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Accepted: 11 December 2017

DOI: 10.1111/epi.13996


Generalized nonmotor (absence) seizures—What do absence,

generalized, and nonmotor mean?

Iris Unterberger1 | Eugen Trinka2 | Peter W. Kaplan3 | Gerald Walser1 |

Gerhard Luef1 | Gerhard Bauer1

Department of Neurology, Innsbruck
Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria Summary
Department of Neurology, Christian- Objective: Clinical absences are now classified as “generalized nonmotor (ab-
Doppler-Klinik, Paracelsus Medical sence) seizures” by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). The aim of
University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
this paper is to critically review the concept of absences and to put the accompa-
Johns Hopkins Bayview Neurology,
Baltimore, MD, USA
nying focal and motor symptoms into the context of the emerging pathophysio-
logical knowledge.
Methods: For this narrative review we performed an extensive literature search
Iris Unterberger, Department of
Neurology, Innsbruck Medical University, on the term “absence,” and analyzed the plethora of symptoms observed in clini-
Innsbruck, Austria. cal absences.
Results: Arising from the localization and the involved cortical networks, motor
symptoms may include bilateral mild eyelid fluttering and mild myoclonic jerks
of extremities. These motor symptoms may also occur unilaterally, analogous to a
focal motor seizure with Jacksonian march. Furthermore, electroencephalography
(EEG) abnormalities may exhibit initial frontal focal spikes and consistent asym-
metries. Electroclinical characteristics support the cortical focus theory of absence
seizures. Simultaneous EEG/functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) mea-
surements document cortical deactivation and thalamic activation. Cortical deacti-
vation is related to slow waves and disturbances of consciousness of varying
degrees. Motor symptoms correspond to the spike component of the 3/s spike-
and-wave-discharges. Thalamic activation can be interpreted as a response to
overcome cortical deactivation. Furthermore, arousal reaction during drowsiness
or sleep triggers spikes in an abnormally excitable cortex. An initial disturbance
in arousal mechanisms (“dyshormia”) might be responsible for the start of this
abnormal sequence.
Significance: The classification as “generalized nonfocal and nonmotor (absence)
seizure” does not covey the complex semiology of a patient’s clinical events.

absence seizures, generalized epilepsy, motor seizures, nonmotor seizures

1 | INTRODUCTION seizures with focal and generalized/bilateral onset.1 Gener-

alized seizures are divided into motor seizures and nonmo-
The operational classification of seizure types by the Inter- tor (absence) seizures. However, what does “absence”
national League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) differentiates mean? Are typical and atypical absence seizures nonmotor?

Epilepsia. 2018;1–7. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1

© 2018 International League Against Epilepsy

Furthermore, is the electroclinical onset of absences indeed

nonfocal? Here we critically discuss the larger implications
Key Points
and more complex symptomatology of absence seizures.
• The medical term absence has been used to
denote a state of absence of consciousness,
2 | WHAT DOES “ABSENCE” MEAN? which itself is a composite of alertness and
According to the Oxford English Dictionary the term “ab- • The ambiguity of the term has not been solved
sence” denotes a state of being absent or away from any by the new terminology classifying, absences as
place. In the 18th century, the term was also used in a “generalized nonmotor (absence) seizures”
sense of absence of mind, such as “inattention to what is • Absence seizures encompass not only a “blank
going on or failure to receive impression of what is pre- stare” but also a variety of motor features, which
sent.”2 With absence seizures, the term is mostly used for also can be asymmetric, regional, or focal
absence of consciousness, which itself is a composite of • Clinical absences represent bilateral network sei-
arousal (alertness) and awareness (knowledge of self and zures with focal or regional (asymmetric) onset
environment).3,4 Unconscious subjects are unaware per def- and mild, but recognizable motor signs
inition, but unawareness is not implicitly associated with
loss of consciousness as is the case in comatose conditions.
Coma is defined as “a state of unarousable psychologic authors agree, that different aspects of consciousness and
unresponsiveness in which subjects lie with eyes closed.”4 awareness are selectively impaired.12–16 For example, some
Coma results from a dysfunction of the Ascending Reticu- absence seizures result in pure prefrontal behavioral
lar Activating System (ARAS) or disruptions of connec- changes including suspension of working memory.17,18
tions of widespread cortical areas with the thalamus and However, the prefrontal disturbances represent only 1 fea-
globus pallidus.5 The centrencephalic6 as well as the corti- ture of cortical seizures, and the nature and degree of alter-
coreticular hypothesis of absences7 assume primary ations of consciousness depend on the localization and
involvement of the reticular system. However, during number of impaired cortical areas.19
absence seizures, patients are not comatose, their eyes are To the best of our knowledge, there is no report on sys-
open, and they retain an upright position, unless in rare tematic correlations of clinical signs in absence seizures
cases, when atonic components prevail.8,9 Furthermore, and the relevant involved cortical networks.
aside from coma, the differential diagnoses include sleep,
physiological behavioral changes resulting from impaired
attentiveness due to preoccupation with other activities, 3 | ARE ABSENCE SEIZURES
inability to react properly to exogenous stimuli in conse- NONMOTOR AND NONFOCAL FROM
quence of neurological problems such as dementia, chronic ONSET?
disturbances of consciousness such as the unreactive wake-
fulness (apallic) syndrome, and psychiatric conditions with As correctly stressed by Fisher et al.,1 absences are differ-
hallucinations, fugue states, stupor, and other neurologic/ ent from seizures observed in focal epilepsies with a pro-
psychiatric conditions. ven or suspected structural/metabolic etiology.
Hence, how can one interpret the nature of the distur- Aside from behavioral changes, clinical signs may
bances of consciousness during 3/s spike and wave dis- include abnormal motor activities. Motor activities and
charge (SWD) absence seizures? Most authors have stated focal signs in absence seizures have been reported for
that consciousness is not invariably lost during SWD— many years. Janz20 described the incidence and distribution
absences. Such a conscious/unconscious continuum ranges of mild bilateral myoclonic jerks during “pyknoleptic petit
from a “light slowing of responses and slight confusion in mal” (ie, absence seizures in childhood absence epilepsy
thinking”9 to the complete loss of consciousness.10 L€uders [CAE]).
et al.11 differentiated 5 types of disturbances of conscious- In 1981, the classification of epileptic seizures9 defined
ness in epileptic seizures, and considered 1 type (“dialep- absence seizures as impairment of consciousness with mild
sis”) typical for 3/s SWD absences. Dialepsis was clonic, atonic, tonic, and autonomic components. Blank
described as “. . .unresponsiveness to external stimuli, staring represents a cardinal symptom during absences,
absence of any impediment of the arousal system . . . and which could be interpreted as a frontal negative motor sign
total amnesia for the event.” In contrast, with absence sei- but has not yet been experimentally established. Bilateral
zures, the degree of memory deficit may vary from reten- myoclonic jerks mostly involve the oculomotor system in
tion of memory to partial or complete amnesia.12 Most the form of eyelid fluttering. Absence seizures with

pronounced eyelid myoclonus are considered a distinct cortical lesions. Early observations were summarized by
generalized idiopathic epilepsy syndrome.17 Atonic rhyth- Bauer23 and Dalby34 and are corroborated by later studies
mical nodding represents a sign of a negative motor activ- in absence epilepsies35–37 as well as in other idiopathic
ity in absences.9 Complex automatisms may also be generalized epilepsy syndromes.38–40 Constant initial unilat-
observed20 and were recently considered a reactive phe- eral frontal spikes at the onset of absences clearly support
nomenon to internal and external stimuli during prolonged the cortical focus theory of bilateral 3/s SWDs.30,39,41,42
absence seizures.21 The ictal nature of a subtype of oral Focal abnormalities have also been demonstrated using
automatisms can be deduced from the simultaneous onset magnetoencephalography (MEG).43–45 Furthermore, Sakurai
of spikes with synchronous rhythmicity (Appendix Case 1). et al.45 showed that cortical regions that constitute a default
In these cases, an ictal involvement of the oroalimentary mode network are strongly involved in the generalized
cortical areas is likely. Other focal motor symptoms include spike wave process in some patients with juvenile absence
circling,22 ictal head version,20,23–25 horizontal nystag- epilepsy (JAE). Combined MEG/EEG recordings demon-
mus,26 unilateral repetitive myoclonus,25 or even a motor strated initial involvement of frontal areas, often combined
sequence comparable to a Jacksonian march.25 The most with activity in the periinsular and subcortical/thalamic
remarkable study on the seizure semiology of absences was areas during bilateral spikes discharges.46
performed by Stefan et al. 35 years ago.25 For this docu- In addition,, regional gray matter changes in frontal
mentation, patients were investigated in standard conditions regions have been reported in volumetric MRI studies of
prospectively in a sitting position wearing only a short- patients with IGE.47–49 Simultaneous registration of EEG
sleeved shirt and shorts. Video documentation of behavior and fMRI have added further localizing aspects. During
was performed with a total view of the body and additional SWDs, blood oxygen level–dependent contrast imaging
close-up view of the face. In this study, a careful analysis (BOLD) responses are activated or deactivated in different
of 528 absences revealed that in addition to myoclonic, areas. Activation reflects increased, and deactivation may
atonic motor signs and automatisms also frequent tonic reflect decreased, neuronal activity.50 BOLD signals are
movements occur during absences. Ictal motor signs during found in several regions with different characteristics but
absences present in a complex motor pattern, or with iden- without constant asymmetries. Most studies report deactiva-
tical time delay from spike wave onset as fragments of the tions in different parts of cortical networks, especially in
whole motor pattern, or even as single elements. An exam- the cortical default mode network (DMN), and activations
ple of such a motor pattern and with temporal sequence of in thalamic structures.51–56 Archer et al.57 found deactiva-
the single ictal elements is ocular, then face movement, fol- tion in cortical regions but no changes in the thalamus. Ini-
lowed by tonic increase in upper and lower extremities tial cortical activations followed by profound deactivations
with finally also unilateral dorsal extension of the big toe. are reported by Bai et al.58 and Benuzzi et al.59 In the
This observation led to the term “craniocaudal march” of thalamo-cortical-striatal network, activations are observed
absence signs.27,28 The manifestation of the different motor prior to EEG discharges.53,58–61 These initial activations
elements after ocular movements was dependent on the might also explain shortened reaction times immediately
duration of the SWDs.25 The knowledge of the Gestalt of before the onset of SWDs.62
the complex motor program facilitates the clear allocation In summation, patients exhibit not only an impairment
of even single-occurring elements or fragments. More of consciousness during 3/s SWD seizures, but they also
recently, Kessler et al.29 analyzed videos of electrographic have a number of motor and focal signs. These variable
absence seizures (n = 1.932) in 416 patients with CAE. electroclinical signs and symptoms are cortically mediated.
The authors described pause/stare as the most common Berg et al.63 discussed the apparent anomaly of focal signs
semiological feature (99.3%) and confirmed the high per- in generalized epileptic seizures: “Generalized epileptic sei-
centage of motor automatisms (86.1%) and eye involve- zures are conceptualized as originating at some point
ment (76.5%). within, and rapidly engaging bilaterally distributed net-
Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings in patients works. Although individual seizure onsets can appear local-
with typical and atypical absence seizures exhibit a number ized, the location and lateralization are not consistent from
of localizing features. A frontal amplitude maximum of one seizure to another.”
spikes and waves had already been described in earlier
papers23,30,31 and recently confirmed by Seneviratne et al.32
Besides having frontal amplitude maxima, 3/s SWDs might 4 | ABSENCE SEIZURES AND
begin with unilateral frontal spikes in 36.9%23 or in EPILEPSY SYNDROMES
21.5%32 of patients, which may have changing lateraliza-
tion.23 Matthes33 called these spikes “pseudofocal,” sug- Absence seizures occur with different epilepsy syndromes.
gesting that they are different from those due to structural In CAE and in JAE, absence seizures are part of the

syndromic definition. In juvenile myoclonic epilepsy several clinical indications that motor symptoms are
(JME), absences are frequently but not invariably observed. directly connected with the spikes. First, motor signs occur
Panayiotopoulos et al.64 found separable clinical and EEG synchronous to the spikes.20,72 Furthermore, types of motor
symptoms within idiopathic generalized epilepsy subsyn- symptoms correlate with regions most involved by spikes,
dromes. Betting et al.49 confirmed differences by voxel- that is, the frontal eye field and frontal motor areas respon-
based morphometry and Pugnaghi et al.55 by BOLD sible for eyelid fluttering and mild myoclonic jerks.20,73
changes. No syndrome-specific differences could be estab- Finally, exaggerated jerks in JME are time-locked to poly-
lished with pure electroclinical parameters except for statis- spikes.20
tically shorter absences in JME.15,21,65 Absence symptoms exhibit no overt rhythmic fluctua-
Absence seizures cannot be taken as equivalent to hav- tions; they manifest as a continuous suppression of cortical
ing an idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Atypical absence function. Slow waves have been interpreted as a response
seizures occur in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) in up to that attempts to suppress the development of poly-spikes
60% of patients.66 Atypical absence seizures are included and more massive motor symptoms, an inhibitory “brake
in the newest classification of seizures.1 Two per second wave” so to speak (“Bremswelle” after Jung and Toen-
slow spike-and-waves (so called “petit mal variant” after nies).74 In this interpretation, slow waves are an inhibitory
Gibbs and Gibbs30) represents ictal EEG activities easily phenomenon. Fromm75 considered “staring spells” as inhi-
differentiated from typical 3/s SWD pattern. In a pure bitory seizures due to the inhibition of cortical activity.
semiological sense, the loss of consciousness in frontal Penfield and Jasper6 explained the loss of function as a
lobe67 as well as in temporal lobe epilepsies (“fausses “‘line busy’ effect.” Cortical BOLD deactivations support
absences d’origine temporale”68) can resemble that of the concept of cortical inhibition. Recent studies support
absence seizures. Atypical absences in LGS and absence- such inhibitory theories.76,77 Differences in the degree and
like seizures in focal epilepsies can be distinguished from symptomatology of behavioral as well as motor signs can
typical absence seizures (TAS) in idiopathic generalized be explained by the involvement of different cortical areas
epilepsies by EEG and—less accurately—by accompanying —corroborated by EEG and fMRI results.
neurological symptoms.

The generation of absences and SWDs can be summarized
Duration of SWDs longer than 5 seconds is considered the as follows. Arousal signals trigger thalamic activation and
minimum for the manifestation of clinical symptoms, focal or bilateral synchronous spikes in a regionally or
although shorter discharge durations may exhibit inconspic- multiregionally electrically hyperexcitable cortex.78 This
uous symptoms, such as slight impairment in cognitive or triggering mechanism of SWDs was called “dyshormia” by
motor tasks.69 The depth of disturbances of consciousness Niedermeyer.79 Spikes are related to mild motor symptoms.
depends on voltage and distribution of the SWDs,6,65,70,71 Inhibitory slow waves (brake waves) prevent the develop-
whereas the duration had no effect.70,72 Amplitudes of ment of poly-spikes, massive myoclonus, and eventually
BOLD changes in fMRI/EEG investigations are linearly generalized tonic–clonic seizures. These inhibitory slow
related to SWD duration.55 Guo et al.19 demonstrated a waves correlate with cortical BOLD deactivation and clini-
relationship between the number of involved areas and cal impairment of consciousness. Ongoing arousal stimuli
behavioral symptoms. —as evidenced by activated BOLD responses in thalamic
In recent years, there has been ongoing controversy areas—can be interpreted as an effort to overcome cortical
about the pathophysiology of absence seizures—cortical inhibition, and to restore normal cortical functions. Alterna-
versus subcortical—and on the cortical focus theory. All tively, there may be triggering of recurrent spikes until the
clinical symptoms are cortically mediated, whether trig- SWD sequence disintegrates due to overwhelming inhibi-
gered by subcortical or cortical pacemakers, or not.6 tory influences.
All attempts at classifying natural phenomena usually
involve inevitable elements of abstraction, and interpreta-
5.1 | Is there any clue that motor and
tion with loss of clinical detail. By necessity the endeavor
consciousness features correspond to different
to find a simple term for a complex clinical phenomenon
components of the SWD pattern?
involving disturbance of consciousness and motor signs,
To our knowledge, experimental and clinical evidence at carries a high risk of oversimplification. To characterize
this time cannot confirm the hypothesis, but there are and classify the multifaced semiology of absence seizures

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How to cite this article: Unterberger I, Trinka E,

Kaplan PW, Walser G, Luef G, Bauer G.
Generalized nonmotor (absence) seizures—What do
absence, generalized, and nonmotor mean? Epilepsia.

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