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Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Tarlac City, Tarlac

Junior High School

Activity Performance
Worksheet in
Quarter 3 – WEEK 1
Diagnose faults of computer systems and networks
I. Introduction
A computer is a machine; and just like all other machines, computers
too are susceptible to problems and might need repairing now and
then. The first thing to do when repairing the computer is identifying
the problem with the computer. If you are a student, who has a
background on computer, identifying the problem with the computer
that you are about to repair is the first thing you want to do.

II. Learning Competency/ Unit of Competency

Lesson 1: Diagnose faults or problems in the computer systems and
networks according to requirements and in line with the standard
procedures. TLE_IACSS9-12MRCN-IIIa-h-42

III. Nominal Duration

5 Days

IV. Objectives/ Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the different steps in diagnosing computer system.
2. Realize the importance of early diagnosis of computer problems.
3. Conduct diagnosis to a computer system.

V. Content/ Lesson
Diagnose faults of computer systems and networks.
Learning Module
Video Presentation
URL reference

VI. Procedure (Knowledge)

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Computer Diagnosis
Sometimes when the problem with a system is not totally apparent
and the problem may be intermittent, using a basic common
diagnostic procedure may help determine what is wrong. This
procedure has a number of steps that, if followed each time, can be
of help.

1. Identify the symptoms and potential causes.  

In this first step you define and determine the nature of the problem.
Is it the user or computer that is problematic? Are all websites
unreachable, or just one or a few? Is the computer consistently online
or is the connection flapping? Are websites reachable by IP address
but not by name? Are there any error messages indicating what type
of error was encountered? Based on your answers to these questions
you can begin to make educated guesses as to the cause. Gather
detailed information.  
2. Identify the affected area.  
This step is similar to the first step, but here you determine the extent
of the problem.  Is it affecting one computer or user, or multiple
computers or users? Are all computers in the subnet (or all users in
the domain) affected? Is the whole network down? If you are providing
support to another user, can you reproduce the error yourself?
Gather detailed information.
3. Establish what has changed.  
This is where you try to put the connectivity problem in some kind of
time frame. Find out if the user was ever able to successfully do what
he now cannot do. When did the error first appear? Before the
appearance of the error were there any programs or operating system
updates installed? How about new drivers or browser plugins? Were

any new nodes (clients, servers, networking devices, printers, etc)
added to the network? Any new users, user groups, or Active Directory
objects such as domains, OUs, or sites?  
4. Establish the most probable cause.  
Use your technical expertise to isolate and explain the cause of the
problem. Some in depth investigation and diagnostic tools will
probably be required. This step is described in more detail below.
5. Determine if escalation is necessary.  
If you believe that the connectivity error is outside your scope of
administration, you will need to transfer responsibility for its
resolution to another entity. For example, if you cannot connect to the
Internet and you strongly believe that the problem is not your
computer, router, or other equipment, you will need to contact your
Internet service provider (ISP) and ask them to investigate...perhaps
one of their lines or routers is down. Another scenario might involve a
piece of equipment on your network that is contractually administered
by a third party. 
6. Implement an action plan and solution including potential
Whether the responsibility to fix the error falls on you or if you need to
transfer it to another party, you must devise a resolution and start
checking off action items.  
7. Test the result.  
When you believe the steps of the action plan have been fulfilled, try
to re-create the error. Observe the results of the implementation. Is
the problem gone? If not, repeat steps 4, 5, and 6.  
8. Identify the results and effects of the solution.  
Once a solution has been found, ensure that normal network
operation has been restored and that no new problems have been
9. Document the solution and process.  
Describe the error conditions and the steps taken for a solution. This
will aid you in troubleshooting the same or similar problems in the
future. Make sure you include a sufficient amount of detail, including
operating system versions, application versions, driver versions,
software vendor update numbers, etc. 
Whether you are fixing a UTP cable, an IPV4 configuration or folder
sharing in a network always follow the nine basic process in

diagnosing fault in your network. An example below will be useful for
your next exercise.
Common Causes of Faulty Internet Connection

1. Slow connection.
Despite boasting fast connection speeds, both wireless and wired
connections can still get bogged down for a few reasons: 
∙ Your device is located far from the router 
∙ Your bandwidth is spread too thin, especially if there are plenty of
devices connected doing data-hungry applications and tasks 
∙ Peak hours where people connect all at once, thereby causing
congestion (e.g.  urban areas, libraries, hotels, etc). 
2. No connection at all. 
You might lose your connection entirely due to: 
∙ Glitches in the router or modem 
∙ Complete service outage, be it because of the weather, construction
work, or power problems 
3. Service fluctuations. 
Internet service providers (ISPs) also experience problems on their
end, often resulting in users not getting their contracted internet
speed 24/7. 
4. Equipment failure. 
Your modem or router can be damaged, possibly as a result of power
outages frying the wires. You may also have outdated equipment in
your hands that needs upgrading. 
5. Operator error. 

The most common operator errors that cause faulty internet includes
wires plugged into the wrong jack, bad firewall rules set up, and
duplicating IP addresses.

VII. Assessment (Knowledge)

Activity 1 Direction: Arrange the steps on diagnosing computer system in
order, Use numbers 1-9.

_____ 1. Test the result.

_____ 2. Determine if escalation is necessary.

_____ 3. Establish the most probable cause.

_____ 4. Document the solution and process.

_____ 5. Identify the symptoms and potential causes.

_____ 6. Identify the affected area.

_____ 7. Implement an action plan and solution including potential


_____ 8. Identify the results and effects of the solution.

_____ 9. Establish what has changed.

Activity 2 (Understanding) Direction: Explain the importance knowing

how to diagnose a computer system.


Activity 3 (Performance)
Directions: Conduct a diagnosis on a computer system. Identify the faults,
solutions used and the effects of the solutions.

Faults Solutions Effects of the solution

Web Links
Identify and diagnose computer network faults


Common Causes of Faulty Internet Connection



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