Name Wise Data Show: Advance V-Lookup

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Prepared by - Manoj Sir

Advance V-Lookup
name wise data show
(All Record with same name)

Create Example sheet on Excel

in Above sheet we take an example of 10 Name with city , contact and there
salary for A-B-C-D Column

Select Column 'A' (Entire) by pressing Ctrl+Space
and Press Ctrl+Shift+'=' (Equal) Sign to insert a New column before name
Prepared by - Manoj Sir

Type below formula in A2 Cell


Formula definition
& is used to Add Data with Cell value for e.g. b2 cell value is hemant and we add - (minus symbol with
name) and then Add number of count return using formula then output is hemant-1 for cell A2 if same
name found in below cell it automatically count and then show hemant-2 for cell A4

$b$2 - we fixed the start cell B2 all range count from B2 cell upto selected area

 same formula apply in below upto data show (11th row)

you can double click at the right side , bottom corner or select column and press
Ctrl + D (Down fill formula)

Select column value from A2 cell to A11 cell and Press Ctrl+D
Prepared by - Manoj Sir


 Copy header file row and paste it to sheet 2 as define below image, remember to skip 2 first
row and first column and paste from B3 cell.
 Type Sno and number Upto 10 number, we assume there is maximum 10 record can be
duplicate with same number or if more you can increase it at your end.

select B4 to B13 Cell and Type below formula to show all record using name with c1 values.

we select multiple cell for apply array formula it will apply all cell after press Ctrl+Enter Key

or , You can apply one formula then after drag it into below cell. (As per your Choice)
Prepared by - Manoj Sir


 we use IFERROR formula before Vlookup to check if error exist or no match formula found it show
blank value
 $C$1 is the cell name where we pass the name for search in our data table we can fixed the cell
value for below cell formula
 we can also fixed the data table because same data access via all cell .
 3rd value is column number if we apply formula in B we set 2 - same as C column we set 3 , if data
on sheet 1 same as column number.
 last parameter in Vlookup is 0 (zero) - if we want to show exact match our record we put 0
otherwise set to 1

 for Column C (City) we apply below formula


 we only change the column number according to our database record, set this formula to next
column change it to 4 and so on..

 Hide the A Column Both sheet by select column and press Ctrl+0 (zero).


 Any query related this PDF, you can mail us

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