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1. Warm up: Find 3 things in common

2. Talk about motivation to learn english

VOCABULARY.;To stay motivated:

● clear goals in sight
● review and change their goals regularly
● have some form of testing in place to find out whether they have successfully
achieved their aim.
● Reflect On What You’ve Learned So Far
● Identify Distractions
● Reward Yourself
● To stay on track
● , divide up your main goal
● into smaller goals and milestones
● to reach each one.
● To master all the vocabulary
● to also celebrate your small triumphs along the way.
● Motivation ebbs and flows- ) gradually decrease (odplywa, odplyw
● our energy dips -sink ,drop
● undoubtedly a huge undertaking
● to hold something tangible
● these concrete goals may slip out of your mind

Discuss 1a/8

Vocabulary from the texts:

1. Guturall - produced in the throat; harsh-sounding
2. Unpretentious /anpretenszus/- not attempting to impress others with an appearance
of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed.
3. Draw in - to cause or entice to enter or participate
4. Resonate produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound.
5. Resonate with you - deep connection to it with your character, and it makes sense to
you at a deep leve
6. be bound (together - are connected
7. Vital - absolutely necessary; essential
8. Mannerism a habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving.
9. Brush up (on)- improve one's existing knowledge or skill in a particular area.
10. Boatyard - where boat are made, repaired etc.
11. Acquiistion of - the learning or developing of a skill, habit, or quality.
12. Grasp on - gain a good understanding of
13. Stint - a person's fixed or allotted period of work
14. To hold a conversation .



Listening vocabulary:

Relucnate /relaktanc/ unwillingness or disinclination to do something

Lack of necessity
Necessity breads
Popp up
To have a head start

1. Reluctance
2. Necessity
3. Motvation
4. exposure


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