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Course work # 11

Mike P. Calzado. PTC


1. Why Policies is Important in School?

Ans . principles, which are formulated and implemented for the ease of
governance within an organization. Policies are considered to be important for the
organizations primarily because it forms a linking thread between the school
management, teachers, students, parents, and the law. Truly, an organization
without policy is usually without control.

Without formal policies in place, organization staff at any level would have left
without any guidance on how to make the right consistent decisions. In short, an
organization without well-formulated policies will find it difficult to make
decisions. The amount of direct supervision by the management is significantly
reduced due to strong policies in place, which at the same time helps to increase
the efficiency of the work. Professionals with a school and education leadership
program are aware of the know-how of managing the educational institutes

2. List down 2 school policies from Central Office and the other one is from School
level and explain the purpose behind the policies
1. Ans. Central Office - The Department of Education (DepEd) has reviewed and
reformulated policy guidelines on designing training and development (T&D) programs
and in conducting activities for the capacity and capability building of the DepEd
personnel and staff. These policies are implemented in consonance with the existing
policies and guidelines prepared by the Civil Service Commission (CSC), National
Economic Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Budget and Management
(DBM), Commission on Audit (COA), and this Department, among others. The following
are the given definition and concept of T&D:
1. Training and Development (T&D) is the process by which an organization or
institution provides professional development activities to enhance individuals
with knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to perform their functions
2. Activities under this are trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences,
scholarships and job-embedded learning. Conduct of these activities shall involve
a systematic process of competence/needs assessment, planning, designing,
resource development and the actual delivery of the programs.

Ans. School Level - Dress code

School dress codes can be tricky.
In recent years, there have been several protests over school dress codes that are seen
as sexist or unfair.
Schools can avoid such controversy by creating clear dress code policies that apply to
the entire student population.
They must not target one particular group of students, or be enforced in a way that
could be seen as discriminatory against students of a particular race, religion, political
belief, or gender identity.
School policies and procedures about the dress code should be specific and objective.
For example, if the dress code prohibits “gang-related” apparel, it should specify what
that means. If the policy uses words such as “revealing,” “inappropriate,” or “disruptive,”
it should define them or give examples.
Creating and distributing dress code policies will ensure that students understand
expectations. They will know administrators aren't singling them out.
Clear policies will also save teachers from having to subjectively decide whether a
student’s clothing counts as “revealing,” which can be awkward.

.. the global issues and as a future teacher how we can address it

3. Develop my speaking skills because I admit that my speaking skill for me is low
4. Learn about some strengths and weakness of the Filipino and how it affects in our lives
5. Teamwork in terms of group report
6. Learn more about the importance of K-12 program
7. It enhances my reporting skills and be confident in front if you are discussing your topic
8. Because of this subject I know the Education history of our country
9. Learn more about the role of a teacher in a community
10. Learn some school policy that I didn’t know and how it is important to the student
11. And how to create a lesson plan

 My participation in the class

I always participate in a group activity. Share my idea for us to win in a group activity. And for
our past report about chapter 8, chapter 11 and chapter 12 I help my groupmates to create
visual aid because we expect in that day will have this power interruption but thanks God it
didn’t happen and create certificate for the participants for our QUIZ BEE but we don’t know if
that certificate will be used because of short of time. And I am the discussant of the “Importance
of School Policies” the sad thing is that Ma’am. Jo leave the room so ma'am didn't heared and
saw how I discuss my topic .

Part III

A. How the class was organized

o Before we start the class its start with a prayer. The assign group in that day will start
with an icebreaker but connected to the topic that they will be discuss. And proceed to
their report and if there is time for an assessment they proceed for the assessment. And
End with a prayer.

B. How Ma’am JO facilitated the class

o This is how Ma’am. Jo facilitated the class. She started it with a prayer. She teaches us
the proper way of teaching in front of the student. And told us if we are in the front or
discussing the lesson. We should bring card so that if we forgot the topic, we have this
card to help us to remember. And best I can say about is this energy of teaching that can
encourage or catch the attention of the student to listen what ma’am jo is talking or
discussing. For me the way of Ma’am Jo teaching style is an extra ordinary.

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