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Dubois , R .

Recherche des causes de la désagrégation

du ferro -manganèse exposé a l'air libre . 1901 . ( In Bul
letin de l'Association Belge des Chimistes , v . 15 , p . 281
286 .)
Discusses the action of weathering on ferro -manganese .
Dupuy , Eugene L ., and Portevin , Albert M . Thermo
Electric Properties of Special Steels . 1915 . ( In Jour
nal of the Iron and Steel Institute , v . 91, p . 306 - 335 . )
Test results made on four special manganese steels , p.
331 - 332.

Edwards , C. A. The Physico -Chemical Properties of

Steel . Ed . 2 , thoroughly revised . 1920 . Griffin .
Manganese steel, p . 227- 233 .

Eichel , K . H . Massnahmen zur Mangansparnis bei

der Erzeugung von Flusseisen und Stahl im basischen
Wind - und Herdfrischverfahren . 1922 . ( In Chemisches
Zentralblatt , v . 93 , ser . 6 , v . 4 , pt. 2 , p . 258 - 259 .)
The same, translation . 1922 . ( In Journal of the
Society of Chemical Industry , v . 41 , pt . 2 , p . 178A . )
Original in “ Montanistische Rundschau , " v. 13, p . 441.
States that in this process ( Thomas process ) , by previously
melting ferro -manganese, and then adding it to the steel in liquid
form , 25 to 33 per cent less is required than by adding it in the
solid form .
Electric Arc Welding Applied to Manganese Steel.
1925. ( In Journal of Electricity , v. 54 , p . 106 - 107 . )
Successful repairing of frogs and crossing castings by elec
trically deposited metal .
Engineering Foundation Popular Research Narra
tives . v . 1. 1924 . Discovery of Manganese Steel , by
Henry D . Hibbard , v . 1, p . 102 - 104 .
The same. 1923 . (In Machinery , N . Y ., v . 30 , p .
258 .)
Brief discussion of the history of manganese steel , and
. its


subsequent effect the development other useful alloy steels

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