MYP 2 - Unit - Plann 5th MP Feedback

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Teacher(s) Mr.

SADIKOU Subject group and discipline Mathematics

Unit title Probability: games and play MYP year 2 Unit duration (hrs) 20hrs

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Logic Representation, Systems, and Justification Personal and cultural expression.

Statement of inquiry
A Logical System of representation can help explore and analyze games that humans play.

Inquiry questions

Factual— What makes something logical? How is probability calculated?

Conceptual— How can logic be used with different representations? How can you represent the likelihood of an event occurring?

Debatable— Can winning be calculated or is it luck?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
The student should be able to : Written test and team analysis Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
and statement of inquiry:
- Representing the likelihood of an event as Outline of summative assessment task(s) including
fraction, decimal and percentage assessment criteria: Attacking and defending strategies / skills taught and
used in class are similar to other Probability : Games
- Modeling sample spaces in organized lists,
and play
tables and tree diagrams
The summative task will be having questions base on
- Calaculating the theoretical probability of an
a ‘Games Day’ in one or more of your upcoming
classes, where all of the games that are created and
- Designing and conducting simulations to played will be created by the students of your class
calculate the experimental probability of an

Criterion Ai and Aiii : explaining factual an conceptual
A ii knowledge and applying terminology to communicate
understanding . 20 questions on google
A iii
classroom.MCQ, Short answer, true/false, insight
questions. 27 points to be earned.
Criterion Aii : applying knowledge to analyze issues to
solve problems in unfamiliar situations.Using the
Team strategy sheet and weaknesses, and attacking
and defending systems of others teams .

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Critical-thinking skills : Evaluate and manage risk

Communications Skills : Organize and depict information logically

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Student should already know how to : Learning experiences and teaching strategies
-Order numbers
-Round numbers correctly
-represent numbers as fractions, decimals and

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

- Events and outcomes Introduction of lesson with various forms of probability.
An opening Activity will be given to the students to explain the concept of the events and outcomes
Activity – Matching events and outcomes ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :47 )
1) Select an event from the first column and match it with the possible outcomes in the last column.
2) Create a new row with your own example of an event from a game and list all of its possible
-Representing the sample space
The sample space of an event is the set of all possible outcomes .Some activities will be given to explain the
different way to represent the sample space ..
Activity 1 – Representing the sample space using a list and a tree diagram ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :48 -49)
Activity 2 – Representing the sample space using a table ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :50-51 )
Example will be given to explain more ( Example 1 ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :51-52 )
Also some practice on Events and outcomes / Representing the sample space will be given on google

-The mathematics of probability : Explaination will be given on representing probability numerically by using some videos , also activity will be
Representing probability numerically given
Acitivity : Classifying events ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :55-56 )
In this activity student will work in pair and bring out the notations when stating the probability of an event
Afterall student have to reflect and discuss according to the questions the teacher will give to them.
Also Practice ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :57-58 ) will be given to accomplish this part

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-Calculating probability Student must investigate to know how to generalize the formula for calculation the probability of an event.
So an investigation will be given:
Investigation 1 – Some simple probabilities ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :58-59 )
Also an example will be given an additional
Example 2 ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :59 )
Progessing on the concept : Simple probability
Activity 5 - Calculating simple probability ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :60-61 )

Also some practice on Events and outcomes / Representing the sample space will be given on

-Complementary events Student must investigate on complementary events.

Investigation 2 – Playing with probability
Before student starting practice some questions will be ask as reflection
Some Practices will be given on ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :65-66 )

-Types of probability
There are type of probability. The probability that you calculate is known as the theorical probability because it
represents what is supposed to happen, in theory. Student to find other type of probability by investigation.
Investigation 3 – Experimental probability ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :68-69 )
-Reflect and discuss
Some activities will be given to go futher, to see what happens to the experimental probability as the game is
played many times .
Activity 6 – The monty hall problem revisited ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :70)
- Reflect and discuss
-Practice 5 ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :70-71)

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

Activity 7 – Probability fair
Practice :

-Simulations Sometimes it just is not practical to perform an event several times in real life . There are other times when
the theoretical probability of an event is not easy to determine. In both of these cases you could perform a
Activity 8 – Matching probabilities ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :73)
Activity 9 - Designing a simulation ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :74)
Practice will be given: Practice 6 ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :75-76)

Formative assessment 1 : Criteria C , D ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :67)

Description of the topic : The aim of the activity is that student should be able to solve problem
base on the topics ( Events and outcomes , Representing the sample space , Representing
probability numerically , Calculating probability , Complementary events )

Formative assessment 2 : Criteria C , D ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :83)

Description of the topic : The aim of the activity is that student shoul be able to work together

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End of unit Assessment (Summative assessment) : ( Oxford_MYP_2Maths Pg :85-86-87)
End of unit assessment will be conducted on Criteria C ( Communicating ) .
The aim of the assessment is that the students are able to communicate in mathematical

Differential worksheet will be given
Students revisited the concepts of Probability of kahoot Quiz made by students
Practice maths on



Middle Years Programme Unit planner 7

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit
The student have fair idea about probability so our
main focus be practice on probability

FEEDBACK - General

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 8

 The teacher should kindly note that this lesson plan temperate is just the skeleton of the main lesson unit in ManageBac. And so, there is much to
the unit plan in ManageBac than on this temperate.

 There should be ONE Key concept and two related concepts

 Conceptual understanding (not on this temperate but in ManageBac): shows the relationship between the key and related concepts (key concept +
related concepts)

 Statement of inquiry (SOI) is conceptual understanding through the lens of the global context exploration and not just the global context

 SOI = Conceptual understanding + global context exploration

 Inquiry questions are drawn from and inspired by the statement of inquiry. These questions are supposed to be interdisciplinary because they provide
an avenue for collaboration with other subject teachers in the design of Interdisciplinary lessons and activities. As much as possible inquiry
questions should exclude math processes.

 Objective strands must align with ATL skill indicators. It is so because the ATL skill(s) will help the student achieve objective strand(s).

 The summative assessment should follow the GRASPS task model. So, taking the task from a textbook is not enough. It must be redesigned to follow
the GRASPS (Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product/Performance, and Standards). The summative assessment at the end should help the student
understand the SOI.


 Key and related concepts are representative of the unit topic

 SOI encapsulates key and related concepts; and global context exploration. Missing however is the statement of conceptual understanding which
appears in ManageBac.

 Inquiry questions are aligned to the SOI and other disciplines can easily relate to it for collaborative purposes.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 9

 Objectives and assessment criteria are adequate. However, the summative assessment will be graded using criterion C. But that has not been
stated under the objectives and assessment criteria. Every single criteria strand must be stated be it for formative or summative assessments.
This is how it is in Managebac.

 ATL skills and objectives complement each other. A conscious effort must be made to teach the ATL skills within lessons as this will help the
student to be better prepared to handle the summative assessment.

 The summative assessment stated will help students understand the SOI. The assessment must be designed to follow the GRASPS task model. This
is important because it makes the assessment organized and students can better relate to it.

 Resources provided and the time allotted to the unit are adequate. Recommended resource:

 The unit has been designed to enforce conceptual understanding through learning by inquiry. There are a lot of investigations to be done by
students and this is very important to learning through inquiry. The teacher must make sure these investigations are done by the students and
meaningful conclusions drawn.

 Under learning experiences, timelines should be given to each activity/sub-topic. This helps the teacher to track the process of the Unit and to be
able to make appropriate adjustment when necessary. (This is how it should be done in ManageBac).

 Under learning experiences, a small background must be given to what students are to takeaway after unit is completed. EXAMPLES:

 Students will know what is expected of them through clear instructions and vocabulary on …

 Students will gain knowledge through engaging in individual and group activities in which they are required to communicate through oral and
written forms.

 Students will know they have understood the activities on probability if they can apply their knowledge in real-life contexts and
independently select the correct processes in answering probability questions.

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• L'enseignant doit noter que ce plan de cours tempéré n'est que le squelette de l'unité de cours principale de ManageBac. Et donc, il y a autant de plan
d'unité dans ManageBac que sur ce tempéré.

• Il devrait y avoir UN concept clé et deux concepts connexes

• Compréhension conceptuelle (pas sur ce tempéré mais dans ManageBac) : montre la relation entre les concepts clés et les concepts associés (concept clé +
concepts associés)

• La déclaration d'enquête (SOI) est une compréhension conceptuelle à travers le prisme de l'exploration du contexte global et pas seulement le contexte

• SOI = Compréhension conceptuelle + exploration du contexte global

• Les questions d'enquête sont tirées et inspirées de l'énoncé d'enquête. Ces questions sont censées être interdisciplinaires parce qu'elles offrent une
possibilité de collaboration avec les enseignants d'autres matières dans la conception de leçons et d'activités interdisciplinaires. Autant que possible, les
questions d'enquête doivent exclure les processus mathématiques.

• Les volets objectifs doivent s'aligner sur les indicateurs de compétence ATL. Il en est ainsi parce que les compétences ATL aideront l'élève à atteindre
les volets objectifs.

• L'évaluation sommative doit suivre le modèle de tâche GRASPS. Donc, prendre la tâche d'un manuel ne suffit pas. Il doit être repensé pour suivre les
GRASPS (Objectif, Rôle, Public, Situation, Produit/Performance et Normes). L'évaluation sommative à la fin devrait aider l'étudiant à comprendre le SOI.

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 Les concepts clés et connexes sont représentatifs du sujet de l'unité

 SOI encapsule les concepts clés et connexes ; et l'exploration du contexte global. Il manque cependant l'énoncé de compréhension conceptuelle qui
apparaît dans ManageBac.

 Les questions d'enquête sont alignées sur le SOI et d'autres disciplines peuvent facilement s'y rapporter à des fins de collaboration.

 Les objectifs et les critères d'évaluation sont adéquats. Cependant, l'évaluation sommative sera notée à l'aide du critère C. Mais cela n'a pas été
précisé dans les objectifs et les critères d'évaluation. Chaque volet de critères doit être indiqué, que ce soit pour les évaluations formatives ou
sommatives. C'est comme ça dans Managebac.

 Les compétences et les objectifs d'ATL se complètent. Un effort conscient doit être fait pour enseigner les compétences ATL dans les leçons, car cela
aidera l'étudiant à être mieux préparé à gérer l'évaluation sommative.

 L'évaluation sommative indiquée aidera les étudiants à comprendre le SOI. L'évaluation doit être conçue pour suivre le modèle de tâche GRASPS. Ceci
est important car cela rend l'évaluation organisée et les étudiants peuvent mieux s'y retrouver.

 Les ressources fournies et le temps alloué à l'unité sont adéquats. Ressource recommandée :

 L'unité a été conçue pour renforcer la compréhension conceptuelle par l'apprentissage par la recherche. Il y a beaucoup d'investigations à faire par les
élèves et c'est très important pour l'apprentissage par l'investigation. L'enseignant doit s'assurer que ces investigations sont faites par les élèves et que
des conclusions significatives en sont tirées.

 Dans les expériences d'apprentissage, des échéanciers doivent être donnés à chaque activité/sous-thème. Cela aide l'enseignant à suivre le processus de
l'unité et à être en mesure de faire les ajustements appropriés si nécessaire. (C'est comme ça qu'il faut faire dans ManageBac).

 Dans le cadre des expériences d'apprentissage, un petit aperçu doit être donné à ce que les étudiants doivent emporter une fois l'unité terminée.

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• Les élèves sauront ce qu'on attend d'eux grâce à des instructions claires et un vocabulaire sur…

• Les élèves acquerront des connaissances en s'engageant dans des activités individuelles et de groupe dans lesquelles ils sont tenus de communiquer à l'oral
et à l'écrit.

• Les élèves sauront qu'ils ont compris les activités sur les probabilités s'ils peuvent appliquer leurs connaissances dans des contextes réels et sélectionner
indépendamment les processus corrects pour répondre aux questions de probabilité.

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