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Submitted by :

Abidur Rahman Shazid

ID : 2019-3-10-216

Section : 06

Course code : SOC 101

Term paper of Crisis of Socialization for Young

Children at Family Level in Bangladesh

Submitted to:
Masum Billah Sir
(Senior Lecturer of Department of Sociology )

Crisis of Socialization for Young Children at Family Level in

Background: One of the most important aspects of a person's ability to function in
society is their ability to socialize. People begin to learn about socialization from everyone and
everything around them from the moment they are born. Infants are continually orientating
themselves to the encompassing scene as they can hear, smell, taste and feel. Relatives are a
significant piece of a kids' social climate. All along, a youngster's preeminent realize individuals
are their folks. They start their deep rooted cycle of gaining from them. They find out about
their environmental elements, the climate, individuals, things and how to cooperate with them
so they can be a piece of the world also. In any case, presently a days, we are seeing that kids
are experiencing a great deal of difficulty blending in with the world because of the absence of
socialization. Children that do not socialize suffer a slew of issues in every circumstance, all over
the world. In Bangladesh, the socialization issue for children is worsening by the day,
particularly at the household level. The aftereffects of such circumstance will not be useful for
the people in the future. Without mingling, a kid will not get the motivation, the psychological
solidarity to talk or have a visit with or associate with others. The significance of this
examination is for the better future for the youthful age of now and the impending ones. This
examination will assist with hindering the socialization emergency for kids a ton.

Methods: The significance of this paper is that by this theme the overall population,
uniquely the guardians will become more acquainted with about the outcomes and issues the
non mingled individuals needed to confront ordinary and what their youngsters will confront on
the off chance that they don't treat this in a serious way and this will leave everybody alone
mindful and find vital ways to tackle the issue.

In this paper we received a blended strategy way to deal with examine the difficulties the non
mingled youngsters' needed to confront . As our subject is "Emergency of Socialization for
youngsters at family level in Bangladesh" we have done our examination subject according to
our nation point of view.

In this term paper, generally auxiliary sources have been utilized for information assortment
dependent on the investigation of different sorts of archives with respect to this issue. Our
essential wellspring of information was meet. We took meeting of 5 to 6 families with respect
to this issue and how they keep it from occurring on their kids. Besides, auxiliary information
sources like articles, paper, reports, and online sites in regards to mingling issues have been
utilized in this examination. The meaning of a strategy is a framework or a method of
accomplishing something.
Objectives: The fundamental goal of this term paper is to show individuals of
Bangladesh the result of the absence of socialization for youngsters and the sufferings of non-
mingled individuals. Our expectation is that by seeing our exploration, many individuals will
attempt to show their youngsters socialization from family even out and permit them to blend
and connect with their socio climate so they don't face such challenges.

Results: Individuals experience the ill effects of different issue in view of their
powerlessness to associate with others. Kids', exceptionally young people experience the most
when they can't mingle. At the point when kids' aren't instructed or permitted to associate
with others and the world from adolescence, issues like these will occur-

a lack of cultural significance ,difficulty managing emotions in different settings, fear of entering
a discussion, self interiority in any group task ,lack of disciplined conduct ,lack of mental

Discussion: Not educating or enabling children to socialize can lead to a variety of

mental and physical issues. Some parents do not want their children to acquire socializing
because they believe in the Amish way of life, while others are afraid of their children turning
bad and being exposed to negative behaviors. Children who do not socialize, on the other hand,
may suffer issues such as a lack of cultural value, without which no one can mingle and cope in
a community. They have a hard time adapting to deviance. They can't or don't know how to
manage their emotions in a variety of scenarios, including frustration, tolerance, and others.
Furthermore, they are hesitant to engage in discussion with others for fear of what others may
say or think of them. Because of this, the majority of individuals suffer from depression, as well
as a variety of other issues. In Bangladesh, one of the most prevalent difficulties young children
encounter is being mocked and tormented at school. Most significantly, these children lack
mental development since they do not socialize with others, making it impossible for them to
study effectively. Other issues include a lack of self-esteem. They don't do much and aren't
motivated to accomplish anything. The majority of the time, these youngsters are depressed.
There are also evidence and confirmation that these youngsters are at a significant risk of
developing tumors. It can occur at any time. These children's capacity to learn is further
hampered by their lack of sociability.

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