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(6 pages) S.No. 5387 T ‘Time : Three hours DCOM 2 or candidates admitted from 2006-2007 onwards) DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2018. Cooperative Management COOPERATIVE LAW Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A— (10 x 2= 20) Answer ALL questions nL Ope, arups. Define ‘Cooperation. 02 Gpaye Ct erp deer? What is meant by cooperative law? 1085-dr sulle mi Ope) stbatimater otLib cePepauuOpsusbaner sapere — Gp—n> Brerigerer aps List out any two reasons for ‘the Introduction of the Tamil Nadu cooperative Societies Act 1983. fl Quip ering i Beir olen wigs? What do you moan by Registration? W GWAEg Deopesouc. off edad arérer? ‘What is super session? seslémaieh ccoyBodsom 555. Define audit, seven crane rene? What is meant by winding up? Bajosenid evap ener? What is company? Gude eunigenseecuce gel Gaus adusér Guiness gx. Give meaning of Negotiable Instrument Act. Albion auf erénpne evden? What is’ meant by sales tax? SECTION B—( x 30) Answer ALL questions, (0) mi Qpey suet stetiscfidr atiib 1904-ch aude Bure yeener Berke, Explain the salient features of Cooperative Credit Societies Act 1904, or 2 S.No. 5887 13, (28) a G9) 2° 56 Cpcmevenus afl. Describe the need for Cooperative Law. (2) ac Opa, siefiens Upa, Qrciauspenen ud Caipy cpenpsener sap, State the various steps for registration of a cooperative society. or (4) cp @pPmatd Ba; Qupp aad smasatiul_ amb sténiong QeuataQaramie, Bring out the various circumstances a registered society can be liquidated, (2) pafscos.8 gr pcbenisamer edranecns9Qs. Enumerate the merits of Audit. Or stéecou Bifida UdCary pergpempscoar Baul. Describe the various steps for settlement of disputes, (es) (2) aL giubs gens asker cumsnener slang. usary Explain the difference classification of law of contract. or 3 S.No. 5387 15. (4s) poramndigsr — Cradupgarms aici Garena, Bring out the importancos of indemnity. (21) efimefsd menu pions dig Gy exons. Write a short notes on ‘criminal breach of trust! Or (28) 1939-4 gain Span ipumer of) BCL fer Apienen eras. Explain the significance of Tamil Nadu Sales ‘Tax Act 1999, SECTION C— (5x 10=50) Answer ALL questions, (2) ani. @pej Gancrenascner Barigs. Explain the principle of cooperation. Or (48) @pBurreAs ac OneAen Ganbpd us Beans. Discuss the evolution of cooperative ‘movement in India. 4 S.No. 53877. P10] 19, ) (@ rc) (a) et) (os) ac Opa, ei eyed UdCag a1mssenar Biof. Describe the various committées on cooperative law. Or mi Qpedd udCag gallins gpmpen eienkgs. Explain the different types of Audit in Cooperatives. goa — fgfsr ——Aniiaigpaner suflgpenpucner eras, Blucidate the steps for amendment of Bye law Or SCL QuUpssB a UdGaig ermaacner Berdes. Explain the various classification of law of contract, shapag senigh Gung Odrupp Goieinqss aupleparpaner charigs. Explain the procedure for winding up of Cooperatives. or 2 sPreunpéiier udCap arenssenm seul ‘Describe the various types of guarantee. 6 S.No. 5387 20, oo) (ew) Aap ® Brudyop GPuiyd pédes erigbacner Aaa. Elaborate the important provision for civil procedure code. or 1939-0 ger LL scoer asf Describe the Tamil nadu Sales Tax Act 1959. s8igpr9 Ahucee of 6 S.No. 5387 T

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