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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

I. Objectives: In the end of lesson the children will be able to identify the parts of a simple

Values: Cooperating

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Parts of a Simple Paragraph
B. References: English Book 4, Internet
C. Materials: Story, Poster, Pictures, Puzzle, Charts, Flashcards

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity
A. Drill
I have here some flash cards and
I want you to read the words. Yes, teacher!
(Pupils read orally)
Okay, very good!
B. Review
Now who can recall our topic yesterday? Teacher!
It’s all about sentence.

Okay, who can identify what is the subject

and the predicate here in front?

“Nathan is playing.”

Nathan is playing

subject predicate
“Nathan” is the topic and “is playing” is the
predicate because it tells something about

Okay amazing!
Let us give a fireworks clap! (1,2,3 Fireworks claps)2x

C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Now we will have a story are you ready
To listen? Yes, Teacher!

Ok, Very Good! Our story is In title


So, did you understand the story?

Yes, teacher!

So, where the family lives? In the house teacher.

Ok, good the house has two? Bedroom teacher!

They cook and eat in the? Kitchen!

They watch tv in the? Living room teacher!

Very good, His favorite room is? Bedroom!

What did he like to do in the bedroom? Read and do homework teacher!

Okay, amazing kids! You really listen to

the story.

2. Presentation of the lesson

Now who can give me some sentence

based on the story. Teacher! My family is in the house.

Another! Our house is very nice teacher!

Very good! It has two bedrooms.

Okay, what else? Teacher! We cook and eat in the


Okay, amazing kids! So, all of it are

sentences and when we put the sentences

together we call it paragraph.

So, what is paragraph?


A paragraph is made up of sentences that

explain or present the details of a topic.

I have some examples of simple paragraph


Good and simple paragraph has 3 parts:

 Beginning sentence
 Middle sentence
 Ending sentence

Beginning sentence- it usually states the main idea.

It tells what the paragraph is all about.

Teddy is an eagle. - is the beginning sentence because it

states the main idea of the paragraph.

Middle sentences- gives details about the main idea and she

make it more informative and interesting.


He loves to fly to the east.

One day, he found a green bead on a leaf.

The eagle thought the bead was a seed.

So, he ate the bead, Teddy did not like the bead. He could

feel the hard bead.

“Meat is better.” He said, - this sentence is the supporting

Details because it gives details about the main idea.

Ending Sentence- the last sentence of the paragraph. It

summarizes the idea. Sometimes, it describes, reiterates

the main idea or suggests future actions.


“I will fly to the east to look for some meat.” – in this case

the ending sentence suggest a future action.

Another Example:

3. Class Activity
Now who can answer here in front?
Direction: Identify the beginning, middle
and the ending sentence.


1. Beginning sentence- Romeo is

beautiful and easy to care for.

2. Middle sentence- He is a tricolor

sheltie, mostly black with white
and a bit of brown. Caring for
him is easy because I simply have
to make sure he has fresh water
and food every day. I exercise
him by throwing his toys.
3. Ending sentence- Because he is
good and looking and doesn’t
require much care Romeo is a
good pet.

Very Good class! Now I think you

Can recognize the simple parts of the
Paragraph. So, let’s have a group activity.
I put colored paper under your chair look
What color do you have and find some colors
That your classmates have. Then they are your
groupmates, the yellow color, or group will be
seat here, the red here, the blue is here. All
group should select a leader.
Directions: All group will get an enveloped.
Each envelop contains a puzzle. All group
should get the correct answer. After fixing the
puzzle, the leader will report their output.
I will give 5 minutes to finish your output.
Understand? Yes, teacher!

Direction: All group will get an enveloped. Each

envelop contains a puzzle. All groups should get
the correct answer. After fixing a puzzle, the leader
will report their output. I will give 5 minutes to
finish your output. Understand? Yes, teacher!

Before we start, what are the things we need to

do if we have a group activity?
Cooperate Teacher!
Behave Teacher!
Very good! So, all groups can start working.

Now each group will report their output

here in front. (Pupils will present)

4. Generalization
Once again what is the beginning, middle,
and ending sentence? Teacher! The beginning
sentence is containing the
main idea.
How about the middle sentence? The middle sentence helps the
reader to understand the
Idea by providing supporting
And the last one? The ending sentence teacher
is wraps up the paragraph.
Good Job! Kids!

5. Application
Directions: Identify and write the simple parts
of the Paragraph in the piece of paper.

IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Direction: Draw your dream in the sheet provide and write a simple paragraph based on
your drawing.

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