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VY WELL ENGINEERS NOTEBOOK FEBRUARY 1998 SHELL INTERNATIONAL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION B.V. EP Learning and Development “The copyright of this document is vested in Stell Intornatonal Exploration and Production 8.V., The Hague, The Netherlands. All rigts reserved. Neither fhe whole ror any par. of this dozument may be reprocuced, sbred in ary retrieval system o trarsmittsd in any form or by any means (electronic,mechenical, reprographic. recording ar otherwiss) without tre prior writen consert of the copyright owner. INDEX ) ) A Conversion factors --------------- ------- >) B Derticks, mast & block line ---------~------- ) c Tubulars, drill string design (inc. capac ities) --- ) D Bits --------------------------~------- ) E Hydraulics --------~------------------- 5 F Pressure control ---------------->~~->~~- 5 G Stuck pipe/fishing ----------------------- ) H Casing & cementing --------------------- j ! Drilling fluids --------------------------- . d Logging ------------------------------ ) > K BOPs + operating systems ---------------- ) L Directional drilling ----------------------- M Safety -------------------- 0 rrr nner ) Training + personal notes ---------------~ Think SI Baseunits In SI there are 7 base units from which all the other units can be derived or computed. The 7 base nits are: Quantity Name of unit 1. Length metre 2, Mass kilogram 3. Time second 4, Electric ampere current 5. Temperature keWin or degree Caisius 6. Amount of mele substance 7. Luminous candela intensity Supplementary : Plane angle radian Sold angle steradian Used alone or in cormbinatiors these base units enable us to make any measurement we need in any field of endeavour. Quantity Area Volume Veloci symbol eocity m Acceleration kg s Density A K Frequency Force °c mol Pressure cd Energy Power Electric rad porential sr Derived units Name of unit square metre cubic metre metre per second metre per second? kilogam per cubic metre henz newton pascal joule watt volt Symbel me me nvs mys? kg/m Hz N Pa (N/m?) J (N-m) W (is) Vwi) Ad Think SI Prefixes The value of most SI units can be changed by the simple placing ofa prefix in front of the unit name. Prefix Symbol Value_—Factor giga G — 1,000,0€0,000 109 mega M 1,0C0,000 108 kilo k 1,000 103 hecto oh 100 102 deca da 10° 10 deci d O41 10-1 centi c — 0.01 102 milli m 0.001 10-3 micro m 0,000 001 106 Examples ‘one gigapascal {| GPa=1,00,000,000 Pal onekilonetre {km =1,000m ‘one decanewton | daN =10 N one milligram {mg =0.201g ‘one micrometre {mm =0.900 001 m one square kilometre 1 kmé =108 m2 one cubic megamatre 1 Mm =1018m3 Force, Work, Torqueand Power Mass _is the quantity of matter inan object aid is constant on earth as well as in space. Units of mass: kg kilogram t metric tonne 1 141,000 ke F=mxa Force =mass x acceleration Unit of force: N vewton (N= kg.m.s-2) Practica use: daN decanewton KN kilonewton: MN meganewt on Force Work Energy is force xdistance (N.m) Unit of work: J Joule Practica use: kJkilojoule MJ megajoule Torque Unit: N.n newtor-metre Power is the work per unit time Unit of power: Wwatt Practical use: kV/ kilowatt MW megawatt AQ Think S! Normal notation - Telex notation Normal Telex Normal Telex G G m M M MA kg KG k K s s h H A A da DA K kK d D °C CEL c Cc mol MOL m M cd cD n u rad RAD st SR Hz HZ min MIN N N h HR Pa PAL didayi D J J a ANN Ww WwW ° DEG Vv v L L Q OHM t TNE D(darcy) DA Examples of Telex Notation 6x103m3 —+ 6000M3 855 kgm’ —+ 855 KG/M3 7,020 KPa —+ 7020KPAL 10MPa —- 10MAPAL Do NOT use: bbl, ouft, “API, psi, Ib, Ibf, ft, yd, in, US gal, imp gal, long ton, shor. ton, °F, °R But use SI: kg/tr3, Pa, kPa, MPa, kg, N, daN, KN, MN, m, dn, cm, mm, m3, Lt °c, K. in TELEX nctation: KG/M3, PAL, KPAL, MAPAL, KG, N, DAN, KN, MAN, M, DM, CM, MM, M3, L, TNE, CEL,K, AS (jeonneu) c0FX80'9 | Ox 962L ege"h 0h X £98" au | (ames) o-0} X 7'898 b c0lxez's | ,0lx9e'e9 6091 01 X 609'L aw b gO XS'79L | OLX V68E b ah gOlXBP0E | OLX 8 POE Oj gOlLXIZEL | gOlX8L'SL | ¢-OlXeees L gOl Xv'Se el X 7'Se youl | g-Ol X9'GES | c-OlLXV'1Z9 | cOLX LEz'S ek X LE°6E 1 c0l Xb SOLUOIDY | g-Ol X96ES | gO XH 19 lee LE°6E Ol XI t O4}0W | (jeonneu) (eineis) SOIL Sol jee seyoul seJJOWO}! seu]a| (1) HLONST SYOLOVS NOISHSANOD L cy LOVE SOS 201 X 6Sh 6S) jeueg) (pinby sn) e-Ol X LSE L eOlX2'72E8 | OLX LEEL | Ok X GBL'E sel e-Ol X SOLE uoyed |. el X 69°82 bOe'b L e-0F XS'O9L | cOL x 9ES'7 ors r Ob X 9pS"y | (dw!) uo}/e6 | e-OL X bBLE Lerk 6209 L 20k X ce°8e cee e-Ol X Ze'8e | JOOP AIGNO | exjeulueo QOL x6z9 | gULXorY¥s | gOLxUce | OLX IESE cObXE oigno 4 enewlsep eorxeza |ooixzvoz | olxozz | ooLxiece | oO XL L alana | 629 S98 022 Le'se gOL Xb Oh XE @JJOW OIGNd | INbI| SM) (du) ye9} sanewjues | sajyewiep wot} sjeueg suo|leD suo|eD oigno ono oiqn9 () SWNT0A SHOLOVS NOISHSANOD ~ RRR PR RR)DR OR A aN C% AS I Zeb zor's 9-0 * 00S oO XZORE 01 X 6268 L Ob X Zy86 01 XV'OPV g-Ol X 2°86 0b XZ Ob X One's b OFX 90% g0Lx SES Ib gO XE gee (ouyaw) suoL spunog z206 g0b X 910" 20h Xb eObX ES L swes60)y) (uoys) oy}, (Buo}) uoyp (oujow) uo} punod |. wesGolly |. (w) ssvW SHOUDHA.MOIRHA AOD AR (dpae) punod seyjubis punog (% 28M pLi'ZE = 28/W 208'6 = 6 uo paseq si0joR uoIs1enUOD (| ‘LON eOb X BHS'S | cOLXEESL | cOLXZOL NeP 90k X 4 010} OL XShh'O 4 zvze | 0b x9'eS+ | & ; punod | g-Ol XEV'EL | ¢-Ol XB80'LE b g-OlXOL'VL | cOLX PB8'EL | Ol X7'BEL lepunod } 010} -Ol X 1860 s0e'e e6OL L eOl X L086 7% wes6opy |. SOLXL | o.MLX AZZ | OAL XARA | oALXZ0'L L eufd 1 eOLX LO | 6-01 XB %2e beck e-Ol X COL e0l XOOL uoyneu | (N®P») 0105 80104 Nep OL x1 | spunog sjepunog wes6ol! soukg SUOIMON (g41w) 30uOS SHOLOW4 NOISYZANOD oo > > ~ ~ DN DO a No ~ ~ 7 CONVERSION FACTORS PRESSURE To convert from To Multiply by psi kPa 6.895 bar 0.06895, kg/crr? 0.07037 mH,0 (15°C) | 0.7037* ftHs0 (39°F) | 2307* kPa psi 0.1450 bar 0.01 kg/crr2 0.01097 m H20 (15°C) 0.1021* ft H20 (39°F) 0.3346" bar psi 14.50 kPa 100 kg/crr 1.020 mH,0 (15°C) | 10.21* ftH,0 (39°F) | 33.46" kg/om? psi 14.22 kPa 98.07 bar 0.9807 mH,0 (15°C) | 10.01* ftHc (39°F) | 32.81" m H20 (15°C) | psi 1.421 kPa 9.798" bar 0.09798" kg/err2 0.09991* ft HoO (39°F) 3.278 ft HzO (39°F) | psi 0.4335" kPa 2.989" bar 0.02989" kg/crr2 0.03048* m H20 (15°C) 0.3051 Nctes : * There is no direct conversion between pressure and heights of fluid head. P =pgh has been used to obiain multiplication factors indicated by “. The fluid density (p) depends upon temperature. Conversion between metres and feetis based on 1 ft = 0.3048 m. The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal. AR ~ Vviv LY CONVERSION FACTORS PRESSURE GRADIENTS & FLUID DENSITY To comert from to Mutiply by psift kPa/m 22.62 bar/10m 2.262 Ibigal (US) 19.25" Ibifts 144.0" ke/dm3 2307" ba/10m kPa/m. 10.0 psiftt 04421 Ibigal (US) 851" Ibift> 63.66" kom 1.020* kPa/m, bar/10m 0.10 psi/ft 0.0442 Ib'gal (US) 0.851* Ib'ft3 6366" kg/d 0.1020" Ib/gal(US) kPa/m 1.175" bar/10m 0.1175" psi/ft .0519* Ibitt3 7.481 kg/dms a1198 Ibft3 kPa/m 0.1571* bar/10m. €.01571* psift C.00694* Ibygal (US) C.1337 kg/d c.01602 kg/dms ‘kPa/m 9.807" bar/10m 0.9807" psi/ft €.4335* Ibgal (US) 8.345 Its €2.43 NOTES: * There is no direct conversion between densitias and pressure gradients. The relationship P = pgh has been tsed to ottain multiplication factors indicated by ("). The Slunits of pressure gradient are kPa/m The Slunits of density are kg/m In this 000k we ssume that one litrs water al 4°C and1 Atm. (101.3 kPa =14,7 psi) equals one dm? water at 4°C and 1 Atm. although we know this is rot exactly the same . (The difference between them isless then 0.008%) We take this liberty because it helps simplifying our calculations. aneden jeacyg — (2uj0u) somodesio} | (C (dpae) punod sayjubis punog (Zz 2098S) pLI'ZE = 2088/W 208'6 = 8 UO paseg sio}oR UOISIBAUOD (|. : SALON sesqiun L Sir h ror 84d SSo'oL feuwery YsAiig b (usqua) OL X LOL L vLo'L ogg LSbL Jemodesioy | (oujew) Ol X 2269 986 L Sees SSEL Jemodesioy } c-OhXS8Zt | cOLXBLSL | cOLX erst 1 ge | 9@s/punod-joo; | 0h X8r6 | oOLXIPEL | 0b X96 9262'0 b nem | oes/sywun, (usnug) (ouyew) puoves Jad Wory yeuuey, Ysiig] semodesioH | semodesioy | spunod-1004 OL (e¥ gw) YAMOd SHADE ASEH han anedea ponoyg = (oo) lomodociony (¢ (dpae) punod soyubis punod (2 28/4 PLL'ZE = 28/1 208°6 = 6 uo paseq siojoe| uoIsieAUON (1 :ALON 4 g-Ol X O'EGE | 9-01 XS°86E eee ese gO X b'€6% | Ol X SSO"L Ala ° (ysiuq) snoy 20k Xrys'e 4 PLOL gO! XO8EL | cOL XS 19 | ¢-OL XLGpZ | 9Ol x G89 Jemodesioy | (o1ew) snoy e0l XOLS'2 | ¢-Ol X E986 L 901 XEG6'L | Ol XH'ZEQ | c-OL XS'SEZ | 901 X 879 Jemodesioy | o01 XG0z'1| 5.01 X1'G0E | g OLX L'ZL¢ L cL XRAZE | gO X9OVE gce"L punod yoo} 5. ¢-Ol X 896'E | g-Ol XO'9GI | gO X LES") 880°€ L 9-Ol XE9L*L Zab euojed | 20k X Ze teo'h oe" 90 Xaa0'z | 01 Xe'ece I 01 X09'e |sNoY NeMOID | gO X BLE | g-OF XS'ZLE | G-OLXLLLE | ¢-OL XOLEL | ¢-OL X B8ES | gO XB'LLE L {nol |. (usnug) sino} (ouyew) sinoy} = spunod sinoy, nia aemodesioy | samodesioy yoos souojeQ WeMolly, senor (e¥.a'W) MHOM ONV ADHANG ‘LV3H SHOLOVS NOISH3ANO0 f— _ se - - yo = m™ TN LT = —~ att CONVERSION FACTORS TEMPERATUR= Celcius (C) oO. Reaumur (Re) 0 Fahrenheit (F) 32 Kelvin (K) 273 Rankine (R) 492 From: x08 = Re® Cc Cx1.8+32 = Fe C+ 273 =K Cx 1.8 +492 = R° Re° x 1.25 Re° Re° x 2.25 + 32 Re°x 1.25 + 273 Re° x 2.25 + 492 (F? - 32) /1.8 =C Fo (F° - 32) x0.444 = Re° (F° - 82) /1.8 +273 =K F° + 460 = R° K- 273 Cc K (K- 273) x 0.8 = Re® (K- 273) x 1.8 + 82 (K- 273) x 1.8 + 492 (R° - 492)/ 1.8 =C R° (RP - 492) x 0.444 = Re° R? - 460 = Fe (RP - 492)/ 1.8 + 273 =K NOTE : Tpe= trot 459.67 Tx = tort 273.15 AA2 VS y VY YY Yow API GRAVITY As crude is not nornally specified in our standard units, but in API gravity, the-equations for conversion are as follows : &G, crude = spe ears (kgiitre) = 144.5 x 0.4335 (ney Gradient CAP + 1315 (psift) General classification with respect to API gravity: °APL Crude oil <20 Heavy 20-30 | Medium >30 Light A13 DRILLING FLUID DENSITY, GRADIENT AND BUOYANCY FACTORS NOTE: Buoyancy factor is for STEEL only! Dailling fluid density Gracient Fruoyancy| Drilling fluid density Gases 1920 1340 1370 1980 1410 1440 1480 1490 1510 1520 1860 1580 1610 1620 1650 1680 1700 1750 1750 1770 T7gall_| itt factor pai | KPalm 0 | con 0.873 0.700] 17.652 | 0. 72 a4 | 631 0.872 0.749] 17.849 | 0.770 a6 | 643 0.889 0.802] 18.143 | 0. 765 sa | 662 0.985 0.810] 18.389 | 0. 763 90 | 674 0.853 0.819] 18.536 | 0. 760 o2 | 687 0,860 0.822] 18.829 | 0. 756 94 | 706 0.857 0.841] 19.026 | 0.754 96 | 718 0.854 0.884] 19.820 | 0, 750 a7 | 724 0.853 0.863]19.516 | 0.747 oe | 737 0.850 0.871 ]19.712 | 0. 748 100 | 749 0.848 0.884]20.006 | 0. 741 102 | 762 0.845 0.863 |20.202 | 0. 759 104 | 781 0.841 0.906 ]20.500 | 0, 735 ios | 793 0.638 0.915]20.690 | 0, 702 108 | 806 0.836 0.923 |20.880 | 0.720 110 | 824 0.832 0.9% }21.183 | 0.726 12 | 837 0.830 0.945 |21.379 | 0.723, 11a | 656 0.826 0.953 [21.078 | 0.720 118 | 868 0.824 0.967 }21.870 | 0.717 118 | 881 ot 0.975 |22.066 | 0.714 120 | 899 0.817 0.988 }22.960 | 0.711 122} 912 0.815 0.997 }2e.556 | 0.708 124 | 930 ott 1.019 |22.850 | 0.704 126 | 943 0.808 1.019 |23.048 | 0.702 128 | 955 0.808 11027 |23.242 | 0.699 13.0 | 974 0.802 1.049 |23.587 | 0.687 132 | 987 0.799 1.049 |23.733 | 0.693 134 | 101 0.796 1.062 |24.027 | 0.689 136 | 102 0.708 to |24.228 | 0.686 19.8 | 103 0.791 1.073 |24.419 | 0.684 140 | 105 0.787 1.092 |24.714 | 0.680 142 | 108 0.784 1.101 }24.910 | 0.678 144 | 100 0.700 1.118 [25.004 | 0.674 148 | 109 0.78 4.123 [25.400 | 0.671 14a] int 0.775 4.131 [25.596 | 0.669 Steal : 7,850 ka/m? or 489.58 Ibs/ftSor 3.412 psi/ft Buoyancy factor = 1 - fluid density steel density ) DERRICK LOAD CALCULATIONS (neglecting the weight of the derrick itself and the crown bloc<) Nota: inall calculations involving rook loac, this is by convention taken to include the weight cf the hook itself , including also the travelling block. Thus : Hook load as shown on weight indicetor (Marin-Decker) = weight of string in drilling fluid + weight oftravelling block and hook Staticloads Under static conditions: loac in each line = fast line load = dead line load = Nook load. where N = number of lines strung N Static derrick load = hook load + fast line load - dead line load = Nae x hook load Dynamic loads Uncer dynamic condtions, due to both friction n the sheave bearing and intenal friction in the block line, the tension onthe fastline side of a given sheave is higher than the tension on the deadline side by a factor "k". This factor is normally taken to be 1.04 for roller bearing sheaves (API RP9B). ‘The result, for a constant hook load (i.2. no drag) traveling at a constantspeed, is that the dynamic fest line tension is higher than the siatic fastline tension by a certain factor. The factor depends on tie number of lines strung and its value for different ‘N’s are tabulated beow. In fact, for these ideal conditions, the dead line load would actually decrease with respect ‘o the static load, and these factors are also shown in the -able. N 2 4 6 8 10 12 dynamic fast line factor 1.060 1.102 |1.145 |1.188 |1.233 |1.279 dynamic dead line factor 0.980 |0.942 |9.905 0.868 |0.833 |).799 Alsc Dynamic derrickload = Hook load + dynamic fast Ine tension + dynamic dead line tension Notes : . Previous practice was to divide the static load by an ‘efficiency" factor which was the reciprocal of the factor tabulated above. 2. The reduction in dead line tension is generaly neglected (see note 3 below). . In theory, the decrease in cead line tension would cause the hook load indicated on the weight indicator to be too Icw. In practice the effects of drag, acceleration and shock loads, and the fact that crtical hook loads are generally applied in small increments, make this error unimportant. e BLOCK LINE i" _ Breaking Strength of Rope Safety Factor (S.F.) = Fast Line Load Breaking strength of blockline for 6x19 I.P.S. — (Improvad Plow Steel) |.W.R.C. (Independent Wire Rope Core) Rope diameter Breakng Streigth short inches | mm ‘fons Ibs kg kN 1 25.4 44.9 89,800 | 40,726 399.4 11g 28.6 56.5 113,000 | 51,247 502.6 14 31.8 69.4 138,800 | 62,948 617.3 13/8 34.9 83.5 167,000 | 75,737 742.7 We 38.1 98.9 197,800 | 89,705 879.7 15/8 41.3 | 1146 230,000 | 104,600 | 1020.0 134 44.4 | 133.0 266,000 | 121,000 | 1180.0 Shell Safety Factors Safety factor of 5 is normal for drilling operations Minimum recommended safety factors dre : 3.5 for drilling 2.5 for running casing and fishing operations A.P.I. Safety Factors Minimum recommended safety factors are : 3 for drilling 2 for running casing and fishing operations Note: for 6 x 1¢ Seale drilling line the recommended Shell Value for sheave diameter factor is 35-40 raio sheave tread diameter :o blockline diameter (Refer A.P.I. RP9B) Bo BLOCK LINE WORK Work done during around trip Tyo DW Dt AD(M + 12Cy + 1/2Cp) Where : In oilfield units © ~in’S1 units Ty =Work done during round trip (shor!) ton-miles megajouks D epth of hole, or trip ft m Lg: =Length of drill pipe stand ft m Weight/unit length of CP in driting fluid Ibs/ft Nim eight of block, hook, alevator, etc Ibs N xcess weight of DCs in drilling fluid* Ibs N Cz =Excess weight of HWDP in drilling fluid* Ibs N k =aconslant 10,560,000 1,000,060 * Excess weight of tubulars = weight of tubulars less weignt of same length of DP Work done while running casing .We-(Le + D) + 4DM Ths 2k Where : In oilfield units in SI unis Te = Work done while running casing (short)ton-mies megajoules D Setting depth of casing ft m L, = Length of average casing joint ft m Wm = Effective weight/unit length of casing in drilling fluid Ibsift N/m and other synbols are as given above Work done while drilling an interval Ty =2(T2-74) if hcle drilled without reaming 3(T2 - 74) if hcle reamed once Ta =4(T2-71) if hole reamed twice Where: T, =T, at top of interval Ts =T;, at bottom of interval Work done while coring Too = 2(T2-T1) Where : Ty, Tz are as above B-3 ump jo sadAy seyjo 1/2 105 de| 7, ppy ‘SUMP @A00:6 peoURyeque}UNOO 103 de] +7, PPY :3.LON qetie) | se0ue) tL | @ ] eb | vt | ob pue og | pur 191 OL Me th | ob | eb 6r-Er | O9L-LbL 6 | or bk He] ah ve | Sb tr by | OPl-eet 6 | 6 |or | ut jar jae joe joe fat ome | Zel-LIL a | 6 | 6 jo ju fe fw jz | oe 6-82 | Oll-16 Who] Zk fee | ab 22-02 | 06-29 Tayews | 78yeus He ab pue 02 pue 99 sdej winup jo Jequinu ul y6us} yo-Ino “wi PLE) 798/| E18/| 29. 1d/|099/| 019, 685} 80S/| Lov“ 904] 258 0&6 “| B2z, 9c | “ve | “ae | “00 | 08 | “08 |v | 22 | 08 | er | on | | ek | | Bleu sow s0 wu, Leg hu Jeyewelp wag (a6du Idv) SAT STA ASE SAO VET AO SETA Ba ) CONVERSION OF DRUM LAPS TO CUT-OFF LENGTH In ordar to ensure a change of the point of drum crossover, where the wear and crushing is very severe, either 1/4 or 1/2 lap should be added to the number of laps listed on page B-4. Add 1/4 lap for counterbalanced groove drums. Add 1/2 lap for all other types of drum. Conversion of laps to length is simply: Cut-off length = nx dx no. oflaps EXAMPLE: What is the recommended numter of laps and cut-off length for the block line on a rig with a derrick of 138 ft(42m) and a drum of 30" (762 mm) diameter. The drum is counterbalanced. From the table on page B-4 the number of laps = 10 + V4 Infield units: Cut-off length = 2 x 30/19 x 101 In S.1. units: Cut-off length = x x 0.762 x 101/4 WORK PER UNIT LENGTH CUT WHEN OPERATING ATA SAFETY FACTOR OF 5 Size of rope Ton miles between cuts Megajoules between cuts for each foot of rope cut for each metre of rope cut r 8 375.3 118" 12 562.9 1a" 16 750.6 13/8" 20 938.2 et 24 1,125.8 NOTE: 1 ton-mile = 14.30 Mu B-5 WHEN SAFETY FACTOR IS OTHER THAN "5" Safety Factors will certeinly be other than 5 for most operations. The block line Work should therefore be adjusied by the relative service factor. Note: adjustments should only be made to the drilling block line work. Given the high-variations in the safety factors during casing and round trips bock line work during these operations should be calculated or a safely factor of 5. From the graph below, obtain the RELATIVE SERVICE FACTOR. The calculated work must be divided by this factor to obtain the ADJUST ED WORK. 15 ° Relative service factor ec a o 1 8 9 4 5 6 7 Safety factor EXAMPLE: A safety factor of 3.86 is calculated when drilling a section of hole. The block line work calculated for crilling this secticn is 146 TM (6,849 Mu). Referring to the graph en S.F. of 3.86 gives a Relative Service Factor of 0.76. The adjusted work is therefore 146/0.76 = 192 TM or €,849/0.76 = 9,012 MJ) Wow BLOCK LINE BLOCK LINE WEIGHT Construction Nominal Approximate classification diameter weight mm | inch | kg/m | Ibsft 26 | 1 [276 | 1.85 29 | 1% |3.48 | 2.34 32 | 114 | 4.30 | 2.89 >| «85 «| 1% 5.21 | 3.50 x 38 | 12 |ot9 | 4.15 ° 42 | 18% | 7.26 | 4.88 45 | 1% |8.4¢ | 5.67 48 | 1% | 9.67 | 6.59 51 | 2 | 41.0 | 7.39 54 |2te | 122 | 8.35 57 |2t4 | 13.9 | 9.38 61 | 2% | 15.5 | 104 bt 64 |ave j173 | 113 x 67 | 25% | 19.0 | 128 ° 70 | 254 | 20.8 | 140 74 | 2% |228 | 153 7 | 3 |247 | 166 80 [36 |268 | 180 83 | 34 | 29.0 | 195 86 | 3% | 31.3 | 210 90 | 32 | 338 | 227 96 | 3% | 38.7 | 260 103 | 4 | 44.0 | 296 — | to9 | 4t4 |496 | 333 2 115 | 42 /55.7 | 3974 © 122 | 494 |o2: | 417 128 | 5 |688 | 462 B-7 WIRE ROPE SLINGS SAFE LOADS Safe loads for single and double 6 x 37 improved plow steel wire rope Sings under different lozding conditions Single Two rop3s Two ropes Two ropes vertical rope used at 30° used at90° | used at 120° Diameter |nch} mm|_ Ibs kg Ibs. kg 3g 9.5] 1,500 680] 2,600} 1,180} 2,000 910] 1,500 680 2 | 12.7] 3,000] 1360} 5,000] 2,270] 4,200) 1,910] 3,000] 1,360 Sig | 15.9] 5,000] 2270] 8000] 3,630) 7,000} 3,180) 5,000) 2,270 94 | 19.1] 7,000) 3,180] 12,000] 5,440] 10,000} 4.540) 7,000) 3,180 We | 22.2] 10,000] 4540} 17,000] 7,710] 14,000| 6,350] 10,000 4,540 1 | 25.4] 13,000] 5,900] 22,000] 9,980] 18,000] 8,160) 13,000 | 5,900 1/8 | 28.6| 16,000} 7,260] 28,000] 12,700] 22,000] 9,980) 16,000] 7,260 11/4 | 31.8] 19,000] 8620] 32,000} 14,520] 27,000| 12,250) 19,000 | 8,620 15/8 | 34.9] 23,000] 10,430] 40,000] 18,140] £2,000] 14,520] 23,000 | 10,430 1¥2 | 38.1] 27,000) 12250] 46,000] 20,870) £8,000] 17,240} 27,000 | 12,250 15/8 | 41.3] 32,000] 14520] 55,000} 24,950} 45,000] 20,410} 32,000 | 14,520 13/4 | 44.5 | 36,000] 16330] 62,000} 28,120} £1,000] 23,130] 36,000 | 16,330 1718 | 47.6| 42,000| 19,050! 73,000] 33,110| £9,000] 26,760) 42,000 | 19,050 2 | 50.8] 48,000} 21,770} 83,000] 37,650] €8,000| 30,840 | 48,000 | 21,770 Bg ‘se¥'01/ co0'e |6r9's1] oos've |vac'oz | oos'sr orz'e| oos'ss | eso'zr/oco've | var'es| ooo'stt orz'0e | o09'99 391'3 | 000'8t | zv2’21| o00'z2 |o8e'1 | ooo‘se | vis'ez | oos‘zs | e9s‘ee|oco'vs | azz‘tvi oo0''6 |»e'ez | oos'zs 8827 | 00°91 | 9ae'0t| o00're | ev'ni | oos't€ | ze0'tz | OCs‘9r | ae6'6z|oUO'9e | B8z’se) o00'Gs |z60'Lz | OOS ar Ose" | coo'rk | 25's | 000's2 | L0x'2t | on0'se | dos"8t | oce‘Gr | za0'sz|o0s'zs | zez'te| oo0'ae |z0s'at | oogoy zzu'z |o00'9 | svv's [coor |pzo'e | costs: Joogor| oos'ez| svo'st | ocs've | ezz'ze|ocorer | orztzzl oooea |ave'st | oos've e92'2 | 00'S | 9eS'y | 000'0! | r08'9 |o00's! | see's | coL'6! | a0’! | Ooe'ee | 12e'ar! oos‘or | 0a9'Z2] a90'0s |ys0'st | ove vis't | 000% | S20 000% Jevy's | ooo! |esz2 | o00'et| r19'01 | Ocr'ee | e96'yt | o00'ee | rHL'sl 000%» |rie‘oL | ooveZ: zsv' jooz'e | ep6'z |00s‘9 |zse'y |ose's | taz's | oor'zt| zer'8 | o0e'Rt | P6z'Lt|oco'ee | sis'yt}oo0% |zer's | oov'et 680's | Oor'2 | Gzzz | 006'r |eaz'e |osz'z |sse'r | 009's | osc's | 0c0'r! | 98's |009'6! | 988°01| COO’ |0se'9 | Ooo’ 1 ved | 094" ese'z |ooz's oct’ | one's | es'y | oor‘or | ose'9 |oco'rs | ges'e joos'zt |tes'» | oor'or we | o0e"t ois joss's |zer'z | oor’ Josie | oce's | ezv'y josz'e | evr’s joo0'zt |oev'e | coe’ ve | oR. evo't | 00e'2 ors | oo1'e | tr0'2 | ovs' | ove’ joce'o | ses's jooss |rv0'z | oos'y 32a | 09 voz |osz': jaao | ose |eea't | osi'e | aze's loco | ast |oo0's |a93' | ost'c e12 job eso jor‘) fees | ose's |szz's | owe | az‘ joos'e | zer'2 joe's seer | cove SupeYD GUIS WOH TyBROIM ore GeLor] F105 | os0'Sz] soc: | oor ee] oeeee | reel2] cover] woz] 1 0's o6vZi| OL1'LL| Sye'aL| ozi'LL sza‘ve| ose’za | oee'91| ooo'e| zee} #7, se0'S oze6 | sve | ses'ri| oze's | so9'61 byo'es| osz'ez| Vel | ¥/, cogs Osis | over | ozs‘oL| 6° | os0'rs wes | o0s'02| BSL} 8/s oa ose Joo | emma z's onx'ti} az | ost'zt | coo'it | oser¥e BLL2 | OSN'ZL| EYL | He ose'z gay |eeze | osz's | eve'y | s29's | ose'9 | o00'vl | te6'e | coe'et ose'a zal 2 seek gies | eas | Sea's | etre | sea’ | o66'y | o00'1t | eso'z | sgo‘st ose'y FUE | th | Sbett ogez |eest | szz'y | 1os'2 | sro's | ay'e | ose’ se | % 096 soe jeez | ova'z | 90z't | osz's | sev'z | o0s's ee | Ms 09 sar's [soe | secs | 90% | ove'z | ps's | sep's ke | ‘s6y_| spud_| st¥_| spud | sy [spud | sty_| spud | sty | soud wil eur . ureyo 0 yo eifumzoz1 | aifimoor | aifie.oc: | aifiesop1 | aifimozt albu (po vag. ye pesn ureyo ye pesn uleyo PR ureyo | ye pasn ureyo | ureyo Buys ” Buys oiqnog | Buys ejqnog | Buys ejqnoq | Guys eqnog | Buys eiqnog | Buys eigneq | oi6us (388} Jooud Jo % G'ZQ UO peseq) SAVOT ONIMHOM AVS =~ SNIVHO ONITIS D~ DARD ‘sureuo Bulls Aon B-9 WIRE ROPE CLIPS METHOD OF ATTACHMENT AND NJMBER REQUIRED Distance between clips should be equal to six rope diameters Number of clips needed for safety Wrong] : STAGGERED CLIPS Length of roy Dianeter Number a potssen eps tumed tack exclusive of eye inoh mm inch mn inch mm te 10 2 2% 57 5 127 , 13 3 3 76 9 229 5, 16 3 3% 95 W 279 % 19 4 ‘Ye Me 18 487 Te 22 4 5%, 133 at 533 1 26 4 6 152 24 610 1% 29 8 7 178 35 889 1% 32 5 8 203 40 | 1,016 1% 35 8 9 229 54 | 1,372 % 38 6 10 254 60 | 1,524 NOTE : When cliss are properly applied efiiciency is approximately 80 % Manila Rope, Grade 2 Standard Quality FIBRE ROPE FIBRE ROPE FOR GENERAL USE Material : Newgenuine long fibre marila, ie. Abaca o1 approved equivalent. Constructon 3-strand, plein laid. Ley right hand Cire. of Approx. Minmum breaking rope diameter strength Approx. weight of rope ( For3 stand fibre topo.) inch | mm | inch | mm Ibs kg Ibs/tt kg/m Tig | 21.9) 14 64 720 330 0.023 0.036 1 25.4) Sie| 79 1,060 480 0.035 0.053 11/4 | 31.8) 38 96 1,400 630 0.046 0.067 (V2) 38.1) W |) 127 2,100 950 0.070 0.106 2 50.8} 58 | 159 3,970 1,800 0.13 0.19 2i4| 57.2) 34 | 194 4,760 2,150 0.15 0.23 23/4 | 69.9) 7/3 | 219 7,500 3,400 0.23 0.35 3 76.2) 1 254 8,960 4,060 0.28 0.41 31/2 | 88.9) 1%6 | 286} 11,920 5,400 0.38 0.57 33/4 | 95.3) 114 | 318] 13,600 6,170 0.43 0.63 43/4 |120.7| 1%2 | 38.1} 21,000 9,520 0.71 1.04 6 (152.4) 2 508) 32,700 | 14,830 1.12 1.66 7 |177.8| 2%4 | 572| 43,900 | 19,910 1.52 2.26 8 |208.2| 22 | 685| 56440 | 25,600 2.00 2.95 10 |254.0} 314 | 826] 86,460 | 39,210 3.20 4.61 12 |304.8) 394 | 95.3) 123,200 | 55,880 4.46 6.63 14 /355.6| 4¥2 |1143| 165,760 | 75,180 6.08 9.02 Bel ~~ a os B-tp BHA CONNECTION FATIGUE FAILURE PREVENTION Historically the majority of drill sting failures are attributable to BHA connection faticue. What can YOU do to help reduce these failures ? Properties + Specify BHA material thet is very resistant to crack growth. (Toughnass) « Connection stress relief. (Boreback box, stre:ss relief pin, cold rolled threads) Ria OPERATIONS + Specify proper make-up. (Dope friction facto r, torque, tong angle, calibrated torue gauge) + Avoid BHA vibration. (Use MWD shock logs) * Washout detection. (Twist-offs are ten times more expensive than washouts) l NSPECTION + Inspect accordirg to a formal schadule + Look fo’ cracks in thread roots. « Measure ID and OD to datermine BSR. Desian « Select proper ccnnectior BSR. « Stabilise BHA in enlarged holes. « Dampen vibraticn. « Design low stiffness ratics. (All these steps lower stress and lengthen fatigue lifs) Envi RONMENT « Enlarged hole ai BHA accelerates attack. « Control drilling fluid corrcsion rate, HAVE ‘PRIDE’ IN YOUR DRILL STRING ! Drill crew checks warn of possible BHA connection fatigue ! «Look for dry or muddy ccnnection on break-out + Make-ua torque should te adjusted if dope friction factor isnot 1.0 «Is there a calibration sticker on tha torque indicator ? « Check that numbers on calibration stickers agree with seral numbars on the equipment « Look out for small or missing bevels on BHA connections + Look out for unusual OD or ID on any BHA component « Look ot for missing or oddly sized stress relief features on any 3HAcomection «Look ot for any flat bottomed thrzad roots on BHA connectons + Look ott for any evidence of overtorque 07 a connection ‘This table has been adapted fom an orignal in Shell Expro's “Dillstring Falure Prevertion Quality Improvement Project WEIN 687" At OD? - 162.2 x kg/m ID(mm) 1D2) GRO y'OLS |B’EZo EES SLES LIPS O'L¥G L'2GS GOSS O'L9G O'ves pe 8°p0E ZBly Ib | Fey OSE O'Sry YEry OBI Slay 9dr Bea VLLr uk) $262 Byes ewe |Leve SCE GIS LOE SELE O'BLE Sze H'SBE BBE (OL ose OPlE Hize |eBce SHEE GOVE ESE BGC Z/GE Ise OPE LIE fg ELye LveZ YOO OLE SSE H'IZE PLE CCC BLEC E'PE ESE CBE 2,6) © bbz 6esz poo7 |S ez BEle LSB2 TOGZ IL6e |'20e GOVE SEOE STIE (6) 9°82e Lecce Luts |} eee Sere Tse VVST OS VIR FO esle EBLE 8) OSE 202 eple |Llee zéce 1sez Lez gG7¢ DOSE S¥Se GESe G19Z wn) 9°60¢ O06! S46t |PS0¢ BZie Bele Eee cece GEEe 1BEs Tere GSE 8) C80 ell OSB! |SO6! 7°96! v'202 B90Z2 EC vLZ 2422 Viel) 6961 FOOL Ze9L |bpZl Olt S'Z8L SLL 6'Z6L evle Wen) $061 Spl c'est [2091 L249 O'2Zt 12d SbeL v66L yl) ZBL Slel pel |SSyl ees Test LE LIL ost 2) SLL veel Vue By} err EysE elt Ged) SALE V6LL S9ZL yeEL YSEL EerL Z6St peng Vso F20L VELL L6LL SEzL O'LEL 9Srl 719) 8°83 ZHOL Y'ZOL OL ZL zvel (9) ¥eSh e68 296 £66 1Z0b oer (res) ORE eee 296 OEE (zns) Leet ere LOL GunS) VEEL 39 S06 oS) Ozh os vos nvr) LOZL PIL vee BSL |Cenr) CLL gzo 399 789 |(.riy) O'80L o8s O19 OPO s'r0l sg 08S S65 9° LOL Oly Lé6r bes 96 Toy er oy cas zee LSe Lee ree sec Lee SVE vel g92 862 ELS Z'9L BEG BY EBS | (8/2) VEL olor ese [eee o2e 2OL PIL GEO e/S 80S Sr Lee SIE Gre (uu) (ww) aizel09 do 28109 Note: For spiral drill collars subtract 4% frem the weights given above kg/m = 6.165 x 103 (OD: ULSI Yad SWVYDO1D - SLHDISM YVT109 T11Hd T34LS Cr ID =y OD2 2673 e6lz] +See g862 v20e 6'S0e HE lez | v'acz 6.692 eel2 Olle wOseZ Ceez anOF 6ez2| V6ee Q%e yore sere Les |e'ssz OF eze1| beoz gle poze ez Flee Eee y'zEz 8 eect | seZt Glel S961 C66 Hz0Z E902 BZ0Z g F19F | 991 b08l G8 7Z8L QOL G'e6l B'S6l El] v8 eer | bssi esol SIZl SLL L6LL GI8L Pret gos] we sel! 6erl S/SL E19 sy9L G29. BOLL SELL PSZL] m8 C¥rAS Leet o'orl cost § 6'ecL Lei 6'BGL = G'ZOlL = =OPOL Q gZit | eet Feel 66el Sth GOrl Serr BTS! Frat] vel eo} | SZbt eset eezl Sel GOEL EEL Livt Gerl| AL g46 | 9201 Fell Gil SEZ} G9zl Gezl BLel bel] mL ozs | bee YOU FUE BLE FLEE GLE Geek Yet Z $26 E101 SbOr GLOl FOI ELL SSL] v9 ges sz 696 166 GIOL SOL 9901) %*9 roe 6's gle g'06 ses es6 ee mo 6. eS. 6. Gee eS8 Bus 668 9 hyo 6U9 SLL HL «GUL «CGELSCL'28 6S 29g 09,9 zug OSL Lb “3 ees sog 66s gz eso S79 ms eer bes 69s seo 209 $ ger Loy Séh Oe zrs ver SOr 8 B's Or ar Lye GlE Ov Zep vay els Le sZe Ves any oe zez Owe «SHE CL9C + g9z yee BLE OVE ue e62 SIE ee sve 192 ze zzz Pz Boe v wef mE we & Sere Be tne z viel zt | (Seyout) {seyour) aI 7209) 0 421109 LOO Y3d SANNOd - SLHDISM YVT109 111d 1341S aa a ana a oa Ibs/ft = 2.€73 (OD?— ID?) Note: For spiral drill collars subtract 4% from the weights given above: ROTARY SHOULDERED CONNECTION INTERCHANGE LIST Common Name Same As or Interchanges With Style Size 2y 27, SH NC 26 fs ls Internal 2%, 3 SH NC 31 . Flush 3% 4b SH NC 38 (LF) 4 4b XH NG 46 4% 5 XH Nc 50 5% DSL Full 4 4% DSL Nc 40 Hole (FH) Extra 2% 3% DSL Hole 3p 4 SH 4% EF , (XH) 4h 4 IF NC 46 (EH) 5 4‘) IF NC 50 5) DSL 2% 2% IF Nc 26 am 3% | 2h iF Nic 31 gH) 4 3 b XH 4% EF a 4%, 3h IF NC 38 _ Double | 3% 27%, XH Streamline| 4, 4 FH Nic 40 (DSL) BY 4%b IF 3 XH NC 50 NC 26 2%, IF 2, SH hum NG31 2 4 IF 3h SH amber NC 38 3h IF 4/5 SH . Nc 40 4 FH 4Y> DSL < qc) 4 C Ne4e | 4 IF 4 XH ~ NC 50 4, IF 5 XH 5, DSL External | 4% | 4 SH 3, XH Flush (E.F.) Notes: 1) Many szes and styles of connections are interchaigeable with certain other sizes and styles of connecticns. These conditions differ only in name and in some cases thread form. If the thread forms are interchangeable, the connections are interchangeable. 2)"REGULAR" thrsads are not included in tie N.C. system. Ca ) CAPACITY, DISPLACEMENT AND APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF NEW DRILLPIPE, INCLUDING TOOLJOINTS PEN END C108. ED END pis*Lacement | DISPLACEMENT wai |i ga : 1.33 | 0.107 | 299 | o.zat (0.30) 6 65 01/194] 4. . 135 | o109 | s01 | 0742 3.01 | 0.282 Note : Approximate weights from API RP7G ( August “991) . DRILLPIPE RANGE Drillpipe is furnished in the following API ength ranges, which include the uosets but not the togljoints :- Range 1 : 18-22 it (5.49 - 6.71m) Range2 : 27-30ft (8.23 - 9.14m) Range3 : 38-45 ft (11.58 - 13.72 m) A.P.|, DRILLPIPE MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD (LES) nom. ‘AR CLASS 1 ‘API PREMIUM CLASS: APL GLASS 2 | ee DRILLPIPE DRILLPIPE SRILLPIPE 2 Lat fe (75) X(95) G(105) S(135}}E(75) XQ5) GCE) S(135) |E(75) X(95)_G(105) S(135) 2q | oas 97817 121902 196044 176071 | 76893 97398 1O7esC 138407 | eSBs B48 = 9KI60 120035, $3 | SBT TR RN AE | atete sts teoons isan | Seer moe tooo ercer 2% | 305 | sasq2 17149 ‘2aqe24 | 108945 iaeaon agree i9zs03 | s2o01 11049 128822 —t07040 ao | Breau eros Seen | tees 2toes ota conve | vossr ioe 2oee80 a8 aso | totes auoee zrier sieeve | socom secre 2v4irs arssea | saz70 teste 2ce7 2252 | IH BHoeS Set See [stews aurea fovowe nara | tmnee suamt avery sane TEES | Slate Sceto ‘toss Senoos |2sc0m Stes some dsivis | 2tceer 2rase steash Serer 4 iis | 230756 aren 32805" 415360 | 182016 2ams4 254s28 327630 | 1Se132 20C901 221385 BeHESs as | zoe zeae eee, eee | zenves ances Stance amar | tosaen sutea a7oion Sunes HOD | BRS RES Sore seosts [2ecost eeu Sesoot detoon | terse Zrese Stress Suse 42 | 1375 | 270004 341043 a7a0« — aa6081 | 219260 agese1 gannes | 1ess¢9 20827 250845 5305701 Tze | Sect Stor tom Seone | Zens sccost azsy | 2asra attr? 6000 enone son | frase sata Sreo reane | 22010 oot taiate | grme emus ore Sabt08 Bae | ‘trae soos exorey atono | reco Sraeor enien | svar ones daates | Sriees 6 ors anes 45900: 590531 | 259155 s26817 465470 | 226016 2eE400 315442 405568 feos soos ose Peoro [sis Seis feos | move Seco Sree ora Soret anne Mono outa | $1460 srosee Tass | terei asaw seems Sars Sy, | 1220 | sreie1 47429 52105 © aepg2s | 204260 411988 628669 | 285054 92208 958335 460717, Ban | Write Gear sites Fanon | seeren ios Stam | Sess Sram sine Seo i7o | dere eae eoett ato | 91285 Servet rote | sessa vane Gsser t00 20 | aeotes eres _on5051 _stoas | ents sings: care | gots cas _7aist 78 A.P., DRILLPIPE MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD (kdaN) NOM. API GLASS 1 API PFEMIUM CLASS: APICLASS 2 OF | wercnn| mm, DRILLPIPE DRILLPIPE DRILLPIPE Ln eum | E(75) X'95) G(105) S(135) E(75) X(95) G(105) S(135) | E(75) X@5) G(108)_S(135)) ‘ai EH OO em um am aa usr | mm gsr aK sao BY SE So vos far Os ore tay | i ee ore Tua cos e578) 881 exe com men | sia 09 aan S887 ma ote sos oman ussse | chases anata se} uur | asst to4e tm sae smo aro osar eso | cor an mae ose yg | 8 ISS tone dr ons some rare too | Stan sams mae ome BR | WS WS BS SS Me Gest sco anar | car tea tonw rae 8.eo) 0 | eso wae aan saare sone sso inst vars | rom 10 oat tet BS | BS WS ten Bese sete imo tan oso | coat vost rio see we | ass 17e iy eck ees eos ener Smon | ores tat fone et ean] oso | are ues team siean | o4se mis taam mors | soar eas teak nat 7) ee | (ei Mess 08 later | store tess team Bet | oo zat Mom torr gr | iat pees Mee Soy | tame veto sory omnes | tous 140 toe aro 82 | ES BS tes Sty | tees soto mn aso | teias tee tent Baan Fran! use | soo ess 2048 saaen | 1520 1602 4s 750 | toss sa om oat Si | WES M68 SSS eM | tees tase tate sows | t20a0 tear tana ose BE | 282 2a8 jue Seas | fone ccs cons Seems | tensr 2a am Bras S70] zosr | 10555 p70 2178 a0 | 19099 1690 taaas ison | 1935 seat aoe 2B, | itt 28%) area ase | ss0s7 tase aan mono | eae jen Boas 5 | BN 28% Soo Sate | fas tour bse Sez | isto ma mae faq| orm | arrre maze sous aiea | 7a mst an swozs | sao voor eon aan Note ; The tensile data are based on load atthe minimum yield strengh, with no safety fastor. Ca CALCULATING THE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF A SECTION OF DRILL PIPE Single grade in use (0.85% Ving XA) “MOP _W, tle = (0.85 XY XA) _ We x Le WixKp andor = "SExWXK, W Sting with two grades of DP in use L; —@s above Ly = 0:85 Vino x Aa) =MOP _ (Wi x Ly) + (We x Ly) 2 Wax Kp Wa and/or Lp = (0.85% Ying ¥Aa) _ (Wi x Ly) + Wo x La) We ‘SF x Wo x

e200 40080 $4910 44730 44950 44380 44200 |_aoseo_ asese 24100 Ba 37850 37440 37290 87°40 37000 96850 36700 96400] 29550 24100 Note : To obtain the torque n N-m multipy the above figures by 1.356 Can — VY Le VU or PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF HEVI-WATE DRILLPIPE (Range Il) Field units S.1. Unis Nominal size ins | 32 5 mn | 839 | 127 Nominal wt. Ibstt | 26 50 kgim | 38.7 | 74.4 Adjusted wt. istt | 265.3 | 49.3 | kgm | 37.6 | 73.4 Pipe O.D. ins | 32 5 mm | 88.9 | 127.0 Pipe 1.D. ins ane 3 mm 52.4 76.2 Tool joint Ness | NC50 Ne3e | NC5O Tool joint 0.0. ins | 4% V2 mm | 120.7 | 165.: Tool joint I.D. ins | 2%16 | 3146 | mm | 55.16 | 77.73 Pipe min. tensile yield | tbs [345400] 691,185] kdaN | 154.8 | 3098 Tool joint tersile yielc | tbs |748750 |1,266,000] kdaN | 995.6 | 5674 Pipe torsional yield Ibs-ft | 19,575 56,495 | daN.m 2,652 7,655 Too! joint torsional yield| tbs-t | 17,575 | 51,375] daN.m | 2,381 | 6.961 Make-up torque Ibsft | 9,900 | 29,400] daN.m | 1,341 | 3,984 Caracity bbis/tt | 0.0242 | 0.0087 | vm 219 | 4.53 O.Edisplacement bbis/t | 0.0292 | 0.018 | vm 4.79 | 9.35 (including tool joints) oAa CYLINDRICAL DRILL COLLAR CONNECTIONS AND MAKE - UP TORQUES OUTSIDE INSIDE THREAD DIAMETER DIAMETER TYPE MAKE - UP TORQUE inch mm. nm bs-ft daN.m 3k 88.9 1/31. - 38.1 4600 625 — 3% 95.3 ag 2 MlF 5500 750 3% 95.3 58.1 4700 640 3% 98.4 1%-2 131.8 - 50.8 4600 625 4a 104.8 1% - 14) 31.8 - 44.5 7300 990, 4% 120.7 1% -2 ‘ol 44.4 - 63.5 9900 1350 5 127 1-2 |44.4-50.8 13800 1850 5 127 2M | E72 12800 1750 5 139.7 2-2", 150.8 - 71.4 15400 2100 5% | 146.4 2-2 Vy 150.8 - 57.2 20300 2750 5% | 146.1 2% | 5 19400 2650 6 152.4 2 £0.8 23400 3150 ) 6 152.4 2h, 7.2 21600 2950 ? 6 152.4 2le | 635 19400 2650 6 152.4 Bhe | 71.4 16200 2200 vo 6 152.4 | 2 %4-2'4)57.2 - 63.5 23200 3150 ~ 6 152.4 he | 71.4 22200 3000 6% | 1588 2% | s72 28000 3800 - 6% | 1588 2% | 65 25500 3450 : 6% 158.8 2 he na 22200 3000 158.8 | 2% -2°% 57.2 - 71.4 22800 3100 : 165.1 2%a-3 157.2 -76.2 29500 4000 115 2% | 87.2 36000 4900 171.5 2% | 635 35500 4800 os 171.5 2%. | 71.4 32000 * 4350 Ne 171.5 3 76.2 30000 4050 177.8-1842| 2% | 87.2 5150 ; 177.8-1842| 2% | 635 4800 4-74} 177.8-1842| 2%o | 71.4 4350. Nites: 1. Basis of calculations of recommended make - up torque assumed the use ofa thread compound contairing 40-60% by weight of linely powered metallic zinc or 60% by weight of finely powdered metallic lead appied thorough to all threeds and shoulders and using the modifiod jack eorew fommula in appendix a paragraph a.8 and a unit stress 9f 430,875 kPa in the 20x or pin, whichever s weaker. Normal toque range s tabulatec value plus 10%. Higter torque values may be used urder extreme conditions » C44 Vy Yee VU YoU CYLINDRICAL DRILL COLLAR CONNECTIONS AND MAKE- UP TORQUES OUTSIDE INSIDE THREAD DIAMETER DIAMETER TYPE MAKE - UPTORQUE inch mam inch [| _mm ftilbs GaN 6% 1715 31500 425) 7 177.8 |2 %e-2 2] 572-635 39000 530) 7-7 Ye (184. 2% 572 | 5¥2REG 42000 570) 7 Ya-T te (184.3 A] 2 Yo 635 39500 535) 7 Vo7 Yo|184.2-190.4] 2"hs 36000 490) Te 190.5 [2 he-3% 46000 625) 7%, 196.9 | 2% 55000 745) 7% 196.9 53000 720) 7% 196.9 6% REG 50000 680) 8 8%, |203.2-209.4 57000 775) 8 8%, |203.2-209.¢ 53000 720) 8 8%, |203.2-209.¢| 50000 680) 82 215.9 60000 8150 8% | 2223 71000 965) 9 228.6 83000 11260 9 228.6 79000 10760 9 %,-9 | 235-241.3 88000 11980 235-241.3 83000 11280 295-241.3 79000 10760 9 228.6 72000 975) 9Vq 235 85500 11600 Qi | 241.3 89000 13360 10 254 108000 14860 10%, | 260.4 123000 16760 10% | 266.7 7% REG | 139000 - 18850 10% | 2667 | 3% 134000 18260 1% | 2667 | 3% 129000 17560 10% | 266.7 | 3% 123600 16700 CAs ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND PULL ON API DRILLPIPE Torque during drilling The torque in the drillpipe while driling is given by the following equations: Torque = $:250 x Horsepower Ibstt Torque = 28H Power kN.m Torque under tension When pulling on stuck pipe, or fishing, combired tenson and torsion loads of high ™Magnitudes are common. However the simuttaneous application of both loads reduces ths capacity of drill pipe to carry either. The following equations based on those in API RP7G Appendix A (January 1995) may be used to determine the maximum allowable torque ior drillpipe undera tension F : |) field urits : In S.l. units : 0.09617 x J pe 1.154 xJ pe = LOGIT HS 5 1 Yn SFP Es QS a [mx SFP - Where Q = Minimum torsional yield strength under tension. Ib-ft (N.m) J Polar monent of inertia - inches* (m4) = *gp(D* -d4) for tubes D = Outside diameter - inches (m) d= Inside dizmeter- inches (m) Ym= Minimum yield strass - psi (Pa) P = Total tensile load - pounds (N) A = Cross-section area - inches (m2) SF is the design factor ised It is assumed that the mnimum yield stress in shear is 57.7% of the minimun yield stress in tension Yisid Strength (from API Spec 5D, August 1992) The yield strength shall be the tensile stress tequired to produse a tota elongation of bes gage length, as determined by an extensometer or by multiplying dviders, as ‘Olows: Grade | Total Extension of Gage Length (%) E-75 0.5 X-95 0.5 G-105 06 $-135 0.7 Its recommended that the maximum allowable pull aid/or torque on adrill strirg shall Nt exceec an amount corresponding to a percentage of the minimum yield strength of ths material in question. The value used by Shell companies is 85%. Cure i QoS The equations on the previous page have been used to ccnstruct a set of grap-hsto allow te determination of the maximum allowable torque ‘hat can de applied in combination with a give? tensile load, and vice versa, for tie common drill pipe sizes, using safely factors of both 1.0 and 0.85. These are presented on the following pages. The mnimum yield strength values depend on the percentage of wear on the pipe, therefore grapts are included for the various API rill pipe classifications. A method is provided on page G-7 for determining the number of turns required in order to achieve a certain torque under conditions of combined tension and torsion. Note 1: It should be rezlised thet when applying torque to a drill string the torsional strength of the pipe is not always tte limiting factor. Sometimes the limit is determined ay the torsional strength of the tool joint. This depends 07 the type of tool joint and the percentage of wear of the pipe. (See API RP7G). Note 2 : Safety factors Drill pipe is rarely taken up to its theoretical yield stress. Normal practice wthin Shell is to apply a safety factor of 0.85 to the theoretical minimum yield stress of the material. The maximum allowable stress then becomes P,= 0.85 x Ym xA, where : Ais the cross-sectional area of the pipe in ft? or m2 Ym is the minimum yield sess of the material, and is 75,000 psi / 517 MPa for Grade E pipe 95,000 psi / 656 MPa for Grade X pipe 105,000 psi / 72¢ MPa for Grade G or P phe 135,000 psi / 931 MPa for Grade S pipe Margin of Overpull (MOP) Ifthe buoyant weight of the strirg In drillng fluid is Pg MOP = Pa - Par naz ALLOWABLE TORGUE AND TENSION ON API “NEW” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 1.¢- FIELC UNITS ‘80 60 aC Torque in 1,000 Ibs-f S| 3 1-302" 13.3 be/ft 200 —_ 2-812" 15.5lbsitt 8 ~ 3 -4¥2" 166 lbs/ft S 300 4-AW2" 20.0 Iba/ft 3 5-5" 19.5lbs/ft = 6-5" 25.6lbs/it = 400 7 -S¥2" 21.9 lbsift 3 8-512" 24.7 Ibs/ft $ 500 5 2 Example 600 The tensile oad on a string of 4°/2" os 25.0 Ibs/tt dill pipe is 435,000 Ibs. 700 NS Flow the cashed line to determine ‘that the allowable torque without eluding a safety factor is 26,10) Ibs-tt. 800 00 1,000 Cao ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON. API “NEW” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 1.0 - SI UNITS 10 68 6 4 Terque in kdaN-m 3 8 1-312" 13.3 lbsit 2-312"155 Ibsif 3 -412"16.6 Ibs/f 4-41/2"20.0 Ibsif 5-5" 19.5 lbs/t 6-5" 25.6 Ibsit. 7 -51221.9 Ibsif 8 -512"247 Ibsif Tensile load in kdaN 8 8 8 C19 ALLOWABLE TORGUE AND TENSION ON API “NEW” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 - FIELD UNITS. 0. G 40 Torque in 1,000 Ibs-t 100 T-B1F 13.5 bait 200 2-Bti2! 15.5 lbsstt @ 3-4¥/2" 16.6 Ibs/tt = 300 4. 41/2! 20.0 Ibsit 3 5-5" 19.5 Ibsitt = 6-5° 25.6 Ibs/ft © 400 7 7 -5¥/e" 21.0 IbsAt 8 8. 5¥2! 24,7 Ibsit © 509 @ a 8 s 3 8 300 oo taba to ln) 900 1,000 Gon ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “NEW” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 - SI UNITS 8/6] 7} [sif4) i ait 10 6 6 < 2 0 Torque in keaN-m 1-312 13.3 lbsik 2-312! 15.5 lbsft “00) 3-412 16.6 lbs/t 4-41/2' 20.0 Ibs/t * 19.5 Ibsit 25.6 Ins/t Wp! 21.9 lbs - 51/2! 24,7 Ibs/t Tensile load in kdaN 300} 400 0-21 ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “PREMIUM” DRILL P IPE SAFETY FACTOF FACTOR OF 1.0 - FIELD UNITS. 60 40. Torque in 1,000 Ibs-t 100 . 1 31/2" 13.2 Ibs/ft 2- Ste 15.£ Ibs/ft g 200 _ 3-412" 16.€ Ibs/tt 2 4-412 20.6 Ibs/tt 8 5-5" 19.6 Ibsitt = 300 6-5" 25. Ibsitt = 7 - Bie! 21.€ Ibs/ft R 8 - 5¥2" 24.7 Ibs/ft 3 400 2 500 600 . 700 . 800 Coo ee — YS 4 ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “PREMIUM” DRIL L PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 1.0 - SI UNITS 1% 10 B 6 4 Torque in kdaN-m 1-3/2" 13.3 Ibs/ft 2-312"15.5 Ibs/fi ‘00 3-412" 16.6 Ibs/f 4 1/2"20.0 lbsit 5-5" 19.5 Ibsit 6-5" 25.6 Ibsit 7 -B¥2"21.9 lbsii 8 -512"24.7 Ibsit Tensile load in kdaN 400 0-28 ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “PREMIUM” DRILL P IPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 - FIELD UNITS 60 40 Torque in 1,000 Ibs-t SISGSON= ~ 31a 13.5 IbsMt +312" 15.5 Ibs/ft - Al 16.6 Ibs/ft +5" 19.8 Ibs/ft +5" 25.6 Ibs/ft +52 21.2 Ibs/ft +52! 24.7 Ibs/ft Ate" 20.0 Ibe Tensile load in 1,000 Ibs 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 700 800 es a ee — ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “PREMIUM” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 -S! UNITS 8 6 4 Torque in kdaN-m 1-312"13.3 Ibsit 2-312"15.5 Ibs/t 3-41/2"16.6 Ibs/ft 4-41/2"20.0 Ibs/ft 5-5" 19.5 Ibsift 6-5" 25.6 Ibs 7 -510"21.9 Ibs/ft 8 -51/2"24,7 Ibs/tt Tensile load in kdaN 00 200! ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “CLASS 2” DRILL PI PE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 - FIELD UNITS. 0 60 50 40 30 Torque in 1,000 Ibs-t 100 1-312 13.3 bet 7 2-312" 15.5 lbsift ~~ 3-412 165 lbsit 3 200 4. 41/2" 20.0 Ibstt 3 5-5" 19.5 lbsitt = 6-5" 25.6 Ibs/ft = 300 7 BVe" 21.9 lbsitt B 8. 52! 24.7 Ibsitt 3 8 400 500 Mo 700! Con i ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “CLASS 2” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 1.0 —SI UNITS 6 4 Torque in kdaN-m. 1-312" 13.3 Ibs/ft 2-312"15.5 Ibsift 3 -412"16.6 Ibsit 4-412"20.0 Ibs/tt 5-5" 19.5 Ibsift 6-5" 25.6 Ibs/ft 7 -512"21.9 Ibsitt 8 -512"24,7 Ibsit 3 Tensile load in kdaN 200 390 C-27 ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “CLASS 2” DRILL P IPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 - FIELD UNITS 060 20 50. 4030 Torque in1,000 Ibst 4: Si" 13.3 Ibsiit 2+ 812" 15.5 Ibsift 3-412" 16.5 Ibs/ft 4- A¥i2" 20.0 Ibe/ft 5-5" 195 Ibs/ft 6-5" 25.3 Ibs/ft 7-512! 21.9 Ibs/tt 8-512" 24,7 Ibsitt Gro ALLOWABLE TORQUE AND TENSION ON API “CLASS 2” DRILL PIPE SAFETY FACTOR FACTOR OF 0.85 —SI UNITS. Bl6[7 [541 [31 2it 8 6 4 ‘Torque in kdaN-m 1-312"13.3 lbs/ft 2-812"15.5 lbsift 3-412" 16.6 Ibs/ft 4 4112"20.0 Ibs/ft 5-5" 19.5 Ibsft 6-5" 25.6 Ibsit 7 -51/2"21.9 Ibe/t 8 -51/2"24,7 Ibsift 8 Tensile load in kdaN. C-29 MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF TOOL JOINT ABOVE SLIPS TO PREVENT BENDING DURING TONGING Case 1 Case 2 Tongs at 8¢ degrees Tongs at 180° The maximum height above the slips is given by: in field units in S.J, units Case1: Hmax= 0.05 Yoke WC) Himax= 0.601 Sn WC) Case 2: Hing = 2088 Minln VO) yy, = 0425 Ym (U2) T 108.7 Where: field unit _S.l. unit_ Hmax = Height of tool joitt above slips ft m Ym = Minimum tensile yield stress of pipe ps. Pa L, = Tong arm length ft mn P = Line pull (Icad) Ibs N T = Meke-up torque (= > x Lt) Ibe-ft = Num VIC = Section modulus of pipe ing m3 where : 12%, (D4 - d4) =D C= Ip outside diameier of pips ins mm = insido diamete: of pipe ins 7m Constents 0.05, 0.036, 0.601 & 0.425 include the safety factor of 085 (see page C-23) Syction modulus values have been calculated for commonly tsed drill pipe sizes and le shown in the table on tre following page. Values of commended make-up torque valies can 9e foundon pages C-6 & 3-7. Can SECTION MODULUS VALUES FOR NEW PIPE ; Nominal Pipe 0.D. pipe weight ve ins [mm | tbsitt | kg/m | insé mm? 23g | 60.3 4.85 7.22 0.6604 19,820 665 | 9.89] 08666 | 14.200 27s | 73.0 | 685 | 10.19 | 1.12% 360 10.40 | 15.48 | 1.602 | 23,250 Si | 88.9 9.50 14.14 1.96* 32,140 1330 | 1979 | 2572 | 42,150 15.50 | 23.07 | 2.924 | 47,910 4 | 101.5 | 11.85 | 17.63 | 2.700 2 14.00 | 20.83 | 3.229 52,910 15.70 | 2336 | 3.579 | 53,640 42 | 114.3 | 13.75 | 20.46 | 3.592 | 53,860 1660 | 24.70 | 427° 79,000 20.00 | 29.76 | 5.116 83,840 2282 | 93.95 | 5.673 | 92,960 24.66 | 36.93 25.50 | 37.94 5 127.0 16.25 24.18 4.859 73,620 1950 | 29.02 | 5.708 | 93530 25.60 | 38.10 | 7.245 | 113,730 5vz | 139.7 | 19.20 | 28.57 | 6.111 | 102,140 21.90 | 92:59 | 703: | 115,220 24.70 | 36.75 | 7.844 | 123,580 65 | 168.3 | 25.20 | 37:50 | 9.786 | 169,360 O31 CLASSIFICATION OF USED DRILLPIPE (TAK2N FROM API RP7G, 15h EDITION, JANUARY 1995) PRENIUM CLAES BLASS CLASS PIFE CONDITION J two white Bands Yellow Bano Orange Bands One centre puncr mark _| Two centre punch marcs_| Threecentre punch marks 1 EXTEFIOR CONDITIONS *. OD Weat- Wall Remeining wall rot less Remaining wall not less Any imperfections or than £0% than 70% damages exceeding §, Dents & Mashes Diameter reductisn not Diameter reductionno, CLASS 2 over $% of OD over 4% of OD ©. Slip Area Mechanical Darnage 1. Crusting, Necking Diameter reduction not Diameter reduction no: over 5% of OD over 4% of OD. 2. Cuts, Souges Deptt not to exceed 10% Depth not 1 exceed 2% of theaverage adjacent of the averzge adjacent wall wall ©. Stress Iniuced Diameter Variations 1. Stretcied Diameter reduction not Diameter reduction no: over 5% of OD over 4% of OD 2. StringShot Diameter increase not Diameter increase not over 5% of OD over 4% of OD E, Comosior, Cuts & Gouges 1. Corrosion Remaining wall rot less Remaining wail rot tess than £0% ‘han 70% 2 Cuts & Gouges Longitudinal © Remdning wall rot less Remainingwall rot less than £0% ‘han 70% Trensverse Remaining wall rot less Remaining wail rot less than £0% ‘han 80% F. Cracks None None None 2 INTERIOR CONDITIONS 4 Corrosive Piting Wall Remaining wall rot less _ Remaining wall rot less than £0%, measured from than 70%, measured fom base of deepest ait base of deepest pit E, Erosion & Wear Wall Remining wall rot less Remaining wall rot less than 60% ‘han 70% LS. Cracks None None None Notes 1. For all sizes, weights and grades, the nominal dimension is the basis for all calculations 2. In any classification where cracks or washouts appear the pipe will be Identfied with th red bandang considered unfil for further drilling service. 3. Average adjacent wal is determned by measuring the wall thickness on each side of the cut or gouge adjacent to the deepest penetraton. 4. The centre punch merks are madie on the 35° or 18° sioulder of fhe pin-endtool joint. 5. The drillpbe manufacturing date can be fond on the pin Con YS WwW CAPACITY OF TUBING size | Weight Witn Couplings Inside Drit — | bbs lin. ft, oD. Diameter | Diameter | per [mm per |m/m NonUpset| Upset [Inteveal Jor lint vos inch [ram [Tot | Kolm) At [KaMe| Tor [kom] eR _[— mm | woh |_ mm Toso | Boar | ree] 170 | t20] 179] 20] 17 | ome] —anee | areo | v2 | oar | oo | Tare | Basa 1218 — rar] rae] as | zese | ome | 2z0 | cone | ome | ar 2ae | esore = Yae| 200 | tier | zree | ass | seas | oace | come | accu | sana 470] 253} 1049 | 2664 | 0955 | 2426 ‘coe | 9e6.49 | 992.77) = 2iz| sar| our | nat | caw | aren taees | srexeo | neece 1000 | 210 - a1o| are | rao | acer | tase | aes | ooo | cone | e270 | soaae 2a0| a2 | as] saz] 22s | sar | tao | sen | tase | S200 | Sone | ooo1 | stess | ooss0 final Sue| tis | seas | tase | soar | code | come | sewer | pores 100 asr| 160 | aia | rst | esr | 00s | ooo | arent | reas it | tio | doa | tare | Seat | ooas | osote | sere | foror ser] tm | ae10 | tae | ar | ooae | ooo | seinse | S070 2000 asi] ra | aca | tare | soc | ooer | coors | sess | 70799 2069 gee] ine | ases | sae | 200 | ooae | ooo | arte | 20018 a| tar | 444s | tase | Soe | oan | conte | Sere | Sas ars — ser| 22s | sas | 1901 | aoze | cous | oom} 2or07 | soor = fee] Sur | tase | toot | deze | oom | cones | antes | teaar ae zen | stot | tam | Seve | oowo | conor | aszie | easy ees ee | tas | ser | toot | faze | cogs | coam | a5ces | toner s $i | ti | aoas | tom | feos | nar | noo | areno | wer a gee | ter | ara | tre | tea | ooce | coor | aosss | Sonos cad Sor tase | arar | tree | ater | nose | ooo | soon | sass SE) Se] Ep] ar iitte] ee | as | tke | Soar | docs | coos | Setes | Soar 2a7s | ra00 | — aze| eee] 270 | ess: | 2ses | cose | 0000s | coos | tea77 | 20000 ter| sor| 2ae | esto | ase | Sear | dogs | oom | teen | nom aho| Ser| 21 | e200 | zow | seat | docs | oom | ivare | uae a0] r176| 790 sire | 222 | sooo | 22m | cece | dows | oomr | toore | wns? 350(t298| ee [rase | 220 | Sean | ates | seco | dom | dom | aovze | Janse SRY] toc|taar| amo | soar | atao | Sse | ows | coos} 2oasi | sere dua) rae] eaoltere | Zuo | ere | ator | sar | oar | Ooms | ataco | tosas wey] soae|isae| amr | stoe | aasr | seas | cos | coca | zezes | ions tore|isee| 201 | satt | aor | core | aone | came | ease | tora0 ivan] sear] tor |iesr| 203 | seas | dar | Snce | cou | oonee | aeat | icass hoo] raet © fee | fer | ta | eae | aac | Gam | aeacs | toser 00 am 2200 | 7790 | oo | oan | t0120 | soars ae 2aua | Tare | coat | coowe | Yoaar | 239 oe baer | tome | cow? | ooowe | i490 | omar zez | raze | arr | ros | oom | om | tz0sr | 2105 2a | toa | as | orcs | coms | coos | tears | raze zo | esas | aa | ecco | Oars | Ome | tania | 2000 221 | roa | asco | eras | oom | coos | toa7s | maze ihe | ez | Size | erst | Sams | Ooms | tease | sons zoo | sean | ass | Sece | onto | oom | seza7 | ors 20 Eas | st | coe | ovo | was | te +400 ae | sore | ascs | coor | oo | coves vat sae | aoa | asst | ave | oon | oom tear Sas | erar | sams | enzo | oovs | oom \ero aco | Stee | sare | sree | coms | ooosr ‘rae gi | Ter | ease | eu | core | cone ery 800 ase | sooss | aa | orae | oom | ooo | esr: | iases 3a0 | ‘seer | ors | seco | oom | aor | cevo | ianse See | sri | sro | seor | nae | amore | rose | istrr ser | s5ce | oa | sete | ooar | oa | taos | isos auo | gece | asts | eeze | oom Fre | (aaa azo | to | oa | ess | 000 thee | (eae * Not API standard Shown forinformation only 0-29 CAPACITY OF CASING 5 , 5 a) bbls Tin size Weight Inside Drift ©.3, — |wth Coupings) Diameter | Diameter | ,Per | ™/m | Per | msme lin. ft. bbis inch mm Tit

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