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Church crowdfunding is one of the best ways a congregation can raise the money it needs to

For general fundraising needs, find the right Christian crowdfunding platform and

start fundraising!

If you’re planning a mission trip, you likely know that it’s not a cheap undertaking for your
church or youth group.

Crowdfunding can be a great way to get the word out about your mission trip and raise

Churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious buildings often need to be renovated or

If your religious group is looking to take on a substantial building project, you can use

Many churches and religious organizations will raise money to support families or
individuals in their local community.

An easy way to get everyone involved in the fundraising process is to set up a

crowdfunding campaign and invite congregants to donate via the campaign page.

Youth groups are a great way for young people in a church or religious organization to get
together and support each other.

If you need to raise money for your youth group’s various activities and events, you can
set up a crowdfunding campaign and ask for donations.
Whether it’s a Christmas pageant or an Easter dinner, many churches and religious
organizations host special events throughout the year.

To raise money for these occasions, many religious organizations will turn to
crowdfunding to raise money from their congregation and members of the community.

Start a Free Fundraiser

Start Raising Money For Your Church or Religious Organization Today!


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PDF!  Download our resource to raise funds for your religious organization!
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Even if your church already has capable fundraisers, a third-party consultant can bring
valuable insight into your strategies.

Skilled church fundraising consultants provide an unmatched level of expertise based

on plenty of firsthand experience.
For the best results, be on the lookout for a consultant who has demonstrated proven faith,
commitment, and experience with churches, like Greater Mission. The Greater Mission team
is dedicated to serving faith-based ministries and offers a range of specialized services to help
clients foster discipleship and generosity among their communities. Reach out to the team to
learn more about their work.

Online Giving for Churches

Online giving is a powerful way for churches to raise more from generous church members
and other givers through easy-to-use church fundraising software. 
Investing in dedicated online fundraising software for churches and religious
organizations effectively equips your community with the tools they need to give more.

Not only are these tools useful for specific fundraising campaigns, but you can also use
online giving resources for weekly tithes and offerings. Therefore, you can increase regular
church giving as well. Church members can even give from their mobile devices for
increased convenience.
Text-to-Give Campaign
Text-to-give is quickly becoming a popular fundraising idea for churches and religious
organizations. And there’s a good reason for that: it really works!
Invest in text-to-give software and explain it during a Sunday morning service. You can
even use displays and projectors to show your congregation how it works.

Not only is text-to-give incredibly easy for your church to implement, but it also makes sense
in our digital age. Many people forget to bring cash to church, but everyone has their phone
on them! Text-to-give software that offers a multi-site giving option is ideal for larger
churches with multiple campuses.

T-Shirt Fundraising
Selling t-shirts is a classic fundraising approach for any age group. Thanks to online t-shirt
fundraising services, this idea is even easier.
You can design custom, high-quality t-shirts to sell to your congregation as well as
friends and family outside the church.

Consider designing shirts that highlight your church’s programs or mission. You might
include a favorite Bible verse or inspirational quote, too. That way, your fundraising products
can serve the double purpose of raising money and starting important conversations whenever
your churchgoers wear them!

Shoe Drive
Why not put the shoes your members have outgrown to use? You can host a shoe drive to
raise money for your church or religious organization.
For this fundraiser, you’ll need to create a drop-off location where church and
community members can donate their shoes. Additionally, you’ll need to find a
company that will pay for the shoes you collect. 

Let your congregation know about your fundraiser by making announcements during
sermons, in your e-newsletter, and on your social media accounts.
Matching Gifts
Enlist your church members’ help to double your gifts with matching gift programs.

Try promoting matching gifts on donation forms, website, emails, and social media
pages so your congregants will be informed about how much of an impact they can have
by submitting their matching gifts requests.
Double the Donation provides nonprofits with a widget to embed on donation forms and
website pages that lets your members search their employers’ matching gift programs to
determine their eligibility!

Live Streaming
When your givers are used to passing the plate each week, it could seem like your church is
losing one of the primary ways you fund your church’s mission. But with mobile giving, you
can still hold a mid-service offering when you’re live streaming your church services. 
That means it’s definitely time for your church to get on board.
During your church’s live stream, your congregation can easily set up a new or recurring gift
from a computer or phone — as long as you have the right tools in your toolkit.

Volunteer Grants
Earn more thanks to your church members’ volunteer hours and their employers’ volunteer
grant opportunities.

If eligible, members can earn grants from these programs based on how many hours
they volunteer. The more a member works, the more money they make through their
employer for your organization!
Your church members’ volunteer grant programs vary depending on their employers. Grants
may start in the few hundreds and range up to a few thousand dollar, so there’s plenty of
potential to earn substantial contributions through your congregation’s hard work.

Host a Sing-a-thon
Do you have a group of song birds in your congregation? Do you need to raise money for a
project, event, or cause? Host a sing-a-thon to put your members’ talents to good use!

A sing-a-thon is a musical event that helps your church raise money. You can charge
admission to the singing festivities and sell concessions throughout the event.

You can also create a request system where other congregants can ask for particular worship
songs by donating a few dollars to the choir director or song leader.

Church Newsletter
Did you know your church can enable members to tithe directly through your church
newsletter or bulletin?

Whether it’s in print or online, your church’s newsletter can be a valuable fundraising
For your online church newsletter, simply add links to your online giving forms or encourage
readers to contribute to your text-to-give campaign. If your newsletter is on paper, you can
still steer readers toward tithing online by including a QR code link or text-to-give
Set up a Swap Shop
A swap shop is a great way to raise money for your church while helping your congregation
clean out their garages, basements, and closets.

Designate a Sunday school classroom or an office to be your “store.” Then, have people
donate their gently used clothing, books, home goods, and knick-knacks.

You then resell the items to other members of your church or community. Whatever you
don’t sell can be donated to a thrift store or homeless shelter to be put to good use.

Host a Family Fun Day

A Family Fun Day can be an easy way to raise money for your church while bringing your
congregation and their families together for an afternoon.
Set up games, food and drink stations, and a donation table and send out invitations to
your congregation. You can also hang up flyers around town to get the whole
community involved!

You can host your Family Fun Day on a Sunday afternoon after church. As soon as your
service is over, direct people to an outdoor area for fun, games, food, and fundraising!

Sell Engraved Bricks

If your church, synagogue, or mosque is looking to build or expand your facilities, you can
start an engraved brick fundraiser to raise money!

This fundraiser allows members to write a personal message on a brick that will be
placed in a building, sidewalk, archway, or other structure.

You can charge by the word or line on the brick and set up an online form for individuals to
submit their donations. Then, host a ceremony once the building is complete!
Host a Chili Cook-Off
A chili cook-off is the perfect church fundraising event for a congregation that loves to come
together for fellowship and a great meal.

All you have to do is get your best chili chefs to cook a pot of their delicious stew. Then,
sell tickets to your congregation and community members to taste each one!

They can vote with their dollars on which chili they like the best. The winner can receive a
small prize or trophy, and your church ends up raising a lot of money!

Wheelbarrow Challenge
A wheelbarrow challenge is the perfect low-cost fundraiser for your church or religious
organization. The only cost is a wheelbarrow, and you can likely have that donated by a
member of your congregation!

Place your wheelbarrow in a prominent and well-trafficked area of your church. Each
Sunday, encourage your congregants to place their loose change in the wheelbarrow. 

See how long it takes to fill the wheelbarrow. You’ll be amazed at how much money you can
raise by collecting spare change.
Angel Festival
An angel festival is a Christmas-themed fundraiser that gives your creative congregants a
chance to express themselves while your church raises money for a project, event, cause, or
mission trip.

First, you’ll need to recruit “designers” who will craft life-size angels out of whatever
materials they want. Then, display the angels at a festival and sell hot cocoa and cider.

People vote on their favorite angel by placing money in containers underneath each one. It’s
that easy!

BONUS: Get 99 fundraising ideas for church and religious organizations in a free

PDF!  Download our resource to raise funds for your religious organization!
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Envelope Fundraiser
An envelope fundraiser is an easy way to raise money for your church or religious
organization. You just need a bulletin board and a stack of empty envelopes!

Write numbers (starting with 1) on the front of the envelopes. You can use as many
envelopes as you want; many churches choose to use 100. 

Then, pin the envelopes to a bulletin board in a heavily-trafficked area. People choose an
envelope and have to donate whatever number is on the outside. If you have only 100
envelopes, you can raise $5,050. That number goes up to $11,325 if you have 150 envelopes!

Themed Youth Group Party

A themed youth group party can be a great way for the young people in your church to get to
know each other a little better while raising money for your church.

Charge a few dollars at the door. People that show up in a themed costume can pay $3
while those in “normal” clothes can pay $5. 

You can also sell concessions during the event to raise extra money. Just don’t forget to
promote your themed youth group party during Sunday services or Sunday school. You want
the members of your youth group to invite as many people as they can to help you raise more
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great fundraising idea for churches and religious
organizations of all shapes and sizes. Not only does it enable you to raise more money, it also
helps you expand your existing congregation!
In a nutshell, peer-to-peer fundraising enlists the fundraising help of your current
congregants and empowers them to ask for donations on behalf of your church or

Each supporter builds his or her own donation page from a template that is tied back to your
church’s main fundraising page. Then, your supporters reach out to their friends and family
members and ask for donations for your cause or project!

Charity Auctions
Charity auctions can be a fast-paced and energetic way for your church or organization to
raise more money and interact with your congregants face-to-face. You also have the
opportunity to form some solid business connections!

Ask for charity auction items from local businesses; try to get as many items donated
for close to nothing. That way, you can put your budget into creating a great
atmosphere for your attendees.

Hire an auctioneer, send out invites, and cater in food and drinks. Make sure that everyone is
aware of the rules of your charity auction beforehand. People will walk away with some
unique items and experiences, and your church can raise more money!

Writing Letters
Writing letters is a great way to raise money for your church! You can send out letters asking
for general gifts, sponsorships, charity auction items, volunteer time, and more.
Your letters should be genuine and personal. Always start with your donor’s preferred
name and try to reference any past relationship or contributions.

You can use letters to direct congregants to your online church giving pages or crowdfunding
campaign, but you should also include a self-addressed envelope within your letter to
encourage people to send in checks (make sure you tell congregants not to send cash!).
Silent Auctions
Silent auctions are a fun way to get a little more face time with your congregants while they
bid on unique and appealing items up for grabs. Plus, if you find the right auction items, you
have the potential to raise a lot of money!
Ask local businesses and individuals if they would like to donate items to your silent
auction. Common items include gift cards to restaurants, signed memorabilia, lessons
from a professional of some kind, gift baskets, and more!

You can enlist the help of a mobile bidding tool to create a tech-enhanced bidding experience
for your attendees. Mobile bidding software also makes checking in, checking out, and item
monitoring easier on your auction volunteers and staff.

Walkathons are perfect for active congregants who like to show their passion for your
church’s cause. Walkathons are well-suited for healthcare-related issues and causes, but they
can technically for any cause! You can host a walkathon as one of your fundraisers for
You’ll need to determine a location and time for your walkathon. Choose a season that
is a good temperature with minimal risk of rain. Make sure you have a backup location
just in case!

Then, send out invitations and design some merchandise like t-shirts and water bottles. You
can sell these for an extra fee to raise money above any entrance costs you charge. Make sure
you have medical and first-aid supplies nearby in the case of an accident.

Easter Egg Hunt

While hosting an Easter egg hunt can only be a once-a-year event, it’s a great opportunity to
involve families and the surrounding community. Plus, an Easter egg hunt is incredibly
simple to plan.

All you need is a large enough space to host your hunt, a couple hundred plastic eggs (or
however many you think is enough), and treats to fill the eggs.

You can raise money by charging an entrance fee and selling Easter egg baskets so that the
children can carry the eggs that they find.
Cookie Dough
Everyone loves a good cookie! Why not capitalize on that craving by selling cookie dough?
It’s one of the church fundraising ideas that you can host year-round.

You can either sell cookie dough to your congregants or have them sell it to their
friends, coworkers, and family. You can also sell treats on your website to reach even
more people.

First, you’ll need to find a wholesale cookie dough provider with various cookie options.
Then you’ll need to start selling your items or distribute them to your parishioners.

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PDF!  Download our resource to raise funds for your religious organization!
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Appreciation Grams
Appreciation grams can help you raise funds and build camaraderie between your
congregants. Plus, it’s a quick fundraising idea for churches that’s relatively inexpensive to
host and will work great for any time during the year.

You can charge your parishioners a small fee ($0.50 or $1) to send out a
customized note that acknowledges anyone in the congregation. 

You can get as creative with the notes as you like. For example, you could charge extra for
different designs or include a piece of candy with each note.

50/50 Raffle
If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to host a charity raffle, then the 50/50 raffle is an
option. It’s very similar to a traditional raffle, but the winner and the church split the funds.

Winning half of the money can be a great incentive for your congregants. They’ll be
motivated to give more and encourage others to participate so that the final amount
raised is higher. 

Have volunteers sell tickets and announce the winner during an event or after a sermon when
you have a large group of your congregation together.
Church Game Night
Host a game night where your church members can enjoy a few board games! In fact, you
can make it a regular weekly or monthly event and sell food and refreshments to raise
even more funds.

Make sure that you have a variety of board games to host your fun night. You can play
games like Monopoly, LIFE, chess, dominoes, and so much more!

To make your game night a reality, you’ll need a space where you can host your event,
volunteers to help with set up and handle admission, and interested church members.

Barter and Trade Fair

A barter and trade fair is similar to a garage sale, but instead of purchasing items or services
with money, people will trade items.
Your church can raise funds by charging each person an entry fee or a free for
every item/service attendees bring to barter. Plus, you can sell snacks and drinks to
raise even more!

Use your monthly newsletter (if you have one) or post flyers around the neighborhood to let
your congregation and the community know about your event.

Stop the Clock

Stop the clock is a unique twist on the traditional raffle. All you need for this simple
competition is a wind-up clock, volunteers, and a prize. Wind your clock to its full extent and
have members of your congregation purchase minutes.

Give each volunteer a certain number of minutes (1-60), so they can sell to

congregants or purchase minutes themselves. The winner is the person who buys the
minute the clock lands on when it stops. 

You can also award second and third place winners to those who purchased the
exact minute an hour before and an hour after the clock stopped.
Wreath and Ornament Sale
Selling wreaths and ornaments is an excellent idea for youth groups or
artistic church members. For this church fundraiser, you’ll need a few volunteers to make and
sell the items and craft supplies.

You can have your volunteers design one wreath or ornament to sell every year or have
everyone create their own unique designs.

Additionally, you can sell other items like ribbon and wreath hooks.

Christian Speed Dating

With so many dating websites and apps available, it seems like no one ever meets the old-
fashioned way anymore. You may already know a few eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in
your congregation. You can host a Christian speed dating night as a way to raise funds for
your church.
All you need is a space to hold the event, some tables, refreshments, conversation cards,
and a couple of volunteers. 

Your church’s singles can buy tickets to participate, but you can also encourage
participants to contribute during the event.

Lost Treasure
Have your ever found loose change between the cushions of your couch? Most of us have
areas in our houses or cars where these “treasures” get lost.

A quick fundraising idea for your church to host next Sunday is to ask your
congregants to go on a treasure hunt in search of spare change.

Set up a place at your church where congregants can give the change they find. You’ll be
surprised how much you can raise this way!
“Give It Up” Fundraiser
This fundraiser involves your congregants pledging to give up one indulgence and donating
the money that would normally be spent on that treat.

Congregants can give up things such as going out to eat, buying coffee every morning,
or having their weekend movie night.

Pick a time frame for congregants to stick to their pledges and don’t forget to spread the word
about your “give-it up” fundraiser!

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PDF!  Download our resource to raise funds for your religious organization!
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Make the Grade

A make the grade fundraiser is a fantastic way to motivate your church’s Sunday school and
youth group members to get the best marks in school.

For every A or B that students (of any grade/age) earn, supporters will donate $1 to the
church. The students can ask their parents and other church members to be their

Let congregants know about the fundraiser and the children who don’t yet have sponsors.
That way, you can raise the most funds.
Bailout Fundraiser
The bailout fundraiser is a great way for your church members to come together and raise
money. In this exciting and engaging fundraiser, church members (or leaders) are tied up and
can’t go until their “bail” or “ransom” has been met.

The bail, of course, is the fundraising goal you’re trying to meet. 

The best time to host a bailout is when you have a large enough audience present like during
church service.

Books for Bucks

Most of us have books around the house that we don’t intend to re-read. Your church can use
your congregants’ unwanted books to raise money (and give them a new home)!
The books for bucks fundraiser is just like a yard sale; church members can donate
their used books, magazines, and comics so that you can sell them to the community. 

Spread the word about your book sale with posters and flyers around the community as well
as via social media.

Chances are, many of your congregants are excellent cooks and have lots of family recipes
they’d like to share.
Help to bring your congregation together by creating a church cookbook. Ask members
to provide beloved recipes to be included in the book. Then, you can sell the cookbook
online or in your wider community to raise funds.
It’s sure to be a big hit!

Gift-Wrapping Services
Once the holidays roll around, it feels like everyone is in a mad dash to buy and wrap
presents for everyone on their list.
You can help these frenzied people out and earn a little extra money by offering gift-
wrapping services.
You can partner with a local department or retail store or offer gift-wrapping services in a
well-trafficked (but spacious) area. Offer extras like bows, ribbons, and tags to earn a little
extra money.

Pajama Day
This is a fun (and comfy!) idea for church youth groups or after-school programs to raise a
little extra money.
Advertise your pajama day well in advance and let your young church-goers know that
they have to pay a couple of dollars to wear their comfy pajamas to youth group for one
whole day.
When the day arrives, collect the money and give kids a special sticker to wear. This helps
you know who has paid to wear their pajamas throughout the church!
Host a Friendly Competition
This is a great way to build community among your church members — and indulge any
competitive spirits!
The competition can take place for one day or over the course of several months. You can
choose to have congregants form teams or compete one-on-one.
Plan out a few competitions and have congregants place wagers on who they think will
win each one.
The competitions can be as daring and unique as you want. Just make sure that the events are
all in good fun!

Create and Sell Custom Calendars

Wall or desk calendars are the perfect fundraising product. They can promote your church’s
mission and are easy to create and sell.
Start creating your calendars in the middle of summer. That way, you’ll have plenty of
time to advertise and sell them to members of your community before the new year
Add images from mission trips and other church events, and add quotes, statistics, or other
facts about your church. Sell the calendars in your church’s office and online so that anyone
can purchase one and support you.
Host a Seasonal Fundraiser
Seasonal fundraisers can take many forms, but their unifying feature is that they are related to
the current season or holiday.
For instance, you can sell wrapping paper during Christmas, set up a pumpkin patch in
October, or sell tulips around Mother’s day. The options are endless!
Seasonal fundraisers are great because you will always have a way to raise money, regardless
of the temperature, time of year, or occasion. Additionally, you can make your seasonal
fundraiser as involved or hands-off as you want. The fundraising decisions are up to you!

Hold a Talent Show

A fun and easy way to raise a little money is to host a talent show. This can be especially
effective and enjoyable for the children in your church youth group, since entertainment of all
kinds is welcomed!
Charge a small admission fee and sell concessions to supplement your fundraising
Don’t forget to set up a general donation table or booth. You can use the space to let
attendees know why you’re asking for contributions.

Host a Bingo Night

Bingo is a fun and easy game that even the youngest children can play. Use a weekend night
to host a kids’ bingo night to raise money!
A bingo night can be a great way to educate people about your church’s activities as
Throughout the night, remind attendees of what you’re raising money for and encourage them
to make contributions during the event.
However, the majority of your proceeds will come from selling admission tickets,
concessions, and products (if you have them).

Host a Parents’ Party

If your congregation has a lot of families, you can host a parents’ party while you watch the
Hosting a parents’ party is an excellent way to give mom and dad a night out with their
friends while you raise money!
All you’ll need to do is charge a small amount and set up a fun night of food and drinks for
parents. You can even get volunteers to look after the children so that parents don’t have to
pay extra money for a babysitter.
BONUS: Get 99 fundraising ideas for church and religious organizations in a free
PDF!  Download our resource to raise funds for your religious organization!
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Hold a Car Wash

A car wash is an easy fundraising idea for churches because it gets congregants outside. Plus,
a car wash is an incredibly simple fundraiser to pull off.
All you need are the suds, water, some sponges, and signs for advertising. Simply charge
around $5 per car!
Rally a group of eager volunteers to stand a safe distance from the road and draw attention to
your car wash with signs.
Host a Church Community Picnic
A church-wide picnic can be an excellent opportunity to get to know your congregation better
and to raise money for your church.
Send out invitations a few weeks in advance and promote your picnic on social media
and via email. You can either supply the food or ask people to bring covered dishes.
Charge a small admission fee for the picnic and set up a general donation table or booth.
Have a staff member stationed at the table to answer any questions that attendees might have
and give them more information about supporting your church and getting involved.

Try a Balloon Raffle

Balloon raffles aren’t usually a stand-alone event; they are often paired with other fundraisers
like carnivals, field days, and family fun days.
But they’re so easy that you’ll be able to raise money in no time!
The only cost to you is a bag of balloons and some raffle tickets. Place the tickets inside the
balloons and sell them to children and adults for a dollar each.
Whoever has the winning ticket gets a small prize at the end of the raffle. Depending on how
many people come to your event, you could make quite a bit of money.
Hold a Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt is a fun way for kids and adults of all ages to discover your local area and
work together toward a common goal. Plus, you can raise money!
Have teams of kids or adults sign up and pay a registration fee. You can set up an online
registration form or place one in a centrally-located spot in your church.
Then, create a course and hide items around your community. The winners can even receive a
small prize!

Hot Chocolate Sale

This is the perfect fundraising idea for those chilly fall or winter mornings and evenings.
Help church members warm their tummies by selling hot chocolate during church
events. It’s guaranteed to bring a smile to people’s faces and raise some funds!
Plus, double your fundraising efforts by combining hot chocolate sales with another event
idea, such as a hymn-a-thon or church game night!
Ice Cream Social
In the heat of summer, there’s nothing better than some ice cream to bring people together
and cool everyone off.
Host an ice cream social for your church’s youth group or for your congregation at
large and charge a small entry fee. Grab a few different flavors (vanilla and chocolate
are always classic choices) and don’t skimp on the toppings!
This is another great fundraiser to tack on to other events to raise even more money. After all,
what event wouldn’t be made even more fun with ice cream?

Lip Sync Competition

A lip sync competition is a great fundraiser for your church youth group or Sunday School
classes. It’s easy, fun, and has the potential to generate a lot of revenue!
During a lip sync fundraiser, teams of individuals come up with a 5-10 minute lip sync
routine that features songs that everyone knows and loves.
Charge teams a fee to enter the competition and sell tickets to audience members at the door.
The audience can then vote on their favorite act by donating a dollar or two once the routine
is over. Sell concessions to bring in even more money!

Church Movie Night

Everyone loves a good movie — and when it offers the opportunity to spend quality time
with family and friends, a movie night becomes even more enjoyable. Your congregation will
have a great time watching a classic flick to support your church.
First, decide what movie to show and where you’ll host the event. Charge a small
admission fee and sell concessions during the movie to raise more money.  
Depending on the movie you choose, you may need to obtain the rights to show the film.
However, if there’s an up-and-coming filmmaker in your congregation, you could offer to
screen their work!

Pictures with Santa

The holidays are always a busy time, and the added stress of waiting in line at the mall to see
Santa doesn’t help. Why not bring Santa to your church and to the families that frequent it?
Charge parents a few dollars to have their children sit on Santa’s knee and tell him
what they want for Christmas. Have a photographer on hand to capture the moment.
For an added fundraising opportunity, create a fun and festive atmosphere with hot chocolate
and holiday snacks for sale. Just make sure Santa gets his milk and cookies!

Potluck Raffle
A potluck raffle can be a great way to raise money and introduce people to new foods.
Volunteers make different dishes that attendees then vote for with pre-purchased raffle
tickets. At the end of the night, each dish goes home with whomever had the winning
raffle ticket for that particular item.
You can also encourage volunteers to sweeten the pot by including the recipe for their
delicious dish!

Coffee Morning
Your early risers are probably hankering for a hot cup of joe on Sunday mornings. They
likely also wouldn’t say no to a homemade muffin or scone!
Assemble your coffee and muffin stand right outside of the service to catch congregants
before or after church. They’ll be grateful to have that little morning pick-me-up!
Pro tip: Ask around at your local coffee shops to see if they’d be willing to donate supplies
such as cups and lids. You might be surprised at how willing they are to give back, too!

Direct Mail
Direct mail fundraising is classic because it works so well.

With individualized fundraising appeals, your organization can encourage gifts from all

Remember to segment your lists based on congregants’ communication preferences. The

congregants who are interested in communication through email won’t necessarily appreciate
a mailed letter, which is why you’ll draft a digital version of your fundraising appeal, too.

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It’s Personalized
Create a beautiful fundraising page for your pet or favorite animal organization with
simple tools to upload images and videos. Tell your pet’s story and help more people
connect to your cause or project.
 It’s Free
You shouldn’t have to invest money to raise money. With Fundly there are no start-
up costs! We charge a small fee on donations only if you raise money.
Create Your Church-Related Fundraiser in Minutes
Don’t worry, it’s easy! With Fundly you’ll be up and running in minutes. You can start
raising money for your pet or animal-related cause in no time. Just set up a profile, upload
images and videos, and tell your pet’s story!

Who doesn’t like cute animal pictures? Share your favorite pet photos & tell your story.
These elements help to establish a more personal connection between your supporters and
your campaign.


With just a few clicks, you can share your pet’s story or send pictures or videos of your pet or
animal-related cause to your friends, supporters, and beyond. Sharing your crowdfunding
campaign will help bring in donations more quickly.


Your friends and supporters want to hear how your crowdfunding campaign is going. Make
sure to say thanks and send them updates with pictures, videos, and more!



Create your church’s crowdfunding campaign for FREE. Pay absolutely nothing until you
receive your first contribution.

At only a few cents for every dollar you raise, Fundly is one of the most affordable ways to
raise money for your church, youth group, or other religious organization.
With Fundly’s social sharing options, you can let your Facebook and Twitter followers know
about your crowdfunding campaign with just a few clicks. You can even share the campaign
via email!

Set up your church’s campaign in just a few minutes and start raising money for your
religious organization quickly and easily.

There’s no need to raise a minimum amount, meet a deadline, or pay penalties if you don’t
reach a goal. You get to keep whatever funds you raise, minus any fees.

Get set up quickly and easily, whether you’re tech-savvy or not. Our interface is super easy to
use, and our team is always here to help with any problems you might run into.
Create Your Church or Religious Crowdfunding Campaign in Minutes
Fundraiser for a Mission Trip to
This fundraising campaign was started to fund two women’s mission trip to Nicaragua. Even
though they didn’t quite reach their goal, nearly 30 donors came together and raised over
$2,000 to cover the costs associated with the mission trip.

The best part of this campaign is the update that the organizer posted. She let
supporters know exactly what was accomplished during their stay in Nicaragua and
how the donations were put to use.
Crowdfunding Campaign to Start a
Shoreline church started a crowdfunding campaign to help get their ministry off the ground.
So far, over 30 supporters have contributed nearly $4,000 to help their ministry, but their
church fundraising campaign is far from being over!

One of the standout features of this church’s crowdfunding campaign is the number of
images the organizer has uploaded. There are photos of church members, the building
itself, and their youth group.
Start raising money for your church or religious organization today!
Upload multiple photos and videos of your church, youth group, or religious organization to
show donors exactly where their contributions are going. Including media on your church’s
crowdfunding page will help people connect to your fundraising efforts.

Learn more about shooting and posting great crowdfunding photos.

Your church’s crowdfunding campaign should also tell your organization’s story. This is a
crucial component of any fundraising campaign because it helps supporters connect more
closely to your cause and makes them more likely to donate!
Check out these examples of great crowdfunding descriptions.

The best way to raise money and awareness for your church’s crowdfunding campaign is to
share it on social media and via email. Obviously, you don’t want to overwhelm your
followers, but you should share your campaign’s URL often to reach more people and start
receiving more donations.

Learn more about sharing your crowdfunding campaign with your network.

Keep your supporters updated throughout your church’s campaign and once it’s over. You
can share detailed updates about your campaign every few weeks or celebrate the little
victories with shorter updates. This will keep your donors in the loop and show them the
concrete results of their contributions.

Check out these tips for writing crowdfunding updates.

I’m in charge of youth group activities at my local church. We decided to start a
crowdfunding campaign with Fundly to pay for an upcoming service trip to Honduras.
We were able to raise so much money from our church members and people in our

Veronica TinsleyStart Your Fundraiser

My church needed money for a new sanctuary. Our old one was in such disrepair,
and the new building was going to cost a significant amount of money. We started a
crowdfunding campaign and started receiving support almost immediately!

Preston LewisStart Your Fundraiser

Members of my synagogue regularly volunteer at our local homeless shelter. We
decided that we could be doing more, so we started a general crowdfunding page.
We were able to raise money and awareness for the homeless shelter.
Corey PrinceStart Your Fundraiser
Over $330 Million Raised To Date
Start a Free Fundraiser
Start Raising Money For Your Church or Religious Organization Today



7 Tips for Fundraising Success

Every crowdfunding campaign can use a little help every now and then!

Whether you need advice about shooting and uploading crowdfunding photos, writing
descriptions and updates, or sharing your fundraiser with your friends and family members,
we’ve got your back.

Click below to learn more about the top seven crowdfunding tips that can be used for
all types of fundraising efforts and campaigns!
Discover 7 actionable tips for crowdfunding success!
10 Fundraising Examples
You’ve heard the stories about fundraisers surpassing their goal, but how often does that
really happen?

The answer? More frequently than you might think! In fact, individuals and organizations
often meet and  exceed their goals when they use Fundly to set up a fundraiser and share it
with their friends and family members.
Check out these ten crowdfunding campaigns that all exceeded their fundraising goals
by sizable margins in just a matter of weeks!
See how these 10 campaigns succeeded!

Understand Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding has been used to raise money for everything from creative projects to medical
costs and more!

Why is it so popular? Well, it might have something to do with the fact that a crowdfunding
campaign is insanely easy to set up and share with your friends, family members, coworkers,
and other peers.

See for yourself! Take a look at our Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding and learn how
you can make the most of this fundraising craze!

5 Creative Ways to Increase

Giving at Your Church

 Angie Joya


October 6, 2019

Even when traditional giving is down, these methods can keep

your cashflow up.
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When people believe in the vision and mission of your ministry,

they are generally inclined to support you financially. Yet, what
happens when giving begins to decline?

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According to Church Law & Tax, “Individual giving took a hit in

2018, with a decline from the previous year of 1.1 percent (or a
decrease of 3.4 percent when adjusted for inflation), according to
Giving USA 2019.” These statistics are intimidating and may
seem downright disheartening.

But don’t let these facts deter you from fulfilling God’s call over
your life. Most churches overlook the fact that fundraising can be
done in more ways than just taking up tithes and offerings on
Sunday mornings.

In this article, we’ll look at five fantastic ways your church or

ministry can increase giving and raise the funds it needs to
Before we jump into fundraising strategies, it is important to
acknowledge why raising money is so important. One of the
requirements of maintaining tax-exempt status for a charity is to
be publicly supported. Therefore, outside of needing funds to
operate, nonprofits also need incoming funds from the general
public to be tax-exempt.

According to Treasury Regulation 1.170A-9(f)(2), an organization

is considered publicly supported if it normally receives a
substantial part of its support directly or indirectly from the
general public, from a governmental unit, or from a combination
of these sources. The public support requirement is known as the
public support test, and the term “substantial” in this instance
means that at least 33 1/3% of the organization’s finances come
from public support.

The public support test proves that a 501(c)(3) organization is

not a private foundation and that it may receive charitable

Here are five out-of-the-box ideas to help you come up with ways
to increase giving for your church.

1. Create multiple avenues for your church to receive

donations. One of the most common ways for churches to
receive donations is through the receiving of tithes and offerings
during a worship service. For most churches, this means the
passing of a collection plate or having a designated area where
members, and nonmembers, can give their donation. In addition,
many churches utilize today’s technology with online giving,
giving kiosks and “text to give” options. In general, the more
options given to your members, the more likely they are to give.
From Outreach Magazine  Answering the Tough Questions About Church

2. Start a thrift store that sells only items that are

donated. According to IRC § 513(a)(3), “The selling of
merchandise, substantially all of which has been received by the
organization as gifts or contributions” isn’t subject to unrelated
business income tax.”

Now, you must be thinking, Cool. What does that mean and how
does that apply to my church and me? Essentially, proceeds or
revenue that thrift stores receive from the sale of donated
items is tax-exempt income that a church can receive. This is
also a good fundraising option for outreach-focused ministries
because it allows the needs of the community to be served, while
also generating additional tax-exempt income.

3. Provide meals before and after service for the

convenience of church members. Between work, school,
church activities, sports and the myriad of activities that one
family has to manage, many families are looking for an easy
lunch option on Sundays. Some churches have found that
providing meals before and/or after their services is not only a
blessing to their members but also a way to generate additional
income for the church. These meals are usually offered at an
affordable price. Because the activity is offered for the
convenience of the members and it coincides with church
activities, the revenue made from the sale of these meals is tax-
exempt to the church.

Take note, however, that because the members are receiving

something in return (a meal) for the money given/paid, they may
not claim that amount as a charitable contribution.
4. Operate a bookstore or coffee shop before and/or after
service. Similarly, the sale of these items is related to the tax-
exempt purpose of the church, and the service provided is for the
benefit of church members. Aside from the extra cash the church
can bring in, an added bonus to a coffee shop is having
churchgoers be awake and energized during the early service.

From Outreach Magazine  Don't Look Back

5. Host the occasional Christian concert, or dinner, run by

volunteer staff. Fundraisers that generate income from the
sales of tickets are acceptable, as long as these activities do not
take place on a regular basis. IRC § 513(a)(3) also states that
when activities are carried out by volunteer staff (those who do
not financially benefit from the profits), the income is not taxable.

How Much Is Too Much?

Though the IRS doesn’t specify a dollar amount as “too much,” it
is important that certain fundraising activities not become
substantial. According to IRC § 513(a), when a tax-exempt
organization carries out a “trade or business” that is not
“substantially related” to the organization’s exempt purpose, the
income therefrom may be subject to unrelated business income
tax, which can jeopardize an exempt organization’s tax-exempt
status with the IRS.

Furthermore, IRC § 512(a)(1) states that “the term ‘unrelated

business taxable income’ means the gross income derived by any
organization from any unrelated trade or business … regularly
carried on by it.” While all of these are excellent methods of
fundraising, a steadier alternative might be investing in a for-
profit arm.

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