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Evaluation Students tre avalusted through eltaa Stadents are awarded eter pads a pe Facilities Eahouteretacese Other Programs > MPhiland Din Mathemaies 5 Mamtecs Degen Computation! thematic Srey nied and ora angen De Katya Joga, Solo Sens) De Ditka Cran aD) Department of Mathematics School of Science ‘Contact Information Pees oc eee PROGRAM INFORMATION, "oto Seen KU cc Contact 977 in srreseassuoe ‘Computational Mathematics Introduction Kathmandu University (KU was stabs by ‘theactofpatament of eplin November 1991, 45 an autonomous, not-for profit, non overnment institution dedicated. to Iaintainng high standards of academic trecllence. Most of the technical end ofsional programs run at KU are iat to be Introduced In the country, with global recognition. Computational Mathematics Department of Mathematies offers B. Se. in Computations Mathematic at Kathmsnds Univeeiy. This iterdiiplinnry program ‘oats at the intersection of Mathematics ‘ndCompater Scene Inthiogram stodents il gain rigorous matbematiea nowedg and Aeveopefcent computational sis to break fown every complex real-world. problems Senter inthe program wll exposed to wide range of problems in. Selence, Engineering # Teehtolgy and Industrie, Graduates ofthis rogram wll be abe o deploy ‘mathemati and compton echniqus to Solve sueh proiems: to develop, enhance and ‘intain the relevant software tol, and t0 communicate resus of complex modeling and simulation to end-users, Keeping this fssentilty, KU had laenched. B.S. in Matermatie th peilation in Compete in og and sw ontnsation of thi program; KU ‘assured Be in Computational Mathematics Since 2077 with updated stature forthe st time inSouth sia Iisadeee which reparese stodent for either direst employment in indies after gration, ewe poring ighersidernMathematicrorintTacctor Course Structure Course Structure > Quulifdbunan resource persons > A racial and computational based problemsobingapproach oflearaing > Four years program compatible with interatgnl standards > Regular tetra les > tater. > A funda for those wishing to parwe furthest andrea > ATondtion of sientie methodology and ‘ompuatinal sls as pr the demand of ‘Career Opportunities > tndassis (Tae Software) > Aeadenictstite/ResearchCeners > Banking/Fnance/ Insurance > Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) > Intemational Noo-Governmental Organizations (INGO) ea ‘Thecanddates must have pase LS (or10+2 equivalent) wit minima of 50% mars in ‘gavente and 50% in Physi, Chemisty and Mathematics or Physic Mathematics and Compute Since ‘Mini Final Grade C+ in Pes, Chemisty and Mathematics or Physics, Mathematics ad Conpater sence std minimum C ia ober Subjects in rade Xtand XI thins GPA 24 Scholarships > Bach semester GPA merit bed fl tition ecwalver scholarships per go students Inakeeapucty > Need and merit base partial tution foe niverscholarshipsasperKU provision > VaanSeholarship Duration ofthe Program, “The teal duration of the program ix ight semesters ach er eons two semester ‘The academic ear oul startin Aug The clases ar generally hd om 00 AM 9:00 Pee dapea week Theresa preparation beak of atest one week bette the end-emeter ‘tamination incach emer, Cost ofthe Program ‘Totalenst ofthe program sas per KU whieh

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