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KAGAWARAN NG PANANALAPI KAWANIHAN NG INGATANG-YAMAN (BUREAU OF THE TREASURY) REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS ll il Funding the Republic ‘ntramuros, Manila To: TREASURY ciRCULAR No.2 ~ 20 2 2 31 May 2022 Heads of National Government Agencies, State Universities and Colleges, All National Collecting Officers and Cashiers, Provincial/City/Municipal Treasurers, Bureau of the Treasury Regional Directors, and Chief Treasury Operations Officer \/Officers-In-Charge, Branch Managers of Authorized Government Depository Banks and all others concerned SUBJECT: Guidelines in National Deposited Collections and Issuance of Certification of Deposited National Collections in line with the Enhanced National Government Collection and Disbursement System (NGCDS) of the Bureau of the Treasury A. OBJECTIVES 1. To issue guidelines and procedures in depositing national collections to the Bureau of the Treasury. To require the use of three (3) major clearing accounts per type of funds in depositing national collections for Regular Fund, Inter Agency Transfer of Fund (IATF) and Other-than-IATF. To require the use of specific clearing accounts designated for remittances under Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) and those classified as Online and/or Electronic Collections. To prescribe the use of National Collecting Officer (NCO) Code, and Unified Account Code Structure (UACS) Organization Code of the Agency to be credited in depositing the National Collections (NC) to the BTr. To provide procedural guidelines relative to the adjustment of collection details reported through the National Government Collection and Disbursement System (NGCDS) by AGDBs. To provide procedures on the issuance of Certification of Deposited National Collections. 150 0001:2018 cust Managerent Sytem ae ‘Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: www treasury. gov ph Im B. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. The Bureau of the Treasury (BT1) shall open and maintain three (3) major clearing accounts for the following type of funds with Authorized Government Depository Banks (AGDBs) to be used by all National Government Agencies (NGAs). i. BTr- Regular Fund ii, BTr- Inter Agency Trust Fund (IATF) iii, BTr-Other than IATF 2. The BTr clearing accounts for the Regular Fund of Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Bureau of Customs (BOC) with AGDBs shall be maintained and automatically swept to the designated BT'-BIR/BOC Mother account within the day. 3. The BTr shall open and maintain a separate clearing account for the Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) with AGDBs for each NGA that has Organization and Funding Source Codes assigned by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). 4, The BTr shall also open and maintain a separate clearing account with the AGDBs of NGA with over-the-counter Online Collections (OnColl) and/or Electronic Payment mode supported with the copy of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) relative to the said collection and/or payment scheme. 5. The AGDBs shall make available to the NGAs the clearing accounts opened by the BTr for National collection and other remittance. 6. Penalty shall be applied in cases of AGDBs failure to submit collection report/late collection report to the NGCDS in accordance with Treasury Circular No. 03-2013 dated December 11, 2013, D. General Guidelines 5. Penalties for Failure/Incorrect/Late Fund Remittance or Reporting 7. The BTr shall advise the NGAs of the clearing account and NCO code to be used for their deposited collections or other remittance. Certificate No. SCP000233Q ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila ‘Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: vnww treasury gov oh C. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES |. Deposit/Remittance of Collection The NGAs shall determine the proper fund classification of the collections to be remitted and use the corresponding clearing accounts assigned for each type of fund: ‘Account Name LBP Account Receipts and Income Number 1. BTr -Regular Fund 3402-2844-20 All fees, charges, assessments, and other receipls or revenues colected by departments, bureaus, and offices of the National Government, including Constitutional Offices accruing as income of the General Fund. 2. BTr- Inter Agency 3402-2844-38 | Receipts or fund transfers from any ‘Transfer of Fund (IATF) ‘government agency and GOCC to another agency to facilitate —_project/program implementation, 3. BTr- Other than IATF 3402-2844-46 | Trust Receipts from other sources including private persons or foreign institutions such as performance bonds, affiliation fees, fiduciary fund, bid docs for payment of honorarium, Legal Research Fund, PLI's service fees, guarantee/Securty deposit, donation, and other receipts for the fulfilment of some obligations 4. BTr-Special Account in | List of SAGF accounts | Receipts authorized by law to be recorded as ‘the General Fund as Annex “A” a SAGF or a fund other than the General (SAGF) Designated separate | Fund which were established in accordance clotng sxaunis or | with rules and regulations issued by the SAGF per each NGA that | Permanent Commits. The sad special has Organization and | funds. may be made available for Funding Source Codes as | expenditure, subject to any special provision assignedbyBM — | of the agencies concemed; and otter instances authorized by law. ISO 9001:2016 Quality Management System 30 ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Certificate No. SCPOU fabio Street comer A, Soriano Avenu Tntramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: vnww treasury The NGAs, GOCCs and LGUs shall use the designated BTr- Regular Fund clearing account in depositing the following nature of collections and use the assigned Organization Code. Nature of Remittances Assigned Organization Code Excess, unused/unutilized funds 110050100001 Interest Income 110050100002 COA Audit Fees 310000100000 a. Remittance through National Collecting Officer (NCO) of NGA (Cash/Check) i, For each national collection deposit cash or check, the National Collecting Officer shall use a separate Oncoll Payment Slip for each Funding Source and fill out the required fields, which include the NCO Code, and UACS Organization Code of Agency to be credited. Sample form of OnColl payment slip is attached for reference as Annex "B" ii, For check deposit, the clearing account number, NCO Code and the UACS Organization Code of Agency to be credited shall also indicated at the back of the check. iii, The bank teller shall encode the fields for NCO Codes (6 digits Alphanumeric) and UACS Organization Code (12 digits all numeric) as indicated in the Oncoll Payment Slip to their corresponding system in place. b. Remittance from NGAs through LDDAP-ADA, and Credit Memo Fund Transfer from other institutions i. For each remittance and/or transfer through List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-Advice to Debit Account (LDDAP- ADA), the NGAs shalll use and indicate the designated clearing account per type of fund and the UACS Organization Code of the Agency to be credited in the LDDAP-ADA form Sample form of LDDAP-ADA is attached for reference as “Annex C”. il, For each remittance and/or transfer through Letter of Credit Memo Fund Transfer, the NGAs shall use and indicate the designated clearing account per type of fund and the UACS Organization Code of Agency to be credited in the memofetter to the banks. oe ye aR Certificate No. SCP0002330, ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A, Soriano Avenue, Inramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: vnww treasury gov ph iii, NGAs shall indicate the designated NCO Code as LD9999 for remittance thru LDDAP-ADA and FT9999 for credit memo fund transfer advicelletter. iv. AGDB bookkeeper shall encode the UACS Organization Code of Agency to be credited and assigned NCO Code as indicated in the LDDAP ADA form or credit memo fund transfer advice/letter. c. Payment of Individual Depositor to NGAs thru Over-the-Counter Online Collection (OnCO!l) with existing Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between AGDB, and NGA for the collection of payment via online collection facility i. The BTr shall open and maintain a separate clearing account with the AGDBs of NGA for OnCOLL mode supported with the copy of a Memorandum of Agreement relative to the said collection and/or payment scheme. ii, NGA shall advise their clients/individual depositors the designated clearing account for OnCollto be used in depositing their payment. NGA clients shall accomplish the OnColl Payment Slip indicating all the fields required as agreed per MOA. iii, Bank Teller shall encode all the fields based on the accomplished OnColl Payment Slip. iv. AGDB shall predefine the NCO Code as OC9999. v. AGDB shall predefine the UACS Organization Code based on the designated clearing account for OnColl of specific NGA vi, AGDB shall sweep all the remittances credited to the parking accounts for OnColl to the designated clearing account per type of fund within the day. d. Remittance thru Electronic Banking Collection or E-Payment Covered under the Electronic Banking Collections are the remittances made via electronic payment including but not limited to the following: Link. BizPortal, weAccess, eMDS, RTGS and remittances thru special tie-up with third party providers such as PAYMAYA, GCash, Dragonpay, etc i. The BTr shall open and maintain a separate clearing account with the AGDBs of NGA for Electronic Payment mode supported with the copy of a Memorandum of Agreement relative to the said collection and/or payment scheme. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate No. SCP0002330 ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: www {reasury gov ph ii, NGA shall advise their provider the designated clearing account for E- Payment to be used in their remittance of collections. iii. AGDB shall predefine the NCO Code as EP9999. iv. AGDB shall predefine the UACS Organization Code based on the designated clearing account for E-Payment of specific NGA. v. AGDB shall sweep all the remittances credited to the parking accounts for E-Payment to the designated clearing account per type of fund within the day. Il. Report of Collection a. All AGDBs shall submit to BTr their nominated names of users as Uploader and Approver for registration and user creation in the NGCDS. b. The enhanced system requires the AGDBs to submit to BTr the daily collection report comprising all NGAs’ collections including adjustments and the National Collecting Officer Code and Agency to be Credited (Organization Code) in Comma Separated Value (.csv) file format, through uploading facility access in the NGCDS not later than 7:00 PM of the succeeding banking day from the date of collection using the following naming convention: File Naming Convention: AAAXXXXMMDDYYYYTYPEMMDDYYCODECAANCOORG. csv Where: ‘AAA. Bank Code (LBP, DBP, UCPB, PVB, OFB) XXXX- Branch Code MMDDYYYY- Transaction date and time TYPE- Transaction Type (Cash, Check, LDDAP-ADA, OnColl, E Payment) MMDDYYYY- Date Credited CODE- UACS Organization Code CA. Clearing Account (Clearing Account should be mapped to Funding Source Code-ACS) A- Amount NCO- National Collecting Officer Code ORG- Agency to be Credited (UACS Organization Code) c. In case the reporting date is a non-banking day, submission of collection report to NGCDS shall be made on the succeeding banking day. 1SO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate No. SCP000233 ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila ‘Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: vnww treasury gov ph d. The AGDBs shall ensure the proper adoption of the UACS Organization codes in all collection reports @. The AGDBs shall ensure that all deposited collections /remittances through Regular Deposit, Online Collections, Electronic Payment Scheme, Direct Remittance, LDDAP-ADA, Letter request to credit/ Fund Transfer Advice and other type of remittances are included in the Daily Summary of Collection Reports uploaded in the NGCDS. f. The daily collection report uploaded by the AGDBs in the NGCDS shall be equal to the amount remitted to the Treasury Single Account maintained with Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas g. A detailed deposited collection report per agency and by fund shall be generated from the NGCDS that will serve as a ledger / record of all the transactions that are to be recorded/reclassified in the National Government Accounting System (NGAs). Il, Adjustment/s A. Reporting of Collection 1, The AGDBs shall ensure that details of any adjustments pertaining to the NGAs collections are indicated in the submitted daily collection report to BTr. Adjustments shall be allowed on the following reasons a. Returned checks b. Overlunder/double posted collections thru over-the-counter Online Collections (OnColl) and/or Electronic Payment; c. Reclassification of type of funding source due to incorrect clearing account used d. Reclassification of NCO Code and Organization code of the Agency to be credited 2. AGDBs shall have an option to "Add", "Edit" or "Delete" transaction line to effect the adjustment on the daily collection report in the uploading facility of the NGCDS if the report has not yet been submitted to BTr. 3. AGDBs shall re-upload and re-submit the revised and adjusted file of the collection report in the NGCDS if it is within the cut-off time of submission of the report, NGCDS shall automatically overwrite the file in the database. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System om ae Certificate No, SCP000233Q “Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: www treasury 4. AGDBs shall submit a Data Change Request Form with the details of errors or adjustments and the complete supporting documents to BTr not later than three (3) days after the transaction date if the error or adjustment was identified beyond the cut-off time of submission of the collection report in the BTr thru NGCDS. Template form of Data Change Request Form is attached for reference as “Annex *D”: 5. In case of NGAs request for any adjustment the accomplished Data Change Request Form with complete supporting documents shall be submitted to BTr-National Cash Accounting Division (NCAD). 6. BTr-NCAD upon receipt of the Data Change Request Form from AGDBs and/or NGAs shall validate if the transaction indicated is subject for the following adjustment a. If reclassification of collection has been made and recognized in the BTr NG books, NCAD shall prepare a Journal Entry Voucher (JEV) in National Government Accounting System (NGAS) to effect the adjustment and shall input the JEV Adjustment Reference No. in the NGCDS. b. Ifthe collection report has not yet been reclassified in the BTr NG shall have an option to adjust directly in the Edit" or "Delete" the transaction line, to effect the adjustment with an audit trail 8. Onthe noted discrepancy, NGAs / AGDBs shall submit to BTr-NCAD the relevant documents such as bank validated deposit slips, bank credit advice for any adjustments and/or reclassification for the current collections within the current year or until the 31st of January of the succeeding year to make the necessary adjustments in the BTr National Government (NG) books. 9. Adjustment’ reclassification related to prior years’ deposited collections which were erroneously deposited/remitted to the BTr under the General Fund instead of Trust receipts and/or SAGF account which were closed to Accumulated Surplus/Deficit in the NG books at year-end and already part of the Appropriated Surplus of the NG for that particular year, hence any adjustment thereto shall be recognized and charged against the current year General Fund collections of the requesting NGA. 1SO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate No. SCP000233 ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A, Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: www treasury gov ph B. Refund of Remittance 1. For request for adjustment subject for refund due to over/double posted remittance, and erroneous deposit in the BTr account via over-the-counter NCO remittance, the requesting AGDBs/NGAs shall submit to BTrNCAD the Approval Request Form accompanied by written letter request with the details of errors or adjustments and the the complete supporting documents. Template form of Approval Request Form is attached for reference as “Annex *E’. 2. BTrNCAD upon receipt of the Approval Request Form from AGDBs/NGAs shall validate if the transaction is subject for refund. 3. If a request for refund is valid the BTr-NCAD shall endorse to BTr Asset Management Service to do the necessary advice to AGDBs to effect the adjustment in the BTr account. Ill Issuance of Certification 1. The BTr- NCAD which acts as the record keeper of the cash accounts shall issue Confirmation/Certification of Deposited National Collections particularly on the shares of various beneficiary Agencies from the collections of Other NGAs which are not reflected in the NGCDS and are recorded/reclassified in the respective books of accounts in the BTr-NG. 2. The BTr-NCAD shall issue Confirmation/Certification of Deposited National Collections regardless of type of Funds requested by NGAs for remittances from prior years up to July 31, 2022 3. The BTr — Regional/District/Provincial Office shall issue Confirmation/Certification of Deposited National Collections requested by NGAs for remittances for the current year starting August 1, 2022. 4, Requests for Certification/Confirmation requiring adjustment and/or reclassification from one fund to another shall be supported by BTr NCAD JEV recognizing the adjustment before a certification can be issued by BTr ROs/POs. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate No. SCP0002330, ‘Ayuntamiento Bulding, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila ‘Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: yew treasury D. DISBURSEMENTS 1. Authorized Government Servicing Banks (AGSBs) shall submit daily to the BTr Central Office- NCAD the consolidated report of negotiated amounts of MDS checks/LDDAP-ADA serviced during a given day, The report shall adopt the organization, funding source and the allotment/object class codes in Unified Accounts Code Structure (UACS) format, 2. BTr-NCAD shall upload the daily consolidated report of the negotiated MDS Report in the Disbursement Module of NGCDS and make the corresponding monthly reclassification by Agency and by Fund in the accounting system (NGASv2). E. RECONCILIATION 1. AGDBs shall submit to BTr a monthly collection report comprising all NGAs’ collections/remittances in Comma Separated Value (.csv) file format, through uploading facility in the NGCDS for the monthly reconciliation process. 2. BTr-NCAD shall furnish the NGAs with the Monthly Statement of Deposited Collections/Remittances receipts/revenues deposited to the BTr thru AGDBs and Statement of Disbursement for SAGF and Trust Receipts representing MDS negotiated thru AGSBs. 3. The NGAs upon receipt of the Monthly Statement of Deposited Collections/Remittances and Disbursements shall reconcile and validate against their records. Discrepancy of the recorded data shall be submitted to BTr-NCAD within 30 days upon receipt of statement otherwise shall be construed as reconciled/validated F. TRANSITORY PROVISION ON THE USE OF CLEARING ACCOUNTS, NCO AND UACS ORGANIZATION CODES IN DEPOSITING NATIONAL COLLECTIONS The NGA's NCO shall continue to use designated clearing account, regular deposit slip for their remittances and submit List of Deposited National Collections (LDC) of their daily deposits with Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and Philippine Veterans Bank (PVB) while their systems are being enhanced. The BTr shall advise the NGAs when the NGCDS is already in place to capture the enhancement of the systems of DBP and PVB. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System RB Certificate No. SCP0002330 ‘Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: yyw treasury G. HELP DESK BTr Help Desk may be contacted for any concerns or inquiries in connection with the implementation of this Circular. Concern Contact Person Contact Number Email Address NGCDS Help Desk NGCDS Support Team Inacdsheipdesk@tre ‘Accounting Mary Grace Roselee Basilio 8524-7032 Doctor NCR Regional Office Concepcion S. Austria 8527-6846 Ofelia A. Castillo 8527-3083, istrict H. REPEALING CLAUSE This repeals guidelines and procedures under the following issuance: a. Treasury Circular No. 02-2021 dated 27 April 2021 entitled, “Enhanced Guidelines in National Deposited Collections and Disbursements in line with the New National Government Collection and Disbursement System (NGCDS) of the Bureau of the Treasury” b. Treasury Circular No. 05-2014 dated 26 September 2014 entitled: Amendment to Treasury Circular No. 03-2014 dated June 16, 2014, re Guidelines in Depositing National Collections to the National Treasury ©. Treasury Circular No. 03-2014 dated 16 June 2014 re: Guidelines in Depositing National Collections to the National Treasury”, Guidelines in Depositing National Collections to the National Treasury 1. EFFECTIVITY/IMPLEMENTATION This circular shall take effect July 1, 2022. ROSALIA V. DE LEON Treasurer of the Philippines ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System o P Certificate No. SCPO002330 “Ayuntamiento Building, Cabildo Street comer A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, 1002 Manila Trunkline (+632) 663-2287 URL: www treasury ANNEX A: LIST OF CLEARING ACCOUNT S FOR THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT IN THE GENERAL FUND (SAGF) Bank: Land Bank of the Phi ippines (LBP) Yer cng Clearing Account Name Fund Sub-Category Code Account Agency to be Credited LUACS Organization Code Description! Legal Basis: (€D:duly 1, 2022) een te nay) onsen | erie srsres ——frssysonrs — | anno | suaasiso [erpctcAmyiameet rer | (argu Open ae [Hc Born. ee 19.385 one repo!) beparimet oAarin elm OAR xen Pr cgemnctgain Rimpacanreeteise ewan | waaen PS ceo fo nests easy ite : Trets hen taneeoArsapes! | (xen onenn coe “ Pre sa oto” atm se ae in Cae guaran cern rene naan ton rin Rtn |BTr- Department of Agricuture- ARF |Department of Agriculture (DA) lrsonReomtins | eno | acess (ws arin Ct fac rocoto sere ie orseece Agency Name of DA-Reyion!Ofes) |" Da Regional Offs) and sales oft gaton weal RA. 9700 Perron tome nar tearieion —_|non an xs am Sn Rom erecenmanesuce gan tomris | onmmna | swazeuar (cite parantn Gt f|atond ocetom s red laste sewer amc ceneceneon | rt one) lose apt wet RA 700 ona orton in bom ears Aton san Racmrins | ontze | 34220640 and RegtatonAuory ssoomnd —_patowara psn fons errs ncn eth Ra 709 ona ctr ton gn Rom errs Comisonen sanruomruni | ntza | sazaeese feet conmasin on Got ssntomind pete posses fonts sr ” Jand sales of i-gotten weath -R.A, 9700 lar Department of Agrarian Reform] [Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR! 040010100000 |Income and collections from Agrarian Reform Are EN ON ozo |Agrarian Reform Fund 93104322 3402.2850-43 (or specific Agancy Name of DAR-Regional ‘(or specific Organization Cade of operations and proceeds from assets recovered one cantare) (dco weah AA SD Page of 8 Clearing Account Name Fund Sub Category Funding Source ‘New Clearing ‘Account ie ‘agency tobe Credited LACS Organization Code Descipto Legal Basie (€Ddly 4,202) bureau ot Fishers and Aquatic Resources ported 4 \eraR) (spot rpatoten Code of [OOPS Ferm, res, charges ror wide 8 fare Bran. war SAF Waste Wonoonentrint} osoans | suaausar OAR acta re eee nasi orc) ey s1-FerizeransPesicde (supporto tha Fiz e Dee eateccte eee 9 autor SAGE Seems reee | ootoase | stonzn.70 |rriearand Pests Autorty osonscoo0nn en 10 [Be LrestckDevezprent Cuncinestck Deore | gia | anaes _|Livestock Development Counc osouroomeon —_regttonFees of ee catle-F.0.914 s-Natona Meat spection |Meat specton Serica Foes, nes and ther charges bythe Ns sence MSDTF SAGE JpslopretTustFund | COZ | $4225.95 tonal Meat Inspection Service sonineootn —fsecton 4,4 9298 -Natona!@ook Ce Board fstucona tera ae Ga lorena) eee eae ng] 03104390 | 3402284543 atonal Book Development Sos 002000000 Noten Fes, reverses and rece fo the ee exslcaton, developmen an expan of 13 f-benatmen tenon. 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Special veuniary [spect voit Fees -RA 6721 3 al Yolny locus) ion Code of CBA Regsrabon Jet Fi sace hebten Fra tence | Sear Ee mee lege _| es Oot orcs) nee st. DeparmentotNetonal [asia Pace Ka 2 (Ondo Pajct ™ lpetese- AFORE SAGE Response una” 3104355 | 3402-2846-67 — Joeparment of National Defense ‘To0t0000000 Tropica Six Ketsan (Ondoy) Pro | |Share from the proceeds of sale, lease or joint evelopment, pubicprvate panersip, ste of It. AFP.GHa- Mademzaton [AFP Nodrnzaon Ts oy on fe pedues of Govermert Ase, dposal 5 leace Find "T™** | ostoassr | [Armed Forces ofthe Phipin ‘srovo17O0001 lt epairabie equpmert, budgetary sup, ae [donations and interest ncome- R.A. 7227, R.A. frase, Ra 10349 |BTr- Department of Tourism TDF yurism [Department of Tourism (DOT) |Accreditation, training fees, miscellaneous 38 lenge ee on ee Sa 210010100000 income - RA. 9593 force) 00000 tan of Seat [ST'-LTO- Seat Bett Use Func |Land Transportation Office (LTO) haps |Fines imposed on the implement 57 age * — fautzoruierinderoy] anion | suzaaseso lerepeaigceromestsregone | (rsp ern Cte c lect Use-RA 6750 orice) LTO-Regon Ofc) 2002010000 5 7- Martine indy Autry. Martine industry Authorty (MARINA) eee ee 2 [Tonnage Fees SAGF MARINA Tonnage Fees 03104365, 3402.2849.85 eee ene ene Regional fea cay wage [BT'- Office for Transportation National Civil Aviation [Aviation security fees collected from ® |sscuty NOASC SAGE Secuty Commitee stones | 2402284883 [otce for Transportation Securty 00s000000 aoenge ate aor “£0 Nos. 277311 Incase) Page sof 6 Cini ecrtNare | Funda [Fmt seuce] Me swe Ac pana Cae seen Lose eosayn za bp sotial cach ant et anesthe itp Satta Rese and Tag so Rtercutacarmerchod fowetemins ste | acer | seca newton —_retne-£0.2 orton Ooms pres gosto er comssonon Fine fina! oye ena pt on ay ft comssn rosa exiooie | s2z725 fonmson on Fite Ove semen [elorategens fea spt acter cae ton pe ner Se aeenEn [Commission on Higher Education (CHED) 2s0040000000 0% sare rom rave tax, 30% rom 42 [err cHeD- sace ae 03104989 | 3402.2847-13 (or specie Agoncy Name of CHED-Resional | (orspeci Crganzaton Code of registration fees of PRC and 1% of gross sales ‘evo |Ortfce) CHED-Regionel Office) |of lotto operations of PCSO - RA 7722 ayes capo fontenayeaPa fg te sre bya «3 or-omperes dng rs Srp sae cxiosre | saazeezt [oapwoes ngs tout swoon [oval snccoteted saps cst POS of go fee t PaScom Ahn Teh es er-rinoetamatcont sop sace Ff sak estas donee 4 Bote face sce wrt | sua. lrincewepmetcomtotteragpins | xoromn etnies Di aite yas ganas fon ect a ryote latter 4s PeGamatamsenens — legsyor exrusrz | suzas70 [oon and usenens er sown pocorn Prre er een, fan manta £0 2,20 i |Housing and Land Use Regulatory Beard 260120100000 fr sg nse fora) (espe Ont Cate [eenPrcnta Fe, FP md [Regulatory Board- SAGF [PLURB SAGF oom some |(or specific Agency Name of HLURB-Regional ‘HLURB-Regional Office) }E.0. Nos, 648/90 ons 5 ove ad anv an se nt a mr sen ar re annoe or rossace cxrise | sozanrag eveandTonven aossiomm [maar toamal ones Page sofs [rung source] New leasing | ‘Agency to be Credited Clearing AccountName | Fund Subsetegory_|F¥™ngS ‘Account 'UACS Organization Code Descriptio Legal Basis (eDsuly 42022 BT. Ofe of he Present 48 |Adviser on the Peace Process- |The Asian Foundation 03104376 0220758 |p, Be rate 260260000000 |Donation |SAGF bi 4g BTe Presidential Commission fr the lao sar 03104378 /3402-2847-64 [Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor 260330000000 [Donations from Local Sources roan Poor SAGE |BTr- Philipaine Coconut Authority Fees Reni eope ett, oe 80 lenGr ” |PCA SAGF 03104381 /3402-2847-72 [Philippine Coconut Authority. 350080100000. |desiccators and other end-users of coconut pede P0, 1234P. 1654 Proceeds tom the mvextnant earings ofthe lore Tewism Prometons Board. |Toursm Promatons Board ‘ Jouism Promos Ts. iidend shares 51 Nace |Fund Dea! eae i ea oe |from PAGCOR, Duty Free Philippines | Corpaionandtters RA. 669 [Environmental Management Bureau EME) 10002000000 | Ja:-Envronmental Management tonal Water Cuaty Fins, ants, os, donations, endowments 2 carocses | saon2sso.2r llr speic Agency Name of EMB-Repina! | (orspecle Open Cod of Jauoau-nwoM SAGE anagement Furs hs Tie Rogent Om) [ad rs neta of corbin “RA 8275 [environmental Management Bureau EME) ‘woazot00000 Foes colocedurortho wast water charge 2 ere hmemmre ostoases | 3402-2850-35 [fr specic Agency Name of DENR Regional | (or pects Organization Code of system, donations, endowments arc grants - wane orca) ‘DENERogioal Ofc) (RA 2275 eso0t010000 |BTr- Department of Agriculture: SF [Department of Age are (DA) ie) |Proceeds of sales, fines and donations - R.A. we sees Fins ootoae7 | 22008 et tert ote | ( ‘sot patna | Lon, Regional ce) conpestieness «sooror00000 st Deprent ot cate. [Complies lbepartnent of Agriculture (OA) ey som crevenus cote tom aes, charges ® Career Frmesretses | soscme | sacar [etree None ok elo | "mi Ona Cie! | re en Page 7 of ‘New Cleting Cerin Legal Bais Clearing Account Name Fund Sub-Category me ‘Account ‘Agency to be Credited LUACS Organization Code (ED:July 1, 2022) a oPw- Naor ukding ae Nstina Buiting Ce json bid get caatns ans ® |pereoprent Furs leeopmetring | SOAS | Saa284640 Department of Pb Wors and Highways ‘wanrsona [emt pr oP 0% Koad tone sae gfe 050010100000, [propagation breeding or meat purposes or the ls ceparestt Acute LFF Deparment of Agr (A) 9 lserockPrneten Fund | etouso | sazanse29 (especte Ogortzato Cade ot fener bretg poses be ieee He seme Arey Name of LA Fchnrt COR (DA-Regional Office) |staughter and sale in the form of meat of the ea ote wedi asevaton protest and Leis tsgenen Eee enetnent Ara ie osonsreoeo —__foadton! ty an ana esovcos 58 BT BEAR- FMF SAGF esowet | 3402264837 (orspecc Organizaton Code of sources rom endowments, res. donations fs Aerated alata tect ‘BEAR-Regional fice) —_|atminstativ nes and penalties imposed y junder Section 19 of R.A. No, 10654 Fe Pt at : ouprmet ot tration and eass made by te Nou th ctu 52 [EVE OCT SAF jAccess Fund (FPIAF) Or [Communications Technology Aegpenocoes, lUsers Fee -RA. 10929 ‘60 |BTr- DPWH- MVUC SAGF |Special Road Fund 03104394, 3402.2848-53 [Department of Public Works and Highways: 180000000000 chs vobice Users Gorge OA) Tet Colostons R.A 11238, Page sof ANNEX B: SAMPLE FORM OF ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP Note: . ‘Merchant/Agency Name BTr Account Name / Name of Agency to be credited Reference Number 1 UACS Organization Code of Agency to be credited ( 12 digits- Numeric) Reference Number 2: NCO Code (6 Digits Alpha Numeric) Figure 1: Deposit for Regular Fund _ ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP © LANDBANK ‘ben nie ratieied, reson prec00.0” @ LANDBANK | wacanr merece (ENCECIERIEACHCEE || 380012000000 | 4 | | [oon | | | ee [= Pr.0000000 Talay cw tate, Page 1 of 5 ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP Figure 4: Deposit for Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) Sample: Fidelity Bond Premium Collections @ LANDBANK ‘boxe mba T fe eee ea Page 2 of 5 Figure 5: Deposit for Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) ‘Sample: LTO Collections for DPWH ~ Special Road Fund ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP x] case te ee Gea ‘lor stot Figure 6: Deposit for Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) Sample: LTO Collections for Seatbelt Use Fund @ LANDBANK ae ee fe) eRe al Page 3 of 5 Figure 7: Deposit for Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) Sample: LTO Collections for EMI Quality Management Fund ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP. @ LANDBANK § f 5 i i i 2 a = a 5 z Fy os = ot | 3 3 2 6 Figure 8: Deposit for Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) Sample: LGU Remittances for Building Permit Fe ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP © LANDBANK ‘srs 100,000.00 fee Please chack tm apcroprte mate of aT. ne OATE oszereoze id [) om El muvee | a "MERCHANT / AGENCY DEPOSIT ACCOUNT MUMIER_ MERCHANT 7 ASENCY MAME A [3[alol2] [216 [ale] {1 [0] _ |er-oPv- National Bis, Code Det. Fund OPW irr i sens ane a Sta Pa Depa Rete Ps 180010100000 L PMS [Rcoancict ia a t Dyo001 Ss 3H fom? Fa ro) Page 4 of 5 Figure 9: Deposit for Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) Sample: LGU Remittances for Livestock Development Fund ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP © LANDBANK ‘re 100,000.00 | ————— pe 3 i) os Coe _ poet | a a) MERCHANT AGENCY DEPOST ACCOUNT WOMBER | UERCAANT AGENCY NAME a [STaTOT2 | [z]8TaTe] 8 Te] [pt trees meoonet Canct-10F anor /04-t0d Pf Some — FS 050070000000 | ee i fama ry ? ‘DJ0001 | BE | cmcnac Tae ea: foi? co) Figure 10: LGU Remittances for Unused/Excess/Unutilized Funds ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP @ LANDBANK Tle Clee D) correnncion osraraze VERCAANT AGENCY ORO ACEO ONE ‘| VESCIRNTT AGENCE (sT4Tol2] (2 [8 [4[4] {2]o] | err-RevuorFunt/ Bureau ot the Treasury ‘toes ai Racine grate of a7 Dest ares 110050100001 I - pe | ONCOLL PAYMENT SLIP Tiyan aie we Page 5 of 5 ANNEX C: SAMPLE FORM OF LDDAP- ADA Fi sre 1: LDDAP-ADA for ATE Appa LIST OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNTS (LDDAP-ADA) Department : Department of Public Works and Highways LDDAP-ADA No. Entity Name : Office ofthe Secretary Date: Operating Unit : Central Office Fund Cluster: MDS-GSB BRANCH/MDS SUB ACCOUNT NO.: T OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (LDDAP) winoLDING) NET TAX DANKSISAVINGSIC| LBP Clearing [agency Tater of Fund GAT) | Account 1 i000 100000 s402.2804-38| Jo wrt eabela 1st District [Eocineering Ofie 80011800088 ‘Agency Name & }sco- 109999 Organization Code of ‘agency tobe credited (a2 diets) fy nas neuron cers may jaweeictmenrowceccne gy, Arty uumeilerein ects [vith cxisting budgeting. sab — supporting documents as subsmitt claimants. [rules and regulations. Pporng: meer ee = ae a aonces (Signature ove Printed Name) Divisontnit Head of Agency or Authorized Oficial TL ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNT (ADA) [Ter MDS-GSB ofthe Ageney Pease debit MDS Sub-Acoount Number Pease eotit the accounts ofthe above listed erediors to cover payment of ascouns payable JroraL AMOUNT (a Words) Agency Authorized Signatories (Erasures shall validate ds document) ANNEX SAMPLE FORM OF LDDAP~ ADA Figure 2: LDDAP-ADA for Fidelity Bond Premium Ippendix 7. LIST OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNTS (LDDAP-ADA) Department : Department of Education LDDAP-ADA No. Date Operating Unit: Central Office MDS-GSB BRANCH/MDS SUB ACCOUNT NO.: xorms] sem Request and } CLASS per | Gross | WITHHOLDING] NET acs) favour] TAX | AMOUNT LRP Clearing Account ss02-2851-59 Thereby assume fll responsiblity forthe verity and acumey of te listed claims, an the athens ofthe su scuments submited by the elaimants frtes and regulations sporting document as submited Certted Comet Approved Bima oe Prt Name) (Signature over Printed Name) Head of Accounting ead of Agency oe Authorized ‘Otic 1 ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNT (ADA) Picase debit MDS Sub-Ascount Number credit the acount ofthe above tie eet to cover pms of acco pxyable OTAL AMOUNT. Ta word) ‘Agency Authoried Signatories (Erasure shall validate this document) ANNEX D: SAMPLE FORM FOR DATA CHANGE REQUEST REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS KAGAWARAN NG PANANALAPL [KAWANIHAN NG INGATANG-YAMAN (BUREAU OF THE TREASURY) Data Change Request Form (DCR) RANK: [AGENCY NAME [AGENCY ADDRESS: [pate oF RRQUEST: [pate Receiven- [APPLICATION SYSTEM: — NATIONAL GOVEONMNT COLLECTION AND DISDURSEMENT SYSTEM (NGCDS) [DATE PREPARED: REASON'S OF ADJUSTMENT: 12 Returned cess 1D veUaderDouble pose saletns 1 Recitation of ype undng sure due incre cing ascent wed ‘Delon of NCO Code and Organization cae of he Agency 0 be raed DETAILS OF DATA CHANGE: ‘Agency | Organization ‘Organization | NCO | Fund | Funding ame Cade ‘Code | Code | Type | Source Endorsed b Approved by Eth ige eee Peston Designation Postion/Desinaton 1 rectal and recognized inthe BT NG Books: BEV Number. 1D Atpot yet rca nthe BT NG Books: ine NICS moe De om Oo 7h frm mab ccompeni ire ih gringo he la tn cry i he onl ante ot Tey ire 1-09 aed Dm 1,218 ANNEX E: SAMPLE FORM FOR ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS KAGAWARAN NG PANANALAP! KAWANIHAN NG INGATANG-YAMAN (BUREAU OF THE TREASURY) nding the Republic INTRAMUROS, MAYNILA 1002 ] | | | | Adjustment Approval Form Date of Request: | Date Received: Organization Code: ~ | Name of Agency: | Type /Details of Supporting Document/s: Details/Other Concern: | Account No, credited: | Date of Deposit/Remittance: —~—~—~—~—~—~—~| Correct Account Details: Reason for Adjustment: ‘Amount: Endorsed by: — Recommending Approval Preparer Name/Designation ‘Authorized Representative (Designation Date Prepared: NCAD Validation: Per NGCDS Report Transaction/s was'were credit to: Clearing Account No ‘Agency Name Organization Code’ Funding Source Code: NCO Code: Amount: Approved by: Bir Accounting Service Director This form must be accompanied by written request with supporting attachment from the concermed bank & must bein conformity with ‘the General Guidelines, Rem 4 ofthe Treasury Circular No, 13-2013 dated December 13, 2013.

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