The Metaverse What Are The Legal Implications

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As a growing number of tech companies invest heavily in the
metaverse – which allows users to live, work and play in
alternative virtual worlds – we explore the legal issues that it
may give rise to, including data security and privacy, IP,
copyright, and antitrust.

What is the metaverse? and financial regulatory compliance will

become increasingly commonplace.
From Facebook's recent decision to
rename itself "Meta" through to Epic
Many proponents of the metaverse agree
Games' billion-dollar investment in
that one key feature of the metaverse is
metaverse technologies to Snap's
interoperability, or the ability for users to
continued development of a prototype for
move their avatars and items of value
augmented-reality glasses, the metaverse
such as digital assets from one "corner"
has dominated the news and will likely
of the metaverse, such as a program,
continue to do so this year. But what is
site, or platform, to another without a loss
it? There is no universally accepted
in functionality or identity. Put another
definition for the term "metaverse," and,
way, an interoperable metaverse would
for many, it is simply an amorphous term
allow users to transport their avatars and
used to refer to an as-yet-undeveloped
other data, including digital assets,
future of the internet. Almost all
between applications, regardless of
conceptualizations of the metaverse
whether those applications are under
include the use of virtual reality (VR),
common ownership or operation.
augmented reality (AR), and avatars,
Retention of a user's identity and
connected by a massive network.
ownership over their digital assets could
Nonetheless, there are competing visions
be accomplished, among other ways,
of the metaverse. Some of its proposed
through blockchain technologies,
architects are leaning towards an
creating a sort of metaverse-specific
immersive VR environment, while others
property interest.
reject the idea of a totally virtual world
and push instead for an AR-based one;
Yet some would-be architects of the
for example, John Hanke, CEO of
metaverse do not even agree on the use
Pokémon Go developer Niantic has
of these core digital technologies. This
expressed enthusiasm about a metaverse
lack of a clear definition is understandable
based entirely in augmented, not virtual,
given that many of the technologies
reality. In addition, although "the
predicted to be essential to the
metaverse" is often described as a
metaverse have yet to reach sufficient
singular, unitary entity, others refer to
scale, capacity, or adoption.
"metaverses," presumably envisioning
several sets of virtual spaces that are
owned by distinct proprietors and which
What practical
are not necessarily interconnected. applications will the
Disney CEO Bob Chapek suggested to metaverse likely have?
investors in November 2021 that Those who predict the biggest
Disney plans to develop its "own technological advancements also envision
Disney metaverse." a metaverse that is utterly transformative,
one that utilizes building blocks such as
What is certain is that, as these
Web 3.0, and one that will revolutionize
technologies continue to develop, novel
the way that people work, learn, and play
and complex legal issues involving the
in much the same way that the embrace
fields of antitrust, data and consumer
of the internet changed society in the
privacy, intellectual property, real estate,
early to mid-2000s.

Video games our own. "Decentraland," a metaverse
platform, is hosting a "Metaverse Fashion
Perhaps the most obvious application of
Week" in March 2022, with several
the metaverse is in video games. Games
brands and thousands of visitors able to
including Epic Games' Fortnite,
attend fashion shows and purchase and
Microsoft's Minecraft, and Roblox already
wear digital clothing from model avatars.
offer the ability to interact with other users
online in a virtual world, and all three are
available in VR. Other games use AR to Healthcare and medicine
digitally enhance reality. For example, AR and VR are also being used in health
Niantic's Pokémon Go geocaches care and medicine. AR has been used for
fictional creatures all around the world physical care: doctors have used it to
and allows users to detect and "catch" operate on real-life patients, architects
them on their mobile devices. In-app have used it to design operating rooms
payments are already the dominant (using holograms to visualize people and
monetization model for applications on equipment), and trainees have used it to
mobile devices, and the metaverse could watch simulations of medical procedures.
offer even more opportunities for VR has served as a mental health tool as
companies to offer virtual goods and well. One VR application offers an
services through this model. alternative to traditional talking therapies
by allowing therapists to guide patients
The workplace experiencing post-traumatic stress
through a virtual world that simulates their
The workplace will almost certainly not
past experiences.
escape a transformation brought about
by improved communication technologies
mediated through the metaverse. Meta is Virtual real estate and
developing a product called Horizon digital assets
Workrooms, while Microsoft is developing These examples illustrate that the
a product called Mesh. Both products architects of the metaverse envision the
envision users meeting as avatars in a creation of something that will radically
three-dimensional virtual space, thereby transform every aspect of life, much like
offering a greater degree of immersion the internet did. One of the more
than can be achieved by two-dimensional intriguing (and disruptive) uses of the
video calls. metaverse, however, does not relate to
the "real world" at all. Companies have
Events begun to spend and earn millions of
Various types of events have already dollars on "virtual real estate," or specific
occurred in the metaverse. Epic Games' plots of virtual land in virtual spaces.
Fortnite has hosted musical performances Consumer brands have also partnered
and concerts by world-famous artists, with digital platforms to sell digital assets
and Epic's purchase of the studio that – for example, Nike has partnered with
developed Guitar Hero and Rock Band Epic Games to create a digital collection
(games in which users generate music of Michael Jordan-branded digital
virtually by "playing" plastic instruments) "wearables" meant to be worn by
suggests that users may soon be able to consumers' avatars in the Fortnite game.
play their own "instruments" in the
metaverse as well. Other companies are What legal issues will the
investing in creating virtual private events, metaverse raise?
such as graduations, weddings, and
As with any groundbreaking technological
other celebrations. Some platforms, such
development, the metaverse will raise
as Meta's Horizon Worlds and Linden
novel and complex legal issues. As the
Labs' Second Life, allow social interaction
practical applications of the metaverse
in a spontaneous, non-competitive
continue to broaden and evolve with
capacity, where users interact with one
improvements in technology, so too will
other through avatars, navigating a three-
the legal and regulatory challenges.
dimensional animated world resembling
Adding to an already complex field of

play, the metaverse is designed to be certifications, including standards that
deeply interconnected, seamless, and improve interoperability, the standard-
ungrounded in physical space. Each of setting process can nonetheless give rise
the legal issues discussed below will to antitrust concerns. In addition to
require practitioners to navigate questions concerns around a fair standard-setting
of jurisdiction, territoriality, and conflicts of process, cooperation agreements and
laws, none of which have been neatly industry standards risk restricting output
resolved for even the current iteration of and can violate the antitrust laws if not
the internet, let alone fully realized virtual sufficiently tailored to their pro-competitive
worlds with an even greater degree of purpose. As major technology companies
interaction and user immersion. seek to build the infrastructure for the
metaverse, they may encounter claims of
Data security and privacy antitrust violations and additional scrutiny
from antitrust enforcers and legislators.
Digital security and privacy will be among
the most significant legal issues facing
platform owners. These concerns are not Intellectual property
news to tech companies, which face Questions of intellectual property are also
increasing scrutiny from regulators and highly relevant. For example, determining
users alike. But data in the metaverse will the identity of the creators of a given
become exponentially more valuable than work in the metaverse may be more
it already is, and technologies will difficult when the work results from a
become increasingly integrated into decentralized collaborative process
multiple aspect of users' lives. This performed by users anonymized behind
developing technology will stress-test avatars. Such uncertainty could also
existing laws and put even greater change courts' understanding of fair use.
pressure on regulators to match the Meanwhile, trademark lawyers are
sophistication of the technology. Further, focusing on questions such as how
a singular metaverse, if operated by trademark dilution might occur in the
multiple entities, will require metaverse, whether digital assets should
interoperability standards that siloed, qualify as "goods" for purposes of the
disparate metaverses will not. User trademark laws, and who should be held
information will be at particular risk of liable when the identity of the infringer is
exploitation given the vulnerabilities unclear. Intellectual property issues
involved when data is ported from one relating to the fashion and luxury goods
application to another, and platform sector have already begun to arise. In
operators will need extensive agreements January 2022, French luxury fashion
to govern data transfers, information house Hermès sued a Non-Fungible
security standards, and responsibility for Token (NFT) creator Mason Rothschild,
compliance (as well as data breaches, who marketed a line of digital assets
which could cause even more chaos than called "Metabirkins," digital duplications of
they do today). the Birkin bag created by Hermès that
sell for tens of thousands of dollars or
Major technology companies are already more, with prices even higher in the
facing significant antitrust scrutiny and resale market. Hermès alleged trademark
increasing regulation around the world, infringement and dilutive use of the
and the development of the metaverse Birkin name.
may spur additional scrutiny and action
from antitrust enforcers. Interoperability Fintech
between platforms, which is widely
Legal issues related to fintech will arise
believed to be an essential component of
increasingly in the metaverse, especially
the metaverse, requires industry
as more companies offer digital assets
standards in order to be effective. While
and services for sale. Sales of virtual
antitrust law generally permits businesses
goods are already being made using
to jointly create pro-competitive technical
cryptocurrencies and other digital assets,

and they may ultimately be supported by Major tech companies are rapidly scaling
the same blockchain technologies that up their metaverse activities and will
allow for the metaverse's essential continue to do so through M&A. This is a
interoperability functions. Brands can global trend, with a spike in metaverse
distribute digital "goods" in the deals across markets in the US, UK,
metaverse, either by selling identical Europe, and Asia-Pacific. An increase in
goods to many users (like branded pairs cross-border deal-making means
of sneakers) or by selling rights or indicia navigating the legal complexities
of ownership to individual goods, such as highlighted above, while also facing
a unique piece of art. Purchasers of the increased scrutiny given the central role
latter can acquire such goods as an of tech companies in the digital
investment or keep them for their own economy and regulatory policies
collection, even displaying them in a trending towards data controls and
virtual environment (e.g., by "hanging" technological sovereignty.
them in the living room of their virtual
"summer home"). The art's authenticity Much of this M&A activity will be
may be verified on the blockchain through concentrated in the gaming sector due to
NFTs using a process similar to the the cross-over potential between the
verification of the value of the technologies and markets. In January
cryptocurrency itself. Legal questions will 2022, Microsoft announced a $75 billion
surely arise regarding the proper deal for the gaming company Activision
verification of ownership and potential Blizzard, followed a week later by Sony's
infringement or conversion of authentic $3.2 billion acquisition of Bungie. Other
and verified purchases. If cryptocurrency deals will be pure metaverse plays. Since
is treated like a financial instrument or acquiring Oculus in 2014, Meta has
security, which seems increasingly likely steadily been acquiring VR companies
in certain jurisdictions, then consumers (Within in October 2021, Unit 2 Games
will experience hurdles using and Bigbox VR in June 2021, Downpour
cryptocurrency as a currency for the Interactive in April 2021, and Beat Games
purchase of digital goods. As more in 2019), and we can expect more
individuals acquire digital assets, metaverse-relevant acquisitions in the
operators of platforms where the digital future as part of Meta's announced
assets exist will likely face a duty of care $10-billion-per-year investment in
to ensure the safety of the digital assets. the metaverse.

M&A and other We also expect to see further metaverse-

related IPOs and SPACs, such as the
investment activity recent IPO of Hiro Metaverse on the
The metaverse as a whole is estimated to London Stock Exchange, a SPAC
be an $8 trillion revenue opportunity. dedicated to metaverse technologies in
Investors have taken note of the Europe and Israel.
"metaverse landgrab," and stockholders
are increasingly asking companies to
What's next?
explain their metaverse strategy. The
success of the metaverse, in whatever Currently, it is difficult to predict the
form it takes, will require massive extent to which the most far-reaching
investments of capital across digital visions of a metaverse – a three-
content, digital assets, and hardware to dimensional virtual world where millions or
generate virtual spaces (e.g., GPUs), as even billions of people shop, work, and
well as the digital infrastructure (e.g., fiber interact – will materialize. Despite
and 5G networks) to connect them. numerous advances, technological
Venture capital has poured into the barriers still exist: supporting a virtual
sector, with more than $10 billion raised reality environment requires enormous
last year across gaming, augmented amounts of energy and bandwidth, and
reality, and virtual worlds. VR hardware developers are still trying to
improve their products' battery life,

weight, and mobility. Even if the clothing brands have realized the potential
technological prerequisites for a of these technologies and have begun to
metaverse were readily available, users court new types of interactions with
might be wary of the harms that could their customers.
come from immersing themselves further
in a virtual world, which could hamper As Mark Zuckerberg said in announcing
adoption. Finally, interconnected spaces his company's rebrand and metaverse
have drawbacks along with benefits. With initiative, "The best way to understand the
connectedness comes some degree of metaverse is to experience it yourself, but
homogenization, and some users may it's a little tough because it doesn't fully
not want to relinquish the ability to exist yet." Certainly, it would be a difficult
customize their own online environments task to predict which of the many
in ways that are possible in contained metaverse projects being developed by
and fragmented spaces but not in an tech firms and non-tech firms alike will
open and universal metaverse. succeed, in terms of both technical
Competing visions for the metaverse outcomes and mass adoption. As
could give rise to competing metaverses companies innovate, these developments
that are never fully interoperable. will foster disputes among businesses,
governments, and consumers and give
Despite these barriers, the market for rise to novel legal questions for years
metaverse investment has never been to come.
stronger. Companies from tech giants to


Megan Gordon Peter Mucchetti Sharis Pozen Abigail Cessna Thomas Chapman
Partner Partner Partner Associate Associate
Washington DC Washington DC Washington DC Washington DC Washington DC
T: +1 202 912 5021 T: +1 202 912 5053 T: +1 202 912 5226 T: +1 202 912 5452 T: +1 202 912 5921
E: megan.gordon@ E: peter.mucchetti@ E: sharis.pozen@ E: abigail.cessna@ E: thomas.chapman@


Timothy Lyons Brian Yin Jennifer Mbaluto Chris Grey Diego Ballon Ossio
Associate Associate Partner Senior Associate Senior Associate
Washington DC New York London London London
T: +1 202 912 5910 T: +1 212 878 4980 T: +44 207006 2932 T: +44 207006 4984 T: +44 207006 3425
E: timothy.lyons@ E: brian.yin@ E: jennifer.mbaluto@ E: chris.grey@ E: diego.ballonossio@


Uche Eseonu Josep Montefusco Juan Cuerva Yong Bai Ling Ho

Lawyer Partner Abogado Partner Partner
London Barcelona Barcelona Beijing Hong Kong
T: +44 207006 6188 T: +34 93 344 2225 T: +34 93 344 2279 T: +86 10 6535 2286 T: +852 2826 3479
E: uche.eseonu@ E: josep.montefusco@ E: juan.cuerva@ E: yong.bai@ E: ling.ho@

Paul Tan Brian Harley

Partner, Cavenagh Law Consultant
Singapore Hong Kong
T: +65 6506 2787 T: +852 2826 2412
E: paul.tan@ E: brian.harley@

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