San Raf 2021-22 Curriculum Planning Guide

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-San Rafael-


Fall 2021 |Block 1 |10.3 - 10.23
LEARNING GOAL Community Connections
LEARNING OUTCOME CC 1- Residents will know their neighbors
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS 1. Newsletter | Passive | 10.3

(8 per 3-week block; ● How to get to know your roommate/conversations to have
including newsletter & 2. Staff Enrichment |
staff enrichment) ● Getting Deeper with your Residents
● Ice Breaker Toolkit
3. Know Your Neighbor | Passive
● Be able to state the name and major of 10 people to get
entered into a raffle
● Bring yourself and a neighbor to the desk to be entered into a
● Upload/submit a photo of yourself a neighbor/(small) group
4. Human Bingo | Passive or Active
● (Passive) Bulletin board with statements and students are able
to put their names and room # under the statement
● (Active) Actual Human Bingo event
5. Floor/Community CDAs |
● Include Icebreaker & mini assessment (names and something
you have in common with 3 people)
6. LLC |
● Women in STEM - Faculty in Residence?
7. Kahoot | Active

DEI/SJB Lens -SES - Providing different types of events for different SES
- Different social engagement styles and interests

ASSESSMENT -Number of people who submit raffle entry

(if applicable)
-Number of event attendees
Fall 2021 |Block 2 |10.24 - 11.13
LEARNING GOAL Academic Success
LEARNING OUTCOME AS 1 - Residents will know campus resources.
SNAC, Student Health)
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS 1. Community Newsletter | Passive |

(8 per 3-week block; 2. Staff Enrichment |
including newsletter & ● RA/HC/DA Meeting Poll & Share
staff enrichment) 3. Bulletin Boards | Passive |
● SRB Tree, CAPS Tree, SNAC Tree
4. Farside Trivia | Active
● Host Farside Trivia, include 1 segment on campus resources
5. Know Your Campus Resource Raffle | Semi Active |
● Create Campus Resource Match up Sheet - everyone who fills
it out/submits will be entered in a raffle for...
6. 8Tabling | Active |
● Do you know your (name that) campus resources? Spin
wheel, snacks, music & Campus Resource Match Up Raffle
7. Visit the Resources | Passive |
● Description of event (add links as needed)
8. Hall Council |Passive |
● Native Scholars Floor - AIICRC, AIISA
● Cultural connectedness as college connectedness as
academic success
DEI/SJB Lens -Include a thorough cross section of campus resources that meet the needs
NOTES of students with many identities

ASSESSMENT -Staff Enrichments - have staff write down what they think are the top 3
(if applicable) campus resources. Have complete Campus Resource Worksheet,
debrief, have write down what they think are the top 3 resources
again (pre/post test)

-# of people who submit worksheet for raffle

-Participants in trivia & tabling

Fall 2021 |Block 3 | 11.14 - 12.4
LEARNING GOAL Global Engagement
LEARNING OUTCOME Residents will gain awareness about issues relevant to their community.
THEME / FOCUS Learn something new about the world /
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS Event Name | Type of Delivery Method | Date

(8 per 3-week block; Description of event (add links as needed)
including newsletter &
staff enrichment) ● Newsletter | Passive |
● Article & worksheet about Identities/Intersectionality
● Resident spotlights
● Passive Poster | Passive |
● Map of the world and you can star where you are from
● Cart Program |
● Knock on doors and ask residents about their global
● Lead Staff Tabling | Active |
● Spinny Wheel of questions
○ How do you see yourself in the world?
○ What issues do you pay attention to in the world?
○ How do you want to change the world?
● Desk Program | Active |
○ Residents will spin wheel and answer questions to enhance
their global engagement.
● Hall Council | Passive |
● Environmental Awareness Program - students keep track of all
the environmentally conscious things they do throughout the
day. entered into a raffle to win a hydro flask
● Campus Resource Workshops | Active |
● Invite Campus Resources to come give a workshop
○ Ex. OISS
● Social Media |

ASSESSMENT What are we assessing…
(if applicable)
-Know enough to engage with the topic, know the concept,
define social identities, define intersectionality, name 3 social identities,

-Assess the success or program/initiative - is the information we are

trying teach being learned

-reaching different learners

-Surveys: At desk, during cart program, in passive boards, QR code

- Pre/post survey at the beginning of event

- # of attendees at Active initiatives

- Raffle Prize Entries : How many people can name x number of their
social identities

-Mail chimp - who is engaging with newsletter

-Tabling Event - Spin Wheel (have metrics/rubric for learning)

-Virtual Events - Polls

-Staff Enrichment


Winter 2022 |Block 1 |1.2 - 1.22
LEARNING GOAL Self Exploration
LEARNING OUTCOME SE 1 - Residents will be able to identify their own social identities.
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)


● Newsletter | Passive |
(8 per 3-week block;
○ Article & worksheet about Identities/Intersectionality
including newsletter &
staff enrichment) ○ Resident spotlight
● Passive Poster | Passive |
○ Allow students to write an identifier on a post-it note and post
it to the poster
○ Intersectionality (entire folder in the drive)
● Staff Enrichment |
○ Booster Day?
○ Genogram (family tree)
○ Identifying Personal Values
○ QTies training (Hall Council, RAs(?))
● Cart Program |
○ Creating/making cookies based on Identity
● Desk Initiative | Active |
○ Wheel of Wonder Initiative
○ Identi-tree (residents wrote on leaves and created a nice
○ Proud To Be campaign & assessment questions
○ Some type of Desk drawing
● Tabling |
○ Lead Staff table in front of tower and clusters
● Campus Resource Workshops | Active |
○ Invite Campus Resources to come give a workshop


ASSESSMENT What are we assessing…

(if applicable)
-Know enough to engage with the topic, know the concept,
define social identities, define intersectionality, name 3 social identities,
-Assess the success or program/initiative - is the information we are
trying teach being learned
-reaching different learners
-Surveys: At desk, during cart program, in passive boards, QR code
- Pre/post survey at the beginning of event
- # of attendees at Active initiatives

Pre and Post Survey & Paper Assessment

Raffle Prize Entries : How many people can name x number of their
social identities
-Mail chimp - who is engaging with newsletter
-Tabling Event - Spin Wheel (have metrics/rubric for learning)
-Virtual Events - Polls
-Staff Enrichment
What are we assessing…

-Know enough to engage with the topic, know the concept,

define social identities, define intersectionality, name 3 social identities,

-Assess the success or program/initiative - is the information we are

trying teach being learned

-reaching different learners

-Surveys: At desk, during cart program, in passive boards, QR code

- Pre/post survey at the beginning of event

- # of attendees at Active initiatives

- Raffle Prize Entries : How many people can name x number of their
social identities

-Mail chimp - who is engaging with newsletter

-Tabling Event - Spin Wheel (have metrics/rubric for learning)

-Virtual Events - Polls


Winter 2022 |Block 2 |1.23 - 2.12
LEARNING GOAL Community Connections
LEARNING OUTCOME CC3- Residents will be able to demonstrate care for self and others.
THEME / FOCUS Love Languages
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS Event Name | Type of Delivery Method | Date

(8 per 3-week block; ● Description of event (add links as needed)
including newsletter &
● Newsletter | Passive |
staff enrichment)
○ Ways to practice Self Care
○ How to engage in compassionate dialogue
● Passive Poster | Passive |
○ Provide stats/fun facts about the importance of self care?
○ Examples of turning negative self-talk into positive self-talk;
fixed vs growth mindset
● Staff Enrichment |
○ Individual Meetings with committees
● Cart Program |Active
○ Taking self care items
● Hall Council |Active
○ Valentine’s Day Program - Self-love & Self-Care
● Desk Initiative | Active |
○ Wheel of Wonder Initiative
○ Allow students opportunity to name their self care strategies-
SMART goals?
○ Some type of Desk drawing event
● Tabling |
○ Lead Staff table in front of tower and clusters
● Resident Connection
○ Individual conversations (i.e conduct, check ins, dinners, etc.)

(if applicable)


Winter 2022 |Block 3 |2.13 - 3.5 (Cancelled)
LEARNING GOAL Academic Success
LEARNING OUTCOME AS2- Residents will be able to identify strategies to achieve academic
THEME / FOCUS Studying tips
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS Event Name | Type of Delivery Method | Date

(8 per 3-week block; ● Description of event (add links as needed)
including newsletter &
● Newsletter | Passive |
staff enrichment)
○ How to effectively study
○ How to engage in rest and breaks to avoid burnout
○ Maybe also including campus resources again
● Passive Poster | Passive |
○ Provide stats/fun facts about the importance of self care?
○ Examples of turning negative self-talk into positive self-talk;
fixed vs growth mindset
● Staff Enrichment |
○ Conversation prep- Cover how they study/want to study and
be ready to voice & support residents
● Cart Program |Active
○ Taking self care items
● Hall Council |Active
○ Valentine’s Day Program - Self-love & Self-Care
● Desk Initiative | Active |
○ Wheel of Wonder Initiative
○ Allow students opportunity to name their self care strategies-
SMART goals?
○ Some type of Desk drawing event
● Tabling |
○ Lead Staff table in front of tower and clusters
● Resident Connection
○ Individual conversations (i.e conduct, check ins, dinners, etc.)

(if applicable)


Spring 2022 |Block 1 |3.27 - 4.23
LEARNING GOAL Global Engagement
LEARNING OUTCOME GE2- Residents will develop strategies to actively contribute to their
THEME / FOCUS Residents will learn about different ways to volunteer in IV/SB
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS Event Name | Type of Delivery Method | Date

(3-4 per 4-week ● Focus on implementing 3-4 initiatives really well; repeat initiatives as
block; including needed in community.
newsletter & staff ● Description of event (add links as needed)
● Newsletter | Passive |
○ Include list of local volunteer/philanthropic organizations
○ Identifying ways to use existing skills to better community
■ If good at carpentry → help build ; If good at school →
volunteer to tutor
○ Ask questions:
■ “How have you volunteered in the past?”
■ “Is it possible to volunteer in that capacity here at
■ “What new ways can you volunteer?”
○ If possible, include organizations to donate to, but be clear
that it is not a requirement and not to donate if you do not
have the means to do so
● Passive Poster | Passive |
○ List local organizations and nonprofits in the SB/IV area
○ Include an area where residents can input what they like to
do for volunteering
○ Could be interactive and informative
● Staff Enrichment
○ Do an activity where RAs can share how volunteering has
impacted them
○ Activity could help inspire each other to think about
community service in a new light
○ End goal would be to encourage RAs to discuss this in passing
with their residents
● Hall Council |Active
○ No community service chair, but Danny can ask the Exec
Board to think of a way to spend money in that line item in a
● Cart Program
○ LS and RAs could go to floors and pass out pamphlets about
local orgs, campus opportunities

● Desk Initiative
○ Spinning wheel with questions about the history of different SB
orgs, or questions about the current state of the community
○ Could focus on the numbers of how many people live without
homes in SB county
● Tabling
○ LS could table outside San Raf to advertise a philanthropy
● Resident Connection
○ In conversations with residents, LS could ask them their
thoughts on the community and how they may want to give
○ RAs and LS could ask questions to residents about what they
believe would be most effective
NOTES Highlight minority and identity specific organizations, such as Women’s
centers, centers for LGBT+ people, organizations which help
undocumented people, and any others we may find
(if applicable) Could possibly assess at the end of the curriculum block how many
people learned a new way to contribute to the community and if
they are more inspired now to give back in some way


Spring 2022 |Block 2 |5.2 - 5.28
LEARNING GOAL Academic Success
LEARNING OUTCOME Residents will be able to identify strategies to achieve academic
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any follow-up you’d like
(5 residents per lead to do in the future.
staff member)

DELIVERY METHODS Event Name | Type of Delivery Method | Date

(3-4 per 4-week
block; including
newsletter & staff STAFF ENRICHMENT:
- Check in question - share study tips
- 4 Tendencies - RAs
- VARK Learning Styles - DAs
- Ted Talk and reflection on productivity/procrastination → Tim Urban: Inside the
mind of a master procrastinator | TED Talk (procrastination) or How to Get Your
Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester (productivity)

NEWSLETTER: Links to different online organization/productivity resources

1. Include Productivity Resources

a. The 10 best subreddits for productivity tips, tricks, and brain hacks

b. Take a Five - chrome tab that self-distructs
c. My Productivity System (2022) - youtube video with tips
2. Include CLAS Resources


1. DeskProgram - tips and tricks
a. What is something that has helped you be more organized or productive
this year (post on the wall/window like Identi-sea/Wall of Kindness)
i. Bullet journals/colorful pens/agendas
2. Desk Program P 2 - Trasket Ball
a. Students write a quick reflection in order to get a paper to crumple and
b. Can be - something you are appreciating about the present moment/the
year in San Rafael/words of encouragement or wisdom around finals
c. Crumble your stress away
3. Cart Program | Study Snacks & Combine with Move out Knock and Talk
a. Info on healthy/brain food (nature valley/fruit snacks) knock and talk just
dropping snacks off (RAs)



a. Screen time due Fridays - folks with the biggest decrease in screen time
between weeks gets prizes (first place and second place prizes) - Final
week; bigger prizes
b. Screen Time Competition (just with the RAs) - sign up on the 4th, check in
every week, share outs about habit changes/what is helping hinder screen
time reduction.


1. CLAS Study tips collab - bring CLAS to the students

a. How to Make a Study Plan Workshop


(if applicable)


Spring 2022 |Block 3 | (Canceled)
INDIVIDUAL Resident’s Name | Room/Apt # | Date
STUDENT CONTACT ● Short description of your conversation and any future follow-up
(5 residents per lead you’d like to do in the future.
staff member)
DELIVERY METHODS Event Name | Type of Delivery Method | Date
(8 per 3-week block; ● Description of event (add links as needed)
including newsletter &
staff enrichment)


(if applicable)

When planning your curriculum block, it’s important to consider your audience and how you show up
in spaces as an educator. With that in mind, consider examining your ideas through a DEI/SJB Lens.
Below are some questions to help you do this:
● Who will be presenting this or performing this RC activity? For example, if you are engaging in
a staff enrichment, who will be facilitating and are your team members able to hear the
message you are sharing, given your identities?
● Are you considering how all of your residents/staff are able to engage in the activities you
have planned?
● Have you discussed or considered the "pre-work" that you need to do before engaging with
your staff/students with difficult topics, such as sexual assault, family privilege, etc?
● Have you considered how accessible this block is to all residents? This includes, but is not
limited to, complying with ADA policies, keeping in mind mental illnesses,
vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free food options, etc.
● How can you shape the planning of this block through an equity lens? (ex: supplying
food/snacks for every program with high rates of student food insecurity in mind).
● Consider how your curriculum block can amplify/uplift other voices and identities, incorporate
ally work, or be presented with a DEI/SJB lens.
● DEI/SJB topics and conversations aren’t limited to any one specific block, but should be
woven into all aspects of our curriculum.

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