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Pillai HOC College of Architecture

Architectural Design Brief - Sem -6; Academic Year 2021-22

A Management Ins tute, Navi Mumbai

Introduc on:

An ideal ins tu on, like a city, must allow different stories/ journeys to unfold but all united by
common values towards a goal. It must bring together and encourage varie es but at the same
me move together.

The studio is put forward to introduce what an ideal ins tu on of educa on must func on the way a
city where different stories are weaved together with common aspira on; Educa on! It must be a
pla orm to bring together and encourage varie es and at the same me move together with a
similar thought.

The ins tu on of Educa on men oned above is unlike what we see or we are a part off, it is not an
integrated college, but specialisa on in a whole different subject called Management. The user
group is more mature, structured and func ons differently with the syllabus.

A syllabus with a mundane rou ne and formality, the design of management campus gives a scope
for exploring forms that func on as a harmonious whole, crea ng spaces in between that connect
with the outer world and the inner self; rather wher life unfolds.


The aim of the studio is to introduce the students to various pre-design processes with a varied
user group typology with a fixed program and design by addressing the design’s capability to
adapt to the changing spa al needs of its users.

Objec ve:

● To create a SPACE that would have its own dis nc ve character, vitality and ambience for the
purpose of EDUCATION.
● To develop an integrated design approach;i.e, incorpora ng the landscape elements,
technical aspects of fire services and column free, lightly loaded spaces.
● The focus of these areas is on the propor ons and form, site-oriented design, which will
ensure a quality experience inside and outside the structure.
Site Selec on: Proposed Site for Ins tu on, CBD Belapur

Navi Mumbai is strategically located on the proposed Mumbai Pune `Knowledge Corridor’; a liberal
spread of quality educa onal ins tutes ensures the availability of learning and gaining knowledge
to one and all.Scope of the site is to introduce various site analysis and planning techniques in an
urban context. This also gives a scope to plan the spa al hierarchy which is seen and needed in an
Ins tute.

No. Of Area Total

Space Descrip on
Spaces/users (Sq. M.) Area
The ground coverage to be maintained as 50%
Plot Area 8000
of the site area.
Recreational Area 5000

Proposed Built Area 2691

No. of users 240 students

Learning Areas
100 sq.m
Classrooms/ Lecture
4 (60 per class) per each 400
2 Library 150 sq.m
Library 300
+reading hall each

50 sq.m The discussion room and classrooms or library

Discussion rooms 5 rooms 250
each can be integrated or designed individually.

50 sq.m
Computer lab 2 lab 100

Seminar halls 1 hall 250 sq.m 250

Toilet 6(F) 6(M) 1(H) 30 sq.m 120

Admin and staff

Director’s room 1 30 sq.m 30
Principal Room 1 30 sq.m 30
Staff room/lounge 1 100 sq.m 100
Toilet 6(F) 6(M) 1(H) 30 120

1(300sq.m) 300 300
Store Room 50 50
Server room 20 20
Total Area 450 2070
Additional 30% circulation,corridor
Total Built Area 2691sq.m
The recreational areas should house recreational activities and academic activities such as job fair or
campus activities.
Pillai HOC College of Architecture
Architectural Design Brief - Sem -6; Academic Year 2021-22
Management Ins tute,Navi Mumbai
Phases of the studio:

November 2021

STEP 1: Understanding Ins tu ons

Explore different expressions, philosophies for an ideal ins tu on and how it will be reflected in an
Architectural Language.

The studios are focussed on understanding various parameters and concluding to Architectural solu ons
and design.

Date Submission/Objec ve of the day Expected Output

25th November Introduc on to the program ● The parameters will be studied in detail
and presented on 29th November by
The studio is intended to study, concluding with architectural features
analyse and infer the case studies required/provided for the same.
chosen ● A1 size sheets and digital forms (video
graphs, photo documenta ons) for
presenta on.
29nd November Studio

Preliminary discussions on the parameters and case studies.

Lecture on Case study analysis and inferences.

1st December Cri cism and analysis of the The Analysis and inferences from the case
parameters and Case study. studies is to be represented in graphical form
such as sketches, photo documenta on etc.
(30 marks) Following points are to be covered:

● What concise under the term

“Ins tu on” and how it is reflected
● Study of various ac vi es that can be
included in the brief and the spa al
requirement from the same.


Study architectural pa erns, needs and ancillary requirements with respect to site and context.

● What are the interac ons users have in and around the site?
● What are the spaces the program would need according to the site context and related ac vi es?
1st December Site introduc on and analysis Lecture on various parameters for site study
analysis ,inference and design concepts.

6th December Marking -Site Analysis and zoning Marking on site analysis and zoning with
(20 marks) respect to various analysis.

8th December Introduc on to Design Area Spa al requirements derived from the case
program study/parameter analysis and site study will be
formulated to design area program.

13th-15th Studio
Conceptual design and planning

20th December Model Making

Model making with site context and progressive design (50 marks)

22nd December Conceptual stage Marking Marking on:

(50 marks) ● Design Ideas

● Site Zoning
● Conceptual plan (Scale 1:100)
● Conceptual Sec ons
● Progressive model

January 2020

3rd – 10th January Studio

12th January JURY (50 marks) Pinned –up Jury on:

● Final Plans (Scale 1:100)

● Sec ons(Scale 1:100)
● Eleva ons(Scale 1:100)
● Progressive model
17th- 31st Studio

February 2020

2nd-9th February Studio

14th February JURY (50 marks) Pinned –up Jury on: (scale of drawings 1:100)

● Final Plans Sec ons

● Eleva ons
● 3-D modelling
● Progressive model
● ARD por olio – structural and
construc on details, building services
including fire figh ng layout and site
services depending on the design.

16th-28th Studio

March 2020

2nd -14th March Studio (Pre-final marking would be incorporated in this stage)

23rd March Final Por olio Por olio should be consis ng of the following:

● All the progressive sheet and models

● Final Plans
● Final Sec ons
● Final Eleva ons
● 3-D modelling
● Final model
● ARD por olio – structural and
construc on details, building services
including fire figh ng layout and site
services. This stage can include detailed
structural model as well.


● The progressive marking would be based on the progressive work done.

● The revisions asked for a studio are expected to be revised and get marked in the next studio
● End moment grievances are not encouraged.

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