Resume - Doddy Rachmat - November 2018

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Perum Bulevar Hijau Blok F1/31, Bekasi 17131 | Mobile: +6281318713222 |


 S.Mn, Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2009-2013

Coursework: Financial Accounting, Marketing, Financial Analysis, Economics, Corporate Finance,
Financial Planning, Capital Market, Investment Management, Negotiation, Cross Culture and Conflict
GPA: 3.09/4.00


 Business Solution, Sribulancer, 2018 – Present

Sribulancer is a freelance platform with focus to help the clients need to find the right freelance with
work ranging from website build, mobile apps build, graphic design, article writing, article translation,
and online marketing. In business solution, i worked as a consultant for the client with focus on
generating leads to their website and helping them converting it in to sales. We focus on search
engine optimization to help boost the website in to the first page of google search so that the
website's traffic increase. I research the relevant keywords for the service and put it in the website
using article wrote by our freelancer and in 2 months, the traffic to the website increase by 30%.

 Project Management, Teras Kota Development, 2016 – 2018

Manage the construction of Bhumi Lamping project in Padasuka, Bandung that consists of 2 housing
units. Research and compare the land prices around targeted location. Coordinate the local authority
about the planning to build the house and collect resident’s approval of the project. Announce the
project to the agency and independent marketing using marketing kit such as brochure and flyer
made by outsource architect and marketing team. Manage the construction of the house after sales
which include supervise the progress, material purchasing, and budget monitoring. Evaluate the
results and taking care of customer complaints as part of after sales service.

 Financial Advisor, PT Raja Prima Sumatera – Wangsarajasa, 2014 – 2016

Wangsarajasa is a student housing project with 160 total units and could accommodate 1960
students developed by PT Raja Prima Sumatera in Jatinangor, Sumedang. Developed, revised, and
presented the project's final budgeting to get approval from top management. Analyzed the current
cash flow and Implemented the development budget plan (e.g., Land Cost, Legal Cost, Building and
Infrastructure Cost, Operational Expense), into day to day transactions with objective to keep the
cash flow healthy. Analyzed the potential rent income from the product and supporting marketing
and sales division with additional selling point. Presented the loan proposal to PT Bank Tabungan
Negara and successfully acquired working capital credit worth 110 billion rupiah.
 Forex Broker, Monex Investindo Futures, 2013 – 2014
Manage currency and commodities portfolio which includes EUR/USD, JPY/USD and Gold. Using
technical analysis tools to predict the movement of the market and trade the portfolio based on the
risk profile of the clients. Created a trade system that automatically set to achieve certain percentage
of profit and protect the client's portfolio from unnecessary risk.


 Co-Founder, Scarpa Shoes, 2012 – 2013

Created 3 models of men shoes using leather material and produce it with the help of local
shoemaker from Cibaduyut, Bandung. Calculated the production, marketing, and logistics cost for the
duration of shoe production. Successfully sold all of the shoes using direct marketing and participate
in several creative events in Jakarta.
 Chief Financial Officer, Aidia Company, 2010 – 2011
Aidia company is a company that made during Integrative Business Experience coursework. This
company captivating the customer imagination on our creative products including Clapping Lamp and
denim based laptop case. Create the budgeting and financial model for capital loan purposes from
CIMB Niaga Bank. Record the expenditure during production process and compile the financial report
and present it to the stakeholder.


 Finalist, Abang None Jakarta Pusat, 2014

One of thirty finalists selected representing Jakarta Pusat and go through the training for 3 months.
Take part in multiple liaison events like Jakarta Marathon and dance performance in Pasar Baroe
 Delegates, Asian Culture Transfer, 2012
Asian Culture Transfer is a cultural exchange program between Business and Management Institut
Teknologi Bandung students and St. Gallen University students in Switzerland. The program lasted for
3 weeks each in Switzerland and Indonesia.
 Business Development Facilitator, Satoe Indonesia, 2010 – 2012
Participate in accompanying the children of Ciwidey Village in Rumah Pintar program as part of non-
profit program develop by Satoe Indonesia.
 Welfare, KM-SBM ITB, 2010 – 2012
 Manage the logistics of music equipment during Rabu Raptor Music event.


 Music
 Sports
 Real Estate Development
 Stock Market

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