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Name: Quimno, Ivy N.

BSN 1 YB-22


Cestodes, often known as tapeworms, are a kind of flat worms that can live in the
gastrointestinal tract of humans. Taenia saginatum, Taenia solium, Diphyllobothrium latum, and
Hymenolepis nana are the species that most usually cause human disease. All cestodes are
parasitic, and many have complicated life histories that include a stage in which the adults grow
and reproduce for years in one host, and one or two intermediate phases in which the larvae
develop in multiple hosts. Adults usually reside in vertebrates' digestive tracts, whereas larvae
live in the bodies of other animals, either vertebrates or invertebrates. Diphyllobothrium, for
example, has at least two intermediate hosts, a crab and then one or more freshwater fish, with a
mammal as its ultimate host. Some cestodes are parasitic on a wide range of hosts, whereas
others are host-specific.
Based on my knowledge, scolex is the name for the tapeworm's head. Bothria are sucking
grooves on the scolex. To adhere to the intestines of the host, the worm utilizes bothria as suction
cups. The tapeworm's body is made up of proglottids and is called a strobila. The strobila is a
thin, tape-like structure, hence the name (tapeworm). The eggs, which represent the infective
phase of the worm, are contained in the proglottids found distally.

Taenia is a humans contract taeniasis from the tapeworm species Taenia saginata (beef
tapeworm), Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), and Taenia asiatica (Asian tapeworm). These
tapeworms can infect humans if they eat raw or undercooked meat or pig. We can get that worm
by not washing our hand when we touch some of things that it contained to that kind of animal.
Based on the article that I read, the most reported cases every years is in the U.S or they called
United State. It reported that the most infected is in the rural area because they are lack of help
from the government, and it include the hospital, transportation, and knowledge about the proper
use and cleaning. And for example even here in our house, we actually eat food that it not
cooked properly and even it already clean I know that it have some kind of bacteria that we can’t
see in our naked eye. I think we can prevent it by cook our food or just the follow the meat
Most of people have tapeworm infection doesn’t have a symptoms or any mild symptoms of it.
But in tapeworm it can cause an abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and an upset
stomach are all symptoms of digestive disorders. The active passage of proglottids (tapeworm
segments) via the anus and into the feces is the most obvious indication of taeniasis. Tapeworm
segments can get stuck in the appendix, bile ducts, or pancreatic ducts in rare situations. I know
even we avoid having that, we can’t actually notice that this kind of bacteria can enter our body.
Just have a proper hand washing and clean the food and place before cook or eat. Thank you!

MicroPara (Laboratory) May 24,


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