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Jimma College of Social Sciences and Huma; University ies Department of English Language and Literature Course Title: Communicative English Language Skills 1 Course Code: FLEn!011 Credit Hour: 3 Year: [ Semester: | Instructor's Name___Kokeb Tesema Course description Communicative English Language Skills { focus on listening and read ive Engl guage Skill stening and reading skills and integrate these ‘0 el pith Se oe ne Ee It is prepared to enable you, the student, to communicate in inglish with acceptable accuracy and fluency by using English appi e y using English appropriately in different contexts. The radlule sims to develop your English language proficiency through language learning, activities designed to help you use English for your academic and social needs. The language learning ‘activities encourage you to learn by doing things in English and by reflecting on the activities you do in each unit, Grammar and vocabulary learning activities are also included in the module. Course objectives Upon completing this course. students will be able to: 4 express yourself in social and academic events in Englis use English with reasonable level of fluency and accuracy: n to talks related to social and academic events given in English; st read academic and other texts written in English; Ms as academically and socially appropriate; and + liste + write in Engli +4 develop your English on your own. Table of nit 1: Study Skills | 1.1. Listening: What is a lecture? | 1.2. Grammar focus: Modals and infini giving advice | 1.3. Reading: Reading for study | 1.4. Grammar focus: Present perfect tense ives for Contents Unit 2: Health and Fitness 2.1. Listening: Zinedine Zidane 2.2, Grammar focus: Conditionals 2.3, Reading: Health and fitness 2.4. Vocabulary: Guessing _meani context Unit 4: Wildlife . 4.1. Listening: Human-wildlife interaction | Unit 3: Cultural Values | 5.1, Listening: Cultural tourism 3.2. Grammar focus: The present simple, past | simple. | present perfect and past perfect in contrast 3.3. Strategies for improving English grammar | knowledge Reading: Africa's wild animals | 43, Vocabulary: Denotative and connotative | meanings 4.4. Grammar focus: Con \ditionals revised | 3.4. Reading: The Awramba community Unit 5: Population 5.1. Listening: Population density . Reading: Population pyramid . Vocabulary: Collocation | 54. Grammar focus: Voice c References Alsussi, M.(2004) Journal of Educational Re ring. second langua, N. (1999), Ex Publisher. Anderso sage learners. In C. Gritt ns from 320 = eR0N7S SI University Press. harps. Bade, M. (2008). Grammar and good lan language learners (pp. 174-134). Cambri 1497667.016. Bouchard, M. (2005), Reading compreh steategies for English languas pased reading strategies that held students read, understand and their textbooks and other nonfiction materials, New York: Scholastic. Cameron, L, (2001), Teaching languages 1o young learners: Cambridge Cambridae Chamot, A.U. (1987). The learning strategi¢s ‘of ESL students. fn A. Werden &J.Rubia (Eds. “strategies in languaze learning (PP 71-83). Prentice-Hall: Hemel Hempstead. Gaims, R. & ‘Tecking with words: A guide f teaching and jearning ¥O Cambridge University Press Murphy R. (2). Essentials of English eramet intermediate students of English (2nd Ed.). Ca Murphy R. 2004). English grammar in Use sradents of English (Sed Ed.). Ca L_ J (2008), Constructivist pedazo: earner development ia the English % second lar nz, 3612): 39-115 burps doi.o 1907 s11251-00 Department of Forsign Langiie snd Literarare, (1996). College Engi's ‘Addis Ababa Crniversity Press ae MeNamara, DS. (Ed) (2007) 2s jogies. New ¥ An Ana pievement = E sion University Press. ) Leamer eabulary 2 book por reference and prisctic A selfst ge Lniversity Press ‘and practice 6! in ws bri nok for Zhang, rignship gerween the Use ara agiish 2 urces consulted basive Sot Se ea Questions and Answers 4s Enalish-conversation pe cpeseapeee Cone Rorenee Padi (OAT Reading Seton Pearon ELT ce e8 i earsonlungman somse marks sl florida feat Jutps: wen biographyonline ne! > 5% Online, | Facebook J» man walked into a bar in salthy-white-man-125 Ways 19 Start (a0 1d Maintain) 2 Goww facebook com + Posts * a som gonversation=starter3 jugs ee Hct esation in English ww fluentinj months 20 con’

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