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Name: A.R. Junjie G.

Espinosa Date: 10-27-21

Course: BSED Mathematics 1


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B



1. Make sound and timely decisions is one of the principles of military

leadership. Explain?
It means that leaders must analyze events quickly and make informed
judgments. They must understand when to make choices individually, when
to confer with others before making a decision, and when to delegate the
decision. Leaders must understand the aspects to consider when selecting
how, when, and if to make choices. Good judgments made at the proper
moment are preferable than the best decisions made too late. When a choice
is required, do not put it off or try to avoid it. Indecisive leaders breed
reluctance, lack of confidence, and uncertainty. Leaders must foresee and
reason in the face of adversity and make prompt decisions on what steps to
2. What do you mean by developing cohesive soldier teams?
When establishing a cohesive team, each member of the team with a distinct
assignment and they accomplished it effectively were a triumph for each
member of the team, they work as one, so they would enjoy their
achievement as one. Being a cohesive team implies that not only are group
goals reached, but everyone feels as though they have contributed to the
group's overall success. Individuals on a cohesive team are more driven to
work toward the team objective because they are more focused on the
overall group rather than their own self.

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