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Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
Fun and Easy
Personality Test
Teacher’s Guide

Before Class:
• Print off enough Student Personality Test Worksheets for each
• Print off a copy of the Result Guide to read to the students.

During Class:
• Inform students that they will be taking a fun quiz that might tell
them a bit about themselves. Make sure you stress that this is
just a fun activity and no one should take it too seriously.
• Pass out the Student Personality Test Worksheets to each student.
• Read through the Personality Test Instructions as the students
complete their worksheets, stopping as needed to answer questions.
• When all students have finished making their choices, read through
the Result Guide so that students can hear what their choices say
about their personalities. If desired, take a moment to let
students share their results and discuss as a class whether
students felt the test was accurate or not.

Extension Activity:
• Have students research the “Barnum Effect” or the “Forer Effect.”
This research is based on the observation that people will believe
that certain personality descriptions define them specifically when
they are actually generic enough to apply to most people.
• After students read about this idea, have them discuss or respond
in writing to how this applies to them, their test results, and to
things like astrology or fortune telling.

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
Name Date / /

Fun and Easy

Fun and Easy Personality Test
Personality Test
Student Worksheet

Directions: Answer each question below as honestly as you can.

1. Put the following 5 animals in order from the one you like the most to the one you like
the least. (1 = I like this one the most, 5 = I like this one the least.)


_ _ __ _ _ _

2. Write one word that describes each of the following:




Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
3. Write the name of one person that you know well next to the color that you think
best fits them. Use each person only once!

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
Name Date / /

Fun and Easy

Fun and Easy Personality Test
Personality Test
Student Worksheet

Directions: Answer each question below as honestly as you can.

1. Put the following 5 animals in order from the one you like the most to the one you like
the least. (1 = I like this one the most, 5 = I like this one the least.)


_ _ __ _ _ _

2. Write one word that describes each of the following:




Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
3. Write the name of one person that you know well next to the color that you think
best fits them. Use each person only once!

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author

Fun and Easy

Personality Test
1. This section shows what is most important to you in your

• Horse = your family

• Pig = having money
• Tiger = being proud of yourself
• Sheep = finding love
• Cow = doing well at school

2. Your one-word descriptions:

• Your description of the dog is how you feel about your own
• Your description of the cat is how you would describe your
best friend.
• Your description of the rat is how you think about people
you dislike.
• Your description of soda is how you feel about the world.
• Your description of the sea is how you think about your own

3. The people in your life:

• Yellow = Someone you will never forget.

• Orange = Someone you consider a true friend.
• Red = Someone you really love.
• White = Someone you are very close to.
• Green = Someone you will remember for the rest of your

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
Fun and Easy
Personality Test
Teacher’s Guide

Before Class:
• Print off enough Student Personality Test Worksheets for each
• Print off a copy of the Result Guide to read to the students.

During Class:
• Inform students that they will be taking a fun quiz that might tell
them a bit about themselves. Make sure you stress that this is
just a fun activity and no one should take it too seriously.
• Pass out the Student Personality Test Worksheets to each student.
• Read through the Personality Test Instructions as the students
complete their worksheets, stopping as needed to answer questions.
• When all students have finished making their choices, read through
the Result Guide so that students can hear what their choices say
about their personalities. If desired, take a moment to let
students share their results and discuss as a class whether
students felt the test was accurate or not.

Extension Activity:
• Have students research the “Barnum Effect” or the “Forer Effect.”
This research is based on the observation that people will believe
that certain personality descriptions define them specifically when
they are actually generic enough to apply to most people.
• After students read about this idea, have them discuss or respond
in writing to how this applies to them, their test results, and to
things like astrology or fortune telling.

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
Name Date / /

Fun and Easy

Fun and Easy Personality Test
Personality Test
Student Worksheet

Directions: Answer each question below as honestly as you can.

1. Put the following 5 animals in order from the one you like the most to the one you like
the least. (1 = I like this one the most, 5 = I like this one the least.)


_ _ __ _ _ _

2. Write one word that describes each of the following:




Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
3. Write the name of one person that you know well next to the color that you think
best fits them. Use each person only once!

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
Name Date / /

Fun and Easy

Fun and Easy Personality Test
Personality Test
Student Worksheet

Directions: Answer each question below as honestly as you can.

1. Put the following 5 animals in order from the one you like the most to the one you like
the least. (1 = I like this one the most, 5 = I like this one the least.)


_ _ __ _ _ _

2. Write one word that describes each of the following:




Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author
3. Write the name of one person that you know well next to the color that you think
best fits them. Use each person only once!

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author

Fun and Easy

Personality Test
1. This section shows what is most important to you in your

• Horse = your family

• Pig = having money
• Tiger = being proud of yourself
• Sheep = finding love
• Cow = doing well at school

2. Your one-word descriptions:

• Your description of the dog is how you feel about your own
• Your description of the cat is how you would describe your
best friend.
• Your description of the rat is how you think about people
you dislike.
• Your description of soda is how you feel about the world.
• Your description of the sea is how you think about your own

3. The people in your life:

• Yellow = Someone you will never forget.

• Orange = Someone you consider a true friend.
• Red = Someone you really love.
• White = Someone you are very close to.
• Green = Someone you will remember for the rest of your

Copyright @ Meghan Mathis – Fun, Fresh Ideas All Rights Reserved by Author

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