Brilliant Anecdotes Entertainment Ideal Certainly Capture Eager Remote Cultures Potential

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Name: ________________________ ( ) JM 3 ( ) Date: __________

UNIFIED TEST (1) 2022 _ JM3
Fill in the blanks with the MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWERS.
brilliant anecdotes entertainment ideal certainly
capture eager remote cultures potential
1. A number of ____________________ buyers have expressed interest in the company.
2. This advertisement will ____________________ the attention of TV audiences.
3. The hotel is a/an ____________________ venue for conferences and business meetings.
4. Her ____________________ performance redeemed the concert from complete failure.
5. Although he's shy, it ____________________ hasn't impeded his career in any way.
6. What did you do for ____________________ while you were staying there - just watch TV?
7. They all greeted me very cordially and were ____________________ to talk about the new project.
8. His autobiography is padded with boring ____________________.
9. Landslides have cut off many villages in ____________________ areas.
10. People from different ____________________ have different conceptions of the world.

inspiration concerned disbelief onlookers revealed

recommended discovered characters generations engaged
11. The new novel ____________________ his attention and interest.
12. Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and ____________________ to armchair travellers.
13. The doctor ____________________ swimming as the best all-round exercise.
14. She's a writer who really knows how to make her ____________________ come alive.
15. Her biography ____________________ that she was not as rich as everyone thought.
16. Following a routine check-up, Manson was ____________________ to have heart disease.
17. This painting has been in the family for ____________________.
18. His fellow workers listened to his adventure story in ____________________.
19. After the crash, ____________________ said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky.
20. He was ____________________ to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving.

Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs using the words provided in the brackets.
1. Light ____________________ (travel) at almost 300,000 kilometres per second.
2. While Alan was working in his room, his friends ____________________ (swim) in the pool.
3. After they ____________________ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
4. The human heart usually ____________________ (beat) about 80 times a minute.
5. If I fail this test, my parents ____________________ (take away) my phone.
6. Jason ____________________ (vacuum) the carpet at the moment.
7. She ____________________ (not choose) anything yet for the party wearing.
8. The kids ____________________ (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
9. If she had gone to university, she ____________________ (study) French.
10. She ____________________ (sleep) for ten hours when I woke her.
11. She will stay in London if she ____________________ (get) a job.
12. Sorry, I can't. I ____________________ (take) my daughter to work at that time tomorrow.
13. Morganucodon ____________________ (be) an early mammal that lived with dinosaurs.

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14. The young man took out his wallet and ____________________ (pay) the bill.
15. She would be happier if she ____________________ (have) more friends.
16. I ____________________ (read) all the terms and conditions of your company.
17. He would have taken a taxi if he ____________________ (have) enough money.
18. The workers ____________________ (demand) higher wages for a long time.
19. The water level ____________________ (rise) if it rains continuously.
20. I would marry someone famous if I ____________________ (be) a movie star.

Find and UNDERLINE the mistake, then REWRITE the sentence with correct answer.
1. The high-jump record was finally broken by someone last Saturday.

2. My mum, whose has been baking for years, made us cupcakes.

3. My hometown is very freezing in the winter, so remember to bring a big coat.

4. I am looking for someone whom can watch my dog while I go on vacation.

5. All the carpets have been selling by our salesmen.

6. Henry will be chose to represent Great Britain in the Olympics next year.

7. Many books has been written by Thomas.

8. Your hair is too long. You need to have them cut.

9. Two people were took to hospital after the accident.

10. Jason has became an excellent doctor.

11. You have to make well academically to get into medical school.

12. If you can't see properly, you should have your eyes test.

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