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S.No. 5388 T DCOM 3 (Por candidates admitted from 2006-2007 onwards) DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2018. Cooperative Management FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A — (10 x 2= 20) Answer ALL the questions, seers8usd oscomuipes Define ‘Accounting’. BenrSluidlcn Cprésiacr gCoguid Myaraencr as. State any two objectives of accounting. HOGA ereinpred sree? What is journal? Qian crepe creer? What is invoice? Beodumisey erdmpsit Ginessir orcvon’? What is meant by trial balance? Bay coms sree oreo? What is Net profit? Bony serienuig. ordnpned etenen? What is error of commission? aurid effi Oid UC yused erenp ned reer? What is bank reéonciliation statement? 10. 1. 12. a. Bi 20 Gungér ses. State the meaning of Vouching. panflscoss sifliene orcpne erénen? What is meant by Audit Report? (21) (2) (oe) SECTION B — (6 x 6 = 30) Answer ALL the questions. a Osea LpmaAgpelen Gpréerivecr wireoos? What are the objectives of book keeping? Or semi BicSlér peremoacr winenes? What are the advantages of accounting? Esai paysmssaidepg Crmauiner @HIGUQ suri eit. efleuprsir G @) SamcA Gg Arrémb Gupps 75,000.00 Gi) Aumdiag Gopsgsugs 45,000.00 (ii) Opnéss Qancirqpsd Qaiiggs 27,000.00 (iv) GLeAiLg Gg sLom anérapsa Geiss) 48,000.00 ©) AyndsesBH6 Alpumer Gages 70,000.00 Write the journal entries for the following transactions : Particulars Ra, () Received cash from Siva 76,000.00 Gi) Paid to Shyam 45,000.00 (ii) Bought goods for cash 27,000.00 (iv) Bought good on credit from David 48,000.00 () Sold goods for cash 70,000.00 Or Goo pac wippid Groman sae udrGougy a1eossenen aries. Bring out in details the different types of error and frauds. 2 S.No. 5388 T 13, 15 (21) Spscim_poadaci eas) Gunung somseag sunt Gots. Bleu © Qgn_&6 Gordes Q@ir — 15,000.00 Ganérarse 16,500.00 Bibione 30,600.00 BDA Gyrée Opty 13,500.00 From the following information, prepare a Trading Account. Opening stock. Rs, 15,000.00 Purchases Rs, 16,500.00 Sales Rs, 80,600.00 Closing stock Rs, 13,500.00 Or (9) mL Ope, siiesPld 2 cror LdCaup ompya iplasoner eons gs. Explain the various adjustment entries in cooperative societies. (21) seéscosuSen Gpréstussensr Aenigs, Explain the various objectives of audit, Or (2) Apne pLaysos agi Gung as ais Elisa saver pBei Qesncrar GaueinQid cary Heres. Explain the points you would keep in view while auditing the sales. (2) ‘gIu perféors sMsesena! Ay GALL avenpss. Write a short note on ‘Clean Audit Report’. or (qh) wl @ne ctesfeo Ganggissea wAiSG Gewagen aAusgiauses mp State the importance of verification and valuation of assets in cooperative societies. 3 S.No. 5388 T SECTION © — (6 x 10 = 50) Answer ALL questions, 16. (4) sat Qney suns 2 cror Ueda sioneen Gamer Aes gs. Explain the various subsidiary books in cooperative banks, Or (2) Spsam. pLlomsmascdegy gd 2016-eren ymd creruegeru Gandreppe — gt-enruyid, GLGrLQs semi gsooruyb guint Aes, 15 seromrdr & Gane Gye) Qeiis adr Gandrepse 50 eaenas Quiiigasst ¢p. 500 10 Slanreio_ icc @. 3,000 16 Maur & sCangriach Gig Deis scr Qancrepse 25 ifdncA Blac, 1,250.00 20 nerd & astro Sigg Geiss ac Qancrapse 20 longa esc cp, 2,500 10 sare 5, 3,000 21 @ionf Deyibgy pep sealed sr eurbuBuigy ¢p. 35,000. From the following transactions of Mohan for June 2016. Prepare the purchases book and ledger accounts, June 2016 15 Purchased on credit from Kannan & Co. 50 from boxes @ Rs. 500 10 grinders @ Rs. 3,000 16 Purchased for cash from Siva & Bros, 25 fans @ Rs. 1,250.00 20 Purchased from Balan & Sons on credit 20 grinders @ Rs. 2,500 10 mixies @ Rs. 3,000 21. Purchased on credit, one computer from Kumar for Rs, 36,000. 4 S.No. 5888 T 17. (=) Spsdn. psadsctSeysg 31.12.2016-c ari aflet Gid Liciquioned gut Gaus. @) Ayrdss Desc e. 12,500. Gi) srGorme aptsiucig yond Lem axpmsluL eAldsene0 ep. 900 (ii) srGerone odd aes. yard wig eUTa, eneudaciiioSlésone ¢p. 1,200. Gv) autidl Dene petro smn8@ Aavssgs 5. 500. () aim.sensunort Gprquirs Lard GagypSiuigi ep. 800. (vi) arti augodlip gnependSdr aug ¢, 200. (vii) aur Leb ep. 100. From the following particulars prepare a bank reconciliation statement as on 31.12.2016. (Balance as per cash book Rs. 12,500 Gi) Cheques issued but not presented for payment Rs, 900 (ii), Cheques deposited in to bank but not collected Rs. 1,200 (iv) Bank paid insurance premium Rs.500 (%) Direct deposit by a customer Rs. 800 (vi) Interest on investment collected by bank Rs. 200 (vii) Bank charges Rs. 100. Or aL Opa, aH acron LaGouy GAY Yspaporg AoTeES. Explain the various books system in Cooperative banks. Qos semddle 2 crar gieneon gf Qsoner Li ywiGs. List out and explain the various adjustment entries in final accounts. Or aL Gpe siiséfd QpsAee ePiei sunt Gaiwyid Yapeu Aerags. Explain the method of preparation of balance sheets in a cooperative society. 5 S.No, 5388 T 19, 20. (2) (2) geafisonsuSeo LdGeipl cpenpacnar cares. Enumerate and oxplain the classification of Audit, Or emi Qno) siispfld Conpgidsmer PAs Galersie uederp pon qpenpacoor flordGe Explain the verification and valuation of different kinds of ‘Assets in cooperative societies. sper cai po) arti adr poisons cpenpenus Be Indicate the special items to be audited in the case of an Urban Cooperative Bank. Or geri bons iflzonaider onqiisen enpisenet cAerses Explain the details the basic elements of Audit Report. 6 S.No. 5388 T

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