Table 1: Different Advantages and Disadvantage Between Process Type of Casting Process Complex Shapes Cost Dimension Production

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Casting process selection and justification on why the process

is selected and description of the selected process in producing
the component.

Casting is the process where liquid metal is poured into a mold cavity and for it cooling
and forming the metal liquid or casting. In casting process, we have many types but
commonly industrial using is sand casting, investment casting and die casting. For process
selection, we are using sand casting process rather than using investment casting and die
casting. This is because of the advantages can produce very large parts, can obtain complex
shape, can select many types of material, low tooling, low cost, scrap can be recycled, short
lead time possible and can select cast iron as the material. Table below show the reason we
chose sand casting process and different between these three types of casting process.

Table 1: Different advantages and disadvantage between process

Type of casting Complex cost Dimension Production
process shapes
Sand casting Suitable Low Bigger part Fast
Investment Suitable High Small part Complicated
casting process procedures
Die casting Suitable Medium Bigger part Suitable for
process mass

Sand casting is process by using mixture of sand, clay and water. All this mixture is packing
around the patter. Pattern is divided by two section one is called a cope and another one is
drag. Each half is place in a moulding box and the sand mixture is poured around the pattern.
After that make holes called as sprue and risers. The function of sprue is to pour the molten
metal and risers is used as reservoir of molten metal that make the last part to be cooling or
solidified. We also create vents to allow the escape of gases from melt. Then the pattern is
removed and the runner system is created which is for melt metal can flow until gates and to
the cavity mold. We are using two halves of the pattern. We are using core to the complex
part to avoid that mean the more complex the part the more core must be used and high cost.
After place the core half of the mold box is then put on the top of the drag half. The melt
metal is poured and wait for cooling and solidify. The last part is casting has cooled and
destroyed the sand mold and the casting remove.

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