Welcome To The Turmeric Workshop

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*Welcome to the Turmeric workshop*


Hailing straight from the heart of the Ayurveda, turmeric,

also known as “Haldi” is a golden kitcHen spice used for
centuries by the ancient sages. This spice has a bitter and
mild taste, but it is a powerful component that packs a
plethora of health benefits & magical properties
It has the sun energy which is masculine, action oriented
energy, more of joy,happiness, growth and new life.It is
corresponding to our solar plexus chakra which governs
our confidence, our will power, how strong we feel, how
we view our accomplishments.

*Spice up ur own life*

If u are feeling stagnant in life, take any colour candle u

feel connected to & sprinkle little turmeric and light it up
to spice up ur life

*Turmeric for relationship*

Take a Red candle (jar/ chime candle/tea light candle) and

write ur name & ur partner’s name on it, sprinkle some
turmeric & light it. It helps to spice up the
relationship,bring life back into the relation & protects
the relationship from evil eye, gossip & negative energies.

*Infusion of turmeric with ur intention*

Turmeric is best used in kitchen cooking.So before putting

turmeric to any food, take a pinch of it ,speak ur
intentions & add in the food

*Evil eye protection*

This herb is known to ward off negative energies,remove
hexes, & evil eye.Just sprinkle little turmeric over a black
candle & burn in ur house to get rid of unwanted energies.
U can even sprinkle pinches of turmeric around ur house
or yard to be protected

*Reuniting a couple*

Take picture of ur partner and take a red candle. Anoint

the candle with a mixture of honey & turmeric. It will
bring back life into the relationship & draw the person
closer to you

*Turmeric & honey to attract money*

If u want to enlighten money energies, u can use this to

anoint ur cash or coins or dab a little bit in your wallet.
Dont put too much as honey is sticky

U can even take a green candle,write money/

wealth/prosperity on it with the help of a pin & anoint it
with mixture of honey & turmeric
It will help attract money to u, thus spicing up ur finances.

*Turmeric with honey*

Take few spoons of honey with turmeric & stir it

clockwise.The power of turmeric becomes double.
Stir it with ur intentions. This combination has the power
to sweeten relations, to attract things to u, spice things
up,growth ,protection as honey is to sweeten and draw
things closer to you,to persuade. U can make this mixture &
preserve & charge it on the full moon to infuse moon
energies in it. Later u can use it as per ur choice in tea or
make desserts or serve ur partner tea with this infused

*Workshop Completed*

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