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IMD311: Introduction to Web Content Management and


(Group Assignment)

Prepared by:

Prepared for:

10th JANUARY 2021

IMD311: Introduction to Web Content Management and

(Group Assignment)

Prepared by:



10th JANUARY 2021


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh,

First of all, we would like to thanks our IMD311 lecturer, En Mohd Firdaus bin Mohd
Helmi. His willingness to give his time generously has been very much appreciated. He had
helped us to complete this task, searching for the correct info and teaching the correct way.
The advice given by him also has been a great help to us in making this assignment. He had
sacrifice a lot to make his student completed the task.

Then, we would like to thanks our family for supporting us. Our family helps us in
providing money and moral support when we distressed with this task. With their help, we
can handle the problem and most importantly, we managed to finish this assignment.

Besides, we also want to thanks our fellow friends who have helped us in doing this
assignment. All the info that we had wrong, they corrected it. Our friends also encouraged us
to completed this assignment and help us doing some research. With all their help, we have
completed this assignment. We hope that what we did in this task is according to the right
specification want by the lecturer.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………..…...……………………..………….. i

1.0 INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW …………………………………………….……….1

2.0 PLANNING ………………………………………………………………………..…2

3.0 ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION ……………………………………………..………….3

4.0 PROTOTYPING & REVIEW …………………………………………………………4

5.0 DEVELOPMENT & TESTING ……………………………………………………….5

6.0 REALEASE & SEO …………………………………………………………………..6

7.0 MAINTENANCE ……………………………………………………………………….7

8.0 CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………8

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………………9

APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………………………..10


Cuisine Culture was established in 2020 and owned by 5 admins. This Cuisine Culture
website will provide the food delivery service to the people that stay in Alor Setar, Kedah.
Cuisine Culture will give 3 types of culture foods such as Malay, Western and Thai. There
are variety of foods that will be serve to the customers. All the meals or dish in the menu are
the home-cooked foods. Cuisine Culture already hire the good chef to serve the food to
ensure that will meet the customer’s satisfaction. All the foods will be available for the
customers from Monday until Saturday and only closed order in Sunday. It will ease the
customers who work and don’t have much time to go to for lunch and same goes to those
people who stay at home on their off day, they can order the food using our website and the
foods will be delivery in front of their door. Cuisine Culture were being produce to save the
people times and cost to buy the outside foods. It is because our price is quite affordable for
them. The placement of the orders can be make directly to the WhatsApp link so it will ease
users because they don’t have to register or sign in the account. The payment of the orders
will be make in two methods which in Online Transfer or Cash On Delivery. The customers
don’t have to worried if they don’t have cash that time, Cuisine Culture already consider all
the little things to make sure the customer feel more comfortable and easy to use our
service. The Cuisine Culture will also provide a clear information such as the price, delivery
areas and also the picture of the meals to assist the customers to make a choose of their
meal of the day. The cost of the delivery service is only RM5 per rides. The customers can
order as much as the want but it still charge RM5 per rides. The Cuisine Culture will not add
any fees if they order more than 1 meal. Cuisine Culture will make sure all the foods and
meals that they want to provide is clean and delicious and we very hygiene in preparing all
the foods and meals.

Planning is the process we identify what is the purpose of this website. Our website which is
Cuisine Culture is one of the platforms that will be loved by all the food lovers. This website
will help those people to easily purchase their food using their smartphone, tablet or even
personal laptop. Nowadays, people really pack with their own work and sometimes don’t
have much times to cook or go out to buy the food for their own self or family. Our website
will serve the users with food delivery to the customers around the Alor Setar, Kedah. The
target audience of this website will be the people who work in office times that have limited
time to find the food for their lunch or even dinner. The computing environment that will be
used in the Cuisine Culture website is only by basic coding by html and JavaScript. The
users can retrieve our website by searching the “Cuisine Culture” on google or just click the
link that will be provided on Instagram and Twitter accounts. It really eases the customers
and users to make their orders. This website will be owned by 5 all of us. We decide to
provide these services because nowadays people usually really busy with work and don’t
have much time to cook at their home. The delivery service by Cuisine Culture will create a
smile on customers' faces once the food arrived in front of their door. The purpose of this
website also will increase the number of people who get to know how to use the technology
system in this era. Mostly, all of the services will use the internet platform because people
can order or use it anywhere and anytime. The customers will save their time to order the
foods. Our website consists of three cuisine culture of foods that usually popular in Malaysia
which is Thai, Malay and Western. All these types will make the customer has many choices
to fill their tummy.


The purpose we creating the website is to fulfill the requirement of our customers. We create
a website to inform or tells the customers about our business. The customers can visit our
website to look for the menu or foods that we provide and offers for them. It is easier for
them. Our target audience is people who work in office times that have limited time to find
the food for lunch or dinner. They can visit our website no matter whenever they are. We
also put the design that is suitable for our business and people also can visit our website
because we use a color that did not make the users didn’t like to visit the website. We use a
pastel color for our website design. Our plan to create this website also to save time for the
user. The user can visit our website to order the food that we offer or provide. They can look
at the menu on our website before ordering the food that they want. Our team requirements
are we have one developer for this website that is responsible for the website. There are two
designers of this website.


We do the website for home-cooked delivery services. The content of our website is mostly
about the food that we offer and the menu that we had to provide for customers to order. We
also organize the content and information on our website. We use many ways to organize
our website. Some of the elements or ways we use to organize are the title of the website.
We use a title that explains our purpose of the page. For instance, on our homepage, we put
the name of our business which are the home cooked-delivery services. Our business name
is “Cuisine Culture”. We put “Cuisine Culture” name as the title on our homepage of the
website. Next is the title of our other pages of the website. We make 6 pages for our
website. The pages are “Cuisine Culture”, “Delivery Area”, “Malay Cuisine”, “Thai Cuisine”,
Western Cuisine” and “Feedback”. We create a simple title that clearly explains what are the
page is about. For example, our homepage is explaining what business that we did. We
explain about us and put a video on the homepage. Then, we also put a link to our social
media in another will easier for the user to interact with us. The title of other pages also
explaining about the pages, for example, the “Delivery Area” pages are clearly explaining
that what is the location we deliver. Also, our pages like “Malay Cuisine”, “Thai Cuisine” and
“Western Cuisine” explain and are shows about the food that we offer for the customer
based on the different culture. Besides, the “Feedback” pages are to allow our customers to
gives their feedback to us. We provide an email form on our website. Customer can write
their feedback on the form on our website. Furthermore, we use headings on our website to
separate certain topics. For example, on the homepages which are “Cuisine Culture” pages,
we make heading for an explanation about our business. We put a heading “About Us”.
Customers can know the business that we are doing by reading the explanation on the
homepage. Then, we also make a separate heading on the “Delivery Area” page. We
separate the topic which is the delivery area that we are going to deliver and steps on how to
order the foods with us. Also, we use paragraphs to explain many information about our
business. For example, we use it on the homepage that needs to explain about our business
and then we use a paragraph to explaining the delivery area. Then, we also use the list on
our “Delivery Area” page. We use a bullet to explaining the steps on how to order the foods
with us. We also put important information at the top of the pages. We put the day and time
of our business and we use a marquee for the important information. The layout of our
website is hierarchical and webbed.


For the development of our website, we use multimedia. The multimedia that we are using
that will be helpful for the user is photos or pictures and video. We use many pictures or
photos on our website. We put food pictures based on the food category or culture, for
example, we put Malay cuisine on the Malay page. We didn’t put all the food pictures on the
same page or place, we divided the picture based on the category or culture. The picture
also has been helpful for the user which is we also had to write the name of the food below
the food picture. We also had put the price and the calories of the food. Other than that, we
also put the picture of the maps that we are going to deliver. We deliver the food in Alor
Setar, Kedah. We put the maps that show the maps of Alor Setar, Kedah. It is helpful and
easier for the user to know the places that we are going to deliver. Moreover, we also use
multimedia such as video. In the video, we also show what is our business offering. We
show the pictures of the menus or food that we had offered for the customers. Then, we also
put the picture of the location that we offer for delivery. We also show and explain the steps
to order the food that we are offering to customers.

The Cuisine Culture has enough content that will easy and assist the customers to get their
foods using our delivery service. In this website, we will provide a guide to the customers
such as a picture of the foods, price and also the kcal each of the dish. This information will
guide the customer to make a choice wisely. For example, there are some of the customers
who need to control their kcal of the day, so they need to know how much of the kcal in the
dish and same also to those people who won't have a budget meal for their lunch break. The
price that is setting for the meal is very affordable for the customers. In this website, we will
give enough information on how to contact us such as directly click on WhatsApp to place
their order. It will easy for the users because they don’t have to create an account to
purchase our foods. The link of our website also will provide the link on the bio of our social
media such as Instagram and Twitter. It will easy for users to find out our website platform to
place their orders. The users also can search out websites through the browser likes google
chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. By using our website, the customers can get a variety of
foods so it will ease them because don’t have to go to many shops to get more foods.
Cuisine Culture website being produce with many of navigation for users to use. The
example is, we will put the arrow button for them to slide into the next pages of the website.
Other than, each of the menu on our website will have their own “code’ which is the code will
be used by the customers to submit their order through the WhatsApp. Cuisine Culture also
has a feature clock so the customer or users will know the current time before submitting
their orders.

Our website is also needs do a promotion which are we prepared for meta tags. We are
going to do analysis and submitting our URL or link of the website to the directories of the
search engines. We need to do this because we want our website are recognized by people
and they can search our website easily. We want people to found our website at the first
place which means if they search for our name that was “Cuisine Culture”, they found our
website first before other website. We also need to ensure our website are easily to find by
peope or our customer. If our website are hard to find, it is also effect to our business
because with the website, customers can know about the services that we are provide for
them. We also create a website that are unique and attractive. We choose a pastel colour
and we combine the color that are mostly suitable for all the colors of we choose. We also
create a logo for our business and website because we want people to recognize and know
our business. The keyword that people need to search for our website are “Cuisine” because
we are mostly use this word in our website. We state the food such as “Malay Cuisine”, “Thai
Cuisine” and “Western Cuisine”. We also need to do site submission to prepare meta tags
for our website. With using all of this, we can ensure that people can easily find ouw website
based on the search engine optimization (SEO).


The Cuisine Culture website will be published by the GitHub platform to create an authentic
link to make sure it will be able to retrieve by the customers. The users or customers also
can search our website using any browser networking. The website will be updated or
usually checking up by our website developer which is once in six months. This is because
the website developer needs to make sure that all the information or navigation on the
website will work well. As we know, using the system, sometimes might have the problem
such as system down or need to do some maintenance to avoid any lagging. Cuisine Culture
also will keep updating any new menu or changes in our company. The example, if we are
decided to launch any new meals, the website developer will make advertising on the
homepage to ensure that the customers, we already have the new additional meal or dish.
The website developer also needs to make sure the website will work well if they receive any
issue or feedback from the customers that is why Cuisine Culture already provides the
“Feedback” page at the end of our website. This “Feedback” page was the platform for us to
get to know what are the problems that customers face with our product or service or need
to know what is the suggestion to improve our service or products. This website will usually
monitor by the website developer and website designer to make sure it is attractive and can
meet the customers or visitor satisfaction.


In conclusion, our website which is Cuisine Culture was created for our customers to inform
them about our business. We are explaining and show the food or menu that we are offering
for the customers. It will easier for customers to choose or order food from us. Also,
nowadays, people are likely to order food or other things by using online or website because
it is easier and faster. That was one of the reasons we are creating a website for our
business. Home-cooked food delivery also helps people that do not have time to cook which
is they can buy our home-cooked food. We deliver the food around Alor Setar, Kedah. The
function of the website also can help people in using modern technology. The website is also
easier to use and easier for them to navigate by clicking on the button that is provided on the
website. We are also creating this website to fulfill the requirement of the customers. We
have created a website that suitable for the customer to visit which are using appropriate
colors for the website. The content of our website mostly about the food that we offer to the
customer. We put the picture of the food, name of the food, price and also the calories of
every food. The title that we put for every page also explaining what is the information in the
pages. For example, on the “Delivery Area” page, we are explaining what is the area or
location that we going to deliver. We also use multimedia such as video on our website. We
put the video on the homepage that is going to explaining about our business. In the video, it
has the steps on how to order the food with us, a picture of the food, delivery area and more.
The users can search or visit our website using any browsers that they like or prefer such as
Firefox, Google Chrome and more. Our website is published to the GitHub account. Also,
customers can give their feedback on our “Feedback” pages. They need to fill in their name,
subject, email and their feedback in the email form that we had to provide on our website.
After they had done fill in the form, they can click on the submit button.


(n.d.). Retrieved from


cuisine culture. (2020, December 26). Retrieved from

hometaste. (2017). Retrieved from



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