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Academic Year 2021-2022

NAME: DATE: June 22, 2022


4TH Quarter Examination: Inquiries, Investigations & Immersions


1. What is defined as seeking truth, information, or knowledge

a. Curiosity c. questions
b. Inquiry d. research
2. What is the systematic investigation for information?
a. Curiosity c. questions
b. Inquiry d. research
3. What is an informal or indirect expression of knowledge?
a. books c. sentences
b. gestures d. words
4. Which criteria should you use to evaluate ideas.
a. feasible c. novel
b. attractive d. none of the above
5. How will you capture the ideas?
a. traditional methods c. post-it notes
b. electronic method d. all of the above
6. What are the two phases of brainstorming?
a. causes and effect c. idea generation and evaluation
b. projection and selection d. problem and solution
7. What characterizes inquiry?
a. it is designed to generate multiple alternatives
b. it encourages an exchange of ideas
c. it is an open process
d. all of the above
8. What is the last element of inquiry-based learning?
a. application of evidence to identified issues
b. interpretation and assessment of evidence
c. presentation of coherent, conclusion , final or tentative
d. reflection on and assessment of the learning process
9. What is the first element of inquiry-based learning>
a. formulation of appropriate questions
b. identification of key issues
c. searches for valid and relevant evidence
d. selection of appropriate questions
10. Which of the following is a limitation to brainstorming?
a. some participants are more quiet.
b. not possible to cover all risks
c. participants need longer to understand the theme
d. all of the above


Direction: Identify on what chapter that the task below belongs to.
Chapter1 – C1, Chapter2 – C2, Chapter3 – C3, Chapter4 – C4, Chapter5 – C5

_____C1______ 1. Problem, purpose and significance of the study

_____C3______ 2. Research Participants

_____C1 ______ 3. Definition of Terms and theoretical framework

_____C1 ______ 4. Assumptions and Hypotheses

_____C2 ______ 5. Review of Related Literature

____ C4 ______ 6. Data Gathering Procedure

_____C3 ______ 7. Data analysis methods and ethical concerns

_____C1 ______ 8. Conceptual Framework

_____C3 ______ 9. Statistical Data Analysis

_____ C5______ 10. Result of Data Analysis

_____ C4______ 11. Discussion of Result

_____ C5______ 12. Conclusions and Implications

_____ C3______ 13. Research Instruments

_____ C5______ 14. References

_____ C5______ 15. Appendices


Direction: Read, understand and provide the analysis on the following scenarios:


You are a manager of a joint venture. One day you discover that your most senior officer in the
organization has been borrowing equipment from the company and using it in his other
businesses. When you confront him, he defend his actions. After all, as part owner of both
companies , isn’t he entitled to share in the equipment?

 If there is no contract signed that he cannot borrow it for other use, then the senior
officer has the right to share the equipment, but only with the consent of the other owner
since they are in a joint venture. The owners should discuss equipment sharing and
agree that when equipment is shared, the senior officer should sign a waiver stating that
whatever happens to the equipment, he is liable and must replace it if it breaks. Since he
is using the equipment for his own business, the senior officer must also pay a certain
percentage when borrowing it. Overall, he is entitled in legal terms if there is no contract
signed. So when partaking in a future joint venture, there should be a contract signed
that states that even if the owners have the rights, they should not be eligible to share
the equipment unless it is for the venture's use, since the equipment is only for their joint
venture and no other businesses should use it.


The customer service manager is a busy person. He rushes from one problem to another
without actually taking time to complete any job and solve any problem properly. What control
problem does the customer service manager have? What can he do to enhance his job
 The customer service manager has a time management control problem as well as a
panicking problem since, according to the scenario, he rushes from one problem to
another without taking the time to complete any job and properly solve any problem. To
improve his job effectiveness, he should try calming methods of relaxation, such as
meditation, to lessen panic when unpleasant events occur. After practicing to calm
down, he can adjust and practice his time management skills by using to-do lists, time
trackers, and so on. He will eventually sometimes mess up his time schedule and panic,
but it will lessen until there are no more panic attacks and his time management is better.
He should simply practice, since practice makes permanent results.


1. Kindly explain why Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions subject is about experiencing
research and researching experiences.
 The subject of Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersions is about "experiencing research
and researching experiences," since when people inquire, investigate, and immerse, they
learn and experience how to do research, how to work on it including the contents and
format, as well as how to get a factual results and what kinds of research they can do.
When they had completed their research on a specific topic, they would have gained
research experience that they could apply to future research topics in the same area or
future research on different topics. Gaining research experience makes it more
rewarding for researchers since innovative knowledge is achieved.
2. Why is it important for a researcher to have knowledge in logic?
 It is essential for a researcher to fully grasp logic since if the researcher understands
logic, the research that they are conducting will be more objective, factual, and
comprehensive to other researchers and future researchers who will study it.
Furthermore, knowing logic makes it much easier for researchers to continue improving
the study if an error occurs.

3. How do we know if the assessment made in Research Study is subjective or objective?

 We can tell if the assessment made in the research study is subjective or objective based
on the conclusion, since if it is subjective, the conclusion will differ from the results
since the conclusion will only be based on the researchers' desired outcome and not the
factual results. If it is objective, the conclusion is the same whether the research study is
successful or unsuccessful.

4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of conducting research using solely online surveys?
 The advantages of conducting research through online surveys include convenience and
the ability to reach remote areas even if the researchers are unable to travel to that
location. As a result, it is less expensive with more respondents gathered. The
disadvantage of conducting online surveys, on the other hand, is that the results are not
accurate enough since the researchers do not know whether the respondents' answers
are true or untrue.

CONTENT ----------------------------- 7
GRAMMAR ----------------------------- 2
NEATNESS ----------------------------- 1
TOTAL ----------------------------- 100%

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