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Bay Leaf Remedies

Bay leaves are a fragrant leaf from the laurel tree used as an herb. Bay leaves are available whole—
either fresh or dried—or ground into a powder.

Bay leaf is also herb that is commonly used in cooking. The leaves and oil are also used to make

While Bay leaf has a lot of health benefits, we will talk about how Bay Leaf (Tej Patta) can be used
for clearing blocks in life.

Bay leaf for aromatherapy : The pungent aroma of Bay leaf spice has a considerable calming effect
on the mind and helps in relaxing the body.

Its a whole spice easily available in our kitchens.

Bay Leaf, also known as bay laurel, is a powerful herb that is useful for:





psychic development and more.

It is a favorite herb of many as it is easily accessible, has multiple magickal uses and is easy to grow
inside of your home or garden.

*Protection & Cleansing*

*Burning bay leaf will cleanse and drive out any negative, harmful, or unwanted energies and
feelings from yourself, your space and other people.*

Bay leaf is a great addition to sage during a sacred space cleansing and will assist in the purification,
protection and clearing of the space.

Take a bay leaf and write out all of your current worries, fears and anxieties directly on the bay leaf.

Take some time and focus on releasing those unwanted feelings and worries into the leaf.

Allow all of your stresses to flow out of your body and into the bay leaf.

Once you are finished releasing your anxieties into the leaf, burn the bay leaf and watch the smoke
of the Bay leaf carry away your worries out into the universe to be transformed into positive energy.
*Manifestation & Prosperity*

Take a bay leaf and write your wishes and desires directly on the leaf.

While holding the bay leaf, begin to channel your wants, intentions and wishes into the leaf.

Take as much time as you need to focus your energy, feelings and visualizations into the leaf.

Feel and visualize receiving what you are asking for and be open to receive it.

Once you are finished channeling and feel ready, burn the bay leaf.

Watch the smoke of the Bay leaf carry your wishes and intentions out into the universe.

*This process can be done any time but is especially effective on a New Moon and is easy to include
in any New Moon ritual.*

*To attract Money*

To attract money, place a bay leaf into your wallet or purse and tuck it in with your money and

You can write money signs, symbols, your name or whatever you would like to write on your leaf.

Keep the bay leaf in your wallet or purse and carry it with you.

*This will attract money, abundance and prosperity to you.*

*To attract clients and get more business.*

If you are a business owner, you can take a bay leaf and slip it underneath or inside your cash

This will attract successful business and new customers.

*Psychic Development*

Sleeping with bay leaf under your pillow has many benefits to psychic development and dream

The bay leaf will help heighten your psychic senses, also known as, clairvoyance, clairaudience,
clairsentience, claircognizance, clairgustance and clairalience.*

Bay leaf can be used during psychic readings to enhance the accuracy of the reader and the psychic
messages that are received. T

The reader can wear the bay leaf or burn it to achieve this effect.

Bay leaf will also promote vivid dreams and visions and will assist in accessing the astral realm which
promotes astral travel.

*For Healing*

Using bay leaf when performing or receiving healing of any kind will make your healing more
effective and will help to amplify the healing energy.

The bay leaf can be worn or burned during the healing to achieve this effect.

*Cord Cutting*

Bay leaf can be used to clear and cut energetic cords.

To do this, take a bay leaf in your hand and visualize the energetic cord(s) you are cutting.

Visualize the cord getting cut, along with any other attachments, feelings and emotions you would
like to release.

Once you have visualized this, allow any residual energy or feelings to flow into your bay leaf.

Once you are finished, burn the bay leaf to release the energy.


You need : 3 full bay leaves, Any color candle and Green Pen

Write your issues/wish on the leaves with a green pen.

1. Remove obstacles causing delay in marriage/ Remove negativity from married life

2. Other things start to manifest quickly (specific)

3. Bay leaf wishes coming true (any wish)

Take any color candle and burn the bay leaf and let the candle burn out.

Blow the residue in the air or offer to Mother Earth

For best results do it after 4 pm.

*Simple technique to manifest*

*You need:*

A large bay leaf

A Sharpie pen or other marker

A lighter or match

Decide what you want to manifest: Be as specific and clear as possible.

Choose just ONE thing.

You want to build the intensity of your intention.

Avoid directing your energy multiple places.

Create an affirmation that you can write ON the leaf: “Delighted to get Rs1000 in store credit!”

Take the marker and write the affirmation on the leaf.

Take a few deep breaths, think of how you’ll feel when the intention manifests, then set the bay leaf
on fire and dispose of the ashes.

*You can even write:*

I have reduced 10 kgs weight

My business has grown 10%

Anything that you would wish for to happen

*You can even manifest love through few good, short, specific love affirmations that you can use
with the bay leaf spell:*

I enjoy romantic, passionate soul mate love.

Jane and I are happy living together.

My honeymoon in France is so much fun!

You can see in all three of these love examples, they’re short enough to fit on a bay leaf, evoke
enough emotion to pull energy towards, and have ONE specific intention that you can focus on.
*Bay leaf can be used as protection against spells cast against you and other negative influences
that can block or distort your perspective of the truth.*

To use a bay leaf for protection, write all that you wish to be protected from.

This can be your co-worker’s manipulative attitude, possible spells cast against you, and banishment
of everything that does not serve you spiritually, mentally, and physically.

You can the burn it and offer it to Mother Earth.

*How to use bay leaves for attracting wealth*

Tie 11 bay leaves with a red thread, make it a Bandhanwar/toran and hang them on main entrance.

*Home Protection Spell with Bay Leaves*

You don’t need to write anything on the bay leaves for this spell. *You just need your positive
intention for the protection of your home.*

Say “Banish negativity from my home and only allow people with positive intentions to enter.” You
can choose other words that you feel comfortable with.

When you are ready, and with your intention for protection of your home firmly in your mind, place
the bay leaves in the cauldron and light them.

You can either continue to allow the bay leaves to burn where they are, or you can move around
your home with the lighted leaves and allow the smoke to move to other parts of your home. This is
especially useful at your doors.

If your bay leaves won’t burn easily, use a pair of tongs to hold the leaf over a lit candle and once it’s
burning safely place it in a fireproof container. Don’t leave the candle burning unattended.
*Spell to Win a Court Case*

Easy candle spell to win court case with bay leaves, candles and paper. Win a lawsuit or get a court
case dismissed with a help of Magic.


Bay leaves (dried or fresh)

1 orange candle

1 black candle

Pen and paper


Light the orange candle on your altar. Then the black candle next to it.

Focus on what your intentions are.

Think of the legal process you are going through, the people involved, the name of the judge,
lawyers, or any other information you have about it.

Visualize the positive outcomes that you are expecting.

Take the piece of paper and write:

*“I ask my Higher Begins to help me win this case and overcome any present and future judicial
processes. So mote it be.”*

Alternatively, instead of “Higher Beings”, you may write down any deity or figure that represents
justice or victory to you, for example, St. Michael, or Raguel.

Place one or more bay leaves on top of your petition.

Place the orange candle on top of the petition and the bay leaves. Leave the black candle burn next
to it, a few inches apart.

Let both candles burn as you meditate or as you say a prayer for justice. Find guided prayers and
meditations below.

When you’re ready, snuff out the candles.

Do this for everyday until the orange candle has melted completely. Don’t let candles burn
*For Getting a Job*

Bay leaves, rice, and sea salt can be combined to cast a powerful spell to find a job fast. Light a green
candle and chant a prayer while it burns.

*You need:*

1 green candle

A handful of rice (raw)

Sea salt

3 bay leaves

Cloth sachet



Create a circle on your altar or table using the sea salt. You can also do this if you will be working on
the ground, using the salt to make a large circle of protection.Take the green candle and carve your
name on it using your knife. Start from the wick and work your way to the base of the candle.Light
the candle on the dish, inside the circle of salt.Add a handful of rice to the dish and the bay leaves on
top of the rice. As the candle burns, chant:

Let the candle burn as you meditate and give Thanks because the wheels of manifestation are
already turning in your favor.

Snuff out the candle and put your tools away. Put the rice and the bay leaves in your cloth sachet
and keep it in a secret and safe place.Light the same candle again after one week and repeat the
chant while holding your sachet.The sachet will now act as a mojo bag full of positive energy. Like
any amulet, you can either keep it in a safe place or carry it around with you. *Every time you see or
touch it, feel how the energies of the Universe are working to get you the perfect job quickly.*

*To attract good luck and good night sleep*

Place a bay leaf under your bed sheet and mattress.

This will help with good luck and better sleep.

*Bay Leaf tip to protect yourself at work*

Bay leaves are used for protection as well.

Place a bay leaf in your bag or on your desk.

Dispose it in the dustbin after 1 week and replace with another.

*Cleansing your space from lower energies*

To clear lower energies from our space, take a few bay leaves, few cloves and some lemon peels.

Add water to them and boil to reduce the water to half the quantity.

Now use this to wash the walls and floor with this water. You can do it few times a week.

*For Abundance and Prosperity*

Take a full bay leaf

You can draw zibu prosperity symbol or write wealth or prosperity on it

Then burn that bay leaf with intention that you have infinite abundance and are attracting wealth.

Blow out the residue into the Universe affirming that your wish is fulfilled.

Do this on Thursdays.

*You would agree, due to its multiple uses and magickal properties, bay leaf is a great addition to
have in your herb collection.*

Not only is bay leaf affordable, it is easy to find in the herb section of any grocery store, making it
easily accessible.

*From spicing things up in the kitchen, to cleansing yourself and your home, there are so many
different ways to use this powerful herb and it can be easily included in any ritual. *

Be blessed abundantly with good health, happiness and wealth.

You can draw *Fehu on bay leaf for money prosperity* you can use a green pen also to draw it

Workshop completed

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