Feudalism: Mete Namazov

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How to Become a Knight?

First of all if you want to be a knight you The Manor

have to be British but if you are not British
and still want to be a knight then you have The manor house was the lowest
to get married with a British person. building block in the pyramid of
A knight has to know how to ride a horse the feudal system. At the very top
while carrying a shield and lance. He has to was the king and the local manors
be fit and strong enough to move around
with speed while wearing a heavy metal were at the bottom.
during the fight.

Differences between lord and lady
A lord was given a fief by the king, he was In Medieval times land was broken
expected to pay taxes to the king and give up into fiefs. But a fief was more
soldiers when needed. that a piece of land, a fief had to
A lady is the wife of the lord. Her job was to
take care of manor, run the house and most include a village for serfs, a castle
importantly to have children. for noble and a land for food.

Mete Namazov
Why did people go on pilgrimages? Role of Art
Many people went on a pilgrimages to try Monastic Life
Art is a part of our culture. It is the
to reduce the time they thought they A monastery was a building where people expression of our creativity and
would spend in purgatory (a place where lived and worshiped. People who lived in imagination. Art is a way of
Catholics believe people’s souls are monastery were called monks. Everything
that was needed for monks are all provided communication that is understandable
purified of their sins before they go to by the monastery community, they made all over the world. Art helps people to
heaven). A person who had been on their own clothes and food. The monks was share ideas and their messages.
pilgrimages had to wear a badge to show the only people who could read and write in
they had been on pilgrimages. the Middle Ages. Monks spent their day by
working hard on chores, reading the Bible,
and meditating.

Natural Law
Natural law is the idea that there
are forms of laws that exist by Medieval diseases
themselves. Human rights are often Medieval Entertainment By examining skeletons scientists can tell
seen as natural law. People assume People in the middle ages didn’t have how old the person was when they died.
that god is who created natural vacations but they had lots of festivals Common diseases were dysentery,
which they celebrated by taking day off. malaria, flu, typhoid, and the black death.
law. They would have fairs, carnivals, and The black death is the name for a terrible
feasts to celebrate special days. On disease that spread throughout Europe,
these days people would have a big there was no cure for this disease and
party, there would be lots of drinks, many people were died, from young
dancing, music. strong to old people.

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