and 2009 nspedions can be found in Enlstre 2.0 Ls of oomabes. (© Ath has been detected nthe piping ected 6 996:27 (© Seven “Low pins” are present inthe pipeline (ace of heavier au), (© Alrecaded GPS information was implemented i the Ut of Anomalies. Sow! HOR, Arplus® 6 EXPLANATION OF M.A.0.P. CALCULATIONS. ‘tal of 3 metals ndctons are detected nthe pene, the claoton ef the MAQP has been card ‘ut sing ASHE B31 G-2008 (orignal approach) wh mum depth and mun length of each defect paranesr. “The following general preter resid fom PTTCC, fr this plpeine wore used for he assesment: eter a Pipe material ABI SL -x60 ee stenath £60,000 Ps Used aesgn pressure (P,) 21375 Pa stmt Repo Factr(ERF) = Used design pressure MAOP ‘The cross sexton of missing metaVcorason hasbeen mode as: Ld parabokcarea approach for ASME 8516 Orginal (= Length and d= maxdepth ofthe corrosion) For the purpose ofthe cletions, Aplus RTD coon depth measurement ecaorof 0.1m has ben tested 0 05 mm ad added to allman earl depth vies the defect et analy. Tis alos perfonning calculations and assesment with conservative assumption of mem cmason depts, Fo each “ofec the atl wel thes a dose othe deflect area as posble was se “The des presare cn be calla wh the follonng formu P= Bx SYS x Fa ra Local design presure r Wa thickness mot frequently measured nthe Hine > Nominal outer diameter says Spied minimum yl strength forthe pipe sel ru Design facto, forts case 072 rap 20025

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