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Dr. A. K. M.

Saiful Majid
Professor & Former Director
Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka

Dhaka, March 2019

 The PMBOK has defined a project as “A
temporary endeavor undertaken to create a
unique product, service or result” (Project
Management Institute, 2008, p. 442).
 A project is a unique venture with a well-defined
beginning and end. It consists of a set of tasks
that are performed in a definable time period to
achieve a specific set of objectives.
 A project is a non-routine, non-repetitive, one-
off undertaking, normally with discrete time,
technical and financial performance goals.
 A project is goal oriented.
 It is temporary in nature.
 It consists of a set of interrelated tasks or activities.
 A project has a well-defined life-cycle, that is, it has
a wall-defined beginning and end.
 Each project is to a certain degree unique in nature.
 It consists of non-routinized, non—repetitive and one
off activities.
 It involves the use of multiple resources.
 It has a budget.
 A project may require a special management set-up.
Goal oriented To provide rural communities with
improved access to social services
Set of interrelated tasks or activities Union road improvement, construction
of culvert, bridges, rural markets, river
jetties etc.
Well-defined life cycle June 2003-June 2009
Unique in nature Provides an unique facility
Non-routinized & non-repetitive One-off activity
Use of multiple resources Technology, labor, cement, bricks,
other construction materials, human,
financial resources, etc
Has a budget Tk. 255 Million
Special management set-up LGED
 Project Management involves application of
knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to the project
activities with the objective of meeting or exceeding
the stakeholder expectations.

 Project management requires ability to administer a

project by balancing the team and technology.
Project Management Institute (PMI) has identified
nine project management function. The list of
functions were created to,
 Set boundaries of project management
 Identify the responsibilities of project managers.
 Define the skills required by the project manager.
I. Project integration management
II. Scope management
III. Quality management
IV. Time management
I. Cost management
II. Risk management
III. Human resource management
IV. Contract/Procurement management
V. Communication management
 Projects without clear goals cannot succeed:
 Critical project attributes are those which, if
not achieved, will cause
the project to fail;

 Ever increasing complexities and is to direct

the project to achieve these three goals, i.e.
within budget, on time, required functionality
 A project life cycle is the series of phases that
a project passes through from its initiation to
its closure. The phases are generally
sequential, and their names and numbers are
determined by the management and control
needs of the organization.

 Phases are generally time bounded with a

start and ending or control point.
Projects vary in size and complexity. All
projects can be mapped to the following
generic life cycle structure
• Starting the project,
• Organizing and preparing
• Carrying out the project work, and
• Closing the project
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