Found ENG L6 Basic Financial Plan Template 1

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Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for the Template

Use the Template given in the next tab to create your Basic Financial Plan.
Keep the following points in mind while using the template:
• The Template given has been created for a Smoothie business.
• To create the Basic Financial Plan for your venture, replace the values entered in black with your ve
• Please do not enter any data in the red cells. Those will be calculated automatically by the formula

Key terms, what they mean and how they are calculated
Fixed Costs You incur these costs irrespective of whether y
that is purchased
These are costs that you incur only if you prod
Variable Costs produce e.g. contractual payments for addition
Average cost per unit of product sold; ideally if
difference in pricing, you will calculate this sep
Price per unit
Purchase frequency Avg. no. of times your customers are expected
Your costs per unit calculation = (fixed cost / total units) + Your actual per unit is a sum of your fixed cost
variable cost
Price per unit = the price at which you will sell the product Ideally your price per unit should be higher tha
Sometimes, your investment upfront is very hi
reach a certain capacity of production and or w

Break-Even Point (Units) Fixed Costs ÷ (Revenue per Unit – Variable Cos
Break-Even Point (currency sales) Fixed Costs ÷ Contribution Margin
Contribution Margin = Price of Product – Variable Costs Contribution margin is what goes towards fulfi
is your profit

Click here to learn more about these key financial terms.

ered in black with your venture-specific projected/real values.
omatically by the formulae which have been pre-populated in the excel sheet.

s irrespective of whether you produce something or not e.g. salaries, rents, equipment
you incur only if you produce something and even then against the units that your
tual payments for additional workers, raw materials, rentals on equipment
t of product sold; ideally if you have more than one type of product with a vast
you will calculate this separately for each product type
ur customers are expected to or actually buy your product or service
is a sum of your fixed cost divided by your total units and your variable costs

r unit should be higher than your cost per unit - otherwise you will make a loss.
estment upfront is very high and your price per unit will only make sense when you
city of production and or when you have sold a certain no. of products.

ue per Unit – Variable Cost per Unit)

bution Margin
is what goes towards fulfilling your fixed costs. And if there is money left after that, it
Instructions to use the template:
Please do not enter any data in the red cells. Those will be calculated automatically by the formulae which have been


Startup Costs PHP
Manufacturing Equipment ₱ 10,000,000.00
Building ₱ 15,000,000.00

R&D ₱ 8,000,000.00
Insurance ₱ 7,500,000.00
Office supplies ₱ 1,500,000.00
Office Equipment ₱ 3,600,000.00

License & Permit ₱ 3,500,000.00

Taxes ₱ 2,862,000.00
Total ₱ 51,962,000.00

Revenue (for 30 days)

Number of customers 10
Units per customer purchased 1
Price per unit (in your currency) 2,000,000
Purchase frequency during month 1
Total sales in units (no.) 10
Total sales revenue (in yr currency) 20,000,000.00

Start up Tax
Building / Fair Market Value ₱ 15,000,000.00
Metro Manila Property Tax Rate 2%

Assesed Indutrial Property Percentage 50%

Real Property Tax: ₱ 150,000.00

Manufacturing Equipment ₱ 10,000,000.00

VAT 12%
VAT of Manufacturing Equipment ₱ 1,200,000.00

Insurance / Premium ₱ 7,500,000.00

Percentage of premium tax 12%
Insurance Tax ₱ 900,000.00
Office Equipment ₱ 3,600,000.00
VAT 12%
VAT of Office Equipment ₱ 432,000.00

Office supplies ₱ 1,500,000.00

VAT 12%
VAT of office supplies ₱ 180,000.00
d automatically by the formulae which have been pre-populated in the excel sheet.


Salary per No. of
Fixed Costs (for a month) PHP employee employees Variable Costs (per unit)
Salary 1350000 18,000 75 Steel
Electricity 100,000 Rubber

Water 60,000 Plastic

Wifi 20,000 Aluminum
Advertising 300,000 Magnesium
Machineries Depreciation 180,000 Copper

Total 2,010,000.00 Oil

Customers (per day) No. of days For WDG Motor:
1 30 Steel




Pay back period (months)

Contribution (margin)
Cost Unit Rate Burn Rate and Runway Period
69,350.00 0.95 73,000 Your Monthly Fixed Cost (F11)
15,642.00 0.12 130,350 Your Monthly Variable Cost (K11*C19)

1,443.75 0.15 9,625 Your Monthly Operating Expense (P6 + P7)

33,351.15 0.23 145,005 Your Monthly Revenue
21,040.00 0.01 2,104,000 Burn Rate ( P8 - P9)
39,582.40 0.08 494,780
Your cash reserve (the money you have with you at
8,100.00 0.09 90,000 your disposal)*
5,218.40 0.08 65,230 Your Runway Period ( P12/P10)
24,000.00 0.1 240,000

7,300.00 0.1 73,000

2,607.00 0.02 130,350 * This is the amount of "cash" you have at your disposal that you decided
11,600.40 0.08 145,005 on the venture at the time of starting up.
8,000.00 4 2,000
98,956.00 0.2 494,780




way Period

- 14,528,089.00

our disposal that you decided to spend

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