A Technical Manual For Small-And Medium-Scale Coastal Fish Farms in Southeast Asia

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The present use of pumps in aquaculture are:

a. As a total or supplementary means of obtaining water

for the purpose of maximizing production
per unit area or
volume, say in ponds or tanks.

b. As aerators, water circulation device or for effecting

continuous flow system in intensive culture
where water
quality deteriorates rapidly and becomes a limiting factor.

c. For lifting water in sites where the elevation is beyond

the ample reach of tidal fluctuation; where
the source is ground-water,
whether saline or fresh; or where the cost of excavation
is more
expensive than the cost of pump and its operation.

8.1 Terminology used in pumps

A number of technical terms can be helpful in understanding

the selection, installation and operation of
for coastal aquaculture.

a. Suction head. Refers to the vertical distance from

the surface of water (including drawdown, if
any) to centreline
of the pump impeller.

b. Discharge head. Is the vertical distance from the

centreline of the impeller to point of discharge.

c. Total Dynamic Head (TDH). Is the sum of the suction

head, discharge head, hydraulic head losses
and the velocity

d. Drawdown. Is the lowering of water surface below

the static level during pumping.

e. Static level. Is the water level before pumping begins.

f. Hydraulic loss. Is loss due to pipe wall friction, elbow

design, joints, gate valves, sudden reduction
or enlargement
of pipe size. This is expressed in its equivalent height or head
of water loss.

g. Discharge or capacity. Refers to the rate of flow or

the volume of water pumped per unit time such
as gallons
per minute; cubic feet per second; cubic meters per minute;
liters per second; etc.

h. Performance curves. Is the variation of head with

capacity at a constant impeller speed. It also
includes efficiency
and brake horsepower curves.

8.2 Types of pumps for aquaculture

Coastal aquaculture operations may require both freshwater

and brackishwater. Freshwater may be
needed for
maintaining salinity of water during dry months due to rapid
evaporation or for staff use or for
domestic animals in an
integrated farming set-up. Hence, pumps suitable for freshwater
brackishwater are discussed.
Pumps may be differentiated in how the water is forced
from the intake to the discharged side, as well as
the height
of water lift and corresponding discharge. Under this differentiation,
there are three main
types, namely: (i) centrifugal:
(ii) deep-well turbine; and (iii) propeller.

8.2.1 Centrifugal pump

This pump is characterized by operating at low head and

low discharge. For best performance, the pump
should be
set close to the water level with a total suction lift usually
not more than 6 m.

The pumps operates on the principle of centrifugal action.

A motor or driver rotates an impeller with
vanes immersed
in water and enclosed in a casing. Water that enters the case
is immediately engaged in
by the rapidly rotating impeller.
This rotation causes a flow from the centre of the impeller
to the rim or
outside of the case where pressure head is rapidly
built up. To relieve the pressure, the water escapes
the discharge pipe. The centrifugal pump will only operate
if the case is entirely full of water or
primed and air-tight.
The kinds under this category are the volute centrifugal
pumps which include self-
priming models (Fig. 8.1 and 8.2).

8.2.2 Deep-well turbine pump

This is capable of operating at high head and low to high

discharge. It is used in cased wells or situations
where the
water lift is below the practical limits of a centrifugal pump.
Successful installations have been
made for lifts up to 300 m
and capacities up to 7 000 gpm or 441 liters per sec. Deep-well
turbines are
much more expensive than centrifugal
pumps and are more difficult to inspect and repair.
Fig. 8.1 Horizontal centrifugal pump cross section
Fig. 8.2 Self-priming volute pumps

The turbine has three main parts: (i) head; (ii) pump bowl;
and (iii) discharge column (Fig. 8.3). The pump
bowl is always
placed beneath the water surface of the well. Fluctuation
in the water table is determined
prior to installing the pump
so that the bowls of the turbine can be placed below the
farthest drawdown
point (Fig. 8.4.). The depth at which the
bowls are located is called depth of setting. Since well diameters
are relatively small, it is often necessary to use more
than one impeller or one-stage pump. The head or
of lift produced by a multi-stage pump is proportional to
the number of stages or bowls.
Fig. 8.3 Deep-well turbine pump
Fig. 8.4 Turbine pump installation

8.2.3 Propeller pump

This pump has the characteristic of operating at low head

but delivering large volume of flow. In almost
all brackishwater
aquaculture farms, ponds are constructed close to the
water or within the tidal range.
This makes the total dynamic
head (TDH) to be as low as possible within the range of pumps
for low head and large discharge.

Single-stage propeller pumps are limited to pumping

against heads of around 3 m. By adding additional
stages or
bowls, 9 to 12 m heads are obtainable.

There are three basic designs of propeller pumps namely:

(i) radial-flow; (ii) mixed-flow; and (iii) axial
flow. All these
three pumps have shaft to which impeller bowls are attached
and submerged with the
pump operating at proper submergence
depth. A brief characteristic of the three pumps
are given in
Table 8.1.

Table 8.1

of propeller pumps
Characteristics of different types

Differentiating characteristics
Radial flow Water enters the pump and thrown at 90° angle towards the wall of
(Fig. 8.5)
the bell.
2. Energy or force imparted to the liquid is all centrifugal.
3. Delivers flow at higher heads than the other two but less volume for
the same power.
Normally operates at speeds up to 3 600 rpm, generally higher than
the two.
Water entering the pump is thrown to the bell wall at an angle of 40°
to 80° of the shaft.
Force imparted is combination of centrifugal and displacement
Mixed-flow energy.
(Fig. 8.6)
3. Available at capacities over 30 000 gpm.
Normally operates at speed of 1 760 rpm. The usual speed of
4. electric motor; hence, suitable to install where electricity is
Water enters the pump parallel to the shaft and is lifted also parallel
with the shaft; hence, all force imparted is displacement energy.
Axial-flow 2. Hydraulic head range is up to 6 m per stage.
(Fig. 8.7)

3. Available at capacities up to 500 000 gpm.

4. Operates at speed of about 1 160 rpm and higher.

Fig. 8.5 Radial flow propeller pumps

Fig. 8.6 Mixed flow propeller pumps
Fig. 8.7 Axial flow propeller pumps

Among the three propeller pumps, the axial-flow with

TDH of up to 7.5 m per stage falls within the usual
range of
operation necessary in brackishwater fishponds. One stage
is only needed as the head required
seldom exceeds 3 m TDH,
because tidal fluctuation are slightly greater than 2 m only.

8.2.4 Special types of pumps

There are two main types of special pumps developed

in Thailand—the so-called dragon-wheel pump and
the push
pump. Both pumps are being used in shrimp ponds and
suitable for low lifts of water such as
from tidal water.

(a) Dragon-wheel pump. This is a simple type of pump

which delivers water into the pond by using a
wooden trough.
Inside the trough is a series of blades connected by flexible
joints and being moved by
an axle which is being turned by
a wheel. The wheel is connected by belt to the driving engine
windmill. The lower end of the pump is always submerged
in water. As the series of blades moves along
the trough,
water is trapped and lifed to the pond (Fig. 8.8). The specifications
of existing wheel pumps
as given by Tharnbuppa
(1982), are as follows:
Fig. 8.8 Dragon wheel pump run by engine and windmill
(After Tamiyavanich, 1977)

  Parts of pump Dimension/size

1. Engine (diesel, low rpm) 3.5; 8–10 hp
2. Wheel diameter 114–127 cm
3. Length of axle 3m
length 5–6 m
4. Wooden trough:
width 17.8–30 cm
5. Blade width 15.2–27.9 cm

(b) Push pump. This type is suitable for lifting water

at an inclination of not more than 20°. This type has
used in Thailand within the last 10 years and some data on
existing installation and area capacity
are shown in Table 8.2.
The water is being pushed up by means of a propeller through
a tube or pipe
such as asbestos, to a water conveyor in large
volume. The propellers are made to rotate at a third or
of the engine rpm (300 to 500 rpm) (Jamandre, 1977). It was
estimated that the rate of flow using
a 120-Hp engine is about
5 196 m3 per hour (Tharnbuppa, 1982).
The pump unit consists of five main parts and accessories
as follows: (i) diesel engine; (ii) propeller
shaft with length
of 6 to 8 m; (iii) propeller, 2–3 blades; (iv) pipe, concrete or
asbestos; and (v) propeller
shaft joints (Fig. 8.9).

Table 8.2

Some data on push pump installation in Thailand

(after Tharnbuppa, 1982)

Size of Fuel Diameter of Shaft Propeller Pipe column Area

engine consumption shaft casing diameter diameter diameter in. capacity
(hp) (1/hr) in. (cm) in. (cm) in. (cm) (cm) (ha)
40–75 6 2–3 (5–8) 1 (2.5) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 4
120–150 10–12 3 (7.6) 1.5 (3.8) 16 (40.6) 20 (50.8) 8
180 to
220 10–12 3 (7.6) 2 (5) 20 (50.8) 24 (60.9) 16

or more

Fig. 8.9 Push pump and installation (After Tharnbuppa, 1982)

The sizes of engine for push pumps are somewhat oversized

because they are reconditioned automotive
diesel engines
of trucks that are repaired and bought cheap. Where electricity
is available, electric
motors are used instead of diesel
engine. At least 20 Hp motor should be used for the pump.

Where the engine is over-sized for the driven push pump,

the extra power may be used for another
purpose such as
pumping underground water for mixing with seawater to
reduce pond water salinity and
for household use.

An exmple set-up is to add a unit of air compressor in

the engine-push pump assembly. In this set-up, the
will operate the air-compressor while also operating the push
pump. From the compressor the
high-pressured air is introduced
into the pipe casing of a well above the water surface.
The air pressure
will then push the water into another pipe
in the casing which is the water supply type (Fig. 8.10). This
follows the principle of operation of an airlift pump.

Push pump is also to gather shrimp fry from the tidal

canal for the pond aside from being a
supplementary water
source for the pond system. The shrimp seeds are drawn
through the pump
column and mortalities are estimated to
be less than 20 percent due to the low impeller rpm. The
gathered fry are then treated with saponin which selectively
kills finfish species but not the shrimp fry.
The fry are then
allowed to enter the pond for culturing.

8.3 Selection of pump

The above discussion on pump provides a general basis
in the selection of the type of unit. The final
selection of
pump is enhanced if one has knowledge of the characteristic
performance curves of a
particular pump which is usually
available from the manufacturer. Examples of pump performance
curves for the turbine propeller pumps are shown
in Figs. 8.11 and 8.12.

Fig. 8.10 Combination pump (After Tharnbuppa, 1982)

The characteristic performance curves provide a guide

in the proper operation of a pump and indicate
what could
be expected of it or what it can do for different capacities
at various speeds. The curve has
two-fold purposes: (i) selection
of a pump that will give maximum efficiency under any
local condition;
and (ii) adapt the pump to the best operating
condition at the lowest possible cost or best efficiency.

For the pump installation in Fig. 8.4 and pump characteristic

performance curves in Fig. 8.12, a
verification whether
given data are accurate may be made as follows:
Fig. 8.11 Performance curves for propeller pumps (After Jamandre, 1982)
Fig. 8.12 Pump characteristic performance curves for
deepwell turbine pump

1. The discharge Q = 1 200 gpm.

2. The total dynamic head (TDH) as

determined from the pump installation
can be verified from the

    Feet m
a) Suction head 55 (16.77)
b) Discharge head 25 (7.62)
Friction head in discharge and suction
pipeline, 375 (320 + 55) of 8" pipe at 1 200
c) 8.25 (2.51)
gpm = 375 x 2.2/100 ft/ft-(from Table 8.3)
8.25 + (2.51)
Friction head in fittings — equivalent
length of two 45° angle fitting, 8" diameter
d) 0.44 (0.13)
(Table 8.4) is 10 × 2 = 20 ft; loss is 20 x
2.2/100 ft/ft
Velocity head at end of discharge, 8"
diameter and 1 200 gpm, velocity is about  0.76  (0.23)
7 ft/sec;

89.45 (27.26)

An analysis of the pump characteristic curves (Fig. 8.12)

shows the following: At Q = 1 200 gpm, head
capacity = 90 ft
(27.4 m) and brake horsepower = 33, the efficiency is
82 percent.

The comparison shows that at the given requirements

of the installation, the pump has the necessary
head capacity
and is about at peak efficiency.

8.4 Components of a pumping plant

The components of a pumping plant in coastal fish farm

are as follows:

a. Pump and prime mover foundation. The bearing

capacity of the concrete foundation must be
sufficient to
carry the weight of the pump and engine or motor driver.
Considerations in the layout
and elevation of pump and the
prime mover must be given to the: (i) suction lift limitation;
highest flood level; and (iii) accessibility and economy.
b. Suction sump. A sump is a basin provided at the
foot of the pump column suction end. This
protects the system
against excessive debris, floatsam and also minimizes silting.

c. Distribution canals. These consist of main and secondary

canals of the fishponds including a
stilling basin or pool
to which the pump directly discharges.

8.5 Design of suction sump

The design of suction sump should consider: (i) strainers

and trash rack; (ii) spacing between a number
of pump units;
(iii) sump intake or flow pattern; (iv) submergence; and
(v) clearance from floor and walls.
Correct and incorrect
location and spacing of suction ends are illustrated in
Figures 8.13 and 8.14.

Proper depth of submergence of suction bell is to be

observed in order to avoid cavitation and vortices in
sump. The lower edge of the suction bell must have a depth
of submergence of at least 1.5 m for
usual velocity of water
in pipes of about 8 ft per sec (2.4 m/sec.). For other velocities,
Figure 8.15 may be
used. The minimum allowable should
be equal to the diameter of the suction bell. The suction bell,
the other hand, should not be less than twice the impeller
hub in order to keep the pump self-priming
during operation
time (Jamandre, 1977). When vortices appear, baffles may
be provided in the sump to
avoid it. Figure 8.16 provides
some idea on the location or design of baffles for some
arrangement of
suction pipe.

Adequate floor and wall clearances between the suction

bell and the sump should be provided. This
clearance should
be equal to the diameter of the bell itself. Figure 8.17 illustrates
the flow pattern or
distribution at the entrance of a suction
bell in relation to its distance from the suction floor and

Table 8.3

Friction loss of water, in feet per 100 ft of clean wrought-iron or steel pipe*

Flow, Nominal diameter of pipe, in.

gpm 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
5 1.93 0.51                    
10 8.86 1.77 0.83 0.25 0.11              
14 12.8 3.28 1.53 0.45 0.19              
20 25.1 6.34 2.94 0.87 0.36 0.13            
24 35.6 8.92 4.14 1.20 0.50 0.17            
30 54.6 13.6 6.26 1.82 0.75 0.26 0.07          
40   23.5 10.79 3.10 1.28 0.44 0.12          
50   36.0 16.4 4.67 1.94 0.66 0.18 0.06        
75     35.8 10.1 4.13 1.39 0.28 0.12        
100     62.2 17.4 8.51 2.39 0.62 0.20 0.08      
120       24.7 10.0 3.37 0.88 0.20 0.12      
150       38.0 15.4 5.14 1.32 0.33 0.17      
170       48.4 19.6 6.53 1.67 0.54 0.22      
200       66.3 26.7 8.90 2.27 0.74 0.30 0.08    
220         32.2 10.7 2.72 0.88 0.36 0.09    
260         44.5 14.7 3.24 1.20 0.49 0.13    
280         51.3 16.9 4.30 1.38 0.56 0.14    
300           19.2 4.89 1.58 0.64 0.16    
340           24.8 6.19 2.00 0.81 0.21    
400           33.9 8.47 2.72 1.09 0.28 0.09  
500           52.5 13.0 4.16 1.66 0.42 0.14 0.06
600             18.6 5.88 2.34 0.60 0.19 0.08
700             25.0 7.93 3.13 0.80 0.26 0.11
800             32.4 10.22 4.03 1.02 0.33 0.14
900             40.8 12.9 5.05 1.27 0.41 0.17
1 000             50.2 15.8 6.17 1.56 0.50 0.21
1 100               19.0 7.41 1.87 0.59 0.25
1 200               22.5 8.76 2.20 0.70 0.30
1 300                 10.2 2.56 0.82 0.34
1 400                 11.8 2.95 0.94 0.40
1 500                 13.5 3.37 1.07 0.45
2 000                 23.8 5.86 1.84 0.78
3 000                   12.8 4.00 1.68
4 000                   22.6 6.99 2.92
5 000                     10.80 4.47

* Reprinted from “Tentative Standards of Hydraulic Institute, Pipe Friction,” Copyright 1948 by the Hydraulic Institute, 122 E. 42d St.,New York,
New York, 10017.
Fig. 8.13 Correct and incorrect sump designs for minimum entrained air into suction line
(After Jamandre, 1982)

Table 8.4

Length of steel pipe, in feet, equivalent to fittings and valves*

Nominal size, in
Item 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
90° elbow 2.8 3.7 4.3 5.5 6.4 6.2 11.0 13.5 10.0 21.0 26.0 32.0
45° elbow 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.6 3.0 3.8 5.0 6.2 7.5 10.0 13.0 15.0
Too, side outlet 5.6 7.5 9.1 12.0 13.5 17.0 22.0 27.5 33.0 43.5 55.0 66.0
Close return band 6.3 8.4 0.2 13.0 15.0 18.5 24.0 31.0 37.0 48.0 62.0 73.0
Gate valve 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.7 6.8
Globe valve 27.0 37.0 43.0 55.0 66.0 82.0 115.0 135.0 105.0 215.0 280.0 338.0
Check valve 10.5 13.2 15.8 21.1 26.4 31.7 42.3 52.8 63.0 81.0 105.0 125.0
Foot valve 24.0 33.0 38.0 46.0 55.0 64.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

* Courtesy the Gormon-Hupp Company

Fig. 8.14 Section sump design showing proper spacing

(After Jamandre, 1977)

Fig. 8.15 Minimum suction pipe submergence for

various pipe flow velocity
(Source: Goulds pumps manual)

Fig. 8.16 Baffle arrangement for vortex prevention

(After Jamandre, 1977)

Fig. 8.17 Floor and wall clearances

between sump and suction bell
(After Jamandre, 1977)

8.6 Power requirement

The capacity or discharge of a pump, its efficiency, and

the total dynamic head are the necessary
information in
determining power requirement. The pump discharge is
determined from the flow
requirement of the fish farm, the
efficiency at a given discharge rate and head from the
pump characteristic performance curves
(for different kinds of pumps), and the total dynamic head
obtaining the necessary measurement as implied in the
example problem and Fig. 8.12.

The brake horsepower is computed by the formula:

the brake horsepower that must be supplied by the prime mover to the pump to
Where: Bhp =
operate it at the required capacity and given efficiency.
  E= pump efficiency
  Q= discharge of pump in gallons per minute
  TDH = total dynamic head in feet
3 960
  a constant of conversion

When the prime mover is an engine, it should be operated

at 75 percent of its full load capacity. The
required engine
horsepower is therefore:

8.7 Selection of prime mover

Available prime movers of pump to choose from are:

(a) Engine. Internal combustion engine are run either

by gasoline or diesel fuel. In deciding which to use
the two, consideration should be given to the initial engine
cost, fuel cost, cost and availability
of spareparts, and availability
of repair mechanic in the area. Since diesel engine
has higher initial cost
than the gasoline, it is advisable to use
it more hours per season than the latter in order to be

The brake and engine Hp in the preceding problem will


(b) Electric motor. This is preferable if electricity is

cheap and no frequent power interruptions occur. The
advantage of electric motor is its long life, dependability,
low maintenance cost, quiet and easy to
operate and it is
usually taken as 100 percent efficient.

If an electric motor is required to drive the pump in the

preceding example problem, the needed Hp will
be only
33 Hp.

8.8 Accessories and other devices

There are some accessories and devices that are important

in the operation of pumps. These are as

a. Foot valves. Centrifugal pumps usually need foot

valves in order to hold water during priming. This
valve is
not necessary in propeller, turbine pumps and self-priming
b. Gear drive. One of the accessories in propeller pumps
is the “gear drive”. This device does three
things (Fig. 8.18):
(i) change the direction of drive from vertical to horizontal
for attachment of
other prime movers; (ii) change input rpm
to the desired or designed pump rpm; and (iii) provides
horizontal drive where there is already a vertical electric
motor driving the pump. The
gear drive, however, may cost
as much as the pump itself.

Fig. 8.18 Illustration of the function of a

gear drive
(After Jamandre, 1977)

c. Cross joints and shafts. These may be used instead

of the gear drive. This is done by installing
pump in a slanting
position (Fig. 8.19).

d. Hydraulic driven pump. This is a system where the

prime mover drives a hydraulic pump and the
high pressure
transmitted through hydraulic hoses drives a hydraulic motor
attached to the
impeller. One advantage of this system is that
it becomes flexible as it eliminates the need for long
shafts that need careful alignment (Fig. 8.20). It also eliminates
the shaft as an obstruction in
the pump column.
Fig. 8.19 Cross joint and shaft assembly
(After Jamandre, 1977)

e. Pump columns. Careful consideration on the kind

of material for pump column in brackishwater is
to avoid or minimize corrosion. Pump columns are usually
made of cast iron and not
steel because it is less affected by
saltwater. There are pumps, however, that have columns
of stainless steel; some have thick-coating of zinc
making it durable and rust-resistant. Fiberglass
wood and concrete are also available in some pumps.
Fig. 8.20 High discharge hydraulic driven pump
(After Jamandre, 1977)

8.9 Pump installations in certain conditions

a. Vertical and slanting installations. These are illustrated

in Figs. 8.19, 8.20 and 8.21.
Fig. 8.21 Types of propeller pump installations (After Jamandre, 1977)

b. Installation where pond may be filled or drained

irrespective of tidal conditions. Jamandre (1977)
and designed propeller pump and open channel combination,
and system of gates
valves to flood and drain ponds at will.

Figure 8.22 illustrates the pump installation and elevation

of bottom of two adjacent channels provided
with system
of gates for checking the passage or entry of tidal water. The
discharge pipe can discharge
water in either direction in the
channel through the manipulation of the gates.

In Fig. 8.23 the pump can water the pond with valves 1 and
3 close, and 2 and 4 open. With valves 1 and
3 open, and 2
and 4 closed, the pump can drain the pond.
Fig. 8.22 Set-up for filling and draining pond water irrespective of tidal level (After Jamandre, 1977)

Fig. 8.23 Gate valve system for filling and draining fishpond
regardless of tide level
(After Jamandre, 1977)

Being able to fill and drain the pond at will offers several
a. Enables harvesting of crop when prices are good
while other pond owners have to wait for
tidal condition.

b. Drain low oxygen water and replenish with fresh

and highly oxygenated water.

c. Enables greater stocking densities or intensive

culture in ponds.

8.10 Economics of pump use

The use of pumps in coastal aquaculture as an alternative

solution to some of the problems associated
with tidal fishponds
is becoming popular. Although some of these problems
could be remedied by proper
pond construction and efficient
management, they are not entirely eliminated and the costs
significantly affect the financial viability of the
fishpond enterprise. Probably, the use of pumps is a better
alternative. However, before a decision is made or whether
to use pumps or not, a close examination of
the costs associated
with their use should be made.

Information regarding the use of pumps in brackishwater

fishpond culture is very scarce. One such study
made in
Malaysia (Gedney, Shang and Cook, 1982) offers significant
information. Designs for both tidal
and pumped-operated
pond culture systems were prepared and a comparative cost
analysis of expense
items which are different between the
two systems were made. These items are interest and
payment of pond construction and pumping,
maintenance and land. Results of this particular study
that a pump-operated system is more economical than a tide-operated
system because of the
savings in costs of construction
and operation.

The specific preliminary conclusions of the study identified

the following advantages of pump-operated
system over tide-operated

a. Less construction cost because of smaller dikes

and reduced time of construction.

b. Better land utilization due to greater effective water

area and use of lots otherwise not feasible
under a
tidal fishpond system.

c. More efficient management which allows for

flexibility in filling, draining and harvesting and
pond maintenance.

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